Rumors Swirl on EQ2

In the recent EQ newsletter, Sony put in a puzzle that led to two websites: and (Congratulations to the gang at the safehouse for solving the riddle). Each site brings up an image and the Nektulos one mentions an announcement coming up in May. May is of course when E3 is held. This is the biggest gaming convention of the year, and game companies typically try to save their biggest announcements for the large group of press that comes to E3 each year. So what is Sony going to announce in May? It may be something like a single player game based upon Everquest, or the release of some new zones. However, do not be surprised if it is the launch of Everquest 2. I don't have any positive information on this and am really just speculating, but since they already announced the PS2 version of the game and the Planes of Power expansion, it seems logical that this is not related to either of them. Why make a teaser for something everyone already knows about? And they have never put this type of effort into announcing free content for the game. EQ2, however, would be a huge announcement. In addition, I have been told that the latest version of PC Gamer mentions EQ2 (I have not read it -- I'll try to track down a copy). Plus, Sony has had registered for quite a while. So the announcement Sony plans to make in May could well be that they are making EQ2. Or they could just be announcing another expansion or something related to the PS2 version of the game or even something completely unrelated to Everquest. We will be in Los Angeles for E3, so as soon as we find out more, we'll let you know. In the meantime, some of our visitors managed to piece together the murky pictures you see in the two sites.
  • Wailing Caves Full Image
  • Nektulos Full Image
  • Feel free to throw in your own thoughts about what this means. UPDATE (Again): Link already dead.


    Post Comment
    # Apr 24 2002 at 3:20 PM Rating: Default
    Sounds like Shadowbane. Should be fun, but the system specs are apalling! But them, maybe ill have money by the time it comes out.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 3:20 PM Rating: Default
    Ok this is just...well, sad in my opinion. Sure the graphics are going to be just fine and dandy, and there are lots of features that may be "neat" (from what i read), but the weapon/item system is a carbon copy of DAoC, which is why i stopped playing "that" game. Weapon/Item decay is just plain LAME, its the most horrible feature DAoC has and it was its downfall for me. I'd say 90% of the people that play EQ twink chars, its just PART OF THE GAME and makes it FUN! I sure as hell wont play EQ 2 if they keep that rediculous feature in it. I'll give you a good example why. Ok i reach level 100, i get a truly awesome weapon that im so proud of and it took me MONTHS to get. Well what do ya know, time passes and the damn thing starts to decay, and eventually breaks? I dont think so. Now i gotta go spend...unfathomable amounts of time getting another one.

    Ok you can repair items in DAoC, but you can only repair them over time for so long, before the item completely is destroyed (Unless they have changed that in the past few months, which i dont think they have, its not their "style"..pfft).

    That right there is what kills DAoC and if VI doesnt understand that, then i hope EQ 2 fails miserably. I understand that im speaking from a "twinkers" point of view, but everyone does it at some point in EQ (considering you play the game, and if you are reading this than you do, and if you say you dont than you are a pathetic liar). EQ has been such a blast cause of not having to worry about items ever breaking, its been one of the many highlights of the game for me, and hundreds of people that i've met and known over the years of playing (And yes twinking is part of the fun for me, but i've made that point already).

    In my honest opinion, VI should just put level limits on the items if they are so friggin worried about twinking, but item/weapon/armor decay? You guys are going to regret it, im telling you, many people left DAoC for that very reason. Even if they just put level limits on the items, i seriously doubt im gonna trash 3 years invested in EQ to start over, its just, not my idea of fun :)

    RE: DecayTopic
    # Apr 24 2002 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
    the thing is, you can get the weapons FIXED! decay doesn't mean it will rot into nothingness no matter what, and if it breaks, that probably means that a smith can repair it for you (for a price) using rarer/more abundant/more epxensive materials to fix it rather then a a few materials to reset the decay. and i'm sure that the decay won't be quicker then a week or two at a time. i expect a glass cepter to break within a couple of swings though :P
    RE: DecayTopic
    # Apr 24 2002 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
    I understand your frustration about decay of items but the whole point of the items decaying is that it keeps up a player based economy. I have spent many days and nights camping for items and its just a PITA. When DAoC came out I jumped to it because it was something new and refreshing. The idea of making your own items was new and gave you a more role-playing since. If you played UO you would know that armor made by the players was just as good as items that came from mobs. This is what makes my point valid, if you have a player that can make an item that does equal if not more than the item you camp for then why camp for it? Save your money and buy one or make it yourself. As you become ubber and the game progress there will always be new equipment and some of which may never break. Just give it time..
    # Apr 24 2002 at 3:15 PM Rating: Default

    At this link it CONFIRMS Everquest2. This story from August 31,2001. Of course, it only BREIFLY mentions it. On this note...Everquest2...something to look forward to, and love/hate it. We will all love EQ1. But to Buy of us who have worked hard and desperate on our characters only to lose that in's not fair...not at all...but think about it....Why would they say they are releasing EQ2....oh so soon after releasing Luclin and Planes of Power...something shibby is going down.....(Yea I said shibby..=p) HOWEVER....look at this in the bright side...what if all it a BIG upgrade to our allready existing game...what if its like another revamp all that is and all we know...=p.....Verant will listen if you take the fight to them...THEY WILL LISTEN...I hope...

    Xatrariz Soulreaver
    Shadow Knight of the 40th Grave
    Ayonae Ro
    my opinion
    # Apr 24 2002 at 3:14 PM Rating: Default
    the game sounds like it has potential if done right. The only thing I didn't like the sound of was the fast leveling. I beleive everyone loves everquest so much more then the other games because there is a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when you gain a level or kill a hard mob. People put so much time and effort in to gaining that single level that it comes to mean something. Every level is significant. If you make leveling faster, levels will become insignificant and you will lose the sense of accomplishement and satisfaction that comes from it. Once that happens, people will get bored of the game and move on. Starcraft had the popularity that it had because it was the first real competitive game, you got something out of it when everyone saw your name up on the ladder rankings and you could say you were "one of the best in the world". Everquest gives the same satisfaction but in a diffrent way, as long as EQ2 appeals to that I feel that it will be as great as EQ1.
    As for everyone whining about the hardware upgrades, not to be rude, but deal with it. Technology changes and at a faster rate then ever before. You can already buy everything they speak of fairly cheap and with in another year and a half it will be almost nothing.

    59 Troll shammy, VZ
    Whiny bastards
    # Apr 24 2002 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
    I doubt they'll take down the standard EverQuest servers to begin with... so if you want to keep playing the original EQ when EQ2 comes out you'll probably have that option.

    The port of your current characters to EQ2 would be a worthless idea for a bad gamer and sore jackass of a person. The new advancement system will make it so the current classes don't even exist, so how do you propose that they make your current EQ pixie exist in the new world?

    EQ2... not EverQuest: The Next $30 Expansion

    That means it's a DIFFERENT GAME. Do you want to port your EverQuest characters to Dark Age of Camelot? No. Why? Because you accept the fact that it's a different game and don't whine up a storm.

    Also, the game isn't coming out until October 2003, and this date will probably be pushed back... If you can continue to play the original EverQuest for that bloody long when you've already been playing since 1999, you need a freaking life anyway and I hope you DO quit EverQuest.

    As for those who think leveling will be too fast, you're dumbasses. There are 100 levels. They say 30 minutes for the first 6 levels... it took 30 minutes for the first 3 levels in the original EQ. So you level twice as fast, yes, but if you have any grasp of basic mathematics you could figure out that 100/50 = 2. Thus leveling 2x faster would really be like dinging halfway through a level in the current game.

    You people **** me off more and more as I read all of the comments on this page. IT IS A DIFFERENT GAME. IT IS NOT EVERQUEST, IT IS EVERQUEST 2. Good lord... "I've worked too hard in EQ to have my world come crashing down on me." Well if there are more lazy SOBs like you running around then the EQ world will still be populated.

    Will your current computers be able to handle EQ2? In most cases, no. But the game is a year and a half away at minimum. Quit EverQuest for two months, get a freakin' job, and buy new components for your computer. Again, you don't have to play the game. Verant does not command you to play EverQuest 2 or even talk about it. Think for yourself. If you can't play the game on your machine, get a new one or don't play. A Geforce 3 in a year and a half will probably be under $100.

    For the idiot who mentioned Verant being nervous about Horizons... do your research. Artifact Entertainment is a company virtually in ruins. They have 50% of the staff that they had even 3 months ago. They lost their CEO (read: fired) who created the entire vision for the game. The entire game design spec sheet has changed. The game will suck monkey banana. I know many people who are on or were on the development team. It is now a bunch of amateurs trying to put together a piece of crap while declaring it the best game of all time.

    Quit whining. Get the game if you want to. Shut the heck up if you don't. EverQuest 2 is not an expansion nor a replacement for EverQuest, it is its own game. Hold on to your blankey or teddy bear that is EverQuest if you must. Move on to a new game if you're brave.
    RE: Whiny bastards
    # Apr 25 2002 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent

    You're thinking that they won't take down EQ1. First, they never said they wouldn't, however, I believe as soon as the official announcement is made at E3 next month, they will promise that "When EQ2 goes live, we will continue to offer EQ".

    So when EQ2 does wind up coming sometime in 2004, what will happen. Well, If I'm right, sales will skyrocket for 3 months, then 85% of the people who left will returm to original EQ.

    Well Sony won't mind will they, they're still getting the same amount of cash?

    Wrong. It's called ROI, which stands for Return on Investment. Sony must hit a target for profits on a new project. If the project is a flop, even if one of their old projects does extremely well, Sony's stock price will fall. Sony is a major company and while, although most of you feel differently, The people in charge of the Everquest projects may care about the players, the business people that call the shots care about money.

    If the EQ2 project does not hit it's profit mark, they will have to act quickly. I believe at that point, as everyone is heading back to EQ1, they will announce they are closing Everquest doors for good in 4 weeks, dream up some major war plot with a super high body count and the shut the doors.

    To try and get people to EQ2 they will offer some kind of incentive, 2 free months or start with a level 6 character of your choice of class if you had a previous char above level 50.

    Now I don't think they owe it to us to keep this going. I'm a business man myself and I understand that they don't owe us but 2 things, and the first one is jack. We got a good run for our money, and the guys upstairs in SOE reportedly tried to hold off the price increase from Sony Corp for a year, even going so far as to offer the legends server hoping it would catch on, so they could add 3 or so, merge some of the emptier servers after that, convert those to more legends, and make more money per person with only the slight overhead of adding the new GMs.

    The guys have treated us well, and If they take down the original EQ, I won't be thrilled, but I'll make do. I might give Horizons a try. The little bit of news I have coming out of there is that, while the game will be completly different from what they stated it would originally be, it will still be a damned good game.

    Also might give EQ2 a shot. Only things I don't like about what they stated is the localized banks, and the building houses. I never saw a point in that. Also, I always kind of liked the harsh penalty for dying. Death shouldn't be something that you can just shake off.

    Oh well, just gonna wait and see what comes.
    RE: Whiny bastards
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
    If VI would treat them completely independantly and leave EQ1 unscathed, I would have no qualms with EQ2. The problem is VI will almost certainly neglect EQ1, even if they don't completely destroy it (which I dont see to be unlikely).
    RE: Whiny bastards
    # Apr 24 2002 at 6:43 PM Rating: Default
    I love you! I would add something if I could think of it, but I think you have it all covered.
    RE: Whiny bastards
    # Apr 24 2002 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
    Couldn't agree more.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
    Damn bro, you could not have said it better.. Thanks for taking the time to write it out.

    Good job!
    EQ2 Notes
    # Apr 24 2002 at 3:13 PM Rating: Default
    I always thought it silly that a monster would stop chasing you because you zone. New zone pics look amazing, and anyone saying the game will be worse is out of their mind. VI has had 3+ years of people to be beta testers for this game. Any complaints and/or problems that aren't resolved will be in EQ2.

    Final thought: if you don't wanna play, don't pay.
    Hmm Maybe
    # Apr 24 2002 at 3:12 PM Rating: Default
    I dunno. Sony is very 'intelligent' company, filled with Intelligent people, I mean look at the crap the have pulled of in recent years, very cutting edge stuff. I don't see the ppl at sony as being stupid, and nor do I think they are ready to say F-you to all the ppl who spent money on upgrades etc etc. I'd say if anything, its most likely a graphical update for the world, much like Luclin was a graphic update for the characters. It is much needed, and would bring back old timer to the world, as well as new blood so to speak...

    just my 2cp
    I'm excited
    # Apr 24 2002 at 3:08 PM Rating: Default
    It seems like the major complaints about EQ2 are coming about things like mob zoning, the new bank system, an effective end to twinking, etc...I don't see this as a bad thing. Everquest was indeed an experiment--nothing on its scale had ever been done before. Had the makers known how people were going to act--twinking, for example--they would have put in some way to avoid it. Those complaints are things that make the game far to easy and frankly unrealistic. Even if one doesn't care about realism, it made the game frustrating for those new to it, and easier than it should be for those demagogues who have spent hundreds of hours playing. If the designers indeed do what the report is proposing, and balance it as i'm sure they will, i think this is going to be a very, VERY good game.

    For example, on twinking: Everquest has always been notorious for being frustrating the first several levels. A few actions recently on EQ have helped aleviate some of these problems, but eq is an old, ailing system that can't be drastically changed at this point. In EQ2, as it sounds, this frustration will be eliminated, or at least much less--getting rid or the NEED for twinking. I feel sick when i see level 10 monks with fungis--i feel it takes a lot from how the game was MEANT to play. Hopefully for me, this will be eliminated.

    I'm really looking forward to some of the things they're promising in EQ2. It certainly will be a different experience, and veterans of the original may be angry or unwilling to take in the changes--But then, it's a whole new game. It seems the designers are taking some of the best aspects of the present MMORPGs, (even the Diablo series, which is time-proven for success), and adding their own skillful manipulation to make it even better, so that we will have not several scattered MMORPGs with a few good factors and plenty of bad, but one all-encompassing mecha-game that will be a joy to play and a must to live. And I don't think that's a bad thing.

    Casanunda Stoutswigger
    40th Cleric of Brell Serilis
    Dragons of Nightshade, Fennin Ro, "The Forgotten Server"
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 2:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) All I have to say is if this is true. /wave EQ it's been a fun ride. These changes take away all that anyone who has played EQ has learned and will take out any balance they have worked so hard to acheive. I will personally stop playing if this in any way shape or form influences "EQ 1"
    Sounds like Dark Ages of Camelot
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
    Frankly this sounds gay. And no this is meaning it in a bad way I like EQ as it is. This is so much like friggin Dark Ages of Camelot it's not even funny every little aspect of it is basically DAoC, but if you guys like the new updates best start playing DAoC. The requirments for this game are insanely high personly i don't have 500 something RAM to have for this game. I may as well go to DAoC now if all of you morons are going to start playing this and then there won't be anymore people playing EQ except me and a few others.

    Hmm maybe this is a prank brought on from Allakhazam. Maybe not but oh well if it is eh?
    sucks balls
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:52 PM Rating: Default
    I think some parts of eq2 would be kind of cool, such as mercenaries and better image and visible buffs, but for the most part I think it will suck balls. Weapons can break, you need to cary stuff to diferent banks, both those things will be a pain in the *** as a monk
    RE: sucks balls
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:07 PM Rating: Default
    At least a monk can fight with fists and has innate AC, try it as a war/pal/sk/ranger, you loose your stuff at lvl 50 youre as usefull as a lvl 5. If a monk looses his stuff at lvl 50, hes bout as usefull as a 40.

    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:48 PM Rating: Default
    mobs will zone. ust great!! too many people I know zone faster than me already. I can just see running with SOW and being ahead of the mob and then having it catch you while you zone. Does lead to interesting thoughts of pulling Gore into LOIO though. Or pulling a train of undead from Kith into freeport. Heh heh maybe I do like this idea.
    RE: zoning
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
    What would be nice is if they made it so there was no zoning or loading (except maybe in towns). DAoC does that and it's awesome. As does Dungeon Siege. Sure, that's not an MMORPG, but the concept is the same. If they can find a way to do that, it would be awesome. You'd really have to be on your toes then though. Getting mobbed would be instant death if you didn't have an escape route (or if it lost interest in you the longer you ran).
    Hmm Life goes on
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:47 PM Rating: Default
    Ya know ... I wrote this long piece when I realized two things ...

    1. It's a game, sadly but true ;)
    2. I am reaching for straws to find a way to delay what??? To delay FROM DYING(or at least my character)

    Then it hits me, all of these emotions and reactions are coming from what is perceived as our characters dying... We're acting like someone who has seen death. We are basically fighting for our last breaths; something that WILL come SOME day.....

    Heh.. I wonder how I will act when I'm old and on my death bed.....

    BTW - A truely sustainable world WOULD include dying, thus it is a mute point if we loose our characters or guilds ..

    PS - I wonder how they are going to make melees balanced with casters when items can break? Hmmmmm

    what the #$%@!
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:27 PM Rating: Default
    i would definatly for maybe another expansion or maybe even have our charecters updateable into the new game but if everyone had to start i think there would be a lot of very angry people including my self, people put there lives, hard work, and LOTS of their time into the process of developing their charecters i think starting over is a bad idea !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
    RE: what the #$%@!
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:55 PM Rating: Default
    yeah I agree with you, people do put alot of time into eq, and if we have to start all over again I would probably quit.

    ps: i'm not one of those people who spend 9 hours a day play eq :)
    What about?
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
    Whatever happened to Star Wars Galaxies. I was looking forward to that one. Has it been ditched or put on hold by verant to make way for eq2? that would suk.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:20 PM Rating: Default
    So will this be a upgrade or will we have to start over from scratch? Most of it I don't like but some of it sounds Sweet! It would be great if VI made it has a upgrade for us long time players, but still let new comers or the ones who would like a change to start differently then how the rest of us did!

    lvl 48 Barbarian Beastlord
    Mayhem's Touch
    Druzzil Ro

    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:19 PM Rating: Default
    keep ******** if u want to but move over while the rest of us past u up to move along with the chances!!! U guys sound like my grandpa... He doesn't like change
    Ruins of Befallen
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
    The Ruins of Befallen. After reading Hammer's letter. I put the words together and Read it slowly. It took to me to a site much like the two revealed thus far.
    Something is coming...
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:12 PM Rating: Default
    Looks like the Sony crew are nervous of Horizons. But if they can pull it off EQ2 may be a good game but they need to focus on EQ1. And need to get rid of the price increase which come to think of it is more then likey funding EQ2 or some other new expansion eq dosen't need.

    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
    It comes down to just one thing, its just a game...Yes there are allot of us that have spent the last 3 years of our lives playing this and don't see an end to this addiction. But you have to understand one thing, it wont last forever.. There will come a time when you hang up EQ and move on to something else. Will there ever be a game that will crush EQ? Sure, it going to happen, and so on and so on., its just how it goes. There is always something better.. You just have to be patient and go with the flow, but understand things don't happen over night. There have been many changes in EQ 1, some of them we love some we hate.. But you have to say its gets better and better as it goes on.

    Do I think I'll play EQ2? Sure why not? Its different and it may give me something that EQ1 doesn't have. "Are there going to be bugs?" Sure, can you name one game that is bug free? "What about all the bugs in EQ1?" What do you expect? People are going to uber and when you get uber you want something else to concur. That's the whole point with all the expansions. New things, more items.. With that brings more bugs.. "Will they take down EQ1?" No way, they would be stupid too. Ever do the math on how much money they make from this game?

    You guys are going to have to start choosing your battles here a little better.. "Don't knock what you don't know!!" EQ2 could be the downfall of us all and bring all of us to our knees. Just listen to what they have to say, if you don't like it no problem don't buy it.

    Just my 2 cents...
    RE: /sigh
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
    Sure something essentially better may come along but I can't forsee anything replacing everquest for me. It's like trying to replace a family pet or a grandparent, JUST DON'T WORK! Sure, for example, command and conquer (and many others) are better than total annihillation but for a strategy game, TA is THE best of ALL TIME in my opinion. Like everquest, it was revolutionary. Sure it's like 15yrs old (exaggeration, its much older than alot of the competition tho) but during patches and such, it's what I turn to. Then blizzard tried to 'improve' it with TA kingdoms. Guess what? IT SUCKED *** BY COMPARISON! The original TA is by far the more fun game in my opinion. Sure TAK may be technically superior but that's not always the point. The same holds true for EQ. Hardcore players develope an affinity for the game they play. MANY people have a very strong affinity towards EQ. To change it will attract some people but the hardcore players who are the core of EQ (the ones who play several accounts at once or invest in the game in many ways or just love it for what it is/does) will reject the change and EQ2 will never live up to the legacy of everquest.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
    Well, if Sony is going to cause worse lag issues,force me to buy another 3 computers to play from my 3 accounts with the new upgraded EQ2, then that is the LAST STRAW!!!!

    I cannot afford to upgrade continually and maintain 3 accounts and deal with problems that are STILL not fixed! LD? Zoning and losing buffs, sucked into Luclin if u stand in the spires innocently? COME ON SONY!!!! Fix your problems...before you lose more business.

    I am GONE and all 3 of my miserable accounts if I have to invest another dime in hardware...

    Not that you care Sony, but I am sure I am not alone. I spend way too much time with you anyway...hehehe

    My 2cp
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
    Last Straw and all like him are too funny.

    Its a GAME. If you don't want to, or can't afford to play it, then you won't.

    I mean, there will continue to be options for everyone at all price/resource levels. I for one don't have any hardware limitations and can play the current EQ with all setting enabled on all 3 of my accounts.

    I hope the system specs actually go up. I want cutting edge for Oct 2003 or whenever this releases. Not common system for Apr 2002. The P5 generation of CPUs should be available by then. GForce 5 or even 6s will be around. Heck, all my machines have at least a Gig of RAM now, 512 is minimal.

    A P3 700 with 512 MB is pretty low end. I hope they get the engine up a notch or two by the time it releases, or make it scalable to be able to take advantage of the better HW that will surely be available by its release.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
    The Lag! Think of the lag from the graphics! Those @#$!*& Luclin zones already cause me to keep my clip plane down to 1/4th the maximum, and i meet nearly all of the *recommended* requirements. If this has graphics even more complicated than luclin zones, how do they expect that all our computers will be able to handle it?
    RE: Graphics
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
    Maybe they are working on deals with all the major computer manufacturers so we all need to upgrade our systems :)
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
    I may be out of my mind, but it sounds like EQ2 is going to be something like "The Realm" with kickin' graphics... I left the above mention game for EQ for a reason...
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:46 PM Rating: Default
    Well I was really hopeing for a New game that allowed for buying land and all BUT not haveing to start all over again with me characters. I really like the characters I have now and really doen want to start all over again. I really hope that Verant looks at that a a possible way of driving away customers. If they keep it that way I know I wont but the new game Ill keep playing the old game.
    GEEZ why even call Everquest
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
    ----Dying becomes less onerous. Your corpse will remain for a time to provide for a rez, but you will spawn at your bind point with your equipment, minus an item or 2 depending on the circumstances. You will not, however lose experience. You will incur an experience "debt". You will continue to gain experience from the point you died, but a portion of what you gain will go into paying off the "debt".----

    Man if I wanted to play AC I can get AC 2 this year....

    A few of the things "mentioned" sound good and are a logical upgrade from current EQ, but geez why not just call it AC-DAOC since almost all of this has been done so far.. here are a few of the things I love about EQ that makes me play it over others

    Banks universal (gone in EQ2)
    Zone line safety (gone in EQ2)
    keep an item forever if you want (gone in EQ2)
    Twinking new characters (again, GONE)

    Personally if everything mentioned goes into the game I will just wait for Brad McQuads new game and see what he does...

    <grumble, grumble>

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