Lost Dungeons of Norrath is Official

Gamespy has an interview with Shawn Lord regarding the next EQ expansion, Lost Dungeons of Norrath. To sum it up, the expansion will consist of randomly spawning dungeons created for a party of 5 or 6 adventurers. The level and contents of the dungeon will automatically adjust to the makeup of the party. Mobs will not respawn when killed, and they expect it to take the party between an hour and a half to two hours to complete the dungeon. For more detail, check out gamespy's four page article at this link. -------- Update. When I first read the interview at Gamespy, it had an official announcement with it, which has since been removed. Fortunately, it was posted by some alert reader on the Fires of Heaven Forums, so I'll post it below for you: SONY ONLINE ENTERTAINMENT UNVEILS LOST DUNGEONS OF NORRATH(tm) EXPANSION FOR EVERQUEST(r) -More Than 40 Customized Dungeons Added To the Massive Online World- SAN DIEGO, CA - June 16, 2003 - Sony Online Entertainment Inc. (SOE), a worldwide leader in massively multiplayer online gaming, today announced Lost Dungeons of Norrath(tm), a new expansion for the incredibly popular PC Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG), EverQuest(r). This full-sized expansion will focus on the exploration of more than forty dynamic dungeons, with the main emphasis being placed on single group content. New technology and design ideas have been implemented that will allow players to work their way through dungeons within the context of truly personalized encounters. Lost Dungeons of Norrath will be available fall '03 in limited quantities at retail and as a secure digital download from SOE. The discovery of once forgotten dungeons, artifacts, and power has set Norrath's competing factions in motion. To control these new areas, the various factions will employ mercenaries, adventurers, and their companions, sometimes even pitting them against one another. Hundreds of new quests will lead players across the face of Norrath in a new age of exploration and conquest. Legendary dungeons filled with undiscovered horrors, items, and fame are waiting to be found. Players of all levels will discover detailed environments that cater to the wide range of play styles. About Lost Dungeons of Norrath Just when you thought you'd covered it all -- five massive continents, the moon, and the homes of the gods themselves -- a new series of adventures leads you into some of Norrath's greatest sources of speculation and mystery. The story that began in Broken Skull Rock now yields new clues about an event threatening to change the face of Norrath. Assist a band of adventurers on their quest to unearth long-hidden artifacts of power from forgotten dungeons, secret catacombs, and long-buried ruins. A mystery is unfolding and a new age of exploration and adventure has begun! Explore more than 40 diverse dungeons set in 5 new environments. New Dynamic action System (DAS) emphasizes personalized group encounters without interruption from other players. Enjoy the excitement of "dungeon crawls" that are tailored and customized for your group's attributes & levels. New environments, objects, and interactive items await the hardy adventurer. Reap the benefits of the new Adventure Rewards Technology. Encounter dozens of new challenging monsters and NPCs. Collect explosive new spells, new trade skills, fearsome weapons, and other incredible loot! The new expansion will be downloadable via the EverQuest launch pad for $24.99. Additionally, retailers will be offering a boxed version that will carry a suggested retail price of $29.99.


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Not Impressed
# Jun 13 2003 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
What ever happened to the "Quest" part of "Everquest"? All this game seems to be anymore is a bunch of lvl 65s running around getting the best gear for their twinks, and to hell with anyone else trying to advance without their divine intervention.

What happened to quests that made the game worth playing? There aren't any good quests anymore! All of the fun ones have been replaced by cheaper and much more powerful alternatives (thanks, Bazaar). And the ones that are still worth it aren't by the time the questor is high enough to complete it!

I'm close to quitting this game outright. The environment doesn't foster cooperation and teamwork, it fosters greed and selfishness. I can only hope that EQ2 is better...
RE: Not Impressed
# Jun 16 2003 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
Arent they adressing your very problem with this expansion? A dungeon where only you and your party are. No help. No Map. No idea whats around the corner except that it should be able to kick you into the ground unless you're careful. Quite possibly traps (which are not so well know that anyone triggering them is considered dumb). And all of it being able to be done in 45-90 minutes, so no endless boring camping.
On top of all that, once its empty you can get a new key, do it again and it will all be different. I'd say that sounds like fun

Besides, didnt I read somewhere that they will also be tying new quests to these dungeons?

Lukraak Sisser, Necromancer of Xegony
RE: Not Impressed
# Jun 14 2003 at 11:33 AM Rating: Default
Actually, i agree with you. EQ is really starting to **** me off, and the whole concept of questing for items has been destroyed since the bazaar arrived.

agiven, there are still a few items you quest for, but those are the ultra powerful ones that take awhile.
RE: Not Impressed
# Jun 13 2003 at 4:51 PM Rating: Excellent
104 posts
As it happens, I disagree rather strongly with this assertion. Now, I will preface that I *am* a level 65 character, but that, of course, wasn't always the case. I have benefitted from a large number of quests in this game .. in fact, I would argue that I would not be where I am today without them. To name just a few of the quests in this game that ARE worthwhile (and include quests for a variety of levels - but none of which require access to high-Tier PoP or zones like VP, ST, or VT):

Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl
Ring of Dain Frostreaver IV
Circlet of the Falinkan
Fleshweaver's Mark
Signet of Grisk
Spirit Wracked Cord
Skyiron Cudgel of the Ancients
Whistling Fists
Eyepatch of Plunder
Sanctum Guardian's Earring
Qeynos Badge of Nobility

...not to mention the various epic quests and quested sets of newbie armor...and countless more. Becuase I'm a shaman, my knowledge of quests is biased mostly towards those that I could use, but there are as many for the other classes as there are for me.

In fact, I would say that now is a better time to do questing than ever before. The old quests (like the Temple of Sol Ro armor) really were poor rewards for their time and risk. They don't hold a candle to items like Spirit Wracked Cords or the Signet of Grisk.
# Jun 13 2003 at 2:10 PM Rating: Default
I think this is rather awesome! I can finally go in more dungeons than Sol A and Sol B!! Probally not quite as good as Vex Thal though :(
RE: Expansion
# Jun 16 2003 at 12:23 PM Rating: Default
i have stoped playing EQ for about four months,toooo many deaths on night and run over to Earth and Beyond played for one months got bored.
After that i went to Anarchy Online,to tell the truth is a good game i like it,but still is not EQ ).
I have firts hand exp in Dungeons oh AO with a lv 40 Engenier ..some people are concerned about their bodies after death,the way it works in AO is like this:
after you die you are spawned outside of the dungeon ,the dungeon will available for a definite time, it could be 2 hours ,10,hours or days ..you will know how long you have after the quest is available to be complete ,you can quit at any time,and you can start over if you want too finish it,may not be exactly the same, but you will find out that it may be a ..BIT..repetitive,monsters will vary mostily on how hard they hit and not in the way they look.I do have a lot of confidence in Sony's Team and probably will be a better game.
And the dungeons are not that large.
There was an item you could buy and replicate the key to enter the dungeon and bring more peopl into your dungeon to help you finish it.
# Jun 13 2003 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
I have seen this system before in an old game called "The Realm" by seirra it started the dugeon for a group thing and I hope verant has seen the problems they had before like long **** lines waiting to get into a dungeon, On another note my idea to SoE would make it that all the new items can drop from all the dungeons I.E. a 5 bang wraith(The realm sword) can drop in all the new dungeons I think this would stop 100 folks lfg in 1 zone trying to get in to a dungeon that drops the sweet gear just a thought from someone thats seen this in the past

Dreadlord of dominion
Xev server

of "The Relm"
RE: hmmmm
# Jun 13 2003 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
OMFG - a FIVES Wraith? I haven't heard that term in forever!
RE: hmmmm
# Jun 15 2003 at 8:15 PM Rating: Default
The lines for the dungeons in Realm are something I do not miss, I wonder how EQ is gonna pull it off? Server crashes weren't at all uncommon whenever any new dungeon in Realm was introduced.

Nadenya Fyrestorm
# Jun 13 2003 at 1:33 PM Rating: Default
Can someone please explain this more clearly to me. I don't get what Sony means by personalizing the monsters for your group?
RE: Understand?
# Jun 15 2003 at 3:36 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
This is just a theory, however, I know for a fact NPCs can read your level, class, probably even race. I would assume that, if they can read one person's, they can as well, read that person's entire group.
My theory: The new dungeons will have a NPC to hail before entering, who will read your class / race / level / (AA?) and give you a character flag accordingly. The NPC will flag all characters in your group as well. When you and your group enter the dungeon, the flags you all have on you will determine the relative power / level / types of monsters inside the zone. I assume there would be a level of randomness to this as well, so that you are not forced to fight all the same things, in all the same places, all the time, should you return with the same group of people; this would be only a basic outline of the dungeon.
Anyway, the Pocket Dimension theory works alongside my assumptions, because the second group entering the dungeon would have an entirely different set of flags, thus would not see any of the mobs the first group would be fighting. In fact, the flags could make things so that all other mobs / groups could neither be seen nor felt while in the dungeon. It may even be possible to disable /shout and /ooc, though I doubt they would go that far.
Just my two cents on the matter, I think this expansion could revolutionize our EQ experiences, and bring a whole new level of excitement to the game.

-Demitri Alexander
RE: Understand?
# Jun 15 2003 at 11:01 PM Rating: Excellent
As a Halfling Ranger, I know for a fact that at least one NPC can read racial identities as well. In North Ro, the merchant outside the buildings near the East Freeport zone line refused to speak to me. So I walked behind and conned her, she was dubious, switched to Sneak, and she became indifferent and allowed me to sell.
see: Anarchy Online
# Jun 13 2003 at 1:32 PM Rating: Default
Anarchy Online's been doing this the whole time....you get a *mission* (quest) from a mission booth, along with a *key* to one of many dungeons spread across the world...you get to the dungeon.....etc, etc, etc...
# Jun 13 2003 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
I was afraid when I read about this game. I was afraid all of the dungeons would be set for 50+ players. It's cool that I don't need to find a new hunting spot every 10 levels or so. I just left HK so I'm in kind of a rut looking for a new place so I can hit 39. This will make it alot easier for my guild to team up too.
Who Needs It!
# Jun 13 2003 at 1:04 PM Rating: Default
I'll stick with roaming the open lands, with the aid of none save Karana and the trusty old bow whose arrows fly at His direction. There's plenty of trouble to be had keeping my blood pumping under an open sky, without burying myself in some tenuous hole in the ground, exposed to the whims of a band of money-hungry scoundrels
RE: Who Needs It!
# Jun 13 2003 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
On the other hand this could be a great thing. If everyone goes looking for "the next great thing" and are all crawling around in dungeons, I can finally have a chance at some of the quests I couldn't do before because of all the campers and farmers.
grping with higher lvls
# Jun 13 2003 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
3,128 posts
My main is a rogue, and I don't really the idea of auto adjustment. I have a hard enough time getting groups that fit my main, because people just don't get that a rogue needs to group with a tank a few levels above him because rogues severely outdamage tanks their own level. I usually try to get in a group of low 50's for my current lvl at this posting time of 48. In lost dungeons there is no way a grp of low 50's will let a 48 rogue join, becuase the "automatic adjust"ment to the party makeup would lessen the value of the loot and potential items. Same would be true for clerics who are often invited to grp with higher lvls if no equal lvl cleric can be found, ( which usually they can't b/c the equal lvl is grping with higher lvls). I think that instead of automatic adjustment, the party leader should be able to chose the level of the dungeon.
Of course if by auto adjustment they also mean that only items that will drop will be those that this particular party members can use, that idea I like.

Edited, Fri Jun 13 13:23:19 2003
RE: grping with higher lvls
# Jun 13 2003 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
Since my main's an Enchanter, I can sympathize with the problem of keeping the monster aggro off of yourself and onto the tanks. However, there are some things you could do as a Rogue to lessen your aggro buildup when you don't have your "ideal" tank of a few levels above your own. I know you may already be using some or all of these tips, but there's others who might NOT be that will read this and learn-- and who knows, I might find one that you HAVE missed, so here goes nothing.....

The first thing is the basic technique in the upper levels for all groups and raids (and this goes for ANY class)- allow the Main Tank (MT) enough time attacking solo to build up a "buffer" of aggro before beginning your own assault. While this doesn't play as big a role in the first 45 levels or so, by the time you're reaching 50 it can make a BIG difference.

The next thing I'd suggest (Rogues only, here) is using the Evade ability during fights, especialy just after or just before delivering a Backstab. For those who aren't familiar with Evade, it allows a Rogue a chance to reduce their aggro during a fight. To Evade, one simply moves back from meelee range and attempts to Hide (the better your Hide skill, the better the odds of a successful Evade). The Evade itself will reduce your position on the MOB's aggro list, and the few seconds spent out of meelee allows the MT time to increase his aggro lead again.

The third thing to try is adjusting your damage output based on who you have with you to hold aggro. If your MT can maintain aggro against your hardest BS's and regular attacks, then by all means set up your heaviest hits and obliterate the MOB. If your MT can't put out a combination of DPs and Taunt to stay atop the list, try reducing your own damage output slightly to compensate. Change to weapons that don't proc, or proc weaker effects, or to ones that are a little bit slower.

You might also keep a Shield of some sort handy for a little extra AC and flip it out with your off-hand weapon whenever the MT loses the aggro (this one's good for any dual-wielding meelee). That will help reduce your damage taken if you draw aggro until the MT gets it back and at the same time, it reduces your DPS enough that the MT can re-establish control more quickly.

The last thing I can think of right now is to observe the people you are grouped with, and see if there might be something you could suggest that would help them maintain their aggro more effectively. If they're a Large race (Barb, Troll, Ogre, or Vah Shir) they should be using Slam as fast as it will go. The same thing goes for any MT using a 1-hander and a shield (Pallys or SK;s mainly)- they should Bash, Bash, Bash. In both of those cases, the stun that Slam/Bash does allows free Damage time for all meelees, while the extra attack and damage helps keep them moving up on the aggro chart. Any MT who can't Slam/Bash (non-large race dual-wielding) should still be using Kick, since the extra damage and additional attack will also build aggro- yes, I know it's a small amount, but that can add up quicker than you'd think. If they're Dual Wielding one proccing weapon and one non-proc, they probably should put the proccing one in their main hand to get the most attacks, and therefore the most chances to proc, out of it (since even at high levels sometimes Dual Wield will miss).

There's probably other tips I could think of, but that's enough for now.
RE: grping with higher lvls
# Jun 16 2003 at 1:07 PM Rating: Default
Good suggestions.

One correction: Vah Shirs can't slam.
RE: grping with higher lvls
# Jun 13 2003 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
3,128 posts
I agree, good ideas, use most of them myself, though I only carry three piercers and no shield, I do carry a 1HB which I am weak in skill and pop that in when I want to hit less often into 2nd hand.
Rogues also need to turn off attack to use evade and sometimes one needs to wait a bit longer on some mobs to turn it back on to keep agrro lower.
The idea of waitng to join in can be a problem for rogues. Although I usualy take a few seconds before first attack so I find the back of the mob, and of course I don't want the main agrro, but I do not want to be lower on hate list then the main healer (especialy the rezzer) or nuker, and if the tank goes down and there is no MA, I have to protect the casters til evac, which hopefully for me happens quick.

PS - on a side note, if the mobs not that dangerous, many tanks my same level get a little steamed when they realize they can't keep the aggro off me and the healers start healing me instead of them, and that can be kind of fun.
=) LOL.

Edited, Fri Jun 13 15:48:14 2003
RE: grping with higher lvls
# Jun 15 2003 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
One of the things I do mainly as a pally when grping with ppl who can easily draw aggro away from me is use root for aggro and ALWAYS when breaking mezz use root saves everyone time and healing and mana. In case some od you don't know...which on my server is a LOT..is if you root the mob it will automatically attack the closet person no matter the aggro/hate list..so u rouges step back a bit and u are fine =)
# Jun 13 2003 at 12:48 PM Rating: Default
I see they are paving the storyline to EQ 2.0...Good stuff...
RE: wow.
# Jun 14 2003 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
would be quite hard to pave the road to an alternate universe as clearly stated on the EQ2 site, its 500 years later yes, but on another norrath in another reality. i would assume the main point for this is that the 'head' baddie of EQ2 is Lucan D'Lere, who the Paladin Epic Storyline requires must be killed by players in EQ.
# Jun 13 2003 at 12:35 PM Rating: Default
WoW!! This looks pretty good, those good old Dungeon Crawls!! I think its going to be a pretty good game so far from what I have seen and read.
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