POP god answers

For those who were wondering, the breakdown of who is who goes like this. God #1 Terris-Thule Terris-Thule is known as the Dream Scorcher or the Nightmare, for her effect on the sleep of dreamers. She rules the Demi-plane of Nightmares and delights in torturing the innocent as they rest. She is tall, well over six feet in height and skeletally thin. Her skin is pale with hints of gray. Long, black fingernails extend from her bony hands, to match her slinky gown. Her face is smooth - no features mar its sleek surface other than two empty black eye sockets. Long black hair flows back from two massive brass horns at her temples. God #2 - Mithaniel Marr Mithaniel Marr, the Truthbringer, governs the Plane of Valor. Mithaniel is the ultimate paladin who wears a full suit of shining silver plate armor and wields a glowing longsword. Mithaniel Marr, who owes his existence to Tarew Marr, leader of the Triumvirate of Water, is allied with Erollisi Marr and Karana. He counts Innoruuk, Cazic-Thule, and Bertoxxulous among his enemies. He has a friendly rivalry with Solusek Ro. God #3 - Karana Karana is allied with Tunare and Mithaniel Marr. Bertoxxulous is his enemy. Followers of Karana, the Rainkeeper, believe in the absolute power of storms. They worship the life-giving power of the rain and respect the destructive force of a sandstorm or hurricane. Typical followers of Karana are rural humanoids - farmers, ranchers, hunters, and the like. They will often offer strangers shelter from the elements. Many of Karana's followers live a nomadic lifestyle, travelling where the winds take them. They are humble, generous people who value strength and honesty and brook no disrespect of Karana or of his work for they know it is only through his wisdom and kindness that all of Norrath is not consumed in an eternal tempest. And here's a couple more screenshots for you:
  • Karana
  • Mithaniel Marr
  • Terris Thule
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    yes karana is a guy
    # Oct 19 2002 at 11:39 AM Rating: Default
    i also thought at first karana was a girl i mean does karana sound like a girls' name to you
    Full Information on Deities
    # Oct 19 2002 at 9:26 AM Rating: Default
    For full Deity information check out http://eqlive.station.sony.com/library/deities.jsp it has great descriptions and a nifty picture(not a screen shot) of each deity. For instance

    Solusek Ro ยท The Burning Prince
    The Plane of Sun is ruled by Solusek Ro, the Burning Prince. His father, Fennin Ro is the Tyrant of Fire who rules the greater elemental Plane of Fire, from which the Plane of Sun derives its power. Solusek wears a suit of golden ringmail and a crown of flame and wields a spear of fire. He is allied with no one, enemies with no one. He has a friendly rivalry with Mithaniel Marr.

    Delif Pastycaster
    40th Wizard "Gods Among Peasants" in service of Solusek Ro on Povar
    as a player on Veeshan
    # Oct 19 2002 at 5:17 AM Rating: Default
    Prodigal Son
    20,643 posts
    ...I wonder how long it takes Furor to get Mithaniel's sword. He'll probably pitch a fit when he finds out it's PAL/NONE equippable.
    publiusvarus wrote:
    we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
    good chance hes not a druid
    # Oct 19 2002 at 2:58 AM Rating: Default
    Karana can be worshiped by more then just druids and Rangers. Wizards, Mages and Chanters can all worship him as can Rouges, Pallys, Warriors and Bards. You only need to be the right race. Its a good chance that hes a wizard.
    RE: good chance hes not a druid
    # Oct 19 2002 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
    Only druids have the ability to turn the rain on/off. I'd like to see a wizard able to do that!
    #Anonymous, Posted: Oct 18 2002 at 10:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) *in the voice of the greatest performer ever*
    # Oct 18 2002 at 9:38 PM Rating: Default
    Domino's anyone?
    RE: Karana
    # Oct 21 2002 at 9:53 AM Rating: Default
    OOH! I bet Karana's stick procs that rain on/off spell! And i bet its a monk item!

    Ytren Warpspeed
    # Oct 18 2002 at 8:41 PM Rating: Default
    WTf. Karanas a Guy =(
    #Anonymous, Posted: Oct 18 2002 at 7:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Thats not Mith Marr, thats Macho Man Randy Savage. OH YEAH!
    # Oct 19 2002 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
    It's so wonderful that you can be unimaginative and paste down other peoples commentary like that. I bet it was a lot of work for you to come up with an idea that blatently stupid.
    I bet..
    # Oct 18 2002 at 7:41 PM Rating: Default
    Well.. many Druid's do worship Karana.. more Tunare though. Many don't think Karana would be a Druid but.. what else would he be? I mean.. Druid would technically be the best one to reperesent him.. him being God of Storms.. Storms being nature.. nature being Druid (Or possibly Ranger.. but.. c'mon)
    RE: I bet..
    # Oct 18 2002 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
    63 posts
    Hmmm... I'd agree; it's likely a druid. But there is a possibility of him as a wizard, when you think of the lightning of storms, and the many lightning spells of the wizards. Still, it doesn't quite fit with his humility...

    Mebbe a hybrid? NPCs aren't always restricted by class, least of all gods.
    Tall short guy
    # Oct 18 2002 at 7:38 PM Rating: Default
    I think that Mithaniel Marr looks pretty sweet. I would be suitably frightened to go up against him.
    Karana is a Druid!!!
    # Oct 18 2002 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
    Wow! Karana is a druid? If not he sure looks the part. Didn't know that as most druids on my server are Wood Elfs and have Tunare as their Deity. You would think that having Karana be an actual druid, more people would choose him as their druid deith rather than Tunare. Who knows.

    RE: Karana is a Druid!!!
    # Oct 21 2002 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
    312 posts
    Karana isn't a druid, he's the god of weather. He is most likely a cross of a Wizard and Druid, because those classes seem to use weather related magics the most.
    short tall guy
    # Oct 18 2002 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
    Mithaniel Marr looks like a very tall Dwarf. I think he should lose the beard. Other than that these are great.
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