Patch notes for Sept 9, 2003

Patch notes for Sept 9, 2003

September 9, 2003


*** Lost Dungeons of Norrath Launches! ***

Make sure to check out this groundbreaking new expansion! EVERY new zone has something fun and rewarding just waiting for everyone levels 20-65, and there's always something available for you!

For the first time in EverQuest you have the ability to interact with your environment in new and exciting ways! Find that chest at the end of the dungeon, but approach it carefully - It may be trapped. In addition, there have been rumors of a new type of treasure that allow you to improve your existing equipment, augmenting what you've already earned with new power...

Succeed and be rewarded as YOU choose! Those who best the Lost Dungeons will find that the Adventurers have quite the cache of treasure that they've discovered on their own. It seems that, the more you help them in their cause, the more they're willing to share...

If you have purchased Lost Dungeons, thank you and welcome! If you haven't -- What are you waiting for? Order now and join the grand Adventure!

*** Game Updates *** ** Items **

- Warrior and Magician epic changes

A new version of these two epic items is available to accommodate the new item augmentations. Both of these epics are basically summoned items, and therefore they would lose any augmentations when used or unsummoned. Players wishing to change these items into "permanent" versions in order to augment them should do the following:

Warrior Epic - Talk to Gartrog Smitehammer in East Freeport. He will replace your Red Scabbard and Jagged Blade of War with augmentable versions of the Jagged Blade of War, the Blade of Strategy, and the Blade of Tactics. You will not receive the Red Scabbard back, as it will no longer be useful to you.

Magician Epic - Talk to Ilisiv Gantrau in the Tox Forest. She will take a summoned Orb of Mastery and replace it with a permanent augmentable orb. The epic pet is still summoned in exactly the same way, with no changes to the spell or use.

** Zones and Quests **

- Plane of Mischief - We have updated the factions for a few NPCs for this zone on Stormhammer only. All of the NPCs there are meant to be aggressive. Some of them were on the wrong faction, and were not aggressive. They are now.

- The Deep - There were some NPCs in this zone that could see invisible but were bugged to be non-aggressive. They will again be aggressive, so be more cautious when using invisibility in The Deep.

- Plane of Valor - The Aerin'Dar projection was despawning after only a few minutes. It will now remain as long as other projections.

- City of Mist - Black Reavers are immune to magic once again.

- Oxidized Steel Plate will now drop. This should allow the completion of the Rallican's Bracer quest

- The Ghost of Kindle has returned.

- Manastone is no longer usable in The Hole.

- The trader limit increase mentioned in the last update should be working properly now.

** Spells **

- We have reduced the cost of the Summon Wooden, Stone and Iron Bracelet spells.

- We have added new Skeleton models for pets, illusions, and transformation spells.

- We have changed the underlying way that pet focus items work to allow for future upgrades and items. All existing foci should work as they always have. If you notice anything unusual when using a pet focus, please /bug report the issue.

** Interface **

- Context Tips - We have added a question mark symbol to windows that have help information available. Just click on the question mark in the upper right of the window to see the tips.

** Miscellaneous **

- Fixed a bug that was causing NPCs to appear to have a larger melee range than they should have in some cases.

- Sullon Zek - There was a bug that allowed players to create characters on opposing alliances. That is no longer possible. If you see this message: "You currently have characters created on opposing deity alliances. You can only have characters that are on the same alliance. Please correct this by deleting the character that was recently created and has an opposing alliance with the first character you created." You will not be able to log in until you delete any characters that are not on the same alliance.

** UI Files **

* Changed *







* New *





** Known Issues **

This is the list of cosmetic issues that we're aware aren't perfect, but determined as acceptable to launch with, as none should affect peoples' ability to enjoy the game. Rather than attempt last-minute changes that often break more than they fix, these will be addressed in an update after Lost Dungeons' launch.

- Paladins and Shadowknights: The new INSPECT and OPEN ability buttons will *appear* disabled for the duration of your Harm Touch or Lay Hands timers when you use those abilities. You may still use INSPECT and OPEN, however. It just won't look like you can.

- When receiving an adventure from one of the Wayfarers' Camps, for now, the Adventure Window does not automatically close when you walk away from the Adventure Recruiter as it should.

- Pet Users: If you tell your pet to attack an interactive object (chest, vase, coffin, etc) inside of a dungeon, your pet will tell you that it is attacking, but it will not actually attack. This is a problem with the message, not the behavior. The pet should be telling you that it cannot attack such a thing.

** Use Augmentations Wisely **

If you have an item with more than one slot available and you intend to apply an Augmentation Item that can fit into any slot (i.e. Type 1), be sure to apply it last. For example, you have an item with three slots available and you have filled Slot 1 with an Augmentation Item. In your bag you have an Augmentation Item that can fit into any slot on the item (i.e. Type 1) and one that fits into Slot 2. If you use the Type 1 Augmentation Item first, it will fill the first open slot on your item, which would be Slot 2 in this case. This means you will not be able to use the Slot 2-specific Augmentation Item you had available. So, remember, the rule is that if you have an Augmentation Item that can be used it any slot, be sure to apply it last!


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Post Comment
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 09 2003 at 1:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) How long is this goona take?
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 09 2003 at 1:46 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I agree with a previous poster. EQ Live shows that server status is up yet I cannot Log On.
RE: Server Status
# Sep 09 2003 at 9:00 PM Rating: Good
508 posts
lol, no. They give estimated times. You assume they are absolutes, even after 5 years of the same thing happening. Most of us experienced in the patch day process post comments before the patch day saying "Don't count on it!!".

Also - this is a major expansion patch, with database changes, updates to old zones, and new zones, you shoudl assume its all just a guestimate!

And, although you probably won't remember this, keep in mind that they might well bring the servers back down for patches today, and for the next few days.

If you can't stand that, then don't play for a few days.
# Sep 09 2003 at 1:22 PM Rating: Excellent
From the information I've read, apparently all epics will be receiving at least one augmentation slot allowing for upgrade. The reason the warrior and magician epics are dealt with specifically in the patch notes is that they are considered "summoned" items, i.e. the warrior epic can be changed back and forth from a 2hs to two 1hs weapons via the red scabbard. In order that the warrior and mage epics can be augmented, they must be exchanged for a more "permanent" weapon which will have the augmentation slots.

This is good news for all epic wielders and those who hope to. For myself, I've got a leafblower and lightsabers for my chars I'm anxious to start augmenting.
RE: Epics
# Sep 09 2003 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
120 posts
Contrarily, I read that ONLY the warrior and mage epics will have augmentation slots. Guess we'll just have to wait until we can get in there and see. Gotta love antagonistic rumors :)
RE: Epics
# Sep 09 2003 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
508 posts
All epics had the upgrade to accept one augment. Warrior and mage epics could not be done that way, SOE had to make the quest to turn them into permanent items rather than summoned ones.
RE: Epics
# Sep 09 2003 at 4:55 PM Rating: Good
No, Mariboo. It states the the Warrior and Mage epics will be updated and a new version of the two classes epics will be available, if one so chooses to get it. I would imagine all of the epics will have at least one augmentation slot. Not trying to flame, just letting you know.
# Sep 09 2003 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
i'm a little behind on my ldon facts...once you put an aug on sumthing...what happens to the aug..can you take it back off...does it get stuck there...what about when you sell it?
RE: augs
# Sep 09 2003 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
I was reading up on the augmentation thing last night on Sony's site..I guess you can remove an augmentation, once it's combined..By using combine box and special solvent, but augmentation stone will be destroyed in the process.
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 09 2003 at 12:40 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Have seeked many sites for information on how to recharge "Slowstone Amber"
RE: Help me out why you all got nothing to do waiting for se
# Sep 09 2003 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
508 posts
lo, sorry we don't have "data to go". Try Pizza Hut.
New Runes
# Sep 09 2003 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
I figured the Runes puzzle out, but at this time the site does not give the answer. You get the same box that you get when you do it improperly, but it is blank ATM. Hint, you must have the keychain that comes with the Boxed addition and read the text on the Web Page. Good Luck

Theoequis Peregrinus
Turian Pathfinder
Epic Changes
# Sep 09 2003 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
Wish they would do something with the leafblower. :P
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 09 2003 at 12:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hey
RE: hey
# Sep 09 2003 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
508 posts
Excuse me, does anyone know how to rate a post below awful? lol
New Weapons
# Sep 09 2003 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
I have seen that some of the new augment stones include an added proc to be added to a weapon, I am wondering if you can add an augmentation with a proc to a weapon already with a proc, thereby giving it 2 procs. Imagine giving a BoC a slow proc on it as well... can you say insane aggro from hell.
RE: New Weapons
# Sep 09 2003 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
508 posts
Yes you can. Pretty cool, huh? I even have a link to a thread were they posted pictures of one.
New RUNES on
# Sep 09 2003 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone have an idea on the new Runes problem on the EQ site? Only 4 slots, but with the added rotation factor, I can't yet make heads from tales....

"Alright, who's the clown that volunteered my Ranger to be a tank? I mean come..." LOADING. Please wait.
RE: New RUNES on
# Sep 09 2003 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
I figured out the puzzle a few minutes ago, but at the present time you only get a blank information box. Hint Read the text carfully and look at the keychain closely. If you do not have the keychain from the boxed edition you will be there for days. :)

Tunarian Pathfinder
RE: New RUNES on
# Sep 09 2003 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
I figured the puzzle out this morning upon receiving my kerying. It gave me the name of a person I need to see and where they are located.
Server status
# Sep 09 2003 at 11:00 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone know a link that shows accurate server status? EQ live says servers are up now
and since its only 11 CST I kinda doubt it
# Sep 09 2003 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
so am I reading the downtime stats correctly 9 HOURS from 09:00 PDT, that implies they will be down until 18:00 Tuesday ?!?!?! Someone pls tell me I read that wrong....I've got the itch to play and the day off, LDoN or not I want on :(
RE: Sigh...
# Sep 09 2003 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
On Tuesday, September 9th, at 3:00 am PDT (-7 hours UTC), all EverQuest servers will be brought down for the launch of Lost Dungeons of Norrath. We anticipate that the servers will be up by noon PDT(9 hours later). We will bring the servers up earlier if possible.

This seems to be the standard for EQ. Servers go down 3am PDT (Which is 6am EDT). Nine hours would have it up at 3pm EDT (or noon PDT as noted in their message).

But don't expect much. It's a new expansion and servers will probably be up and down a few times before the week is out. Smiley: twocents
RE: Sigh...
# Sep 09 2003 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
285 posts
You're reading it right, but something is amiss... the 9 hours downtime would have the servers up by 3pm Eastern. The server status was posted around 4am Pacific, so likely just a bleary-eyed updater punched in the wrong time. Most likely just had 9 in their heads for typing "9 hours" and hit "0900" by mistake for the current time.

RE: Sigh...
# Sep 09 2003 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
Yes - you're reading it right. That means that I won't be on until after 8pm chicago time - assuming it's actually only 9 hours. :(
RE: Sigh...
# Sep 09 2003 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
64 posts
Server status is currently incorrect in terms of actual effect.

The SERVERS themselves are up for patch testing but are locked out from login.

Last I heard, ETA on uptime is 3-4 PM EST.
Warrior epic
# Sep 09 2003 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
bout time they did something with the warrior epic. its been a long time comeing , i am now a 58 warrior and no one will help me get it because they say its not worth the time it takes. maybe now they will change their minds =D

Zemekis Doomhammer
58 warrior of Rallos Zek
The Arisen of Terris-thule
RE: Warrior epic
# Sep 09 2003 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
They should have included the Paly epic also. It's a piece of crap. You can buy better in the bazaar.
RE: Warrior epic
# Sep 09 2003 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
they are not changing the war epic in any way that will effect it's usefulness in combat, it's just being changed so that you will have 3 swords to carry around instead of switching back and forth. the reasonf or this is because when you make the switch, it's a new item you're making and you would lose all augs you added to the weapons
RE: Warrior epic
# Sep 09 2003 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
94 posts
My thought is are there going to be Augmentations powerful enough to make it worth having, and if there are and you can augment the weapons that are currently better why would you augment the epic. Maybe there have some augmentations designed specifically for epics, that way they can make them useful again. Will have to see, I for one am more excited about this expansion then most of the others, I think when kunark or luclin where released I was close, but think this one tops them all.
RE: Warrior epic
# Sep 09 2003 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
So, another way to look at it is .. all 3 swords will be able to be augmented, leaving the final weapon stats to probably be more desireable im sure. So, yes, should make war epic not so bad to get now lol. Really depends on the high end augment items, to see what you can get out of them. There are augment effects to add, so adding dmg/taking dly off, and having an agro proc, isnt far fetched atm..
The Zolz of many faces.. Shadowhawk
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