Patcher Woes

Let me express what many of you are feeling right now: Arrrrrrrrrgh! Let me in! Let me in! I want my Kitty! *breathe* OK. According to Sony, they are aware of the problems and are working on them, including bringing on more patching servers. Why they didn't think of this before, since this is almost identical to what happened at the original release is beyond me, but I'm sure they want you to play their game as much as you want to play it. Feel free to use this forum to try to help each other get into the game or to just console each other while you wait.


Post Comment
# Dec 06 2001 at 6:35 AM Rating: Default
okay, first you load the most updated drivers possible for your graphics card and sound card...
THEN, after those are done...Load your DirectX 8.1!!!

When you get into the game, you'll be amazed>:)
# Dec 06 2001 at 9:42 AM Rating: Default
Actualloy, what U need to do is install your updated vidoe and audio drivers AFTER you install DX 8.1. IF you do it B4, the install of 8.1 can change settings that can really F things up.

# Dec 06 2001 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
Congrats to you but a lot of people have done the above and they still can't get in. There are obviously problems on the server side that can't be fixed at the user end.

People will be amazed when they get in but not because of the new enhancements, they will be amazed, and very relieved, that they actually got in!!!
# Dec 06 2001 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
I am zoning excessively slow about 5-10 minutes per zone,this is very annoying. Anyone have any hints on what might make this better? I have not added the Luclin. need to egt my Gforce 2 video card, but i play with my other half who already had his and he's not zoning any better then i am.
# Dec 06 2001 at 6:06 AM Rating: Default
Well I finally got to play to, and luckily a friend was there who was having no problems, as I had so much lag I would never have been able to hunt solo... as it was I was able to see just enough info popping up to be able to heal her, only thing is, after finishing the hunt, I ported us to WC, and bang, I couldnt even get to move... am now stuck in so much lag that if I do log back in, It goes LD straight away! DOH!
Anyone know if this lag is here to stay, or if its just while veriant sorts their crap out and will go away after a week or so?

Belrob Shadowcast
Lvl 33 Druid
Tunare server
Long live the Shadow Mist Knights

Edited, Thu Dec 6 06:09:58 2001
# Dec 06 2001 at 5:49 AM Rating: Default
I hope this will help out many people. After being fustrated the last two days and not being able to log into EQ, I finally did something that worked and got me to log in. I kept getting the "No 3D Devise Found" message even after I installed DirectX8.1 and turned Enabled on. What finally helped me was downloadeding the driver for my Direct 3D diver from because my 3D device is an ATI Rage Pro. Depending upon your driver, you'll have to go to it's website and download the driver if it's available. Hope this will help everyone, it's certainly helped me. Also had the chat to go into the cht room and asked a GM about requirements for SoL. Basically all you need is a 400mhz, 512mb RAM, Windows 98, and DirectX 8.1 and you'll be fine. Heard that 512mb RAM cost around $70. Good luck to everyone.
New Patch
# Dec 06 2001 at 3:52 AM Rating: Decent
I also have received this msg: "DINPUT.DLL was not found. Error #1157."
Sony must be aware of this error and how to fix it if they have numbered it. Where do we go to find the fix?
Thank you!
ok. enough is enough
# Dec 06 2001 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
Ok. I have a cable modem, and I just spent over 6 hours downloading a PATCH???? Not enough patch servers... what were they thinking? Did they not think that just having the game down for over 24 hours wasn't going to drive people nuts and have them logging on in droves to patch and play? This is crazy!! Now, most of us who had EQ, Kunark, and Velious can't even enjoy the game any more. Our old video and sound cards, which were just FINE before, now aren't supported by the new system. So now, even though I haven't bought the new expansion, I can no longer play and enjoy the game as I used to. Like others... I may very well cancel my account and just start playind DAoC. Not the choice I would have preferred, but if something isn't done to fix so many of these problems, so be it.
weird blinking error
# Dec 06 2001 at 3:10 AM Rating: Default
when i press "i" for inventory, my screen starts blinking, then when i tried to fix it; it jus got worst. i changed the resolution and everything became pixelated, and i cant make out any word. i cant even change it back.
RE: weird blinking error
# Dec 06 2001 at 6:59 AM Rating: Default
RE: weird blinking error
# Dec 06 2001 at 6:58 AM Rating: Default
Go to your everquest directory,there is a file called eqclient .ini. open it and;in the fields
videomode= change to 0,and to otherwise lower the game,a field with something like bitsperpixel lower to 8,and finnaly add following mannualy.
illegal operation
# Dec 06 2001 at 3:09 AM Rating: Default
after many other problems I just uninstalled all eq software and reinstalled everything that took one hell of a long patch once the patch finally started but it eventually finished and I thought I was in but no now right after server selection I always get an illegal operation anyone know about or how to fix this?
F this!
# Dec 06 2001 at 3:05 AM Rating: Default
Plain and simple...I'm going to DAoC!!! I'm sick of hearing that I'm a crybaby every time I can't play for a week because of some "upgrade"!!! Upgrade? I've played twice since the "upgrade" patch and both times the lag was so bad I couldn't even turn my char around. Then, I went LD...then, I couldn't log on and I'm sure I'll have to replace yet another F'ING video card before this is done! DAoC it is damnit! I'm done with this chaos!
Blue Screen of Death
# Dec 06 2001 at 2:27 AM Rating: Default
I heard if i upgrade my memory without upgrading my system to Higher Operating System, say from 98 to XE i will get the blue screen of death? Anybody know if this is true
RE: Blue Screen of Death
# Dec 06 2001 at 3:02 AM Rating: Default
I have 256 ram and am running Win98. So far I haven't had blue screen of death yet. Usually blue screen will come up only if there is a hardware problem.
RE: Blue Screen of Death
# Dec 06 2001 at 4:17 AM Rating: Default
win98/me seem to cap at about 768MB for being stable. There's some dumb memory addressing that gets confused when you also have a large agp aperture and lots o' ram. Only solution if your want more memory than that and to be stable in a microsoft OS environment is going win2k or winxp
RE: Blue Screen of Death
# Dec 06 2001 at 6:22 AM Rating: Default
I am using an Abit MB and had just uped my AGP Aperture from 64 megs to the max for my MB at 256 megs. My bord is 2 years old and it looks like its time for a new one. There is no use having all that memory if its not going to the graphics.

Boper, "Tranquil Domain"
Spent 3 hrs finding all needed download
# Dec 06 2001 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
I have received a message "No 3D Devices found" when I loaded the login screen. If you have the same problem, download the lastest version of DirestX 8.1 and upgrade your video card software should solve the problem. But finding the site that provides you the video card upgrade version may take lots of me, 3 hrs. by any chance you are using GForce 1, go to in taiwan website should find the upgrade version you needed.

Edited, Thu Dec 6 02:26:32 2001
it works
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
I have only the original version but mine worksfine I have intel 82810e chipset and there was a file for direct x that the patch downloaded but the only problem is theres barely any sound only when you jump or die stuff like that but im getting there
You think it's bad for you...
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:55 AM Rating: Default
All I really have to say is that this really sucks (to say the least). But at least all you guys have a clue about where to start. I have no idea clue on the technical aspects of my PC. I’m pathetically fumbling online in an attempt to play and it’s getting very ridiculous. Download this, download that...I have NO clue what to do or where to start. I really don’t think I’ll be able to fix anything on my own. I just needed to rant a little. This is such a joke.

29th Rogue, Lions of White Iron
RE: You think it's bad for you...
# Nov 21 2002 at 6:50 PM Rating: Default
WOOT finally another lions of white iron member
but i came over my techiie problems hope that happens with all of you 2.

31 clr
lions of white iron
well i wanted to be a ranger....
RE: You think it's bad for you...
# Dec 06 2001 at 4:31 AM Rating: Default
I am with you.. I use a computer that's about it.. after 5hours of printing out directions down load this download that unzip error error delete delete.. heavy sigh.. download download unzipp etc I finally got on.. only to not be able to get into new character.. every time I try to load the into Luclin I get booted back to desktop.. ARRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!

RE: You think it's bad for you...
# Dec 06 2001 at 7:08 AM Rating: Decent
im with both of u did the samne thing happen with kunark? can't we sew(spelling?) these ppl we've played all this time and now we cant even play any longer and havent even finished the game( i haven'r ever gotten to lvl.60) yet we've all probbaly put more thna a 100$ intpo this damn game prob some have put over half or even a 1000$ into this game it is very fun and addicting gets me in trouble alot but u canrt jujst take all that away and say u need to get better stuff and make ya go buy more *&%*%&^ this isnt right
A Luclin Carol
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:48 AM Rating: Default
GM to Verant: If we dont fix the probolem the way they want it, the people will quit the game!

Verant (Scrooge) to GM: Bah! Bah I say! If they must quit, then let them, and decrease the (server) surplus population!

A Luclin Carol
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:48 AM Rating: Default
GM to Verant: If we dont fix the probolem the way they want it, the people will quit the game!

Verant (Scrooge) to GM: Bah! Bah I say! If they must quit, then let them, and decrease the (server) surplus population!

Someone help me please
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
I have downloaded and installed directx 8.1. As far as I know it was installed right. I was not able to find the latest drivers for my graphics card. I have the Voodoo 3 card, and 3dfx is no more. I was able to reinstall the one from my original cd.

What is happening to me is that I am getting an message that I am missing the DIMPUT.DLL file. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
RE: Someone help me please
# Dec 06 2001 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
look in for Luclin support, in there you may find the "Supported 3D cards", go in and you can find the upgrade version for 3dfx Voodoo 3, install it also then you should able to play. another problems post it again and see if I can help any
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:26 AM Rating: Default
I guess I am one of the lucky few. I have a 750 Athlon classic, a 16mb voodoo3 3500, Win 98. Downloaded 8.1, patched, and I am in with no probs. I have NOT bought the SoL exp.

My friend Alex is REALLY pissed, he gets to the char select, picks one and...... blue screen of death. He has a 1gig Athlon t-bird, and a 32 Meg G-force2, win 98.

He is talking about quitting......

RE: Lucky
# Dec 09 2002 at 11:01 AM Rating: Default
Solved 3D device Problem
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
Ok here goes:
I have a Win98 Rage LT pro. I had problem Saying "No 3D Device found" after I downloaded DirectX 8.1. I solved this by accessing the maker of card. Went to tech support then drivers then found the one for mu specs. Installed and now eq works like a charm. I have yet to intall SoL so who knows what will happen then. I am very appeciative to my brother-in-law Daymos Darkcard who helped me solve the problem. Good luck to you all!
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:20 AM Rating: Default
I also have an emachines with a 466 processor, You are correct, these are the dregs of the puter industry, but cheap for people low on cash, such as myself. Anyway i think mine has a much better card than 4meg...i think also that i f you check the emachines website, one of there boasts was supposedly the ability to upgrade your machine once a year or something once you bought the first one? Possibly, anyway its worth checking out.

Rizar 44 monk

By the way, if anyone could answer to my first post below, it would be very nice...thanks
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:16 AM Rating: Default
i guess i have to go out and buy a 3D card......because everytime i type in DXDIAG nothing comes up......does this mean i have no video card or what.....did the old EQ need a video card to play it....people i am really dumb with computer help would be nice.......thank u
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:51 AM Rating: Default
As far as I know I have never had a 3d card and have been playing well over a year, and now it says I have no 3d card and I can't get on. I guess I will have to go out and buy one. Thanks Verant!!!!!! :(
# Dec 06 2001 at 4:44 AM Rating: Default
You have had a 3d capable card and just didn't know it. The problem is now that they are using direct x 8.1 your card can't handle it. When it says no3d devices found, what its really saying is no directX 8.1 capable 3d devices found.
cant connect the patcher
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:11 AM Rating: Default
Ok I was able to down load some of the patch and then got booted.....however when trying to get back on the little patcher box showed up and says "connecting..", then I get a pop up box that says that it cannot connect and that I need to check my network or contact eq support. How do I fix this and get the patcher to see the patch server? Any one? Any ideas would be great.
RE: cant connect the patcher
# Dec 06 2001 at 4:36 AM Rating: Default
go to At the bottom of the page there are links that will help. You basically have to download a new exe file to replace the old one. I had a few problems because i didnt have a winzip program to unzip the file. After I figured out how to get a winzip and how to actually use the (*^%%^ program it worked (sort of I still cant access my SOL characters). Good luck and happy hunting :)
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:59 AM Rating: Excellent
55 posts
Hello all of us that cannot play....
I have a e-machine that has a 466 celeron in it. It has a video card that is only 4 meg, and worked on the older version of EQ, but now that the patch went through, I am afraid.....its new computer time.

You see, e-MACHINES make it impossible to upgrade the video card, because they saw to it that the video card is hard-wired to the motherboard.

I have no reason to be complaining,these computers are the dregs of the computer industry, but I thought maybe some of you that owned an e-MACHINE might find this usefull, or if any of you that own this that might have a suggestion for me, I would appreciate the help.

Good Luck to us all,

Missing in Thurgadin Troll Warrior of 39.
# Dec 06 2001 at 4:49 AM Rating: Good
you can always shut down your intergrated craphic card and add new card to agp or pci slot....just incase you wanna know cheaper solution then whole new comp.
# Dec 06 2001 at 5:33 AM Rating: Excellent
55 posts
I like the way you accidentally wrote Craphic card.

anyhow *******UPDATE*******

for the hell of it, i went to and downloaded a driver for RAGE PRO even though my card said it was RAGE PRO TURBO AGP. the driver was old, from 1999 or 1998....

I had already installed direct x 8.1 but was getting NO 3D DEVICES FOUND.

When i installed the updated driver and ran DXDIAG i was finally able to test correctly for 3D Enhanced.

Soooooo, i thought, what the heck, and ran EQ.exe and the darn thing worked!!!!! i couldnt believe it...

so maybe if you keep working hard at it, you might be able to play....they are doing another patch tonight, so maybe i will not be able to play tomorrow, but in the meantime, we better keep at it....believe me, my system is crappy...
but i think in the end, either we wont be able to ever play EQ, or we can get a degree in Computer Troubleshooting. Dont you just love being a game tester!

Take care,
somewhat found Troll of 39 on Innorouk Server
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:54 AM Rating: Default
after trying for 13 hours!! i finally got patched thru to eq, only to have the char select screen pop up with black boxes where my char's names should be, black boxes all over my screen when i finally got into the game, a pink box around my lag bar, and the sky flashing across my screen over the ground (makes sense huh?), after logging off for several hours while at work, i log back in to no problems with char select, no black boxes, but still have the annoying flashing sky on my screen. Now i admit i dont have the minimum requirements anymore (thanx verant, now i have to buy a new comp) I have a 500 celeron with integrated 13mb video card, 192 mb ram, dx 8.1, but i can log in and play, altho the flashing screen gives you a headache like you wouldnt believe, i can zone almost as fast as i could before the upgrade (around 45 sec to a min). So, maybe with any luck verant will figure out how to make the sky stay in the sky, and not try to appear over teh ground and i can continue to play this oh so annoying game in the near future, til then, ill sit at home staring at my computer and wishing

Betar 52 warrior Morrell-Thule
Sup Foo..
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:52 AM Rating: Default
I to was haveing a problem with getting into the game but when i did i found out that they have been listening some.. There is great Mid 50 zones that have a large area.. Capable of holding 10+ groups great for the crowded areas that have been a Trend. Hold in there, it will get better. Yes i must complain that i too zone like a Old Pregant Cow but it will Get Better. the Zone Textures are sweet.. Don't quit cause you can't get in one day.. that is just Childish.

Ebilhealz Divinepunk
Dark Elf Cleric 51st
maybe helpful for some of you
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:52 AM Rating: Default

Sorry if it doesn't help.
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