The Planes of Power

Can a new expansion be on the horizon? Will we find out the details on Friday? A reliable source has told me that an artist friend of his has been working on the new expansion for some time now, and that this expansion will be aimed mostly at the high end game. Now threads on the Safehouse forums as well as some other forums has revealed that something big is about to be announced on Ffriday. Plus, SOE has a new domain registered at which has a nice teaser pic up. It certainly looks to me like another new expansion is coming sooner than you may have thought.


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I TOLD YA!!!!!!!!!!!
# Mar 19 2002 at 10:43 PM Rating: Default
If any of you read your VELIOUS manual it states the existance of Rallos Zek in the PLANES OF POWER!!!!! ive been telling my friends for months that i bet VI will add this new plane soon. Take some time to READ YOUR MANUAL!!!! it states all kinds of things of upcoming expansions etc if you just read the lore a little bit.

52 druid of veeshan
RE: I TOLD YA!!!!!!!!!!!
# Mar 20 2002 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
Ah.. good eye. All this specualting and waiting and guessing makes me a little excited. Am I too addicted to eq? Maybe i hsould take a week off.... but Im sure it can wait till after I get my paladin to 60, I mean he's 13 already<grin>
RE: I TOLD YA!!!!!!!!!!!
# Mar 20 2002 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
I found it in my ROK manual.

homeless the begger
RE: I TOLD YA!!!!!!!!!!!
# Mar 20 2002 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
Lol read the manual...hmm read or or play...well guess what my choice was...Maybe i'll dust em off and read em next time servers are down :)
RE: I TOLD YA!!!!!!!!!!!
# Mar 20 2002 at 12:19 AM Rating: Default
Come on now being a druid you have lots of time while medding to read them ..
RE: I TOLD YA!!!!!!!!!!!
# Mar 21 2002 at 5:31 PM Rating: Default
WHat about the lady? New race, class, zones... or is that Luclin, Goddess of Shadows? Don't recognize her, maybe she has something to do in the opening of planes of power. She might be one of the Zeks(Tallon, Vallon, or Sullon). Who knows?
Looks pretty apocalyptic there. And that looks like Serge's Swalow from Chrono Cross. I'd love one of those.
Good and Bad
# Mar 19 2002 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
Here's my 2 cp,

I love the idea of a new expansion.Do I think it will require more memory or new upgrades to run? No.What they have done with SoL was astounding.A business snafu,definatelly,but astounding.But it would be suicide to ask their already huge customer base to upgrade again this soon.
I had only recently started EQ when I heard of Luclin.As many of my friends play EQ,I made sure when I bought my computer that I met and exceeded all the system requirements.(Doubled actually)So when SoL hit thee shelves I was sitting fairly comfortable.

Planes of Power,imho,will only help stop some of the congestion in otherwise heavily camped zones.It would help aleviate some of the contention between guilds at raiding zones.Who hasn't planned a raid,gotten their forces together,and zoned in to find it already camped?Also,with the AA points added into the game,the high level XP camps are ridiculously crowded.Set up some reasonable high end XP zones and this would aleviate this problem.More zones=more loot=more fun.

I also believe,as someone else pointed out that SOE has got multiple groups working on several simultaneus projects.It is only practical business sense.Obviously they have many things they could do to improve the current product.The Bazaar as previously stated would definately improve the Lag in EC:)

But one of the things that some of you miss,is the fact that the low end game could use more quests in old zones.Add some new NPC's and fix currently broken quests.The number of quests in Shar Vahl for a beginning character is amazing.If you want to start off as a kitty.Personally I don't.

Beliaus D'spayre
Servant of Innoruuk
# Mar 19 2002 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
First of all, I think the introduction of a new expansion is a great things. It means Verant is trying to keep things new and exciting for all players. There has never been an expansion for those players who have reached the upper echelon of levels and I think that an expansion geared towards those players is long overdue.
As for those that are upset that Verant maybe introducing a new expansion without finishing work on the Luclin package should understand that (as stated by Verant) They have a team that is specificalky dedicated to repairing bugs and another team that works on expansions. By the time ths new expansion is ready for release, most of the major bugs with Luclin should be fixed.
People keep pressing for the answers as to when the Bazzar feature will be ready and I for one will be patient enough to wait until it is ready to go. Why? Beacause I would rather not have someone find a bug and exploited it at the cost of some of my inventory items. Verant has already stated that they won't realease that part of the Bazzar until it is reliable and safe for the player to use. That's fine with me....I still know how to type /auction. =)
Maybe Not.
# Mar 19 2002 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
My view is that it might not actually be a whole new expansion. It was said that they are developing the game more, and they are focusing on the lower end of the game now. But this Planes of Power might just be then implanting more higher end advancement into the exsisting world.
Parallel Developement
# Mar 19 2002 at 8:18 PM Rating: Default
Anyone ever think they may have more than one developement team working at once? They probably have at a minimum a developement team and a bug fix team.
# Mar 19 2002 at 7:15 PM Rating: Default
From the name of the expansion and the picture on the the SOE site my guess as to what will be introduced will simply be new planes. In the picture it looks like Sol Ro to me, maybe just be my interpretation. If this is true it would be awesome, I would really love to visit the domains of gods.

Barjin Bladestorm
52 Warrior
Bertox Server
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 19 2002 at 7:10 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I will be excited if their is another expansion and for you people who think thye should fix luclion first he is something to suck on. It takes tons of times to program and produce new games and usually takes a year or two on good games. By the time the expansion is realeased(if their is any expansion) luclin bugs will probably be fixed(hope its bazaar one first)and well just have another expansion to wait months to have bugs fixed on =)
Wow another one???????
# Mar 19 2002 at 6:59 PM Rating: Default
Ok so ya'll are coming out with another expansion!! Ok Vararnt does this mean we practically have to buy a new computer again just to get the minimum reequirements to load it. I spent $300.00 dollars just to get my systems upgraded for Luclin. If ya'll put abunch of stuff into this (new expansion) so that we have to do the same thing again your gonna loose this customer here at least. Keep the game the way it is right now. Let the newness of Luclin soak in befor eyou go launch another one. Ya'll haven't even got all the bugs worked out from Luclin yet. 1 THING AT A TIME BOYS and GIRLS.
the game itself
# Mar 19 2002 at 6:09 PM Rating: Default
The Game itslef is new a EQ it is an istallment to EQ Which is more RPG and no internet play so it will be way harder to beat you average enemies.
RE: the game itself
# Mar 19 2002 at 8:21 PM Rating: Default
So i don't understand what your trying to say.

Are you saying???

1)PoP will be a game totaly seperate from the rest of EQ? (with nothing other than story line to connect the two)
2)Its going to Roleplaying only
3)you won't even need internet to play because it will be seperate from the rest of the EQ world, but you can use your char form EQ, just offline.
Cool down
# Mar 19 2002 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
You guys are funny. Luclin will be finished by the time the expansion comes around. You dont realize how long it takes to develope and program a game. Relax we will have all the benefits of luclin by the time it gets released.
Re:good but how good?
# Mar 19 2002 at 5:29 PM Rating: Default
The new expansion sounds great, but one thing that i guess everyone has on their mind: will there be higher requirements? A recommended 512MB of Ram is asked to run Luclin graphics, so is the new expansion gonna have a recommended Ram of 1GB?
Velious textures
# Mar 19 2002 at 5:19 PM Rating: Default
I managed to get Velious textures to show on my comp by changing the line in the eqclient.ini file from LoadVeliousArmorswithLuclin=FALSE to TRUE... Might have been Textures and not Armors, but regardless it fixed the problem...
RE: Velious textures
# Mar 19 2002 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
2,553 posts
Cool, thanks, I'll give that a shot. Probably just a matter of (inwisely) accepting the defaults.

Fumus, draco magus incoluit mare.
Myrx - 70 Holy Priest, Myr - 70 Resto Shaman, Gryd - 70 Prot Warrior
iffy on the subject
# Mar 19 2002 at 5:19 PM Rating: Default
I'm sorta iffy on the whole thing. I am still struggling to get higher lvl and am suffering for the new aspects of the game because of it. Its cool and all because most of the time you can go there and still have the newbie experience, butyeah. The more expansions the more fun there is in exploring and running around and actually walking to find your way around in stead of porting or stuff. So I think it's great that they are actually already working on a new expansion, and actually care about us more than any other mmorpg like say: UO or DAoC. Not to crack on them, but their management and GM system blows royally. Thanks to all the GMs, Devs, and Guides out there that make this game what it is and how ddicting it is, whether that is a good thing or not!

-Norin 7th Hammer(Been playing more than a year and haven't gotten past 19...Any tips would be great! ^.^)
My 2 cp
# Mar 19 2002 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
I have a few things to say here and will try not to drag it out.
1. I am hopeing that they can solve the issues with the Luclin bazzar features before putting focus on the new expansion.
2. Their are still some in game issues i would like to see perfected I.E the problem people are having with characters getting "stuck" in zones and even after moves are unable to play that character.
3. I have to agree that luclin dungeouns are gonna need an xp modifier if they are to be used fully and I would also like to see Pre Existing spell drops increased. I dont know about you but on Torvo i cant find the "new improved" levitate spell anywhere!
4. Last but not least--I wanna say that overall SoE has come a long way and even though we get irratated at the down times etc it is imperative that everyone understands just how hard these people are working. Catering to thousands even millions of people worldwide is not an easy task and even though i agree that they should spend some time on improving the game as it is, my head is bowed in awe and thanks to everything they have done for us thusfar. Thanks Allakhazam for all your hard work and keep it up I wont be canceling my subscription to this awsome service any time soon =)

56 wizard
Torvo server
Inspired Order member
Husband of Equinnox
RE: My 2 cp
# Mar 19 2002 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
The special Levitate spell drops (as far as I know) only in The Deep. When entering, go right at first tunnel crossing, then go along the tunnel. Do not go right again, keep going. There's a dead end not far from there where non-standard mobs pop up.

They're not bosses, just different mobs, with "normal" ones as PH.

Note that these mobs spell scrolls are Lore.
# Mar 19 2002 at 5:17 PM Rating: Default
Planes of Power... sounds like they're going to add a plane for every deity or something, or maybe make the planes bigger/more than one zone. The picture on the site looks pretty cool though. I wonder why they have an entire website devoted to the new expansion already? oh well sounds interesting.

Dar Khura on Veeshan
# Mar 19 2002 at 5:37 PM Rating: Default
My guess is that they just wanted to get the domain name registered so that no one else could use it. They may or may not put stuff on that site.
Expantions Roxxor!
# Mar 19 2002 at 5:13 PM Rating: Default
i think the idea of a new expansion is great. keep em comin, i say. with luclin, the moon was raped in 5 min after it came out. adding new items, quests, and zones is what makes it EVER quest.
Are you kidding me?
# Mar 19 2002 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
You'd think they'd get the things they promised for Luclin working before they go adding a new expansion. If the bazaar and customizable interface are announced as exclusive features for this new expansion I'm gonna be one pissed off little monkey...
RE: Are you kidding me?
# Mar 19 2002 at 5:10 PM Rating: Excellent
2,553 posts
Well there's two sides to this:

1. Yes, there's a pile of things unfinished about Luclin, which I'd rather see fixed
[li] Luclin dungeons ignore past successes, and need to have XP modifiers increased as well as become itemized.
[li] Bazaar Interface.
[li] Velious Armour Textures. Due to lag and sub-par video performance, I rarely have all the new models on, I'd really like to see the velious armour textures at least in cases where I'm showing the old model. Still annoys me that Luclin invalidates the ability to look "different" that Velious brought in.
[li] Certain Luclin content which is unfinshed needs to be released. (BEFORE CT was rebuilt)

At the same time, on the other hand...

Creating an expansion for EQ goes through many phases. At this phase they're essentially going over programming requirements, and working on artwork. Beginning the modelling for the zones, beginning modelling for the creatures. Alot of artwork getting passed around, regected, shelved, etc.

So when they say "expansion coming" it means they're putting the parts of their team which are less used than others for game maintenance to work. No necessarily taking resources from the ongoing maintenance and improvement of EQ.

But.... in the end, we're the customers, and for appearances sake, they should have finished up luclin before doing things like CT and Legends.

Fumus, draco magus incoluit mare.
Myrx - 70 Holy Priest, Myr - 70 Resto Shaman, Gryd - 70 Prot Warrior
RE: Are you kidding me?
# Mar 20 2002 at 5:50 AM Rating: Decent
I aggree, somewhat. They should set there minds to one thing and get it finished before adding on more stuff. But just from the name of it, PoP, sounds like it is going to be a high end game expansion, and may very well add more of the other gods plains to the world of Norrath. Currently we have access to what? FEAR, HATE, SKY, GROWTH, and MISCHIEF. That leaves how many other planes to build to finish it off and have a complete world. If you read the story lines on the gods, there are some Demi-gods living in another gods plane, so it wouldn't be that many. But I am happy to see it come if it does. I would rather it not get worked on too much or tooo fast till after the CURRENT problems are addressed and fixed with the CURRENT expansions though. Just my 2cp. Happy hunting all!!!
RE: Are you kidding me?
# Mar 19 2002 at 8:45 PM Rating: Default
I totaly agree with you on topic of fixing Luclin before the legends and CT, and here is why...

1) legends should have been saved for the 3rd year anniversary, that way it would have been more like a privledge, and not an excuse for so many to complain about how verant is ******** them.
2) CT was a sweet zone before they went and upped the lvl requirement, and if PoP is gong to be for the higher lvl character they really just wasted their time in my opinion.(even taking into consideration that PoP may not be released for a year or more, I think they should of, in that case, decreased one or more of the high lvl zones right before in order to increase hype for PoP)
3) I was waiting to get to lvl 35 just so i could go to CT, based on what little exploring of the zone i did at a lower lvl it look pretty sweet. (i do a lot of exploring with Sneak/Hide)

Thorpa Fizzlebane
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