Rumors Swirl on EQ2

In the recent EQ newsletter, Sony put in a puzzle that led to two websites: and (Congratulations to the gang at the safehouse for solving the riddle). Each site brings up an image and the Nektulos one mentions an announcement coming up in May. May is of course when E3 is held. This is the biggest gaming convention of the year, and game companies typically try to save their biggest announcements for the large group of press that comes to E3 each year. So what is Sony going to announce in May? It may be something like a single player game based upon Everquest, or the release of some new zones. However, do not be surprised if it is the launch of Everquest 2. I don't have any positive information on this and am really just speculating, but since they already announced the PS2 version of the game and the Planes of Power expansion, it seems logical that this is not related to either of them. Why make a teaser for something everyone already knows about? And they have never put this type of effort into announcing free content for the game. EQ2, however, would be a huge announcement. In addition, I have been told that the latest version of PC Gamer mentions EQ2 (I have not read it -- I'll try to track down a copy). Plus, Sony has had registered for quite a while. So the announcement Sony plans to make in May could well be that they are making EQ2. Or they could just be announcing another expansion or something related to the PS2 version of the game or even something completely unrelated to Everquest. We will be in Los Angeles for E3, so as soon as we find out more, we'll let you know. In the meantime, some of our visitors managed to piece together the murky pictures you see in the two sites.
  • Wailing Caves Full Image
  • Nektulos Full Image
  • Feel free to throw in your own thoughts about what this means. UPDATE (Again): Link already dead.


    Post Comment
    DAOC sucks, so will this
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:39 AM Rating: Default
    OMG only one thing i can say about this...DAOC good grief if we want to play that game well go play it although most EQ players agree that that game sucks....I agree with it being a bad idea for Sony to compete with themselves and i guarantee this would be a plot to 'win' back the few players they lost to DAOC, plus woo some of the DAOC players to EQ...i also agree with the statement that they are still working on fixing things in the original EQ, of which they have like 400,000 people subscribing to...they definately should focus more on fixing those problems before splitting their efforts into a totally new EQ of which noone even knows how it will go over...from reading these posts, thought I sense it will not go over well and any efforts on EQ to make this new game something everyone will want to play will be in vain....
    PLEASE dont try to remake DAOC, we love EQ how it is :oP

    Aambrosia Atrieus
    Paladin of the 54th season
    RE: DAOC sucks, so will this
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:52 AM Rating: Default
    What is DAOC?
    RE: DAOC sucks, so will this
    # Apr 24 2002 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
    DAOC = Dark Age Of Camelot
    Sounds like UO all over again.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:38 AM Rating: Excellent
    I have been in RPG since, well let me not say but its been decades. From what i read it is starting to sound like all the promises that the old game UO (Ultima Online) made and never delivered. Think about this for a sec and i am only going to predict what will happen on one topic mentioned in the article,
    *** "PC's will be able to buy plots of land and build a simple, upgradeable structure on it. Invite friends to locate nearby and reach a minimum level to become a community with a guard tower and NPC guards patrolling your community which now can support community stuctures eventually resulting in playhouses providing entertainment as in weddings, plays, tournaments and so forth."***
    If this is true then what will happen is people will use this plot of land, home, or Tower or even Castle to store their items instead of the bank for unlimited space and convineince causing lag in certain zones. How many plots of land are going to be available for building? And what will happen when all those plots are full and there are non around? Are we going to have ANOTHER Realestate price war on E-bay for these homes like in UO? I remeber those days far to clearly and if that is the case I AM NOT INTERESTED IN EQ2. I owned a Mages Tower really close to Skara Brae and had to worry about thieves and PK'er (which may not be a problem in this case) every freaking time i would open the door. Well there is my 2cp on that subject matter of Land. There are other factors mentioned that also emulate the things UO did but if have played the game you will see them as well and touch base on the other subjects for me. I wont add the other subject comparisons now because it will be to darn long to type it and dont have the time right now.

    Keuamen B'Hunter
    Realm of Xegony
    Guild of the Phantom Dragons
    RE: Sounds like UO all over again.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:10 PM Rating: Default
    Calm yourself, the announcement said nothing about storing yer crap in yer "structure". You're assuming that since UO did it EQ2 will too. No one really knows what features have been designed for the structures. They may just be 4 walls you can call yours. Maybe there's no benefit to it other than you can call it yours. You don't have enough information to flame Sony.
    The questions you have asked are not unique and of course you are not the first to think of them. I'm sure Sony and Verant have spent more time and money on meetings to discuss these same questions than you will make in a lifetime.

    The news about EQ2 is less than 24 hours old and already the immature brats are preparing a revolution. Sheesh, relax. ...and if you can't, go write your own game and make it as unlike UO as you want.
    RE: Sounds like UO all over again.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent

    Couldn't agree more. The over emphasis on trade skills and the abundance of PC houses -=Everywhere=- was one of the reasons I left UO as soon as I saw my roommate at the time Beta testing EQ. Though I assume (hope to Tunare:) they've worked out some of the annoyances in building anywhere, imagine running through the Karanas dodging houses, including those of a horde of wizards who want to live right next to all the spires. I shudder at what these scattered housing communities will do to the pathing of pets or monsters that get stuck in upgradable buildings. There are a couple of great home building type games out there. If I want to build a house, I'll load up The Sims. Likewise, if I really want to play a trade skill game, I'll go get one. The primary emphasis on EQ is and should remain adventuring. The refining of the class system looks somewhat promising, but why not go all out and try the D&D 3rd edition type rules (though different enough to avoid copyright infringement) of letting you pick what class you want levels gained to go into when you ding? Instead, EQ2 looks like they picked up many of the worst traits of UO and added them to EQ. At least if they cancel EQ with the creation of EQ2, there are now a lot more MMORPG options.

    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:37 AM Rating: Default
    Don t let this game become just a business.Legend servers and now EQ 2 well that stink a lot .They should keep focused on EQ 1 troubles instead of thinking making money.Personnaly i won t buy it and lot of my friends will do the same.Where is the fun spirit to play ?Sony wants more and more pp !!!!
    new eq
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:33 AM Rating: Default
    apart from anything else, the plot changes sounds crap, like the paladins moving out of freeport and the rogues out of freeport. and they wont take down eq-they'll say "oh no, we'll leave it up ofr those players who do not wish to upgrade" but they will never update it. why the hell are they ******* this game up? the bugs in the original arnt even fixed!
    RE: new eq
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:37 AM Rating: Default
    All and all, it just sounds like another piece of crap game that they just threw together. I refuse to buy it, since I think Everquest 1 is way better than this piece of crap Everquest 2.
    RE: new eq
    # Apr 24 2002 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
    EverQuest 2 has been in development for over 2 years already.
    RE: new eq
    # Apr 24 2002 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
    think about what your saying. "All and all, it just sounds like another piece of crap game that they just threw together." They have been working on this for a while (obviously a few screen shots about already), they not releasing it for 17 more months, LOL. they didn't just "throw this together" This game will rock, and if your a 'real' eq player you will move with all the rest of the addicts on this board (including me of course).

    There will never be a 'perfect' game. there will always be little things that we don't like about eq1/eq2/daoc/mmorpg01 but ya know i doubt that many will really stop playing just because a new not perfect game comes out, hehe.
    a lil pissed
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
    Personally, I will buy EQ2, and since it doesn't come out until 2003, that should be plenty of time to make sure my system is up to par for it...

    But... If EQ2 is as good as they think it is going to be (i.e. better than EQ1) which it probably will... I am already beginning to lose interest in playing EQ1... I mean, why keep playing the first one if I just have to start over in a year?

    This definitely will affect the amount of time I play EQ1 ...

    They should find some way to give benefits to people who have been playing EQ1 for years. Not necessarily a character transfer, but maybe advantages like starting with an uber item, or having an easy way to raise skill levels... ... even some sort of thing to personalize my character so that everyone knows that I'm an old timer would be nice.

    It is a bit irritating to me, but such is the way of things. And I love EQ ... it is just gonna be the transition that sucks. They aught to make sure that EQ2 is ultra flexible so that they don't have to release an EQ3, because I don't know if I would be able to put up with this a second time...

    Edited, Wed Apr 24 10:33:03 2002
    Verrant or Wizards of the Coast
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
    hey this reminds me of Magic the Gathering, by the time you get all the cards you need they end the expansion and make all the cards illegal. Stick with what you got Verant. Add the zones in the old world map, revamp the old world, heck destroy the old world, but dont make me start all over again. You force me to do this and I will have to stop playing this game and go get a Real Life... and I really dont want to do that hehe.

    And further more, what about the UBER GREAT GUYS like Muse, Allakhazam, and Illia, do you really think these people who have taken some much time and put so much effort into making great websites for us to use will stop there lives again to scratch everything they've worked so hard on and start all over again. Dont mess with the Jedi Masters son (i.e. Verant) you might just lose your iron grip on the market....

    Edited, Wed Apr 24 10:36:05 2002
    this sucks
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:23 AM Rating: Excellent
    if i wanted daoc id play daoc the game we know and love is everquest if they make these changes they can take my 13.00 dollars a month and stick it up their ***
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:22 AM Rating: Default
    verant proving again they have no clue. they cant even fix the problems in EQ, and they want to make an EQ2!


    a big harty FU verant. Im sure the lousy CS will flow to EQ2. what a fooking joke
    My 2cp
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
    I have been playing this game virtually since it came out. My first thought when they announced EQ2 was of Myth the game I played before it. Even after the second game came out more people played were still on the old servers for the first game. I think Verant has seriously underestimated the level of addiction that EQ has on its players. Not just that after a long time of playing you start to identify with your char, and it seems very difficult to simply stop paying your dues and let your char disapear. So for me to move on to the new game it would cost at least the cost of the game, and 26$ a month to keep both accounts. I like EQ Ive made a lot of friends on this game, and even though it really sucks sometimes I generally enjoy playing. I know Im not going to be moving on to a EQ2, and I know most of my friends wont either. I honestly think that Verant/Sony should look at the market their trying to sell this game to, and see if it is really ready to move on. Maybe in 2-3 years after PoP this will be a good idea, but right now I think the more cost effective and financially sound idea is perfecting this game and maintaining the customer base you have.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:21 AM Rating: Default
    Lool... Gee I only spent 2 damn years building a char and Verant is putting my character at stake by doing this.. What a bunch of jerks in my opinion...
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:11 AM Rating: Default
    Personally, I've loved the fact that EQ1 has remained intact for sooo long, just continually improving... I would much rather them just keep adding to EQ1 then creating a whole new EQ2. They are changing sooo many of the systems, and from the text given by Allakhazam, it appears more like DAoC. Which is HORRID compared to EQ. EQ is such a great freaking system, why are they fixing something that's not broken? Why are they making another game when the original is the best ever? Just continually evolve EQ1 and you'll always be competitive. But what this means is, EQ2 will come out, EQ1 will basically spiral downhill because they'll never upgrade it, and EQ2 will end up being pathetic like diablo2.
    Time invested...
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
    I love my character(s) on EQ. I would hope that this EQ2 would not ruin EQ1 for those of us that love the game. I have invested far too much time into my characters to see it all go to h*** in a handbasket. Verant can do whatever they want to with other games, just keep EQ1 alive and I know of at least one customer that will be satisfied.: )

    Allonna of the A team
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
    After recovering from the initial shock, I began to see things in a different perspective:

    1. After spending two years with the same few characters, it probably isn't going to hurt to let them go. It's just a game after all. I don't mourn for my defunct top-level Diablo characters, or my champion SSX skater....

    2. HALLELUJAH!!! I can start EQ2 at the very beginning with everyone else. No twinks! Everyone on equal footing! Everything is a challenge, and no one knows quite what's going on! That sounds awesome.

    3. It sounds like EQ2 has taken a decidedly consumerist turn. It makes sense for items to degrade over time, but only if they are used. My question is - can you be a warrior/caster/hybrid and practice a tradeskill? Or do you have to pick one at the expense of the other? I don't want only to tailor for a living in the game, but I do want the freedom to tailor, from apprenticeship to mastery.

    4. Why get rid of Kunark and Velious? Why not just redesign them and keep them in? How can one "explain away" two continents? Aren't they just going to "explain them back in" for an upgrade?

    5. It sounds stupidly dangerous to a) make dying less traumatic and b) basically randomize NPC guard locations (through community creation) and let MOBS chase across zones. What WOULD prevent an butt-head from leading a dozen level 40 monsters into a low level zone? Nothing! Even if my bind point is five minutes away, it would still be aggravating. I don't want to lose one of my few low-level items and be "experience indebted" because of someone else's malicious amusement.

    Here's hoping they are learning from the mistakes of previous games, and not merely trying to copy bits from each.

    Call me crazy, but I've always been a big fan of the change from rags to riches; always believed you don't deserve/can't appreciate the top if you've never been on the bottom.

    If they immediately pull EQ1 out from under everyone, I might boycott EQ2 on principle's sake. Let the fans of god killing, powerful guilds, and uber-twinking stay where they are. The least Sony could do is gradually phase it out, perhaps one server at a time when the population drops too much.
    My 2 cp
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
    The four main objections i have are:
    1) I have spent a year playing my main character (52 Shammy), I like playing her so much the highest alt chais only a level 16 rouge who was my frist character.
    2) Single banks? So I have to carry all my pp when I go shopping? So I open a new account every place i go to hunt? If VI wants to keep the econmy down why steal our stuff if we are transporting it just don't give it to us in the beginning.
    3) Why keep an item or two on the body? Just leave all the money on it. That way you don't have to fight your way back to it without some piece of equipment you need.
    4) Why take away the safty of zoning? If a MOB chases you across the KC zone to DL, kills you, and heads back to its spawn point, what does it do kill all the lower levels in its way? Dumb. there is no one to yell train. The zones are suspose to be a certain level, why bring a level 45 Mob into a level 40 zone?

    I can see no reason to get this expansion, if VI quits supporting EQ then i quit supporting them.

    Edited, Wed Apr 24 09:57:20 2002
    Ruins of Befallen
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
    I found this hidden on one of the pages on the EQ website. This is pretty cool.
    Where is this info from
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:59 AM Rating: Good
    I for one would really like to know where this information was taken from since this, if it is real, is supposed to be under wraps. It is very possible that this is true, but I don't see it as economically feasible for Sony to compete against itself. It has spent a lot of R&D money in developing Legends and Planes of Power, not to mention putting up new servers, and their new PS2 version of EQ. The EQ subscriber base has grown to nearly 1/2 million, and there is a limited market for hardcore gamers willing to pay a monthly subscription to play.

    If there is an EQ2 it doesn't make sense to make it a completely new set of servers and completely new set of subscribers until the EQ product has started to wain in popularity. Also, much of what I see seems to describe other games like DAoC except for the absurd system requirements.

    Frankly, I'm not going to worry about this till Sony makes an official announcement.
    Yay =-[
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:54 AM Rating: Default
    Wow... I don't know about the rest of you but I really don't like the idea of starting over... I have a feeling all those that are for EQ2 and the whole resetting of the game probably haven't put many hours into EQ1... In the end EQ is about as good as it gets... I don't know about the rest of you but once you pass that Lvl 50 mark your pretty much set... but then again then it really gets boring... Kill blue, get 1/2 a pixel exp... kill blue get 1/2 pixel exp etc etc.. If anything fix that! Kill white get 1/2 pixel exp MY *** wtf is up with that.. the whole exp past 50 is the only thing that bothers me at ALL -- Well that and the lack of intrest to see zones i've not been in before... what's that saying? out of sight out of mind? hmm i think even though i've probably have 300+ levels involved with my chars on my account, i've probably only visited 10% of the zones... why? because i find no need.. thus the game gets boring... hey make each zone special.. with special things worthwhile to visit/kill --- don't kill the game, i've already canceled 2 other accounts that my cousins play off/on on WHY? because i guess Verant/Sony doesn't check to see that Electronic Equipment and such kinda decline over time and not up (higher rates) don't give us BS explainations just tell us the truth, like "Hey we screwed up and not many bought luclin, oh and uh yah we had to raise the price because no one joined the Legends Server, ooooh yah and I guess we kinda needed to make up the money lost due to all the EQ players that had windows95 not playing anymore too" Come on, we're addicts... not stupid

    *** Shout outs to all old Warcraft2 playas! watch out for warcraft3!!! Realm of Shadows 4 life!!! ***
    RE: Yay =-[
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:33 AM Rating: Default
    Wow that is hilarious! I agree with you.
    You pretty much described how everyone feels.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:54 AM Rating: Default
    I think it but a greedy attempt to once again ***** us out of time and money. Even with no hell levels a person would spend at LEAST a month of steady playing to reach a level that truly allows them to begain to explore norrath. Why bother getting screwed into EQ2 when DAoC gives you ALL expansions for free and is CHEAPER!! I love playin EQ but if this is true I (along with many others) will just stop playing and probably financially benefit from the extra income and money saved from no longer feeding your greedy pockets. So I really hope this is a hoax.
    a concerned customer :(
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:48 AM Rating: Default
    ah the heck with that crap if i want houses and all that etc etc etc i'll do what i'm doing waiting for SWG to come out i like EQ how it is (allthough they need to fix things) they always report haveing the highest amount of players of any online game 420,000? i believe so FIX WHAT YA GOT. and apparently POP will take us to 70 sheesh who wants to start from scratch Not me.

    MY 2CP
    Nice, but is there downtime?
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:47 AM Rating: Default
    Interesting features, but all I am interested in is DOWNTIME! Is there any? Every game that came out since EQ (AC, AO and DAOC) have had their own nice way of cutting severely on downtime (up to zero downtime) yet EQ requires you to sit on your butt still. I understand that they could not introduce mana potions (as in Anarchy Online with the nano-packs)in old EQ, ******** over the old memberbase that "worked" for their levels(i.e. sweated out the downtime), but surely in this new one? Current knowledge about re-spawning monsters surely must make this mmorpg-feature obsolete by now?

    Simple: if there's downtime, I won't buy it. Too many alternatives are coming our way (and are here already).

    Downtime= a derelict mmorpg-feature.


    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:47 AM Rating: Default
    Ok well this game sounds alright to me. One thing thought WHY in the hello is Verant copying from other games. You got some of Asherons call mixed in with DAOC and reg EQ id really like them to come up with there own stuff my goodness Asherons call was the first to have the xp loss were effects you and your exp bar. Diablo is the game were you can get breakable items and so forth. Nice they did away with twinking yea right good job verant now a lvl 50 can't be nice and help out a lvl 10 smart thinking :) ok then you got ALOT of DAOC in this game the lvling,chooseing of class hahah Verant if want any of theses abilitys ill go play those games :) i UNDERSTAND that you guys couldnt program your way out of a paper sack but come on NINTENDO can programm better than you all jesus. Take this in note I do like eq i will stay with eq good job on makein people have to pay more. I guess you have to fund EQ2 somehow right :) but you will not get anymore money from me with your copying of games i hence forth name you EVERCOPY grats on new name EQ. So its like this i stay on eq and twink the living crap out of people cus im nice like that. And another thing HOW much a month is this gonna be if its 12.95 i think you should lower eq OH wait or is this the plot to get people to come to EQ2. I mean come on you guys first lied about how many PEOPLE actually played the game 400.000 cough come think smaller im suprized you didnt say 600.000 i would of believe you yea if i was drunk. You guys have awful customer service i get better service from a 5$ $%#@^. So with all theses bad points i throw out. YOU azzclowns always amaze me with something. And that my friends is why you work for sony and not microsoft :)

    Teaon lvl 35
    warrior half
    roaming the roads less traveled

    cakulz lvl 54
    necro iksar
    killing in the name of

    IF anybody as felt offended by my remarks towards EQ. GOOD :).

    You look to the left you look to the right.... yes you are alone getta life.
    Sequels and expansions
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:42 AM Rating: Good
    285 posts
    Come on people. First of all, according to what I've heard of the article, the game is well over a year away still (and that'll probably be pushed back at least 6 months) and only scant details have been released about it. Many of you are complaining that they should fix EQ before working on this, well, as I understand it, there are many different teams working on it, one (or more) are still working to "fix" EQ. As for losing all your old characters when EQ2 comes out, if you don't want that to happen, no one is making you buy EQ2 and quit playing EQ. How many people griped about Final Fantasy X coming out because they didn't want to have to start all over? One... maybe two.

    The pure incompetence of many people just baffles me. Of course everyone loves to gripe and moan that "I pay 10-15$ per month so they should take care of me." Well, they do take care of you. Most of the monthly fee goes towards server maintenance. Yes, they make enough to pay customer service. Yes, sometimes the GMs cop attitudes and don't help when they should. All in all though, you're paying $13 a month for an everchanging game. I rarely find a static game that will last me more than a month (notable exception the XXXCraft games by Blizzard and the Ogre Battle series by Quest) so spending $13 a month vs. $50 for a new game sounds like a deal to me. This has been brought up many times in the past, just re-emphasizing.

    Another thing I notice is many people are actually complaining that they're using ideas that other games have used... THAT WORKED. This, above all boggles me. If five other companies have done something similar, and it turned out to be great, then Sony would disappoint us all tremendously if they didn't follow suit. Of course, some people just like to complain. I'm sorry, I hate rants like these, I'm just tired of seeing people complain... so of course I complain too.

    RE: Sequels and expansions
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:48 AM Rating: Default
    Do you work for EQ? You pay $13 a month for a bunch of crap. All the GM's are now on the legends server and the ones that are not are never on and if they are they dont even help you most of the time! Oh and the thing about copying stuff from other games is stupid! People dont want to play EQ and have it remind them about other games. You can get to lvl 100 without hell lvls but it will still take just as long to get to 70 on EQ1.

    Are you dumb Rozzl?
    RE: Sequels and expansions
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:46 AM Rating: Default
    Do you work for EQ? You pay $13 a month for a bunch of crap. All the GM's are now on the legends server and the ones that are not are never on and if they are they dont even help you most of the time! Oh and the thing about copying stuff from other games is stupid! People dont want to play EQ and have it remind them about other games. You can get to lvl 100 without hell lvls but it will still take just as long to get to 70 on EQ1.

    Are you gay?
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:36 AM Rating: Default
    Verant, you've done it again. Congratulations.

    First, you managed to create an excellent game, with hugely vast worlds, a very interesting storyline, and a thousands of decisions for each PC to make every time they log in.

    Then you made it wildly popular. So popular, in fact, that you had to make an expansion. Kunark was raved about by all those who bought it. And you got even more subscribers.

    So then you thought, hell, let's make another expansion! So Velious was born and it was yet another great achievment. The amount of subscribers soared again...

    Then you sat back and you looked down upon Norrath, then you looked over to your huge piles of money, and you wanted more, so you made an underachieving Luclin expansion which is rarely used by anyone under lvl 30 or so. But everyone bought it, subcribers soared, and you had more and more piles of money.

    Then you proceeded to change the game around so much that the value of a high level character was significantly decreased. Every brother and his mother had a lvl 60 soandso, and 8 out of 10 characters were twinks. It now only takes about an hour to get to lvl 10, and you removed hell levels, much to the chagrin of all thosewho had already gone through them. And more and more bugs arose...

    Now, with many of your players screaming for change in what you currently have, you decide to abandon Norrath 1 and go to Norrath 2, forcing everyone in the game who spent MONTHS of their lives getting to the top (which you incidentally made a lot easier to do) to start over at ground zero, and PAY for it? A third of your subscribers will just get up and leave you, a third will stay with EQ1 until there's about forty people on the server and the three lvl 60 people on can't raid anything, and a third are so addicted that they'll go to EQ2 and start over and get to lvl 100 and then you'll make more expansions and eventually you'll make EQ3 and the cycle will start over again.

    Congratulations, Verant. You've managed to find a steady way of ******** over your loyal subscribers. All hail! /em does **** salute.
    Everquest 2 ???
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
    17 posts
    I am sorry to say but needing a better pc to run the new game is yet another example of LAZY Coding. It used to be you could get fantastic graphics and effects for pc game by tight coding rather than use as much memory as you like coding. I really do wish they would start coding things neatly again rather than just demanding you buy more memory.
    RE: Everquest 2 ???
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:44 AM Rating: Default
    Thank you Suzanne, that needed to be said
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:32 AM Rating: Default
    Why dont you crybabys just quit now and get out of us eq'ers hair for once and for all perhaps with all the pharming twinkers gone the people that really live this world can get some of our quests / gear collecting done.
    I personally dont see changing to eq2 I've yet to make in west of sirens grotto and a couple high level zones in kunark I have keys for but havent been. EQ is a world to live in not a battleground for RLifers get outta our world and play a shooter or something for godz sakes.

    High Shaman (luminary)
    ain't gonna let ya flame personal so **** off hehe
    RE: crybabys
    # Apr 24 2002 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
    I hope to god you are being sarcastic. If not I would seriously see about getting some help.
    If you really "live" in Norrath then I feel sorry for you. I personally only get to play about 1-2 hours a day and thats plenty. Yes it is a place to go for fun, but to live? I don't think so. How do you pay the subscription money? BTW, the players on everquest are what makes it great. People helping people. Thats what it's all about. The game has its faults, like it could use some more roleplaying, not just for levels 5- and 50+ but for the most part everone is friendly and alway ready to help. It gives the game a real sense of community.
    RE: crybabys
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:03 AM Rating: Default
    Thanks for reminding us that there are losers like you in EQ, I would have forgot if I didn't see the social misfits like you posting their ignorance and arogance. Go back to mommy's basement you social reject.
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