Patcher Woes

Let me express what many of you are feeling right now: Arrrrrrrrrgh! Let me in! Let me in! I want my Kitty! *breathe* OK. According to Sony, they are aware of the problems and are working on them, including bringing on more patching servers. Why they didn't think of this before, since this is almost identical to what happened at the original release is beyond me, but I'm sure they want you to play their game as much as you want to play it. Feel free to use this forum to try to help each other get into the game or to just console each other while you wait.


Post Comment
Bleh too Verant
# Dec 05 2001 at 7:14 PM Rating: Default
Alright I have a few things to say about this whole ordeal. Arright I was greatly lokin forward to the Luclin expansion set. It looked like it would be a great game to have and expand the EQ world. However, this is before I read al of the new requirements. My RAM is 128MB, so I will not be able to see the new graphics. Dissapointed, but not greatly because I could still visi the world and use the items right Wrong! I have Windows 95, and donot have the money/time to go buy it. This is terrible on Verants part by making the game inaccesible to many of its customers, wh previously had no trouble playing the game. This is a bunch o bull sh*t. Why wold anyone feel like spending 29.99 fr a game that they have to pay additional time and money to even get to work. I dont know what they were thinking, but Verant had better get thei act together before people get tired of this and leave. If EQ wasnt such an addictive game I am sure they would have lost half of the people by now who feel the sae way I do.

Two tumbs down for Verant on barring many peple from playing EQ.

"A wise man once said patience is virtue"
Obviously verant was not patient enough to make sure the game worked for all befre they put it out.
# Dec 05 2001 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
ok i have xp and i can get in and every thing works fine. Untill i get to my caracter screen where all the names are blacked out. I tryed to enter the game and got in but my view screen was all black. This is just bugging me so much cuz i have a four day weekend and had planed to do some major EQ hacking.

Solusek Ro
# Dec 05 2001 at 7:09 PM Rating: Default
Ok...I had tons of problems, and then FINALLY my patch program began to work...

Its 3 hours since it began to work, and I'm 10% through it...I have a 56k connection...

I NEVER took this long to do ANY patches! When I bought Eq a year ago I didn't get it to sit in front of a screen waiting to restart at errors in patches for 30 hours!!!!


-the insane mage of povar :/
# Dec 05 2001 at 7:29 PM Rating: Default
none of the other expansions redid the worlds textures and had as many problems as this does.. they didnt properly plan it oh well boo hoo wait a few days till they get it straightened out its one big bloody mess right now
3d drivers
# Dec 05 2001 at 7:06 PM Rating: Default
For all those players that have trouble with there
3D drivers (and Iam one of them) My son and I and a few friends play this game. I for one will not go out of my way to spend any more money. For example I spend enough just for online services.
I have a second phone line just for the conputer.
I went out and got extra RAM. So now the game is shut down till Saturday, thats a bad day becouse
computer shops will be filled with Christmas shoppers. Verant better get me on line or Ill just
cancel out. The game was fine the way it was.

No that doesnt help
# Dec 05 2001 at 7:00 PM Rating: Default
It says that it doesnt find my 3d devices!! WTF i have a gforce2 and it is working prefectly ! so WTF can anyone help me with this problem?!!
# Dec 05 2001 at 6:58 PM Rating: Default
# Dec 05 2001 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
Ok heres somethings that might help some of you. First of all Ill tell you that everyone is going to have diff probs but ill try and help with info that has worked for my friends. On the 4th I tried to download the patch and was given the error message that the line was either busy or that I didnt have permission to be on that line. I was like huh? So i went to eqlizer and downloaded the exe file that was for people haveing probs getting the patch to go. Ok then it started downloading and the time remaining zinged up to 91 hour then dropped to around 30. As i speak i still have 2 hours left. Talking to my friend he was done patching in 2 hours useing a program that made his comp ping over and over to the patch server. Really sucks that I dont know where you get one of these programs but this is what you need to know to get going threw the patch.

1. Either goto microsoft and download and unzip the new direct 8.1 file or get it off the game disc itself.
2. Make sure your video,sound and modem drivers are as current as possible. Some cards such as older voodoo will find the company is bankrupt, but i found a third party site with the most up to date drivers I could find which were still little out of date. And by the way the company taking over 3dfx is offering a deal that if you go by their new card, you can trade your old one in for the cash back.
3.(Only recomended) Goto tools, internet options and security and turn it on medium, also goto advanced options and enable getting info threw a domain. make sure http.1 is clicked. Just in case do a disk clean up and scan disk.
4. Reboot your system and get a good connection and then go for it.

Hopefully this might help someone, I wish you all well and eventually these probs will pan out and we will be back to a greatly advanced version of our favorite game.
RE: megadien
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:22 PM Rating: Default
OK so where is this third party site? I have a Voodoo 4 Card and I cant get past the servers screen.
Booted again
# Dec 05 2001 at 6:47 PM Rating: Default
Please Help me. I get booted after being online for about 1 min. the last time I logged in to try my luck again I started off at my bind/spawn point without any of my equipment. How do I get it back. I'm worried it's lost forever. Please any help would help, I'm over here freaking out.

Freeze Up
# Dec 05 2001 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
Do not have SoL loaded yet. Have DX8.1 loaded. Can get into game OK, but I play for about 2 minutes and freeze up. Have to shut down and start over. Any ideas. Help

Cazic-Thule Server
No 3d devices found
# Dec 05 2001 at 6:38 PM Rating: Default
File updates completed...all seems OK. New front page looks cool. Click 'play' for a bright new world......pause......ickle window appears 'No 3d devices found'......AAAaargh. Check Direct 8.1, cool, check Display adapters..all cool...check updates...again all cool...mmm!. Re-install video drivers and Play EQ.......ickle window appears 'No 3d devices found'.

Repeat the above twice

AAAaargh.......can anybody help??....have a 3D blaster Banshee...yes it is a 3D card and worked fine before!
Need help
# Dec 05 2001 at 6:22 PM Rating: Default
Oh ok i got the patch done about after it goes away it says that it cant find my 3c devices? wtf? i have a gforce 2 ! and it is working so WTF?? can anyone help me with this problem!! plz!!
same as booted
# Dec 05 2001 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default

Its the same for me

128mb ram
Lastest Nvidia Driver
Patched up to date

Pick my character goes to load and nada just frezzes on the loading screen

arrrrh she blows!

Verant Part II
# Dec 05 2001 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
Also, didnt they ask us during registration what kind of video cards they have, processor, etc etc, on that little survey?
From that couldnt they gather that a VAST number of people are using Intel 810s? Couldnt they work WITH us, instead of against us? Couldnt they make a game that was playable, and not eye candy?
I am also disappointed that Win95 users will not be able to play the game anymore. I am not in this boat, as I bought a new computer a month ago (I already feel as it is obsolete), but I can sympathize.
Well, I've vented enough...

Tunare Combat Medic of the 18th
Karana Server
# Dec 05 2001 at 6:15 PM Rating: Default
I'm having the blurry vision problem. I'm not playing luchlin either, just through velious. On the charatcer screen and the control screen in game is it blurry. But the visual screen in game seems ok, just all the bouttons and text is messed up.... I tried reinstalling dx8, i have all my updeated video drivers for my stealth 3 vid acc. too. if anyone knows how to solve this problem please post, thank you.
RE: blurry!!!!
# Dec 05 2001 at 6:25 PM Rating: Default
Back about a week ago my EQ was blurry as hell whenever I changed my EQclient.INI file to DirectX 8. Well, here's a message to all: DON'T do it (To find this file: I know it's not found in the EQ directory, not sure why...simply go to Start Menu, Find, then type in will show up, and you can edit it. BUT, as I said before, you do NOT need to.). I talked to a GM in-game, and he said that you do NOT edit the eqclient.ini file to play Luclin OR previous expansions. The eqclient.ini file will ALWAYS read as DirectX 7. Leave it as DirectX 7 and the blurriness goes away (or at least it does on mine.) I don't have Luclin yet, but my EQ does work (It's buggy as hell with the "Black Box" shoes on my characters are simply black, no colors or textures...). If you install Luclin and it automatically makes it blurry without editing the eqclient.ini file, then I have no clue what the problem/answer is. Remember one thing: Go to the tech support page on EQ's site and follow the steps to remove DirectX and your video card drivers. Then, install DirectX 8...AFTER that, install your video drivers and restart. This made everything work for me. Again, I do not have Luclin, so I don't know what will happen when I finally get it. Hope this helped a bit.

Razerwind 18 Ranger Morell-Thule
Skylen 14 Shaman Morell-Thule

AMD KS 400 MHz
256 MB RAM
Voodoo 3 3000
EQgame has caused an error in EQGFX_DX8.DLL
# Dec 05 2001 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
All right, all right already! I have had about enough of this nonsense! After clicking the Play Everquest button at the sever screen I get a message

Eqgame has caused an error in EQGFX_DX8.DLL
Eqgame will close now]

What the hell is going on here? I know, I know, I have been told hundreds of times. I have DirectX 8.1 already downloaded, but I have no EQClient.INI or EQ.INI File anywhere, I REPEAT ANYWHERE, in my Everquest directory. WHAT THE HELL DO I DO?!
RE: EQgame has caused an error in EQGFX_DX8.DLL
# Dec 21 2002 at 10:56 AM Rating: Default
I have the smae problem....sigh... please e-mail me with answers at
RE: EQgame has caused an error in EQGFX_DX8.DLL
# Dec 05 2001 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
And yes, I have installed DirectX 8.1 as well
Verant as a business
# Dec 05 2001 at 6:11 PM Rating: Default
Let me express my displeasure at Verant, for not performing like a legitimate business should, by not catering to their customers. Let me say, I've only been here a month, and I am addicted to EQ, but extremely unsatisfied with their methods of customer service.
Allow me to provide a few examples: First, whenever I need a GM in the field or in a chat, they act as if they want NOTHING to do with me. Not only me, but many other people in similar dilemmas.
And also, let me provide the current situation: Almost 2/3rds of the EQ population have Intel chips and either cant get new chips due to finances or not being computer savvy. Verant knew there were problems during the testing, but nonetheless, they dumped this buggy Anti-Intel version onto the mass majority of the EQ horde. And now they are "conferencing" with Intel to create a new driver? I highly doubt that Intel will bend over backwards to make up for Verant's F$@#Up!
I love this game as much as the next EQ gamer, but I will give Verant a week to clean up their act, else, I will cancel and take my gaming elsewhere. If they dont straighten up and fly right, I will leave, just as a many majority of gamers who Verant snubbed simply because we dont have the newest equipment.
Hopefully, I will be able to play soon.

Tunare Combat Medic of the 18th
Karana Server
perfect name
# Dec 05 2001 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
So I'm guessing SoL really stands for Sh*t outta Luck. (/e trying to remember patience is a virtue !!!)
Help is on is WAY!?!?
# Dec 05 2001 at 6:00 PM Rating: Default
Well i have had some problems whilel trying to download and here is what i did:
while downloading i got can not download xxxx.XXX file. I close the patcher and tried again.
At 1:00am EST I was done patching. Every time i got the error close and restart.
I had to download the file from Everquest. I think everquest.exe?????
I hope this helped.

Kemme Lootstalker
24th Season Ranger
# Dec 05 2001 at 5:51 PM Rating: Default

Well just like the guy who set up this page ive done everything right , it all goes but as soon as i pick the character to get into the world, the loading screen pic comes up and thats all she wrote....

stupid sony
windos xp... ?
# Dec 05 2001 at 5:51 PM Rating: Default
I downloaded the 8.1 and all driver update. I installed 8.1 and sound card driver, all well done. After installed video card update, computer must restart, ok, windos 98 dont wanted to start, freeze on first window. So i bought window XP (with 8.1 inside). I will go take my computer after work tonight. I didnt even run the patch, I hope i will not get lot of problems. But cant be sure, seem like everyone got trouble.

Atlon thunderbird 1000
256 Meg RAM
Voodoo 3 3000
/em cross is fingers and hope...

Fleau Deamonbane
Dorf warrior 45
# Dec 05 2001 at 5:46 PM Rating: Default
I have a Celeron 466 320mb of ram a V3 3000 and everything worked fine until I zoned in and saw nothing but old char models and zone textures. When I created a beastlord eveything went fine until I tried to zone him in. The game loaded for a sec and then dropped cold to my desktop...

Also: I'm having a problem changing which textures to load from the options menu before connection. Is anyone able to change their SoL texture setting after they set them up the first time?

Exian Treeblade
Druid of Karana
16th Season
Celestial Counsel
# Dec 05 2001 at 5:45 PM Rating: Default
I have a Celeron 466 320mb of ram a V3 3000 and everything worked fine until I zoned in and saw nothing but old char models and zone textures. When I created a beastlord eveything went fine until I tried to zone him in. The game loaded for a sec and then dropped cold to my desktop...

Also: I'm having a problem changing which textures to load from the options menu before connection. Is anyone able to change their SoL texture setting after they set them up the first time?
# Dec 05 2001 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent

# Dec 05 2001 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone with Black Box problems, myself included, go here.

There's about 1000 people or so with this issue, most are saying it's from the Intel 82810 or just 810 Chipsets. Tech Support in the EQ chatrooms said a fix is coming for this, but who knows how long that will take.
blurry letters
# Dec 05 2001 at 5:41 PM Rating: Default
i cant read the text on my screen while playing EQ because it is too blurry. when i am on the see threw screens i can only read the bottom chatting box.

1.1mg AMD thunderbird(processor)
stealth 3 540extreme/32mg(graphics)
678 mg of ram

any help would be great
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