Rumors Swirl on EQ2

In the recent EQ newsletter, Sony put in a puzzle that led to two websites: and (Congratulations to the gang at the safehouse for solving the riddle). Each site brings up an image and the Nektulos one mentions an announcement coming up in May. May is of course when E3 is held. This is the biggest gaming convention of the year, and game companies typically try to save their biggest announcements for the large group of press that comes to E3 each year. So what is Sony going to announce in May? It may be something like a single player game based upon Everquest, or the release of some new zones. However, do not be surprised if it is the launch of Everquest 2. I don't have any positive information on this and am really just speculating, but since they already announced the PS2 version of the game and the Planes of Power expansion, it seems logical that this is not related to either of them. Why make a teaser for something everyone already knows about? And they have never put this type of effort into announcing free content for the game. EQ2, however, would be a huge announcement. In addition, I have been told that the latest version of PC Gamer mentions EQ2 (I have not read it -- I'll try to track down a copy). Plus, Sony has had registered for quite a while. So the announcement Sony plans to make in May could well be that they are making EQ2. Or they could just be announcing another expansion or something related to the PS2 version of the game or even something completely unrelated to Everquest. We will be in Los Angeles for E3, so as soon as we find out more, we'll let you know. In the meantime, some of our visitors managed to piece together the murky pictures you see in the two sites.
  • Wailing Caves Full Image
  • Nektulos Full Image
  • Feel free to throw in your own thoughts about what this means. UPDATE (Again): Link already dead.


    Post Comment
    Some observations
    # May 01 2002 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
    The excessively high system requirements aside (although in a year and a half, this might actually be the standard), this looks like it might be interesting, although I can see several major problems with the still sketchy concepts:

    1. Zoning will be faster, but MOBS can chase across zones. Now THIS is ripe for abuse. Just using current EQ zones, imagine the massive player deaths if, for example, Kithicor's nightly infestation of high lvl undead could "spill over" into the neighboring zones of West Commons or Rivervale. I can even now see less mature players intentionally kiting MOBS into lower lvl neighboring zones, and given Verants less than perfect record of pathing issues, I can't see those MOBS going back to their zones on their own.

    2. Breakable equipment. This might not be bad, IF they don't make EQ2 as equipment dependent as EQ. Let's face it, no matter what lvl an EQ character is, if they don't have the right gear, they're not going to be able to cope.

    3. PCs will be able to buy plots of land and build on it. I'm sorry, but can you say "Urban Sprawl"? Other MMORPGs have done this and over the course of time they became almost endless cities. There can be only so much room in one of these games and EVERYONE is going to want to eventually build something. Using current numbers of around 3-4,000 players per server (or somewhere there-abouts) with 8 characters each (if they keep the current allocations), eventually you'll be seeing upwards of 20,000 plus new "homes". I really don't think the space can support that and still leave areas to hunt outside of dungeons :(.
    RE: Some observations
    # May 02 2002 at 7:30 PM Rating: Default
    You people are too says in 'some cases' VI isn't as stupid as we make them out to be, they are startign from scratch, and they hear our moaning and ********* and they will make EQ2 right. (maybe i'm too optimistic too...)
    Eq2,or DAoC/AC ? You decide
    # May 01 2002 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
    Well,after reading thru all the past posts for serveral hours (Yes,there is that much un-enlightened material on)I can speak for someone who has been playing since Beta 7,has 300+ days spent on characters,and has experience in coding and as a PR manager.

    EQ2 is not,in many peoples views,a new Everquest..It is more apt to be using the setting of Norrath,much like several D&D products,than as a true sequal or follow up.To many people who have loved the game for a period of time and still do,EQ2 is not EQ at all.

    But in all honesty,lets only hope that SOE follows rule #1 of a designers standpoint on games : If you have a massive niche,and a loyal fan base,support them.It's better to do a major overhaul and content addition than to market a totally diffrent game under the moniker of EQ,version 2.0.

    As I've said however,coming from a logistics standpoint,it would have been more sensible,and much more profitable in my view,if EQ2 was not an "Everquest Product".

    But lets give Verant a chance to be fair,with several other graphically superior and better coded products in Beta now,they have no choice but to try to branch out.Honestly,tho,I don't feel this is the right way to do it.
    not EQ Adventures
    # May 01 2002 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
    68 posts
    If you look at the screenshots, it's pretty obvious, these rumors about EQ2 have nothing to do with EQ Adventures for the PS2, this is something completely different
    # May 01 2002 at 7:35 AM Rating: Default
    This one looks crappy, you lose items instead of exp when you die... The monsters look like people from Myst (claylike and annoying) So there is no way im gwtting it.
    RE: Crap
    # May 15 2002 at 11:27 AM Rating: Default
    Try reading it more carefully... You dont loose items fro godo if that is what you mean by loosing an item. But you keep all the items except one or two which stay on yer corpse, this would mean that if u wanted them u have to go get the corpse to get the iems
    # May 01 2002 at 5:35 AM Rating: Good
    it seems everyone wants to transfer their high lvl chars to EQ2, erm.... why? are you so crud at being a noob that you cant start afresh? or are you just incredibly boring? im lvl 30, and i have a lvl 3 alt atm, who is sooo much fun to play as, i dont twink my alts, i see no point, and i give any low lvl twinks a verbal battering when i see them, as far as im concerened, EQ2 should kill twinking for a while, and make the game more enjoyable as a result, and remove all these nutters running around at lvl 3 with a full set of crusty armour :)
    RE: hmmph!
    # May 08 2002 at 4:40 PM Rating: Default

    Your highest level toon is a level 30? What would you know about twinking?

    Most people who twink their alts(myself included) would twink them with an item greater than that of a level 30 item.

    I have a level 58 druid who has worked very hard to get where he is. If I want to twink a level 1 toon with level 50 items, so be it.

    When you have the means to do it, why not?
    RE: hmmph!
    # May 01 2002 at 9:19 PM Rating: Default
    hm not like anyone is gonna change their mind but i love having both a real newbie with crappy equiptment who works hard for money, and having a twinked char to lvl fast is cool too. the bonus of a crappy equipped is people may give u stuff too. melees and stuff dont need to twink unless u want to solo them or whatever.. but i hate having a spellcaster with low int or wis and then the crazy prices for jewelry whilst still needed to afford spells.. but whatever its good to enjoy either way makes the game more interesting..
    RE: hmmph!
    # May 01 2002 at 10:49 AM Rating: Default
    Ummm, since your highest lvl char is only lvl 30 im going to assume that your saying you hate twinks just because you have never actually gotten a high end wep or item that one of your lower lvl alts could really use before.

    Its a persons own wright to twink if they feel that its the only way to have fun making a new character, or just because they got a really cool item that their current class cant use. ( if you say sell it, im gonna kick you )

    I once thought like you, that all the little twinks ruined the game, but when i actually hit 60 a year and a half ago i changed my mind completely and said if im ruining all the little newbies days, well tuff nutters to them!

    I completely agree with the post below stating that there should be ( not like there ever will be ) seperate servers for this, BUT I also agree that the only way to have fun on EQ1 is to twink, and that if items whent up in power with your lvl in EQ2 as they have been said to in PC Gamer's then that would be a verry boring game after about 2 years of having to start from scratch every time you made a new char. It would be way to repetitive to even hold a scrap of fun beyond 2 years!

    Iggmarr Werecow Iksar Shaman 7th Hammer
    Loyal Officer of the Harbingers of Mischief
    and Guild Bash Director
    RE: hmmph!
    # May 01 2002 at 11:38 AM Rating: Good
    Personally I am against twinking but feel that this argument is pointless. The people that support it are not going to change their minds and those of us against most likely will not change ours. Even though I am against it I understand why people do it and have to admit there is a need for twinking if you hope to get the most out of the game before reaching level 50. Furthermore be you for twinking or against it the simple fact is that the game allows it. No with regard to the statement “Ummm, since your highest lvl char is only lvl 30 im going to assume that your saying you hate twinks just because you have never actually gotten a high end wep or item that one of your lower lvl alts could really use before.” I don’t think you thought that one out friend. Heck at level 30 you can farm Runnyeye for a level 1 and get that alt some very nice stuff. Of course at level 60 you can really get some great gear. As for the post that claimed that it’s a persons jealousy that cause his/her lack of enjoyment, that is nothing more that the standard crap for pro-twink types and relies on the fact that you cannot prove a negative. There are many reasons why some are against twinking and although some people may in fact be jealous of the gear it is not the only reason people are against it. Finally as for “I once thought like you, that all the little twinks ruined the game, but when i actually hit 60 a year and a half ago i changed my mind completely and said if im ruining all the little newbies days, well tuff nutters to them!” That only proves you are a subjectivist with no moral center.
    RE: hmmph!
    # May 02 2002 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
    True there are other reasons for persons not to like twinking but in my experience with non-twinkers it is usually based in jealous. The reason it is the standard "crap" for pro-twinks is because it is a continuous reality reaffirmed every time I step into a city other than Freeport. "You have better stuff than me, give me something". And when I dont.."bah I hate you twinks. Twinking is cheating". Rinse, repeat as necessary. Therefore my quote on "moral indiginity being jealousy with a halo".

    52 Reaver
    and twinker of a plethora of alts
    RE: hmmph!
    # May 01 2002 at 11:34 AM Rating: Excellent
    Well, I must say, that my highest right now is a 48 barbarian shaman, second highest is a 37 iksar warrior, third is a 31 vah shir rogue. Though I can't say that I don't twink, I like to think I twink my lowbies at a respectible level. My shaman started naked, of course, but I had over 2k on him to buy stuff as I proceeded. (I had 2k because I was doing a complete startover and wiped all my chars and sold their items). The shaman started with banded and an ebon war spear. He didn't get better until the teens when he upgraded to a few pieces of totemic. In the twenties he swapped his chest piece for a BS tunic (still got that bloody thing too).
    At around 36 I started my Iksar and gave him... hmm... banded. He held onto his banded until level 25 before I started acquiring Trooper Scale stuff for him. When he reached level 35, I started the rogue and guess what he started with... tada... banded. Twinking in moderation is one thing, but when you see a level 1 monk running around in a Fungi Robe being totally unstoppable with the regen and hp rings/earrings, it's sickening. With my banded, I was provided a little security but I could still die.
    That's what EQ2 will help prevent. It will help stop people from giving (using EQ1 as a reference) level 30+ items to a level 1 because of the risk that the level 1 will fumble and destroy the item.
    I hear all the time that the fun is in the end game, and now that I'm getting up there, I can see that, but I also remember the fun of the lower levels. In my opinion, if you're going to twink, keep it in moderation, don't get stupid about it. But, as I said, that's my opinion, and opinions are like a******s, every one has one, some are bigger than others and some just plain stink.
    RE: hmmph!
    # May 01 2002 at 2:25 PM Rating: Default
    68 posts
    I don't mean to stick my nose where it doesn't belong, but don't they ALL stink?
    RE: hmmph!
    # May 01 2002 at 11:58 AM Rating: Good
    The game is fun without twinking, even at the low end. I've twinked characters before, and now I have some that aren't twinked. I never liked twinks. It stinks when you're trying to kill things and some level two is killing all your stuff, dozens at a time. The game isn't designed to handle that. The fact that you don't care about that (not this poster, but the other guy) doesn't matter, it just makes you a self-centered jerk. That's fine, you're entitled to that, and the game mechanics allow for it right now... but EQ2 wont, which is why I'll play that when it comes out.

    Also, I'm very glad to see that they're finally killing trains! I always love the jerks who wander too far into a dungeon and then bring the entire thing down on the people that are in the right place for their levels. You over did it or got unlucky, as a result YOU should die, not all the poor folks trying to gain XP in the right places.
    RE: hmmph!
    # May 01 2002 at 6:13 AM Rating: Default
    It might be more enjoyable for you if twinking didnt exist only because your jealousy is detracting from the gaming experience. Dont worry about what other people have and get down to killing.

    "Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo."
    H. G. Wells (1866-1946)

    52 Reaver
    RE: hmmph!
    # May 01 2002 at 12:35 PM Rating: Default
    There it is in a nutshell folks EQ lets you play the Game you want if you chose to provide items to your lower lvl Toons so be it. If you chose not to then so be it.
    RE: hmmph!
    # May 02 2002 at 5:25 PM Rating: Default
    All i have to say is that if i work hard for my items and cash, i can do whatever the hell i want with them. If i wanna give my level one monk a fungi, i will, if i wanna dump 5k on a level 1 wizard so he can buy some decent equipment, i will. We all start at level one to begin with and i've worked hard to get my character to where he is today. If i wanna twink i'll twink. You think it removes the fun from the game, but it doesn't. I just think it allows for faster gaming which is something i like. To wrap it all up, why do you people care about what my character is wearing, i will put whatever i damn well please on my twinks, it's not like i can do anything to you with it anyways. (Wow after reading this i sound like an ***, i'm really a nice guy but i just get upset with ignorance and stupid people)
    RE: hmmph!
    # May 13 2002 at 8:25 PM Rating: Default
    I totaly agree with you,if i work my **** off for it ,ill enjoy it my way!
    You all totally lost the point..
    # May 09 2002 at 6:46 PM Rating: Good
    I thought this thread was supposed to be about EQ2.
    what if..
    # Apr 30 2002 at 11:24 PM Rating: Default
    What if you cant twink??Then how would you know what weapons look like and how hard they hit and such.I mean there liek new toys to some people you gota have fun, not jus whacking a lvl 13 with a rusty sword and hitting for like 5 to 10 points..
    Big Picture Follow Up
    # Apr 30 2002 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
    As a follow up to my "Oh Grow Up" message below I direct you to the Sony Press Release about EQ for the PS2 at:

    Note that they excitedly reference the current installed base of 8.8 million PS2's as potential platforms. If they get only 10% of those users to buy into EQ PS2 it would be DOUBLE the active subscriber base of regular EQ for the PC.

    The believers in corporate conspiracy theories among you will likely view this as the evil empire once again trying to rip us off, forcing us to switch platforms to follow all of the development and support teams that will abandon us on our PC's and be shifted to the greater revenue source. Perhaps EQ PC was just a bait and switch, they never ever intended to support it FOREVER and EVER like we want and we've just all been funding their faulty Beta Testing for the PS2 - a console platform where the users tend to be far less tolerant of bugs. EQ PC was a great conspiracy and we weren't REALLY having any fun - just paying to support Sony's R&D programs.

    I offer it (as stated in my original post) of how the rational Mega Corps behave. They look at the BIG picture and follow the money. Is that good/bad/irresponsible? Capitalist societies kind of demand it of business (that whole risk/reward thing) and history shows societies that follow those rules tend to deliver the most goods wanted by the most people (albeit not always THE goods wanted by EVERY person).

    Heck if it's fun enough I may even buy a PS2 myself - but then that's my bottom line. Am I enjoying myself based on the time and money I CHOOSE to spend on these products. If and when I don't think I am I'll pull up and go down the street. I don't think I'll be stamping my feet on the way out the door though.
    Whats The Problem?
    # May 02 2002 at 5:16 PM Rating: Default
    I really cant see what the problem is with twinking. How on earth does a twink ruin a real newbies game? If your talking PvP then yeah, I can see it being a major problem, but on the normal servers I dont see what the fuss is. If anything I can see bonuses, at least 2 of them. First you get the chance (as a newbie) to mingle and fight with someone who probably has a high level character and knows his stuff, and if you make a friend out of this person he might just have something to help you out. And secondly, having this twink in your party will give you an xp boost, as he will help you kill what you cant without him.

    Of course, if you dont want to assosiate yourself with twinks, just dont group with them. There are thousands of people on each server at any one time... if you dont like what you see move on.

    I agree with some of the above comments about jealousy against twinks... that has to be the reason people dont like them, because I dont see any other valid reason for it!
    And the truth comes out!
    # Apr 30 2002 at 3:00 PM Rating: Excellent
    I quote from various messages, an ongoing theme it seems.

    <q> If I can't switch my lvl 60 character to EQ2, I'm going to go play a new game!

    Hrmmm, now tell me exactly how this would be different than starting on EQ2 with a new character? I mean really, do you think they will let you transfer your lvl 60 Everquest Ranger to DAOC? or Shadowbane? I highly doubt it, so basically whether you play EQ2 or some other MMORPG you will be starting over. This makes no sense to me, and do these people posting this think VI is going to read this boarad and go....whoa guys!!!....we got to totally scrap the stuff we been working on for the last year, and make the game engine the same as in EQ so these folks can transfer their characters. But wait, then in effect wouldn't this just be another expansion? And not a whole new Game?

    Well yes, poppa VI it would.
    RE: And the truth comes out!
    # Apr 30 2002 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
    Though I will be among other playing the new EQ2, what I think others are saying, with the statement that you've quoted, is that if they are forced to start over, which they won't, they won't be starting over and supporting Verant at the same time.
    My thoughts on not being able to twink and eq2
    # Apr 30 2002 at 10:58 AM Rating: Excellent
    First off, I agree that seeing twinks running around all over the place probably does ruin a newbies game. But well to tell you the truth Ive been playing since EQ1's first debue and ive found it increasingly harder and harder to entertain my self with this game. Quests are usually filled with major **** time consuming camps that in the end give you a crap item at the lvl you can solo the quest, when u could just go get a mob drop item that does nearly the same exact thing!

    Quests are usually at least in my eyes unrewarding to the player and with the exception of some velious quests, give obsolete items. This waists time you could be having fun in RL.

    The game itself does not reward your time and effort with lvling. Instead of being able to toss a green con creature aside when you first character hits lvl 50+, you get your **** almost kicked if your unprepaired and the creature just turned green. It takes armys of 30+ all in their high 40's to low 50's to do a vox raid, and even then she may still wipe everyone out. When in old storys it only takes a hand full of heroes to slay the mighty dragons of old.

    It seems to me that the higher lvl you are, the more ease mobs have trashing you. Kinda makes you wonder, why am i working so hard just to get my **** kicked? This is the real reason i beleave people creat Twinks, Not because they are bored with the game, but because they want to feel all mighty and be god like ( wich they should for the ammount of time and money they put into this game )

    Tourneys on Eq are a joke as well, There is no skill involved at all, and almost always at least on my server a tank will always win. ( this is because the GM's will limmit the spells a caster can cast )

    All in all Eq1 is addictive, and fun for the first couple years. Unfortunatly i beleave EQ2 is not going to fair as well. If players cant twink they will get bored verry quickly of having to start from scratch every time they make a new character. To solve twinking i would have just made seperate Nontwink servers where these rules skill rules applie. This would make the newbies and roleplayers happy and the power starved player base all happy.

    These are just my thoughts and i relize some of you may not agree with me, but that is your oppinion and it is your wright
    RE: My thoughts on not being able to twink and eq2
    # Apr 30 2002 at 4:08 PM Rating: Excellent
    Perhaps I haven't reviewed the boards enough to recognize an old suggestion but I think your idea of dividing servers into twink/non-twink as a variance on the role playing to PVP spectrum of types of servers is a good one. It's also an example of what I meant below in posting a complaint/suggestion that might actually be picked up by other Verant/Sony customers and communicated to them.

    I suspect the Verant would believe the software coding might be prohibitivly expensive for the current EQ1 (based on what I believe is the financial decision matrix I suggested below) but perhaps not as difficult for a new system still being designed.

    Edited, Tue Apr 30 17:03:04 2002
    Oh Grow Up!
    # Apr 29 2002 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
    I quote from a prior message:


    Ha HA HAA! - I love these strings that flame Verant or Sony for "not caring about the game" or ruining the game or ripping off another gave, blah blah blah! As a prior poster commented, Take a class in Economics and keep at least part or your head here in the real world (errr, last time I checked playing RPG's in any form was still considered by most inhabitants of the real world entertainment and a hobby at best or an often addictive time wasting obsession at worst and NOT one of the worlds great religions, philosophies or social movements to be held in awe or to pattern one's life after).

    Sony and Verant are not "evil" entities out to spoil your fun or ruin the RPG gaming world, they are BUSINESSES that exist to make money for stockholders. Granted, they may be evil for other reasons, such as social irresponsibility, but I would put things like polluting the environment, supporting corrupt or non-democratic governments or using slave or child labor in the manufacture of products in that category and NOT nerfing a class' spells or deciding on a product line/marketing strategy that interferes with my personal entertainment preferences matrix. They are not government agencies providing a necesary "fantasy world" service to voting constituents. In the world of business the only voting is done with your dollars/feet, go somewhere else/spend your money on something else. They make decisions based on (especially companies like Sony) the consideration of what will maximize the long term profits and return on investment of the STOCKHOLDERS (the concept of "making decisions" in an organization will also inject an measure of uncertainty as to whether the correct decision, even based on this criteria will be made). And for mega companies like Sony that doesn't even mean the profits from a single business (like their entire online gaming business) but the entire entity (this individual division may not be making as much money but it feeds to another or helps us provide a full line of products, etc.)

    This is not to say that complaints should not be made. In any customer / business relationship the customer may desire to let the service provider know of dissatisfaction. The rational business entity will evaluate the level of customer satisfaction against the matrix of expected effect of changing to rectify the complaint (i.e. cost and possibly increased revenues) compared to the effect of ignoring the complaint (potential revenues lost). It seems that in many cases (but not all) Sony/Verant decides that it will make more money by not changing (avoiding the cost of doing so) as the effect on revenues will be zero or less than the cost of fixing the issue. if enough people do so you may raise the issue in question to the level where it crosses the cost/benefit threshold and moves the service provider to take action. In complaining about matters the most effective complaints will always end with a subtle or not so subtle mention of the potential cost for not paying attention. Note however, due to the fractured buyers' market (multitudes of buyers of low revenue items vs. large individual purchasers representing a substantial percentage of revenues) any single complaint will not clear the cost/benefit hurdle. Only numerous complaints that represent a credible potential loss of revenues will be heeded.

    I think in the end the bottom line (another business term for the uninitiated) choices you have are:

    1) Continue to play (and pay) and enjoy or not enjoy the game. You can also combine that with complain directly to the service when and as you see fit. This can be combined with posting your complaints on forums such as this. It may encourage others who share your complaint to tell Sony/Verant when they might not otherwise have done so. It also may provide the critical mass of complaints if Sony/Verant reads them here AND believes that people will actually stop purchasing based on the level of dissatisfaction they voice.

    2) Quit playing. Vote with your feet and go play something else. This will let Sony know they have made a mistake (if enough people do it). Unfortunately this only works for you if you find something that gives you more satisfaction for your money and time spent. Otherwise you have only "cut off your nose to spite your face" (Always wondered about that saying and the psychological issues with self mutilation).

    3) Continue to "rant and rave" about this matter in a manner which attaches an air of great import to it. While I do thoroughly enjoy playing RPG's as a form of entertainment (and sometimes reading the flames against the service providers) I have one suggestion to those who do feel the need to post them. After you post your flame message, sit back and imagine it being read at your funeral as an example of something that was really important to you. Then turn off your computer and go play outside - you'll be better for it, I assure you.

    Edited, Mon Apr 29 19:59:51 2002
    RE: Oh Grow Up!
    # Apr 30 2002 at 11:13 AM Rating: Default
    215 posts
    True, Sony's primary purpose is to make money for their shareholders. And true, businesses generally do examine the level of customer satisfaction that they perceive to exist. This is true of all business.

    The thing that makes Sony/VI suspect in this case is that they are intentionally trying to build a custoemr base that will play whatever VI slops onto their plate, paying the $13 per month (or $40, if they REALLY have too much money on their hands and they choose to play on Stormhammer), regardless of the fact that the level of service that they're being provided is declining steadily.

    If you look at the changes that have been made to the game recently, I think you'll find that the only commonality that the changes share is that they make it easier for new players to get addicted to the game. Prior to the March 19 patch, there was a very real danger of players becoming frustrated with what they perceived as an excessively difficult game and walking away before they actually started getting involved with any content that was fun or meaningful. Now that they can level to 20 in the blink of an eye and don't have to bother with CRs until they're over 10, and now that any level 14 cleric or 22 pally can revive them, there's no challenge whatsoever involved, just an immense feeling of accomplishment that they've gotten to level N so quickly, while everyone else on the server is telling stories about how difficult it was for them just to get to their second round of spells and how they had to walk uphill through the snow just to get to the merchant, and by God, they paid in COPPER, none of this pansy-*** platinum. So, they get sucked into the game and end up spending all their time in a chair, feeling their butt grow while they play EQ. Sounds an awful lot like "give it away for free, then sell it to whoever comes back", doesn't it?

    And while VI is spending time patching the game to suck in every last person who is truly devoid of life, so they can get that extra $13 to the bottom line, what are they doing about bugs? How many people have died because of the "8^1 yells for help from behind you" problem? How many have died because of the complete heal problem? Problems that actually AFFECT players. Then, someone finds out that there's a bug that can be exploited which allows chanters to 1-in-10 end up with a free bar of platinum when they use enchant platinum. Servers go down IMMEDIATELY, because this is clearly a life-and-death problem that must be solved immediately. Can't have level 34 players making a couple thousand plat an hour by doing something tedious- that would clearly unbalance the entire economy...suddenly, everyone would be on horses with chain bridles, the entire server would band together and kill every boss mob in one giant, all-encompassing raid, Inkies and Wood Elves would be living together, it would be anarchy. God forbid a player should ever have an advantage.

    VI's aim is clear: Build a customer base (by recruiting new players and conditioning existing ones) that just doesn't give a damn about what VI is or is not doing for them, as long as they can have their daily escape into Norrath.

    Personally, I went with your second option. I quit the game- gave away all my stuff, deleted my chars, cancelled my account, and uninstalled the software.

    RE: Oh Grow Up!
    # Apr 30 2002 at 3:52 PM Rating: Excellent
    Here we go again - "gave away all my stuff, deleted my chars, cancelled my account, and uninstalled the software." What a noble act of defiance!

    Should have added:

    "But still have found nothing worthwhile to do with my life besides come back to this EQ dedicated Website and spend my precious time sniping at a company I no longer do business with." LOL!!! - (you do remember that one don't you)

    Might want to look at the original poster's comments about cutting off your nose to spite your face which was included in "Option 2"'s description!

    I'd say the moniker "Ironic" is appropriate in many ways.
    # Apr 29 2002 at 6:52 PM Rating: Default
    LOL man you did twink that shadowknight. PS feel like giving my your armor when you quit. LOL
    # Apr 29 2002 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
    Everquest at the high-end has become somewhat corrupted.

    VI's programmers are finding it difficult to keep some of the uber guilds satisfied. Every zone in EQ has been mastered, and VI's answer to this is to create rediculous key quest and bane weapon quests. This solution, however, only delays the inevitable, which is a guild obtaining enough keys and enough bane weapons to enter a zone and defeat whatever creater is to be defeated. Leaving the guild that spent the last 2months gearing themselves with keys/weps feel cheated.

    The key camps/bane quests released with SoL are ****** lame, crazy-rare camps of low-level ****. This leaves most players ending their high-end game in tov/st/deep.

    The effect of this trickles down. Bored, rich players starting twinks and giving them rediculous armor/weapons.

    One of the features of EQ2 is a limit on the quality of gear new characters can use. I believe this is the main catalyst behind EQ2. *************** characters can ruin the game for an honestly new player. I am ready to quit EQ and have a fresh start with EQ2, sure it will be rough to throw away my 89days played, but in the grand scheme of things, we are still playing a game, right?

    Paloos Level 59 Cleric of Rallos Zek
    Rantag Level 2 Shadow Knight of Rallos Zek (500 hps)
    # Apr 29 2002 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
    Ugh, you people obviously failed Free Enterprises in High School. They most likly will not shut down the current EQ servers because the game has been so successful. The new EQ is ANOTHER GAME, a sequel, NOT a replacement game. Then what would the point of PoP be?? Nothing, all for naught.If VI and SOE can support servers for SWG, then I'm sure they will not have a problem supporting new servers for a new game. And now back to the thing about Free Enterprise. MONEY. New EQ = new way to bring in the cash. There is nothing wrong with making a new game. If you don't want to play it fine. Personally, some of the "supposed" features of EQ2 don't appeal to me, I say supposed because Verant hasn't officially said anything about the game yet. And i haven't personally seen a copy of this mythica issue of PC Gamers yet. But, I'm not gonna flame this, yet.

    Talenaa D'Phasma 27 Shadowknight - Bertoxx
    Bhindu Nightfall 50 Rouge- Bertoxx
    # Apr 29 2002 at 1:33 PM Rating: Default
    I'd like to announce the grand opening of

    The design is still in its infancy, but it is presentable and ready to be seen by the public.

    Check it out at:
    What is wrong with you people?
    # Apr 29 2002 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
    Some of you sound as though your lives are over! Holy ****! I have been playing EQ for about a year or so and I enjoy it, mostly because of the people to people interaction. If all of you losers think Verant is so horrid and EQ is so terrible, quit. Leave us players who enjoy playing it alone! This happens on every post... If DAoC is so inventive, go away and play that. Or else shut the crap up and let the posts be about what the thread says! Sheesh, get a life!
    RE: What is wrong with you people?
    # May 01 2002 at 10:00 AM Rating: Default
    DAOC sux total ***, as does Anarchy Online, and I don't mean software only... I mean game mechanics as well.
    The Future
    # Apr 29 2002 at 1:01 PM Rating: Excellent
    Being Set in the future does that mean no more Kelethin and no more falling out of trees too? I hope so )
    RE: The Future
    # Apr 29 2002 at 10:19 PM Rating: Good
    Ahh, that's half the fun of playing Wood Elves. Learning to watch your feet so you don't end up a pile of Wood Elf goo at underneath the town!

    RE: The Future
    # Apr 29 2002 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
    Wouldn't you expect that after a while the Major of Kelethin might have built safety nets? Sheesh! =)

    Overheard on OOC

    /ooc YYYY: My god XXXX! You are the dumbest druid I ever met!
    /ooc XXXX: Not my fault! I fell of Kelethin when I was young and hit my head.
    A fresh start
    # Apr 29 2002 at 11:36 AM Rating: Default
    I used to play everquest all the time with my friends. Then on a very cold January morning I was arrested and spent 3 months in jail. When I beat the case later that year, I had been out of the everquest loop from that january until september. My friends had progressed far beyond me and I was not really in the mood to play anymore. I am now ready to start anew. A brand new game would give me a fresh start and keep me at a level that is close to those friends I have that will also switch when EQ2 comes out. I can't wait for it to come out. I hope that Star Wars Galaxies takes a large chunk of the rpg public, so that the EQ2 servers stay manageable. To all those that will switch: See you in the future.

    RE: A fresh start
    # Apr 29 2002 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
    Errr, sounds like you are getting a fresh start in more ways than one. Do you play a rogue on EQ by any chance?!?
    RE: A fresh start
    # May 02 2002 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
    LOL wow what a cheap shot. As for your friends, it seems to me they would help PL you so that you all could group together. While I'm not a big fan of PLing, under the conditions you described, it would be acceptable. That way you can continue with your RL friends.
    # Apr 29 2002 at 8:28 AM Rating: Default
    From my knowledhe eq2 takes place 1000 years in the future and when the iksars left kunark and after the doomsday and the rebuilding of the cities(ie felwithe is now a pile of rumble)

    since the dommsday all connection to luclin has been lost.....

    eq ps2 takes place 500 years in the past during the time of sorcerers and necromancer were a new class.beastlords,shadowkngihts and maybe shamans with not be included in this expansion

    in the ps2 version the trolls just landed on antonica and have setted up a city but since it is in the past it might solve from of the game-lore

    I myself is a real fan of history and i really wanna know what about to our friends in the past and future (old naggy)
    EQ getting old
    # Apr 29 2002 at 7:09 AM Rating: Default
    Everquest is getting old. I left it a while ago, because no matter how many add-ons it got it was still essentially the same game. If EQ2 came out and was a lot like EQ today, I would get it- for the new graphics, towns, npcs, storylines, spells, and class abilities. If they make it too much like AC and DaoC I would just as soon stay with DaoC if I wanted PvP and AC2 if I wanted safe mmorpg style xp-grind stuff.
    RE: EQ getting old
    # Apr 30 2002 at 12:31 AM Rating: Good
    I never cease to be amazed at the number of people who claim to have quit EQ but apparently have nothing better to do than come back to various EQ based websites to either **** and moan about what a terrible game it is (or became, yahda yahda yahda . . . ) or how much "truly better" the new game they have moved on to really is, or just to snipe at Verant or Sony for taking all their money (which they parted with willingly I must note as there is no gun to my head).

    In response I must say:

    /emote Current EQ Player who still loves the game pats his hand over his mouth stifling a yawn and rips a huge fart to let the complainant really know what he thinks of the complaint.

    Get over it!
    Oh dear.
    # Apr 29 2002 at 7:07 AM Rating: Default
    This really doesn't appeal at all. SW Galaxies is gonna wipe the floor with this - yes i know they are licensed by the same companies. Wake up Verant! People are bored of killing the same things over an over just to see their exp bar move. EQ2 needs to to be more community based, i.e. like Galaxies.And i dread to think the charges they are gonna place on this game to play it. They considered legends a superior version of EQ and charged 40 bucks a month for it. No doubt they will consider this even more superior and charge even more....50 bucks a month probably. No thanks!
    # Apr 29 2002 at 7:02 AM Rating: Default
    i played UO, AC, EQ, and am currently in DAoC. I like DAoC a lot, but i still sometimes miss EQ. while i cant put my finger on it, i think it was largly because of the well-defined class systems, and the involved questing for items.. items that you would always have from that point on, not something that can break.
    the 'proposed' ideas for EQ2 sound like a mix of DAoC and AC ideas- only leave a few items behind upon death (AC). Bind points everywhere (DAoC.. kinda). player housing/towns (DAoC a little, but mostly AC2 and Shadowbane ideas). choose where to strike your enemy (AC, big time.. everyone knows you attack a lugian's legs. it was a dumb system..)
    EQ2 seems to be borrowing a lot of ideas from other games, but i worry that its becoming less what makes EQ such a great game. content, ambience, questing, and rigid class diversification.
    # Apr 29 2002 at 6:58 AM Rating: Good
    Read a few of these posts, have to agree with verant and sony's track record I'm inclined to agree with the fears of servers being allocated in favor of EQ2. Also I find the arguement of EQ2 ripping off ideas from DAOC funny. Most of the ideas both games have in them or will have, have already been around in MUDS (multi user dungeons) text based internet RPGs that have been out for years, and MUDs took their ideas from book based RPGs that were pre internet such as D&D which started out as 1 dice a crayon and a 2 page folder. This is just a desperate attempt by everquest to keep up in an ever growing game market. DAOC is taking away from their profit margin and forever winter nights probably will when it comes out also. verant and sony have contiuously stepped on their on you know what. good example is the cleric class who have traditionally been 50/50 healer/melee. one example among many. another example is how they keep saying the game is balanced yet a NPC of the same race and 10 lvls lower can bare hand a player for 40 yet a player with full armor and weapon can barely do half the damage.

    So now a few years down the road other game makers studied everquests faults and made a game(s) that caters to people who think a game should be more balanced or should give more reward versus the amount of time invested all of which everquest is not. i'm not saying everquest sux (well yes i am) but it also has it fun points like the players, (which is why i still play). But now sony/verant is feeling the pressure and since the only way they can keep up with progress is to revamp the game they are trying to keep their profit margin. But with the loss of windows 95 when SOL came out,AND all the system upgrades players had to do, and the chance of EQ/kunark/velious/SOL being eventually phased out (if that ends up being the case). Then quite possibly verant/sony are ******** themselves very very badly. Personly if they make it so my 4 past games i've bought to play everquest obselete ill go look for another game to play.
    # Apr 29 2002 at 6:34 AM Rating: Good
    EQ on PS2
    # Apr 29 2002 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
    Just checked out the screens of EQ on the PS2 and I must say it looks very Zeldaish or well, twee.
    Long-term subscriptions
    # Apr 29 2002 at 1:29 AM Rating: Default
    Verant has dug themselves a hole with the advent of EQ2. Why? Because right before they did it they increased the price and "allowed" people to buy *very* long-term subscriptions (up to 2 years) for a discount from the old price rather than at the new price.

    AND NOW! They announce a completely new game that will replace EQ1. I've had this happen with magazines before. Buy a year's subscription, have the zine be canceled and instead of getting a refund of my money I get a subscription to another magazine I never would have read in the first place. Thus will it be with EQ2. When they decide to shut down EQ1, all those long-term subscriptions will be converted to EQ2, whether you like it or not. Of course your old characters will be gone, and even if you can't keep up with the hardware requirements that's what you'll get. /rude Verant yet again.
    RE: Long-term subscriptions
    # Apr 29 2002 at 2:47 AM Rating: Good
    68 posts
    Use your head, and learn to read. And to count, for that matter. The projected release date for EQII or whatever it will be called is October of 2003. That's eighteen (18) months from now. And nowhere is it stated that subscriptions will be converted to the new game, probably because it's still in development.

    /rude anonymous posters without a lick of sense

    Edited, Mon Apr 29 03:43:38 2002
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