Patcher Woes

Let me express what many of you are feeling right now: Arrrrrrrrrgh! Let me in! Let me in! I want my Kitty! *breathe* OK. According to Sony, they are aware of the problems and are working on them, including bringing on more patching servers. Why they didn't think of this before, since this is almost identical to what happened at the original release is beyond me, but I'm sure they want you to play their game as much as you want to play it. Feel free to use this forum to try to help each other get into the game or to just console each other while you wait.


Post Comment
S3 Savage with XP
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:54 PM Rating: Default
There seems to be a duplicatable issue with S3 Savage Video cards with the XP operating system. The left side of the screen looks great but the right side has kind of an overlay effect. I've found one other person with the identical problem on a planeteverquest board. I put in a bug report to Sony. I did manage to get logged in this morning and what I did see looked really impressive. Seems like there should have been a better beta program before they went live with this one.
Direct x 8.1
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
Did anyone have trouble downloading direct x 8.1 from microsoft? I downloaded the install package and then ran the install and when it was finished installing it said the computer will now have to be restarted for the new settings etc. When my computer restarted, windows said: There was an error accesing the system registry restart windows for the registry to be repared, problem is, everytime I try to restart it doesnt repair the registry and now what?
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
This sucks I wish I could afford EQ lol (payng monthly bill, waiting 10 out of 24 hrs a day for patches, and upgrating to stuff I ain't even heard of yet lol). VERANT CAN SUCK IT! I hope people relize how much of a rip they giving you and how you actually stay on saying to yourself "it's worth it, it's worth it".
If only VERANT were fair to EQ community as in better sustomer service, being prepared for sh*t they know is gunna happen, and actually caring about people's needs and complaints. Hm complaints that sounds familiar.
3D not found
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:45 PM Rating: Default
I just dl'ed directx 8.1 and updated drivers for my GeForce 2 vid card, and I have 3D enabled on the dxdiag window, and I still get No 3D device found. Please some one help before I have to break something. Thanks

PIII,933mhz,512ram Geforce 2 64,

Thanks again
Try this...
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
There have been some reports of players getting slammed with the "NO 3D DEVICES FOUND" error. If you get this error, try the following steps to resolve it and then try to run the game again:

1. Go to your Start menu and down to Run. Type in "dxdiag".
2. Select the "Display" tab.
3. Enable 3D Acceleration.
4. Close dxdiag and try EverQuest again.

Have fun.
RE: Try this...
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:10 PM Rating: Default
This worked like a charm with my system. GeForce 2 64 MB PCI.

RE: Try this...
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:01 PM Rating: Default
I had already done this but I tried again and still no dice.

thanks anyway,
Any more tips or other fixes please
RE: Try this...
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
Did you do a complete file check in the Advanced window when you start up EQ? I had the same troubles, tried the file check, made sure I had everything for Kunark, Velious, and Luclin and then things seemed to work fine. Hope this helps some and good luck to you.
RE: Try this...
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:23 PM Rating: Default
OK I did that and everything checked ok, but still get the no 3D device. Any more tricks in your hat. please help.

hope to play one day
RE: Try this...
# Dec 05 2001 at 3:34 PM Rating: Default
re-install the latest drivers for your video and sound cards....

Hope that helps
Sony's Loss
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:41 PM Rating: Default
Well all I have to say is Verant smarten up plz. This is absolutly ridiculous. Time to look into spending my time and money on RPG's that work, the verant team just doesnt seem to be able to keep up. Check out DAoC all and the many other games out there that work and keep the customer in mind when planning upgrades...advice and note to self, BEWARE Verant Interactive (obviously a little slow compared to the rest(ie. the other on-line RPG's that WORK) Hell you never know what they are gonna F* up next.
It is time Sony made copies of posts like these (especially when there is 36 pages of them!) and take them to their game production studio and say; ok why is this happening and what do we do to make sure it doesn't happen again.
It is obvious that customer support should no longer should be a headache to them with all the money they have already made. With that in mind I guess it is safe to say these posts and having low a quality game production team really matters either.
RE: Sony's Loss
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:44 PM Rating: Default
What..... pray tell.... is BAoC???? Please do advise, as I am REALLY going through withdrawl!!!

RE: Sony's Loss
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:55 PM Rating: Default
NO JOKE! i would just like to ppoint out that SONY AND VERANT CAN SUCK IT! I hate not being able to play when I can go to a FREE spot and play for hrs on end without * ATTENTION * patche will take place right now and last for 6hrs but in reality it's gunna last double that plus my waiting time cus I don't spend 60$ on cable every month lol. WISE UP YOU EQ PLAYERS! it's called time is money and what do you think EQ is saying to eachother? we in the moneyyyyy we in the moneyyyy!
RE: Sony's Loss
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
Its DAoC = Dark Age of Camelot.

Allakhazam here has a couple of nice pages for it. Just got the top left of page where it says choose game.
What really chaps me!!!
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:40 PM Rating: Default
*standing up from the back of the room, waiving her finger in the air, one hand on her hip*

Is that there seems to be NO answers to ALL these questions! I mean gosh, couldn't SOME ONE release an official statement? Most everyone is having the same sort of problem, maybe just a little different in nature! Can't we just go back to BSoL??? (Before Shadows of Luclin)! I was TOTALLY happy and content with the game AS IT WAS! And for real, like I'm going to go right out now and buy more RAM, new chips or whatever and the expansion pack, when the techs can't even get back to me via email! RIGHT!!! Sure!!!! Watch out Sims, here I come again, this time, we'll be drowning SONY and VERANT in the pool!

*grumbles and storms out of room*
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:39 PM Rating: Default
I'm a low end user (64, Win95) so imagine how annoyed I am right now to discover that, while I had no intenetion of attempting Luclin, I can't even play the standard game anymore. Would have been nice to have had some warning, rather than finding out, you know, yesterday that I would be SOL.
RE: Win95
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
Unfortunalty they have had this upgrade posted for some time on most web sites and you where notified in your EQ log in about the system requirements of SoL (but of course you just skipped past it as it seems).
RE: Win95
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:34 PM Rating: Default
Hmmmmmm coincidence or not you tell me SOL = Shadows of Luclin, SOL = S**T OUTTA LUCK!
stupid graphics
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:35 PM Rating: Default
I have a sweet system with a 64meg ddr radeon vivo and the game runs but the graphics are horrible.. I start the game with the windows mouse centered in my screen also i have problems with the buttons being distored any one have some ideas on how to fix this..
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:25 PM Rating: Default
Hmmmm well ok so I got on to the game today at around 8am. I have a 56k internet conection and the patch took about 30min. Now that iI am in the game I seem to have some bugs I cant read the taxt in the text bar, all my windows are all over each other(not really sure how to explain what it looks like) I can see part of the everquest loading picture on the right side of my screen and such. Its been two days and I got 34 with my mage just before the servers went down and I really want my new sprlls lol. I hope they fix the bugs soon.
split screen graphics
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
I get a strange split screen grpahic that occurs from point of selecting a server an the picture of Fironia Vie comes on and last through trying to play on the server. Does anyone know how this could be fixed? (And don't say upgrade. It's a brand new laptop.)
RE: split screen graphics
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:30 PM Rating: Default
Bah yeah it really sucks I cant read the text also but at least im in the game till they fix it
RE: split screen graphics
# Dec 05 2001 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
oh good. Someone else has the same problem, it isn't just operator headspace error on my part. =)
19hour patch?
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
The patcher is working fine for me, but my problem is the amount of estimated time. It seems to be downloading .s3d files and this morning at 5:30am the est time of download was 19hours. I have to be doing something way wrong for this to be happening. Help plz
Logging on
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:21 PM Rating: Default
I've read most the posts here... but don't seem to have any that are like my situation. I downloaded the patch and everything after a night of trying.. then get to the *Chose Char* screen.. click on my char... click on the log in button... and get the old *You have been disconnected* notice!!! Anyone else having this problem?? I have DirectX 8... 192 megs of ram... an Athalon 750... ect..... ******* help??? *******
RE: Logging on
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
I had the same problem, using a nvidia vanta card with 16mb. Had downloaded dx8.1, and the new detonater driver. in the end i had to go to c-net and find an older driver for my card and installed that, after that i was able to log into the game without any other issues. This wasn't my only issue but the one closest to your situation, hope that its of some help
3D devices & drivers
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:16 PM Rating: Default
This lastest patch has seemed to cause EQ to ignore certain brands of 3D devices; had to change to newer device from ATI and scrap my old ATI Radeon, greatly irritating my wife in the process, hehehe.

From Spicer on Vallon
WOW Here we go again!
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:40 PM Rating: Default
So typical for Verant. Remember they are making money no matter if you play or not. This just proves there stupidity in programming. NEVER change a lot. It is better to release small controled amounts instead of what they did, opening up the flood gates!! Maybe next week we can play again.
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:40 PM Rating: Default
I find it quite interesting that as much as they anticipated how big this release was going to be that they weren't more prepared for massive amounts of people trying to patch at once. I just tried connecting to the patch and it wouldn't even connect, although i got in this morning. I wanted to see what was up by going to the website's Network Downtime link, and I found that I couldn't even connect to the website now. <<sigh>> It has been way too long since i've played EQ and i'm getting edgy!
Crusader of Luclin
Early morning success
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:39 PM Rating: Default
Last night: Couldn't even get the patcher to the point where it would display its graphic on the desktop. I tried the everquest.exe file on the support page and it still wouldn't get past the initial progress bar.

This morning I got up at 5 AM EST and everything worked like a charm. If you still have trouble tonite, try that tomorrow.

I have a high medium-end system... 1.2 Athlon, 512K, 64meg Geforce2 GTS... it runs ok on my computer with some initial choppiness when you first start up.
RE: Early morning success
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
I had simular experience, I got in as soon as servers came live with old versions had a few problems d/l the patchs. I played about 2 hours finnishing off my first two shawl quests and switched to an alt to check out the new skeleton ( can see them without Luclin) ok heres when the problems really begin---Installed Luclin(no problem) hit my icon and nothing. Downloaded the everquest.exe file from sony this gave me the patcher bar befor the graphic patcher screen, but just the bar. When bar got full twice and I hit cnt-alt-del i see two patcher programs-not reponding and an everquest-not responding. Turned off my Zone Alarm Firewall and after the 2 reboots later got the Patcher displayed program and started downloading all the new Luclin patches, first time thru got hung up on about 5 files, then 2, then 1 and 3 tries on the last one finnally I was in....after the installation took total of 5 hours.
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:37 PM Rating: Default
Well, what else is left to say?
I'm disappointed so far with what I've seen. I don't know if the improved graphics are worth all the anguish we all are feeling, though I remain hopefull that everything will turn out OK in the end.
Only one thing can ruin my reluctantly optimistic view, and that will be if Verant/Sony decide not to support intel integrated video, in which case I will either have to buy a new computer or quit EQ alltogether. Neither solution appeals to me.
Ok people
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:33 PM Rating: Default
You were told ahead of time what was needed to run the game. Most of these post are from people that just have not followed the instructions that were set forth.
I had issue with the patch but just rebooted many times and it completed in about 2 hours. I was on line and playing and having a blast. The only issue i saw was a bit of lag in the kitty citys.
I have an 800 mhz system with 640 megs of memory and windows xp. I also have 64 meg video card. I followed the instructions given and it works fine. We now just need wait while they take care of some of the lag issues.
Most of you need to upgrade your systems.
Do so now while part prices are down.
I paid 69 dollars for a 512 mem chip.
video card was 99 dollars.

Good luck to you all.
RE: Ok people
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:23 PM Rating: Default
Hehe, I sure am glad that there is at least one person who has no economic cencerns butto only spend his / her money on computer equipment to play a game. for me, my wife, and kids, I'll pay the house payment, college bills, all the extra-educational needs of my extremely intellegent children, and buy some food of course.
RE: Ok people
# Dec 05 2001 at 3:50 PM Rating: Default
Look you dont have to go spend money on particular cards to upgrade your PC, always try to update your drivers first, then if it doesnt work, get a few books (most any programming basics book will do) and learn how to do a little programming, then view all your EQ files (doesnt really matter what you pull them up in as long as all files with the same extention are pulled up with the same program (for comparison means), and stare at them (all of them) you would be amazed as to how easy it is to figure out what calls for what and once you think you understand what a particular file does, make a copy of it and trash the original, if you ***** up replace the original with the copy, you can completely change the grafix with minimal knowledge and soon you will stumble across getting messages like "it begins to rain" yet the rainy day is as clear as the sunny days, and since you love them red skys so much they will be red, your human doesnt like to see very well in the dark, so change the call for black pixels to = the same as the halfling (ultravision), the only thing sony sends us, when we are connected to them, is the /loc of PC's and NPC's (that includes MOB's), and the loot index for the NPC's (what NPC's will drop when you kill them) as well as a generic call to the equipement file to tell os how to view the PC's, the rest (basically) is on our puters, so make that human able to see at night, heck make night=day, sure sony doesnt want you to do this stuff, but they have no right to tell us what we can/cannot do with our computers. They can stipulate ways we can interact with their servers, but not how we interact with our clients (as long as out clients do not pose a threat to their servers) Remember all Norrath is, is just a really nice chat room, the rest of the program is on our clients, and even microsoft will tell you, there is nothing they can do if you decide to mod their operating system (but they sure wont support it), so as long as you make a copy before you go messing around with the files, you'll be fine
RE: Ok people
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:16 PM Rating: Default
Most people don't know how to upgrade their computer, they should not have to do a major over all to play a game they pay for. It is the responsibility or the supplier, not the consumer. If this company want to stay in business they will not, if all that is left are people like you.
Non-Peak hours
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
I live in an area that can be considered the stix. DSL is new and no cabel Modem access. My house can not support a DSL line and the fastest connection my phone lines can support is 28,8. Needles to say after NUMEROUS attempts to patch yesterday, I gave up. A friend of mine has a cable modem and when I called him, he said it was going to take just over an hour to download with a cabel modem. Well to make a long story short, I woke up around 4:30 in the morning and it took just over 40 min with a 28,8 connection. So if your whole problem was strictly trying to download, try at non-peak times.
Download Problems
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:24 PM Rating: Default
I am having problems downloading only one file... I got all the rest of the update files, and when it gets to 'sharvahl_sounds.eff' it freezes for about 30 minutes. Then it continued all the rest of the downloads. Once it was finished it keeps trying to dl the sharvahl file...I got as much help as I could from and I downloaded their updater fix, but it still doesn't work. I was told to change my temporary memory allocation file. Where do I get to this file or how do I change it?
Download Problems
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:24 PM Rating: Default
I am having problems downloading only one file... I got all the rest of the update files, and when it gets to 'sharvahl_sounds.eff' it freezes for about 30 minutes. Then it continued all the rest of the downloads. Once it was finished it keeps trying to dl the sharvahl file...I got as much help as I could from and I downloaded their updater fix, but it still doesn't work. I was told to change my temporary memory allocation file. Where do I get to this file or how do I change it?
Those who become non-customers
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
After all is said and done, I would like to see how many of the 300K-400K people become non-customers because of the DX8.1 requirement. How many folks with plain old Pentuims running Win95 are just going to say "***** it" and just cancel rather than buy hardware and upgrade? Or how many will let their account sit idle until they can get a new PC in 3-4 months?

I know that Verant wants to keep up with the industry (read: DAoC) and knows that current customers will not jump to an EQ2 if they can't take their characters with them, but how many customers are they losing with such a huge jump in system requirements?
Local file IO error.
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:20 PM Rating: Default
Im stuck on the patch download currently. The patch will get to the eqgame.exe? file - third or forth one to download and stops. I get an error in the text window that says this -- "Local file IO error. The file may be currently in use, the hard drive may be full, or improper access privilages to write to this file." First, this is my home computer from Hewlit Packard, Im the owner and payer of the thing, so I have full access privilages. Next, checked memory space and currently with what I have installed, my system is only 10% filled, I have 50GB of space available, so this cannot be the problem. As for the final error comment, everytime I got an error on trying to down load the patch, I did a restart computer which after an hour of doing it that way, switched to a full and cold boot up after shutting down computer for 15 sec., did this for 2 more hours. Yes, I do have Direstx 8.1 downloaded and installed. I checked Sony's web site, but nothing there said anything about getting stuck in the download area like im doing now.
RE: Local file IO error.
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
If you are still having problems after installing the game try these options.
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
I had some problems with the patcher last night not fully downloading a file, then moving on to the next one. I could some errors like "I/O" and "Internet connection lost" Along those lines anyway. This is how I was able to patch both PCs I use, one with Luclin installed, one without. Everytime I would get an "I/O" or really any other error, I would quit the patcher, hit CTRL+ATL+DEL and make sure "everquest" was not still loaded, then go into my EQ directory and delete any files with the extension ".gz" Then I reran the patch and would get a little farther each time. Hope this helps. Also, a little bug with the patcher, even if "autoplay" is checked, you still have to hit play to get in game.
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:36 PM Rating: Default
autoplay not auto playing is not a bug, if you get a patch it doesnt auto play, if there is no patch then it autoplays......this is to give you a chance to check for other patches (i.e. kunark, veliouse etc).........lets think, just cause it doesnt the way YOU think it should run, does not mean its a bug, all that means is that you dont understand the programmers. and ya probably never got /sit off either, keep typing /stand and complaining about it being bugged cause ya dont stand, the command used to be /sit off but no cause all you complaining about /stand not working now they went and changed it so that /stand = /sit off, and you will be thinking...hmmmmm they fixed the /stand bug, then infact they fixed the PEBKAC error (problem exists between keyboard and chair....erm being you)
ATI Vid Card
# Dec 05 2001 at 12:18 PM Rating: Default
If you have an ATI video card and have installed DX8.1 and upgraded your vid card drivers but are getting the No 3d device found you may need to drop back to a earlier driver. There was a link on eq page about ATI cards. I had a Rage Pro and was using driver ver 4.12 and the video as all screwed up, unplayable. I found the note on eq's page and dropped back to 4.11 and it fixed the problem. Was able to play fine from work. Now if I can just get it work at home with my voodoo3... yeah yeah I know upgrade.
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