Patcher Woes

Let me express what many of you are feeling right now: Arrrrrrrrrgh! Let me in! Let me in! I want my Kitty! *breathe* OK. According to Sony, they are aware of the problems and are working on them, including bringing on more patching servers. Why they didn't think of this before, since this is almost identical to what happened at the original release is beyond me, but I'm sure they want you to play their game as much as you want to play it. Feel free to use this forum to try to help each other get into the game or to just console each other while you wait.


Post Comment
Black Boxes
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
I got the download after about 4 hours of trying. Log in and find out that my screen is full of black boxes. Cant see buffs (black boxes), can't see trees (big black boxes).

Installed DX8.1, reinstalled video driver...still black boxes...

Anyone have any ideas??

Rararaz Papapaz
41 Iksar Warrior
Order of the Light
RE: Black Boxes
# Jan 23 2003 at 1:11 PM Rating: Default
RE: Black Boxes
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:25 AM Rating: Default
ugh you suck your fat.
cant install
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:08 AM Rating: Default
When i try to Install Luclin i instantly get a message thats says OLEAU32.DLL is out of date, this program requires a newer version. Anyone know how to fix this? i would really appreciate the help thanks :)
RE: cant install
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:25 AM Rating: Default
ugh you suck your fat.
RE: cant install
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:23 AM Rating: Default
This happened to me too. the file name is actually OLEAUT32.dll. Fortunately my wifes machine had a new copy, so I copied her file to a folder on my machine.

Then I hit, Start>Shutdown>Restart in DOS mode.
Then copy the new file to the windows\system directory.
i.e. C:\> copy c:\files\oleaut32.dll c:\windows\system\oleaut32.dll

Then it will say do you want to overwrite.. type Yes and hit enter.
Then type win and hit enter to get back to windows. All done, I can now install SoL.

Then you get to wait on the damn Patch.

Varner Rapscallion <Ordained>
54 Paladin of Brell
Necromancer pets
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:04 AM Rating: Default
Well they don t attack when I tell them to, only if they want to hmmmm, I verified it several times. It stands there and gets hit like Ghandi, thts ok in politics but not in this game i think!!!
RE: Necromancer pets
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:25 AM Rating: Default
ugh you suck your fat.
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:03 AM Rating: Default
All I would like is to be credited for not being able to play a game that didn't need to be fixed. This should have been an option for expansion not a new Game Engine. Thanks Verant, now i have a 30$ upgrade that i can't play. ManDark Age of Camelot is Starting to Look a lot better Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: credit
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:26 AM Rating: Default
ugh you suck your fat.
garbled text
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:03 AM Rating: Default
After a few attepmts as downloading the patch, I got in last night around 11pm EST. There are two bugs I encountered that are not listed here. First, allof the dialogue box is compacted into 1 inch width, the text written on top of itself. Second, when playing a bard song, it casts like a spell; i.e., the casting bar comes up and I cannot move without disrupting my song.

Has anyone else encountered these bugs? Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!

RE: garbled text
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:26 AM Rating: Default
ugh you suck your fat.
3D Devices not found?
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
Hello I am posting to ask if anyone else has run into this error. I just finished downloading the patch lastnight and now when I click play I get an error message say Error No 3D devices found. Does this mean that I can't play eq until Luclin gets shipped to my house? Any insite on this matter would be greatly apperciated.
RE: 3D Devices not found?
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:26 AM Rating: Default
ugh you suck your fat.
RE: 3D Devices not found?
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
I saw that they addressed this issue directly on the everquest (eqlive) website. On one of the pages I saw that they had taken a screenshot of the Error no 3D devices box.

If you haven't fixed it, go there.
RE: 3D Devices not found?
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
i hope this helps...
i had the exact same problem as you..i dont have the xpansion yet either... i was running DirectX 8.0 .... go to and update it to DirectX 8.1 and see if that takes care of the problem if you havent already done so... as soon as i downloaded that, EQ seemed to work fine for me...i was able to see a few of the new graphics without the xpansion such as the new wolf form and my new skeleton pets etc. i hope this helps you a little...

Vandiyan 51 necro
Mordiki 47 warrior
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:57 AM Rating: Default
I finally logged into the game fine, but the screen is VERY small. THe only way i can get it bigger is to match the current resolution set on my comp... how do i get it to change when i log into eq? thanks
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
I hate verant. They suck. First buying 256 RAM = -53.99. Second...buying SoL= -29.99. Now i start it and i have to upgrade windows = -at least 89.99. This is Bullsh*t. Once again ...Verant blows.
RE: Venting
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:41 AM Rating: Default
lets see, if you payed $53.99 for the ram, you got ripped off big time and with games coming out these days, you would be lucky if 128 was even ran the game. If you are still in the stone age with Win 95, then it is about time you came to the "information age." I am suprised you complain, even Microsoft doesn't support win 95 anymore, not to mention it is crap compaired to Win XP or even Win 98se.

Frankly these changes aren't very big ones, even for those who have small pockets. The real only bad cost here is the expansion, and it is worth it
SOL Video
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
Finally got in last night after much of the patch problems described below. I do not have SOL yet mainly because my video card will not support.
QUESTION: Anyone have problems with the video cards listed as compatible or have a very high reccommendation for one card in particular?
Thanks for words of wisdom in advance!
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:47 AM Rating: Default
Im sorry if that seemed harsh. My other post only applies to the people who are ******* about not being able to patch.

For all other having weird problems after patch is complete. (Black Screen ect) I feel your pain and im sorry. Make sure you update all your drivers. Video, sound ect.
RE: Harsh
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:48 AM Rating: Default
RE: Harsh
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:01 AM Rating: Default
Orignal message was for you butt munch
RE: Harsh
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:19 AM Rating: Default
Hahaha its only been 20 min since that was posted. and your a *****.
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:44 AM Rating: Default
Jeezz guys... alot of ********* You know why you are having weird problems getting the patch to go? You know why you cant seem to login?

Because there are 300,000 people doing the same thing at the SAME TIME. You guys need to chill out. Verant isnt going to pay 1,000,000 dollars to put up another 1000 patch server for 1 day.

Everything will fix itself in time. I personally has all the problems listed above. I couldnt get in, and when i did i got I/O erros or permission errors.

I started the patch server at about 11:00pm last night. It started and then froze. You know what i did? Left it on and went to bed. When i woke up this morning... Guess what? All done... hit play.. got into kurns tower.. Checked out the new iksar model. Very cool. Logged off and went to work.

Moral of the story: STOP YOUR *********
Please Help me =(
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:39 AM Rating: Default
I get logged on ok but everything is black =( the only way i can see anything is if i click personal and goto my inventory and i at least see where i am ,even when i goto pick my chars before i get into eq the names are all blacked out =(( please help me
Got on, Now what?
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
Well I finally got on, without SoL, Everything loaded fine, good attempts at some Humor on the World load screen, actually got the toon to move then I got kicked out, and am still getting kicked out after playing about 30 secs. anybody else?
RE: Got on, Now what?
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:32 AM Rating: Default
Boyfriend had the same problem this morning, but I did not. His computer just locked up. I was only on for about a minute before I had to go to work.
RE: Got on, Now what?
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:30 AM Rating: Default
ugh you suck your fat.
RE: Got on, Now what?
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:30 AM Rating: Default
ugh you suck your fat.
RE: Got on, Now what?
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:30 AM Rating: Default
ugh you suck your fat.
RE: Got on, Now what?
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
Well its probably a good thing anyway, Can't afford to take time off work to play anyway.

It'll all be fixed when i get off work.

/em grins with thoughts of impending doom bouncing around in his head.
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:26 AM Rating: Default
This morning the patch worked fine. Downloaded really fast and everything but after i push the play button it goes to a black screen like it usually does for the unser licence agreement. But instead it just sits at an all black screen. Any ideas?!
New Models
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:24 AM Rating: Default
Do you have to have SoL to see the new character models?

RE: New Models
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
104 posts
yes , but you will see the new pet models, even when they are used as monsters (wolves,elementals,skeletons)
RE: New Models
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:59 AM Rating: Default
Thank you for answering my question. I tried to use options to see the new characters and was so disappointed. Like many, I am waiting for all to die down before I buy the expansion.

Quite the pain
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
I picked up the expansion last night after work and rushed home to install. Nearly every problem listed below mine I encountered. However, someone posted that they had to keep rebooting. I also had that problem.

Anyway, to get to the point, From what I have seen, upgrade your drirectX, upgrade your video card driver, and be patient. A wiser person than I stated that we should expect these sorts of problems with a new release. Almost no software works perfectly from the outset.

However, they most definitely should have had more patch servers available.

I was finally able to get on about 11pm EST last night. The new models do look very good. Everybody was commenting on how good wolf form looked (they actually do sit down now). Many of the monsters still look the same (the spiders and scarabs and crocs from what I have seen). The players look much better.

Do make sure you have a good PC though. It pushes mine (T-Bird 1 Ghz, 768Mg Ram, Radeon 64Mg DDR).

Good luck to all, and hope to see you in Norath

Druid of the 27th Season
Innoruk Server
keep going LD
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:19 AM Rating: Default
well i managed to downlowad the patch easily enough get on no problem, get my characters up and running, everything looks neat from what iv'e seen in the 10 or so seconds before i go ld. ive logged on bout 15 or so times now and instantly ld everytime. ive NEVER had this problem before. not even close, any idea what it is? or should i just throw almost 3 years out the window because verant wants to fix sumthin thats not broke? if they wanted to make a better game than doac they shoulda have....but a different game. theres a reason alot of us didnt go play doac. we didnt have the system requirements nor could afford to upgrade to those requirements. perhaps verant should try asking what their custyomers want instead of thinking they know what we want. how can folks so smart be sooooo stupid yeesh. hey i just flamed, never done that before 8D. well hope everyone has fun that can still play. im done (i think)
An email to Verant
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:10 AM Rating: Default
An email I just sent to the support email site:

I have been trying to connect since 12pm EST yesterday. I have the game installed, the patches run, and can connect to the login screen.

On the login screen it says "establishing connection with login server" for about 60 seconds. Then it says "Cannot establish connection with login server. please try again shortly". But when I click on connect again, the screen freezes and EQ stops responding, and I have to use Taskmanager to end the EQ program that has quit responding.

Is there anything I can do to get on? And if no one is one, just update your web page and tell us you are down right now, don't let us all keep trying to get in when you know damn well it is down.

BTW, how much money will my credit card be credited for the downtime this month?
RE: An email to Verant
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:16 AM Rating: Default
I'm also having this problem. It doesn't seem to be a traffic problem because others can see the login server just fine. Something else is wrong.
RE: An email to Verant
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:20 AM Rating: Default
This is exactly my prob also. I get the load from Verant then "black screen" and puter freeze. I have to shut my machine off by way of the surge protector. Hope they get this ironed out soon.
The Dark Side
# Dec 05 2001 at 7:58 AM Rating: Default
For a company trying to win back people from DAoC, they've made some serious mistakes. I've tried to follow the directions but nothing seems to work.

It's evident that SoL was rushed to market: (1) they had to back off the planned world-wide release; (2) not enough patch servers; (3) we're already being informed that servers are to be brought down for a patch; (4) a complicated set of patch instructions; (5)_______ (you fill in the blank).

I think the best thing to do is just wait a few days for the dust to settle then try again. Yes I also want to play the game and see all the new stuff but it's not worth the headaches and late nights. I've got a life to live.

In the mean time I think I'll just look over the DAoC sites on the web. It looks like an interesting game and what SoL was trying to copy at the last minute.
I feel your pain
# Dec 05 2001 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
I had some issues logging on, but now the game is running quite well for a 1.0 version once the first big rush quit hammering the servers. I don't feel so bad for us early adopters. Anyone who thought they were going to buy the game and see no bugs out of millions of lines of new data and network code or were going to zone as fast as they used to with all the options turned up were quite naive imo. It's the ppl who just wanted to log on as always with old EQ who got shafted more than anyone else.

However; reality check. That P200 running Win95 that used to run EQ? (although badly) You'd have a hard time finding one at a used computer store these days. Technology moves forward, EQ looked so dated I was starting to confuse it with UltimaIV.

The bugs and the mad rush to check out the new EQ are going to stress the servers and our patience. It happens. If you don't have the patience to get through the crashes and the lock ups and the insanity that can be instantly found debugging on 200,000 systems, but would take years on a few hundred; wait. Let people like me throw their mouse and keyboard across the room while you play Hot Date or BG2. I'd rather do some debugging with all the new cool stuff that has been added then be buy it with fewer problems in March of next year. I hope for everyones sake we see some stability after this weekend.

Hope everyone gets this thing working soon. Good luck.

Edited, Wed Dec 5 07:52:54 2001
RE: I feel your pain
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:19 AM Rating: Default
well, ruboe, you make some good points, but also miss some good points. i don't have your aforementioned p200 win95 etc. p.o.s. i have a TOL (top of the line) self-built screaming machine. there is no game sony/vi can make that can task my machine.
also, obviously, not everyone in the world is having trouble with their video cards at once. common sense dictates that this is a sony/vi problem and peeps should stop tweaking their files/drivers/cards/etc. posting in this regards should cease altogether. they messed up the patch and im sure they will fix it with little to no need to reconfigure your computer. they only thing mouse/keyboard throwing will get you is broken mouse/keyboard.
finally, you say you'd rather wade through the millions of bug fixes to get the good stuff now vs later. well i say you've never had a lesson in economics. we pay for the service of playing the game, and when we cannot, it costs us money. you're giving sony/vi your money right now to do their work. that's poor economicship.
but that's your choice, not mine to be sure. but not everyone thinks such. good luck and i hope you can find cheap keyboards
RE: I feel your pain
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
I have a system that I built which isn't sweating so far in the game also; that part of the post wasn't to you, but to the numerous posts here and elsewhere complaining that SoL won't run on that persons two year old e-machine.

As for willing to put up with some bugs, I'm not saying we should get an alpha build, but the last game I bought that was bug free I bought a month before Falcon 3.0 came out. The more lines of code, the larger the margin of error. Add networking to the game build, and it's more chances for hellishness. I wasn't saying I like it, just that I'm pragmatic. If you want a bug free game, make a stable game platform that is consistant from home to home. Oh, wait, they have that... It's called the Nintendo. They are promising that soon they will have MMORPGs for these systems. Goody goody, maybe that will filter some kids out of EQ.

As for economics, it was my major in college, and a good chunk of my job (when I'm not sneaking into EQ sites). The economics of information and transfers of data are different than the economics of durable goods. Why? Because if you placed the same constraints on software that you do on ovens, software wouldn't get made. I chose to pay $29 now for a game that has a week or two of growing pains than $49 in seven months for a game that will still go to v1.29, but won't have as many glaring problems out of the box.

You can debug forever and still not get them all. Eventually, you have to have the consumer base do what they do best when you have thousands of possible platforms, and that is to sweep the entire spectrum faster than a team of programmers and beta testers could ever hope to. While I'm running well, it seems like quite a few people aren't even after they navigate the patch server. For the recommended system specs they have on an on-line interactive game I can't say I'm suprised.

Once again, like it? Nope. I knew that if I wanted to avoid this though, I needed to not play for a couple days, and then buy SoL in early January. Hard to be outraged when A. It's a video game, not a child safety seat, B. I know from past experiance with many different games that it was going to be ugly at first, and C. $10 is a third of what I spent for lunch yesterday.

They needed more patch servers. Yep, didn't address that more in the post than it took me a long time to get on. It was annoying, but I brought stuff I needed to read to the computer room with me. The bugs would have seemed less harsh (except maybe to bards) if they had the bandwith to get people to them quicker. If that is such an awful crime that you can not support the company with your money anymore, than I agree. You have the right as a consumer to speak with your dollars and take the game back. That's one less person jaming the stupidly limited patch server pipe right there.

Unfortunatly for you, if you decide to spend that entertainment dollar on another on-line video game the day of it's release, you are going to be writing about what asses they are, and how they are ******** themselves by releasing such a buggy game.

The people who will get all indignent are factored into the matrix. Less people will be lost due to the rocky release than would have been to DAoC over the next 5 months if they had held off. It's a fast industry, and perfect isn't even in that dictionary. Dikatana anyone?
RE: I feel your pain
# Dec 05 2001 at 3:39 PM Rating: Default
add zeros to your figures and decide if it's economically viable. i mean many zeros, and you might champion a better perspective. i know a. it's ONLY 10 dollars, b. it's NOT a child safety seat and c. fallacy is the norm; but if i'm a huge marketing boss at a retail firm, and you come to me with your ABC's, im gonna boot you, laugh and call all my associates, ensuring you never get a job better than burger king fry cook.
it's the principle, man. JUST 10 dollars!? ok, man, i have many crappy programs i'd like to sell you. tons of bugs, but for only 10 bucks a month it's a steal! send me your money and i'll be happy to dump this crap on you. i'll let you sort the trash. and i'll rake in the dough, thank you very much. you may be the only person i've ever met who devalues the dollar. send your post to steve jobs, randy marks or alan bridgewell and they'll send one of their competers' job applications. if your a econ major, think way back to day 2 of your freshman year, you probably heard a term called 'opportunity cost.' that was not just another cool word, it's one of the most important economic principles. everything cost something. not necessarily money, mind you. in fact, in most cases, it's not money. while you sit there and try and do sony's/vi's job (without getting paid), you are giving up the OPPORTUNITY to do other things (including making money). AND your paying them at the same time. wow, can you come work for me please!? i need the money!
yes, it's a fast industry, don't get run over man
Can't be a little pragmatic and work for you? 8-P
# Dec 05 2001 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Exactly my point. I'm not saying I want to play a buggy game, I'm saying the opportunity cost of playing this buggy game is missing playing another buggy game in it's v1.0 state.

Retail? Toasters are different than software, although with general quality toasters, you accept a certain number of defects (bugs) coming off the line because to do it perfect would make your product a niche item that would cost more than most people are willing to pay for a toaster. You try to catch them before they ship, but you know that some of those boxes leaving the factory are going to be coming back. If you live in a wourld where you expect perfection from every mass produced item you buy, than you must be a very bitter person.

I wasn't saying Verant's timing is right, but I am saying that no matter when the game was released there would have been bugs in it, and people on these boards with the "Verant Sux, I hate them, they suck" messages that I was really responding to. If you want to defend these people, be my guest. It's just a given that people were going to have problems. I'll leave any unrealistic expectations I decide to have for woman. I have no problem with people venting, it's a god given right it seems these days. It's just bizarre to me that people get red in the face over a video game, and don't seem to give a damn about far more important things.

Yes Verant should have had more patch server bandwith Tuesday morning. Too many bugs? I'll give it a week before I work myself into a frenzied opinion over that one.

If you were the boss at my company and they found out that your views on product perfection was more than just retorical jargon to motivate the grunts, you'd be looking for a new job before you plowed the profit margin through the floor. I'll leave Burger King out of it since you do seem to be fairly interesting and educated, and so I chose not to wish that horror on you. The opportunty cost of this post is going to be dinner if I don't click post message =) I see your point, but I think it's naive and unrealistic.

Would I say this stuff to my boss? Nope, it's understood under the lingo and jargon of the field I work in, and when acknowledged, is followed by the same promises of striving for more stable end product in the future. Although when the price of making perfection happens to be a unsellable product due to the costs assosiated, we tend to forget the propaganda and start talking about "acceptable rate of returns."

If you think Steve Jobs doesn't understand that every Mac that gets shipped may not be going to a happy customer, than I don't know what to say other than:


Entertainment software for computers have rates of error that shock people working in durable manufacturing or retail. If you want to play a game on the computer that is bug free, find one that's been out a few months. I'm not forgiving Verant, I'm just accepting reality. If someone learns how to write error free code and starts a video game company that makes games I want to play then Verant will be a distant memory, but for now, I have to live in the real world.

Edited, Wed Dec 5 17:59:08 2001
RE: Can't be a little pragmatic and work for you? 8-P
# Dec 05 2001 at 6:22 PM Rating: Default
ooooh, well i'm out. you're way off key on the product perfection thing (your perogative, of course). how many toasters you buy and it didnt work? how many tvs? how many stereos? computers? etc? you see my point, product perfection isnt utopia man. you say you work in the industry, but your arguments are making that reaaaaal hard to believe. but you say so, and i'm naive, so: /believe. if steve jobs didnt believe every mac he sent out was a customer pleaser, he couldnt even get a job at the aforementioned burger king and certainly wouldnt sell any macs (talk about driving prof. marg. through floor). ouch man, you have very bizaar views on economics. you seem faily well spoken, but, maybe it's time to hit the books again. rhetorical jargon? whew! oh my. well, like i said, im done posting. that last one decided it for me. thanks anyway. good luck at whatever it is you do. /signoff :) p.s. you know why they don't have cars that can take ordinary joe's like you and me into space? because they havn't developed that technology yet. simple enough right? what you're saying is, well give me the code for it and ill work through it, instead of waiting for it to be "perfected" and you'll get much more enjoyment out of it. take your ford escort, their software and try to make your car go to moon. or just wait till they develop it and enjoy driving to dennys in the meantime. this is an extreme example, but i hope it has light. point is, luclin doesnt work, and shouldnt have been released yet. you dont mind, cool. i do. i didnt buy luclin and i cant even play the original. but like you say, its a vid game and only 10 dollars, but you wont get far applying that principle to everything. nice talking with you /log
RE: I feel your pain
# Dec 05 2001 at 7:53 AM Rating: Excellent
workin' on my 55 warrior on diablo II. what patch!?
# Dec 05 2001 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
I have this error message when i try to log (before the server selection screen):

Cannot load fr_txeula.bmp

I presume this is because I choosed "french" as default language. Anyone know how I can go back to "english" (or another way to solve this problem) ?

Thank you
RE: fr_txeula.bmp
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
Found this on the official support forum.
Can't test it right now, but sounds lile a plan ...


Just found a quite annoying problem with the new option that allows to change the language at login/server selection.

Out of curiosity and because I am french, I've chosen to have it in french, to see how well it was translated. Well not bad, but there's a little problem if you completely quit EQ...

At next log, when you should get the EULA, but instead, this appears :

So... I'm guessing the EULA was either not translated or not included... To get back to English language, open EQFECFG.CFG in your EQ directory and replace the number between {} by 1.

Bye~ Hope this helps.

RE: fr_txeula.bmp
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:31 AM Rating: Default
i got the same error, first time i get to launch screen i put the french langage and now i cant get the screen anymore, if anyone could help, how do we change the langage in the ep file directory plz

RE: fr_txeula.bmp
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:20 AM Rating: Default
i have the same problem as u, the patcher is running find and everythin is exept when i press play button i got the same error as u

plz anyone could help us change the default langage to english without going throuth the gameoption screen
RE: fr_txeula.bmp
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:15 AM Rating: Default
i got the same message and i think u r right for the french thing, i chosed french the first time i got to the screen and now i cant get in anymore , plz anyone could help us , how do we change our langage to english

pls help
# Dec 05 2001 at 7:39 AM Rating: Default
Anyone else out there having problems with the eqgame.exe. Yes I have downloaded the new one and have also downloaded all the patch stuff. I am on windows xp so I already have directx 8.1 and all my drivers are up to date. What happens is that I can log on, get to the server screen, but before it gets to the character select page an error box comes up and says eqgame.exe is having a problem and this program will be shut down. I have looked over at the (sony site) eq msg boards, and there a lot of ppl with my same problem but no answers yet. Any help would be appreciated. Geesh I'm ont even trying to run SoL. I just want to play regular EQ
I'm having trouble as well
# Dec 05 2001 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
Hello all, I just downloaded everything, and was excited for the screen to go black to start my game when it said "No 3D Devices Found". I have a Voodoo 5 in my computer, and I just tried Everlore's way of fixing this:

""1. Go to your Start menu and down to Run. Type in "dxdiag".
2. Select the "Display" tab.
3. Enable 3D Acceleration.
4. Close dxdiag and try EverQuest again.
5. Pray."

Now, I've done all this, and have my Voodoo 5 enabled, but it still says I have no 3D Card... But, Under the display Menu for "dxdiag" I only have 2 things enabled, and the "AGP Texture Acceleration" is Not Available. Could that be my problem? Thanks for your time.
RE: I'm having trouble as well
# Dec 05 2001 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
i got a little prob like yours i can get in to the actual game but it has black boxes round everything i can see others type but black boxes for my text and i cant see on the reg screen its black but in persona i can but that wont be easy toplay the game well i guess ill have to try what u said although i dont have time for that now i have to go to school (
RE: I'm having trouble as well
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:17 AM Rating: Default
hoping this will help some people =) I still need help tho with the black boxes =(
RE: I'm having trouble as well
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:02 AM Rating: Default
what who said ? about the black boxes? so many posts here i must have missed it =((( sigh i so miss playing EQ any ideas out there or anymore having the black box probs? pls help
RE: I'm having trouble as well
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:01 AM Rating: Default
I had the same problem as you when the original EQ came Transparency's were off..once i turned them on everything was fine
RE: I'm having trouble as well
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:43 AM Rating: Default
I have the same problem as you do. arrrrggghhh
# Dec 05 2001 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
I never load after picking my toon...

Edited, Wed Dec 5 07:23:46 2001
# Dec 05 2001 at 7:17 AM Rating: Default

Finished re patching from scratch, reloaded my new video driver, reinstalled dirext8.1

worked, got into the server, picked my character, and nothing just shows the loading picture screen forever,

Has anyone else had this happening to them???
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