Rumors Swirl on EQ2

In the recent EQ newsletter, Sony put in a puzzle that led to two websites: and (Congratulations to the gang at the safehouse for solving the riddle). Each site brings up an image and the Nektulos one mentions an announcement coming up in May. May is of course when E3 is held. This is the biggest gaming convention of the year, and game companies typically try to save their biggest announcements for the large group of press that comes to E3 each year. So what is Sony going to announce in May? It may be something like a single player game based upon Everquest, or the release of some new zones. However, do not be surprised if it is the launch of Everquest 2. I don't have any positive information on this and am really just speculating, but since they already announced the PS2 version of the game and the Planes of Power expansion, it seems logical that this is not related to either of them. Why make a teaser for something everyone already knows about? And they have never put this type of effort into announcing free content for the game. EQ2, however, would be a huge announcement. In addition, I have been told that the latest version of PC Gamer mentions EQ2 (I have not read it -- I'll try to track down a copy). Plus, Sony has had registered for quite a while. So the announcement Sony plans to make in May could well be that they are making EQ2. Or they could just be announcing another expansion or something related to the PS2 version of the game or even something completely unrelated to Everquest. We will be in Los Angeles for E3, so as soon as we find out more, we'll let you know. In the meantime, some of our visitors managed to piece together the murky pictures you see in the two sites.
  • Wailing Caves Full Image
  • Nektulos Full Image
  • Feel free to throw in your own thoughts about what this means. UPDATE (Again): Link already dead.


    Post Comment
    # Apr 25 2002 at 1:47 AM Rating: Default
    I think EQ2 will be a break away from the kidlets, EQ is easy and simplified... EQ 2 however will put out alot more time, effort and pateince so many things were abused in EQ now haveing to earn your way sounds good! I will probably quit EQ and move to EQ2~

    Harryfeat Odareaters 55 Druid Half Ling (Epic~Yes)
    Colran Ironfists 55 Monk Iksar (Epic~Yes)
    Siophrinn Detoximious 41 Cleric Dark Elf

    Tunare ~~~~~
    # Apr 25 2002 at 1:41 AM Rating: Default
    I know about EQ2, but whats EQOA?
    Leave it alone
    # Apr 25 2002 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
    EQ2 is gonna suck and I for one will not play it. Most of my friends will no doubt fall in line as well. The system requirements alone are freaking lame. Not everyone can afford a big game rig. I'm sure verant will notice this when they notice the sales of the game during that first week of release. The current eq is fine as it is in my opinion. a lvl 200 char? NO one plays those crappy games stop leg riding. EVERQUEST OWNZ all dont fix what isn't broken. That's all i got to say.
    RE: Leave it alone
    # Apr 25 2002 at 3:48 AM Rating: Default
    I see from your post that you are a little slow to understand things. First, I love Eq yes i do do not get me wrong, but yes things are broken and things do need to be fixed. Second Mr. Annonymous, how long will you play Everquest, honestly, in a year and a half can you see yourself paying 12.95 (if it stays there) a month to do what? You most likely will have done everything there is to do. And yes it is at least 18 months away, and by that time the specs will most likely go UP yes UP. But in the grand scheme of things the specs will be far below the standards for that time. On that note why are "The system requirements are freaking lame."? I for one view the improvement in graphics as a good step forward in brinig the everquest world up to speed. I am sure Verant will be more than happy during the opening weeks sales. And a level 200 Char? OMG well think about that one before you slam it the way you did. Its not like they will leave the mobs at the same level they are now. Things will evolve with the change in character level. This will be good, less of a level crunch for items and weapons, hunting grounds and camps. Think about it that way.

    No i am not saying that i fully agree with the changes in Eq2 if infact they are the changes or even if the game is coming out. Fact is things need to change. You can keep everything the same but slap new graphics on it and call it EQ2 "everythings just as before but cooler looking" then ask for 50 just to buy it. You need new things like the land buying, the new leveling and dieing, you need to keep it in a world that people can relate to while at the same time makeing them feel like the first time they played Eq. Make the people you Roleplay and love the Iksar be upset they lost there homeland, make you get the giddy feeling in your stomach when you make it into a new zone, or kill that named mob at level 6. Overall yes i dis-approve of some of the things they are thinking about doing with Eq2. But hey guess what, i like the game, i like the world that i play in and guess what, VI is GOD and they make up the rules and choose who lives and who dies, and in playing Eq and staying faithful i put my trust into VI and plan on buying this game the day it comes out.

    RE: Leave it alone
    # Apr 25 2002 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
    actually EQ is broken. the economy is shattered. there is nothing more depressing than to be a 50+ charater and see a level 6 whatever walking around with better gear than you.
    Bad idea
    # Apr 25 2002 at 1:36 AM Rating: Default
    I feel that this "EQ 2" stuff is one of the worst ideas yet. Yes it might have beter graphics and stuff like that, but come one if you want to make a diffrent game CALL IT SOME THING DIFFRENT!! EQ is EQ there will never been an EQ 2 unless you have it the same as normal EQ only diffrent zones, equipment, ect.. (AKA an expansion) I personaly would be very upset if VI goes and makes another game and calles it EQ 2. First off get original and second off in ways it ruins the name EQ, it would always from there on out be "which EQ?" or "EQ original, EQOA, or EQ 2?" So i strongly disagree with EQOA and EQ 2 cause it will, even though they are diffrent groups working on them then orriginal EQ, eventualy lead to the originalEQ getting less and less atention.

    This is how i feel you might feel diffrently then i do and i respect your right to feel that way.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 1:34 AM Rating: Default
    At first I was wondering how this EQ2 thing would work out, then when I read the update on how it was. I just couldnt stop laughing as to how some of it just reminded me of Ultima.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 1:11 AM Rating: Default
    There's only two things I dislike about the announcement so far. First is that things are breakable. This is the biggest reason that I left DAoC, because it simply sucks that you sometime have to replace every item you have... you could never have an item you could always use. If items break without it being permanent it would be kinda ok. Otherwise this alone will probably make it reason enough not to get EQ2.

    Second, no more twinking. That's bad imo. One of the things that has made me stick to EQ is because it's so fun to collect and trade for items whenever you wanna start over with a new char. Though I understand the decision. But what I would rather like to see is preventing characters around 45 and under from using items, but once you have reached that it would be very annoying to get items on raids which you can't use for maybe months to come.

    No more Luclin is good news. It completely destroys the atmosphere to have that sci-fi moon to travel to with aliens everywhere. It just doesn't belong to a fantasy game. Please Verant, no more sci-fi, this is fantasy!

    In all though it looks very promising. Just hope, like other people said, that they don't steal too much from other games. They should stick a lot to how the current EQ is and improve it, not make everything completely new. EQ is already an obvious winning concept.
    Thank you all
    # Apr 25 2002 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
    For providing me with a big laugh at all of the caustic responses. I know that Verant is looking at the level of maturity (if they even read this board, which they may, Allakhazam's is a well known site for good reasons) sent up here where people just sit there and hold shift and hit number keys and laugh as well.

    Reminds me of grade school where we got pissed about someone talking about our mother. God what a blast :) So many people have told you -why- this has to be and you still don't care. You still look at EQ as more than what it is, a game. It's a game meant to be enjoyed, but like Cops & Robbers, Cowboys & Indians, (But not Doctor, oh no never stop playing Doctor ;) we quit playing because we moved on to better things.

    Will they kill EQ? I doubt it, if you don't like EQ don't buy it, don't play it, it's not going to kill them as long as you continue giving them your money. The math insane. Round down to 400,000 multiply by 12.95. What number do you get? 5 million 180 thousand dollars. A month. You want EQ to stay alive? Keep playing the game. Nuff said, they aren't going to throw away that big a cash cow.

    The -GAME- (I stress that because to many don't seem to realize that EverCrack is one) isn't dead, the new EverQuest isn't coming out for over a year. We don't even KNOW what all is in it because it hasn't been announced. This is a teaser, they -WILL- release it, but it doesn't mean you have to quit playing the dinosaur, heck I still play Rogue and Hack from time to time. (Lets see how many people remember those :).

    Again, thanks for all your lovely garbled and slang cusswords, made me feel like I was in Junior High and I am feeling my age far to much these days :)

    Sasharelle Lunicost
    Sorceress of Power
    # Apr 25 2002 at 1:06 AM Rating: Default
    Well, I guess the good thing is that EQ2 is not coming until 2003, but lets face it, we haven't heard the real skinny from the horses mouth yet. This stuff isn't concrete. But I guess, I'll jump into the mix and say my piece as well.

    Why is it good that it isn't coming til 2003? Well, some of us don't have a whole lot of money to burn, and it's gonna take some time to save up and buy a new computer in order to play this. Heh, good thing we're all addicted. Verant jacks up the system requirements, people buy new computers and the computer industry gets a small kick in the backside bus.

    I just don't think I'll buy into it tho. Personally I would EQ2 to be compatible with the original. No, I'm not afraid of change or whatever, its just that when you work so frickin' hard to scratch, claw and climb to the top of the level 60 heap, when the makers of the game say, "Well, we're changing mostly everything, time to start over", its very disheartening.

    Again, they are a lot of us out there who simply do not have the time or money to play more than one massive multi-player online RPG, let alone two by the same company who we all hate to love and love to hate. I'm sure for those of us who do, its gonna be something special to see. Maybe, who knows, it could suck, it could be brilliant. But for a lot of us, who feel like this game can be hard work at times, and feel so d*mn proud of what they have achieved and see Verant hinting at changing the rules, its like they aren't really listening to what the customer has to say.

    I love the game. Yes, there are things that are drastically wrong with it, but there are things about the game that make us keep coming back. I hope Verant decides to integrate the two. H*ll, I always thought EQ2 should be another planet. Sure, juice up the graphics, change a few things around, go nutty, whatever. A new planet would mean totally new adventures, worlds, weapons, mobs, races, classes, whatever. I'd love to see a totally new EverQuest world. But don't just say, "Let's see, let's go nutty on ideas and keep Norrath, Norrath. What about the expansions people had fun with and haven't fully explored yet? Well, ***** Luclin, Velious and Kunark. The basic game idea is there, just totally different. Get it? Good, hope you can figure it out!" It's confusing. It would be like if you woke up and went out to your car, and saw that it was a totally different color, had 5 wheels, the steering wheel was moved to the opposite side, but the car's engine had 0 miles and could go 800 mph, but only for 12 seconds at a time every other month.

    I haven't done all there is to do in the game yet, I probably never will, but now, if I chose to purchase the new game, it would be like turning my back on what I have achieved thusfar and throwing it away. But, a whole new world, a new atmosphere, totally new and fresh ideas would be great. Then, starting fresh would mean something. You could finish up the predecessor without being disappointed and embrace the heir to the throne with open arms. I wouldn't feel like I just climbed to the top of Everest only to find some 200 year old visionaire who tells me "Psst, buddy... Everest is over there".

    Confused? Yup, me to.

    Sorry, I'm not sold on the idea. Who is to say though? Maybe we will all buy the thing and say "EverQuest: The Ruins Of What?, The Scars Of Who?, The Shadows Of Huh? ... Planes Of Where?"

    Then again, as it is looking right now, I am disappointed. I hope this really isn't what is set in stone...

    That's just my opinion, I could be a Halfling.

    52 Halfling Druid
    47 Human Monk
    26 Dark Elf Cleric

    Good luck to everyone out there! Just remember, we all have a voice and if we, the consumer do or don't like what we are getting, we are the ones who can make or break a business.

    "And when Alexander stood on the crest of his domain, he wept... for there were no more worlds to conquer"
    RE: Confused
    # Apr 25 2002 at 5:33 AM Rating: Default
    I have to agree with you.

    I dont play alot but a few hours a day and then make the occasional raids with my guild in the weekends - an average player I'll say.

    The most disheartening thing about EQ2 is starting all over again with a new char. But let's wait and see - one thing is for sure I will not start all over again.....

    Ionan Paladin 56 Mithaniel Marr
    Yes it SUcks
    # Apr 25 2002 at 12:25 AM Rating: Default
    EQ2 does not interest me, there ias a lot in EQ i have not done and still want to do, I dont want an easier game or more complicated game, I just Want EQ! I will never buy thi8s Product!
    Yes it SUcks
    # Apr 25 2002 at 12:20 AM Rating: Default
    EQ2 does not interest me, there ias a lot in EQ i have not done and still want to do, I dont want an easier game or more complicated game, I just Want EQ! I will never buy thi8s Product!
    Yes it SUcks
    # Apr 25 2002 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
    EQ2 does not interest me, there ias a lot in EQ i have not done and still want to do, I dont want an easier game or more complicated game, I just Want EQ! I will never buy thi8s Product!
    No Way
    # Apr 25 2002 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
    Considering the level of customer service verant provides, and all the money I have spent on EQ expansions and such let alone all the time spent leveling. If I have to start over it will be shadowbane or what ever else is out there I will not start EQ over.
    RE: No Way
    # Apr 25 2002 at 12:23 AM Rating: Default
    im sure there will be many people who won't wanna start over. this will thin out the numbers on the servers though from those who don't like the current eq for factors such as lag, everything is camped, and that just about every zone in the game has been mapped and can play eq w/o having to restart your character(s) because others will want to do the same if verant is planning on getting rid of the current eq so that nobody can play and you have to buy eq2 to play everquest at all..then i can see a reason for leaving everquest for good, but until that day comes stop complaining
    # Apr 24 2002 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
    All I know is that they will not get my money . I tried DaOC and hated it . I play EQ becuase it is the kind of game that I like . As everyone else has said. EQ 2 is a combo of the other games . Figure it out Verant .... WE DON'T LIKE THOSE OTHER GAMES............Just make this damn game playable with out the bugs and you will have customers for many years
    Re: crap
    # Apr 25 2002 at 12:09 AM Rating: Decent
    this sux EQ is GOD now thaer makeing it UO meets DAoc which both SUCK. verant i swaer to god if you cange it my buisnas is GONE from you
    # Apr 24 2002 at 11:41 PM Rating: Default
    check out this ubah guy....

    HHmm.... where did I see this before??
    # Apr 24 2002 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
    OMFG!!! I guess the guys at Verant kind of got... uh.... ALL the ideas from Dark Age of Camelot and Shadowbane?
    /rude Verant
    1: Lose Brad McQuade...
    2: Get rid of all the things that made you earn your identity. (Hell levels, ect.) Why don't you just hand over level 50 and the epic...
    3: Blatanly copy all the aspects of your competitors. Shadowbane, DAoC, UO.....
    Sorry Verant.. Luclin sucked... having story line has become a myth (not as in a mythic story line.. but the fact you actually HAD a story line to begin with.)
    4: Pathetic customer service.
    All reasons I say bite me...
    WTS 52 woodelf ranger w/epic....NO TRADES... PST
    # Apr 24 2002 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
    Two things suck :
    1). Mobs are gonna zone =O
    2). Impossible to create an iksar as your character =(
    I might be wrong on second point tho,if i am then i m happy =)
    RE: =/
    # Apr 24 2002 at 11:15 PM Rating: Default
    Your wrong. ;)

    (Not being rude.)

    Apparently Kunark is toast (Sank into sea...eatten by the Sleeper...destroyed by Gods...ect...) but iksar are still playable!
    RE: =/
    # Apr 25 2002 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
    Though the cats are gone. If you like the Vah Shir tough "You are now a lvl 1 Kerran !"
    Looks Like We Need To Say It Again
    # Apr 24 2002 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
    As others have note (to no avail with the malcontented) you can only do so much with a game engine, especially one with persistant files that have to work right no matter what you do to the base engine. They can't do too much before they would cripple your character files. At some point they have to start from scratch or just add more zones with the same basic features. Doing the later is a recipie for slow death because (1) newer games will lure people away - bank on it, and (2) adding more zones with a shrinking subsrciber base is really hard for a game where grouping is so critical. Lower population density really would ***** things up. So are they taking a huge risk with this radical change - without a doubt. Would trying to nurse the current EQ along get them to the same place just a little bit slower? You betcha.

    That does not mean that some of this is not extremely troubling.

    (1) caravans? Is that a joke? Why would VI create a disincentive to explore their world. Makes no sense.

    (2) breakable weapons? This might be OK if only player creatable stuff wears out, its good enough to make it desirable, and the mobs still have cool stuff that does not break. Pharming will be a problem only if it is easier for highly skilled characters to loot stuff that to make it. That is a VERY hard play-balancing issue and I doubt they can do it. Also, they must provide a way to monitor the weapon's condition so it doesn't break while fighting Innoruuk.

    (3)houses. Blech. I have a house and its a pain in the butt to take care of. If I wanted to take care of a house and build a "community" on-line, i'd play the Sims. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. That said, they are doing it because everyone else is. This must matter to someone.

    (4) Twink governor. I actually like this. EQ has become pretty tough on the new players. This will level the field a bit for them. Also, twinking still will be possible, just not quite as effective. Bravo on this one.

    (5) New dying system. This looks pretty good. No more deleveling but there is still a consequence to death. And if you forget to get bound, and die on the other side of the world it is not necessary to make a 45 min. corpse run. Good feature.

    (6) Eliminating Velious, Luclin, and Kunark. I'll wait and see. I worry about the lack of variety.

    All and all. I will give it a try. I'll miss the current EQ though :(
    This frustrated customer
    # Apr 24 2002 at 10:52 PM Rating: Default
    I personally have a problem with this... i have been playing EQ since almost the day it came out, i have bought all the expansions(sp) i have 6 characters level 50+, and i will be just a lil' dissapointed if all of a sudden half the population left for a combination of Asheron's Call, and Dark Age of Camelot. I believe that this EQ2 is exact opposite of what the current EQ is. they just want to attract a younger crowd with this.(those who dont have any patience) and im not going to critisize(sp?) anyone who thinks differently... but if you play EQ now and feel that it is too boring, complicated... whatever go play a nice easy game that involves no skill or thought like diablo 2... but since you are paying for EQ and invested your time and MONEY!!!!! into this game, especially those like me who have several 50+ characters i dunno do what you will but i know that unless something really drastic happens i will stick with EQ1 till the end!

    Bashnak Hobbithucker
    58 ogre warrior
    <Bertox Server>

    Iddil Mesuup
    51 hobbit rogue
    <bertox Server>

    Aarkaan Deathshroud
    53 Inkie ShadowKnight
    <Bertox server>

    Ghrowil Singinsmilie
    48 Vah'Shir Bard
    <Bertox Server>

    Ziggi Hezaheelin
    54 Dorf Paladin
    <Tall>(just me and a friend... they'll never catch us!!) you wanna join E-mail me at Shadedblades@aol
    <Brell-Serilis Server>

    PS : only shorties and ogres

    Thizzels Fizzlez
    53 Hobbit Druid

    Aww man i just lost 60 again!!!
    Hey... do they have computers in the insane asylums?...
    Another Site
    # Apr 24 2002 at 10:46 PM Rating: Default
    If noone has noticed there is another site which does not have a link to the 2 above its, , enjoy :)
    Item Decay, and availability
    # Apr 24 2002 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
    Well, i say about the item decay, and creating more farming, well, if items do decay, than they will be easier to obtain, thru Blacksmithing, or enemies. So the farming thing shouldn't be to big of a deal. i think it's a good idea, i love EQ, but it is gettin old, and needs to be improved, mainly a new engine, which eq2 provides, same engine that they are using for Star Wars Galaxies, i'm just gonna wait till they come out with SWG and EQ2 and pick the one i like the best. something about being a Zabrak that makes my blood flow. Zabrak = Darth Maul.
    P.S. Every one would have PLENTY of time to know if a piece of their equipment is about to break, so if they're in a grp, and something breaks, and they dont have another piece of equipment handy, then this person is not a person you would want in your grp much.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 10:42 PM Rating: Default
    Okay, Ill admit that Ill probably buy this sooner or LATER after it comes out. Ive put a good deal of time into leveling my wizard to 51, and I dont want to have to start over. Nuf said. And I wonder if the expansions for EQ2 will be Kunark, Velious, and Luclin. That would be funny.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 10:27 PM Rating: Default
    After reading through alot of these posts I started to wonder how much EQ alot of you actually played. Actually if you read interviews early on with the original EQ staff.. I think Brad himself commented, when asked if perhaps an EQ 2 etc. would be made, he hinted it was possible. This isn't something that is coming out of nowhere. Some people say "Why not just keep ugrading the current game?" Well.. the way the current EQ has grown you just can't make ground-breaking changes to the engine with just expansions, you really gotta just redo and work from what went wrong in the past. Just look at the bazaar which never made it in.. maybe it'll never happen? Honestly though, EQ just isn't as good as it was. Back when we first started you were really on your own as far as building up your character (yes we used to roleplay in case some have forgotten over time :p). There was alot of fun to be had exploring.. these days the places are all mapped soon after the expansions are released.
    The player-based economy never really existed.. except for back when the servers were young and there was that dwarf who knew the secrets to making banded which was way better than our store-bought leather. With armor that drops that is better than player made armor (plus it will last indefinately) well, there just isn't a reason to have someone make something inferior if it costs more. We all know the market for swords has been destroyed due to Centi Longswords and stuff that, in the current EQ, have pretty much flooded the market. We know these weapons are going to stay around and be passed around, while more weapons will keep coming in. There's little chance of losing alot of these.. none will break.. they won't be damaged and require repair. There's no reason to buy a player-made weapon because they're insanely inferior. Hmm..
    The high end game has become a joke.. how many more times will people sit around in NToV or Ssra temple and enjoy packet loss, poor frame rates, etc? High end encounters aren't all that exciting after you've done them a few times. Adding more and more raid zones doesn't give alot of long term enjoyment.
    I'll be glad to see a new class system.. even if the classes are based roughly around the current ones. Some classes in EQ are broken beyond repair.. SK's will probably never get anything extremely useful for raids.. Paladins will probably keep getting overpowered (heh took them a while to give the pally's some good stuff but man they should have cut back on that slay undead stuff).. I won't even talk about the necros' boring jobs.. Mages.. as much as we'd like to think there was hope for the class, they'll probably just keep giving them less and less useful spells.
    At any rate.. most of the proposed changes are actually nothing new to MUDs in general.. I remember doing alot of maintenance on weapons in some games.. but that's what made them so valubable to me. Perhaps in the new EQ, instead of seeing those monks that can't cut it when it comes to splitting, you'll see a player's incompetence when his weapons breaks in battle and you'll know never to group with him until he learns how to take care of his stuff :p
    I'm just conjecturing though.. and alot of this is sketchy anyway so why get all worked up over it? Maybe the only people really whining are those who are going to find they'll need to make some money off of something other than farming? I'm all for these changes though, they're pretty much the spirit of what EQ wanted to be... There's still alot of time before we'll see it though.

    (Oh yeah.. anyone remember when they promised us guild houses we could buy? Guess they're going to come through for us after all.. just alot later heh)

    Cabshaaz Thule
    The Rathe
    # Apr 24 2002 at 10:25 PM Rating: Default
    Ok, from reading the top few posts i think you all are complete computer addicts who have never tried much of anything as REAL ROLEPLAYING in your life.

    I have played Rifts, Dungeon and Dragons, and Even Larps such as VAmpire, and i think this new method of REALISM is ******* great. Makes a charactor truely unique and defined.

    Although i have several END game charactors i do dislike EQ, and wished it was more like Ashrons Call, since the leveling system allowed some people to be strong, and yet not at everything.

    Having to specialize in certain things will help the game flow, and make the need for guilds and people to work together, IN real role playing NO ONE Person can max to grandmaster tailoring, smithing, pottery, jewelry craft when they are just level 1 or even just level 30, it just wont happen. Having a charactor spend 30 levels or so finally finding out what they want to do is great, lets a person actually decide what each class can do, and what each class cant do, before they are stuck with a level 56 charactor realizing, "HEY this class sucks" (MAGE) *cough* *cough* but if you ever want to play a truely better roleplaying game, look in your local phone book for gameing shops around and check out actual role playing, cause trust me when you can do anything you like, you actually have tons more fun with it.

    Anyone who wants to debate on this subject saying that VI is wrong in trying to make a system better, by using the logic that EQ1 is perfect or doesnt need to be improved much, is ignorant and just wants to spend those 15hours camping a stupid spwn in OOT or SRO or LGUK for an item and get KSed constantly.

    So for those of you who like regular EQ and dont want it to change, ill be that person KSing you, while on my other comp ill be becoming a unique charactor in EQ2 later, and you will be begging me to help ya when ya give in to try it, and it just wont happen.

    Just my 2cp.
    ICQ- 37147336
    EQ2 , I can't wait to see it !
    # Apr 24 2002 at 10:16 PM Rating: Default
    Finally , it's about time .
    For all the people that r ******** about EQ2 .. move on guys , u can't stay in one game for the next 30 years!

    Leave EQ how it is!
    # Apr 24 2002 at 10:00 PM Rating: Default
    PLEASE STOP RUINING EVERQUEST!!! all the new ideas sound like crap. You would make more money if you just left EQ how it was instead of making all these stupid expansions like EQ2!
    RE: Leave EQ how it is!
    # Apr 24 2002 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
    would this be a bad time to point out that EQ2 is, in fact, not an expansion?
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