New Group Bonuses Being Tested

Check out today's patch message for the test server. With today's patch, there is a new group experience bonus being tried out. This will significantly change how group experience works in Everquest. Here is the description provided in the patch message: May 27th, 2003 ------------------------- ** Experience System Change - Grouping ** We've made some improvements to the way experience is rewarded in all of EverQuest. At its core, the idea is to positively reinforce grouping. There should never be any penalty to adding "that sixth person over there," whatever class they may be, into your group. That is exactly the type of behavior that should be rewarded. In a massively multi-player game, any mechanic that penalizes those who group is one that we need to take a serious look at. While there are definite benefits to forming "well balanced" groups in terms of damage, tanking, healing, and support, there shouldn't be an active penalty to those who cannot find groups of "optimal" balance. As it stands in EverQuest, groups gain a 2% to 20% experience bonus, which we refer to as the "group bonus", for having two to six members. In practice, however, this has never been much of a bonus, even in the case of a full group, given that the experience was already being divided six ways. In the past, we had also attempted to reward people for adventuring in the more challenging Planes of Power zones by making those zones give a better rate of experience. As of this update, groups now gain 20% to 80% "group bonus" experience for having two to five members. Full, six-person, groups now see an additional bonus. Their experience is only divided five ways, yet they still gain the 80% "group bonus." For those who think in terms of pie charts, it amounts to a larger piece of a larger pie. Accordingly, the bonus inherent to Planes of Power zones will be decreased slightly. However, as long as person is grouped with at least one other, they will see an improvement in experience gain over the old system. The one down side to the new system is that there will be a slight decrease in experience for those who do not group, and only for those who do so in Planes of Power zones. We realize that we are, essentially, "manufacturing" a new type of experience after a kill. As players, we also understand it is the people who spend time in full groups who have to deal with the most interruptions and setup time caused by organizing the extra people. It simply makes sense to reward that extra time, especially if it means bringing more people together. After all, that's the whole point. We look forward to seeing how these changes play out on Test Server. ** Experience System Change - Level 60+ ** In addition to the above changes, we have increased the range of NPC levels that give a person experience after they reach level 60. The "blue to 65" range has been increased as far as level 50, with the "light blue" range extending to level 45. The best benefits, however, are still for fighting things around and above your level. The world of EverQuest, at this point in its history, is truly immense and full of the best and most interesting content and visuals out there. Ideally, when a person logs on they should have a wide array of places in which to adventure. The addition of new content shouldn't entirely obsolete what already exists. Hopefully these changes will once again make that the case. - The EverQuest Development Team


Post Comment
Casual Gamer
# May 28 2003 at 5:14 AM Rating: Decent
Like many others who have posted here I am a casual gamer, 2 hours is generally my max time to play EQ. I group when I can but most times I solo. I don't get invited to raids because the group doesn't want you leaving in the middle and I understand that. I don't understand why Sony just doesn't want people to play solo. I think it would be interesting to know just how much of a percentage of EQ players are really casual vs. hard core. Anyway that's my 2 cents, for what its worth.
# May 28 2003 at 4:33 AM Rating: Default
You ppl keep saying how they are nerfing soloing.
They have not nerfed soloing for all classes. They only nerfed the Enchanter class. The enchanters were able to solo in BOT and gain huge AA, I am not sure that a nerf should have taken place. But a enchanter being able to get a AA in ten minutes was a little outlandish. FYI if you didn't know they lowered the exp gained from a charmed pet by 50%.
# May 28 2003 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
Please bare in mind that Druids and Necros also have.. correction: "had" the possibilty to charm. So most of the soloing classes where hit by that nerf.

After the raise of the magic resist check it's impossible for necs to effectively charm mobs (CoD for example). At least Chanters still can debuff the mob they want to charm before they try their luck (not much but at least something).
exp bonus
# May 28 2003 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
i don't understand what the complaint is about time to play - re: i can only play for 2 hours so i don't try to find a group, i solo. i have been in many pick-up groups where people come and go every 15 - 20 min, we don't stop fighting because we are short 1 or 2 people we just continue fighting adjust our style and call for another to come join us (yes a lot of time a person will get a replacement before they leave the group but this is not always the cast)

the thing i really hate is when we get a druid in the group and i buff him with virtue and then 5 minutes later he leaves (11pp down the drain)because he doesn't need the group to get exp,he has the hp to solo now, and to tell the truth i seldom even see a druid ooc lfg they are too busy quading.

from what i read here because of the new exp bonus a full group will now maybe come close to the exp gain a druid gets quading in the same amount of time
ie: mob exp = 10xp (zone bonus is irrevelant because both types of group get it)
druid quads 4*10xp = 40xp
5 or6/grp 7*5.6 = 39.2
so a group of 5 or 6 people must kill 7 mobs of the same exp level to = the exp a druid gets solo quading, and as far as me soloing clerics don't do that too often, yes we got some additional spells 6 months ago or so that allowed us to solo light blue mobs, but how often do u see a cleric solo except when they are farming greens for needed loot for skills
RE: exp bonus
# May 28 2003 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, there are lots of semi full groups out there. But most of the times the are looking for a specific class and unfortunately most of the times it's not the class that you are playing .

When you are in PoTac Arena and your only cleric/slower/mezzer/tank has to leave.
What would you do then?

A) Replace him with exact the same class that just left?
B) Replace him with a Druid/Necro?
C) Or go train tradeskills in Thurg?

I'm afraid that answear A) or C) would be the winner in 90% of the cases.

Who is the looser in all this? The so called "soloing" classes.
Why penalize soloers?
# May 28 2003 at 3:30 AM Rating: Default
Some of you already said that this is a game.

You log in when you have some time, play for a while for fun and then log off.

What I really don't understand is the meaning behind this "crusade" against soloing. With all the last changes (Charm nerf, Exp change) players are FORCED to play for 3+ hours if they really want to see a substantial advance in their exp bar.

Players are FORCED to find a group during HOURS if they are not one of the indispensable classes (Tank, Cleric, Slower, Mezzer). Classes which are a MUST in higher Tier zones and therefore find a group easier than others.

Where is the fun when five lvl 61-63 players have to wait 55 minutes for a slower to show up? It's not a problem when you know that you can still play another 4 hours but it really SUCKS when you only have one left.

Most people are working during the day and can't log on at 8AM, 1PM oder 11PM in order to be certain that there is a free spot for them in an exp group.

It's nice that they improve the exp bonus in groups but why is it necessary to penalize again soloing???

Hig Bardon
# May 28 2003 at 3:26 AM Rating: Default
The underlying reason behind many of the changes happening is very simple, EQ II is due up in the Autumn, SOE would like to Beta test many of its ideas on live subjects, i.e. u lot

Welcome to the world of BIG Corporate Business, NOW !! get back in ur cages.
# May 28 2003 at 3:10 AM Rating: Good
/shout 65 Druid LFG

wait for hollow echoing to die down

listen to pin drop

/hear BC looking for slower
/hear RC looking for tank

/shout 65 Druid LFG

wait for hollow echoing to die down

listen to pin drop

/hear BC looking for slower
/hear RC looking for tank

/shout 65 Druid LFG

wait for hollow echoing to die down

listen to pin drop

/hear BC looking for slower
/hear RC looking for tank

/shout 65 Druid LFG

wait for hollow echoing to die down

listen to pin drop

/hear BC looking for slower
/hear RC looking for tank

/sigh find a spot to solo for gimp exp now
# May 28 2003 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent

# May 28 2003 at 2:36 AM Rating: Good
I don't think we should be FORCED to group. And yes, that is what they are making us do. Some People play the game to get away from the everyday banter of RL people. I don't want to say that grouping is bad, just leave the people who want to solo alone by NOT taking away the maximum amount of exp we can earn.
Think it works for everyone.
# May 28 2003 at 2:25 AM Rating: Good
On paper this looks pretty good for both soloers and groupers. Let's just say that mister/missus
%t gives 10 xp it breaks down like this according to my understanding:
1)Solo = 100%(10xp)= 10xp per
2)Duo = (20%(10xp)+10xp)/2 = 6xp per
3)Trio = (40%(10xp)+10xp)/3 =4.5xp per
4)Quartet = (60%(10xp)+10xp)/4 =4xp
5)Pentet = (80%(10xp)+10xp)/5 =5.6xp per
6)Hextet = (80%(10xp)+10xp)/5 =5.6xp per

Now by these calculations Soloers are still going to get more xp per mob. We're still going to get less xp than soloing in a group, but the bonuses are safety, faster pulling/mob death with the potential for more xp based on group dynamics. That's if Sony is doing it this way, which is what I gathered from reading the article. Of 'course I just finished taking the GRE so my brain's all mush and I could be way off.

Rumgrog Rottenfots
50 Ogre Shadow Knight

#Anonymous, Posted: May 28 2003 at 2:17 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Verant has stated several times they want people to group in this game, so of course they want it to be better to group than to solo.
whiny kids strike again
# May 28 2003 at 1:59 AM Rating: Default
This is yet another attempt by SOE to quell the whiny kids.

Xp will always be better solo. If you play EQ just to gain xp, why play at all? You'll never be satisfied with what you have or how you get it. EQ its a shootum game that you go uber and 'win' with. You can't beat EQ.

I group because it smooths out the xp grind. When I can solo to seal a level or whatever I will but xp is far from my agenda.
RE: whiny kids strike again
# May 28 2003 at 7:45 AM Rating: Default
Over the past 4 years, I have at one time, played just for the experience. It lasted a long time, and it was fun. I felt MORE satisfied with what I had BECAUSE of how I got it. :P
RE: whiny kids strike again
# May 28 2003 at 4:11 AM Rating: Default
/AGREE kempion

I used to play a full soloing druid. grped once from 1 to 57.
started a War, and tho he is 1 kill of 61, I have had 100 times more fun and adventure in grps, than soloing, and cause most grps are clr based, didnt have to /auc for an hour for a res.')
Ohh and friends list is much longer,..
Ignorance is not bliss
# May 28 2003 at 1:46 AM Rating: Excellent
21 posts
First off, let me just say that I believe the patch to be a good idea. My main is a 61 Wiz whom I leveled almost entirely solo...and immensely enjoyed it. I am not anti-soccial, in fact, far from it. However, I felt pulling a quad and nuking it down all by myself to be very exciting. Usually the only downside of quading is listening to melee toons cry and moan out of complete envy. In addition, I have a level 54 shaman who groups alot. Grouping has its own rewards, namely safety, but conversation and the ability to take on much larger mobs then one could solo is also great.
But, all and all, I just got to say that this move by Sony is pretty smart due to player ignorance for the most part. Druids sitting lfg constantly is the result of players not really knowing how to adapt a druid into their groups succesfully. The class is what I think of as the class EQ came up with to encourage new players to play because it does everything, too much in fact.
The same can be said for all classess in fact. Im often caught by surprise when a tank thinks that a wizard,or nuker in general, would be a poor addition to a group...cuz when he/she is done tanking, they turn to see the wiz just sitting there playing with the dirt little realizing that the fight went so fast not because of some sort of supernatural tanking abilities but because of the damage done by the nuker.
Now, perhaps, with this xp "bonus" for grouping players will become more familiar with all classess. And not just for the normal abilities they think of, but for other things that add up in the end. I still remember dropping my jaw when a tank thanked a chanter for chain casting runes on him that kept him alive. When the chanter said he didnt do it, that the wiz was chain casting spellshield on you...the warrior typed to me, "Damn, I really thought all you guys were good for was crits and ports!"
punishing solo players
# May 28 2003 at 1:10 AM Rating: Default
The point that everyone is missing is matter how they want to phrase it (we are encouraging grouping, or rewarding grouping) it still works out to the FACT that solo players are punished in this game. Take the above xp example
1 = 10xp
2 = 12xp
3 = 14xp
4 = 16xp
5 = 18xp
6 = 19.2xp(18/5 = 3.6x6)

So, a mob killed by a full group is worth 19.2xp. But if I am somehow able to solo that same monster, do I get the full xp value, of 19.2? NO...because I cannot play for more than an hour or two at a time, and so mostly solo....I am punished by only being given a little over half the total xp value of the monster (because to be fair you have to take the highest value a mob can earn, not the lowest. The highest value gives what its really worth, and the lowest gives the penalty for not grouping)

Its 6 times easier to kill something with 6 people as it is to kill it with only 1. So a group should NOT get any kind of xp bonus for grouping together to make it easier to kill the mobs....they should only get 1/6 the xp a solo player does for the same mob. The reward for grouping, and the only reward there should be, is that high end items can only be had off of mobs that need groups to take down. The high end loot should be the reward for grouping. The idea that groups will be rewarded with xp bonuses is EXACTLY the same thing as punishing players who do not group.
RE: punishing solo players
# May 29 2003 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
RE: punishing solo players
# May 28 2003 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
Send me a tell in game... I will buy you a cry towel. just because the game doesnt fit your scheduel dont ***** about its design.
RE: punishing solo players
# May 28 2003 at 9:48 AM Rating: Excellent
215 posts
He's not ******** about its design, he's ******** (and rightfully so) about a new change being introduced.

The people who will benefit in the short term from changes like this never seem to be able to see the overall effect. Just like the imminent deflagging of the PoP zones, this change is going to flood the game with players who aren't able to play at their level. Hell, lots of players who've had to work their way up the hard way play like's going to get truly ugly when it only takes 5 weeks for a player who's new to the game to get into their 50s.

# May 28 2003 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
Increase group XP and LEAVE SOLOERS ALONE! It's bad enough you HAVE to HAVE groups to do MULTI-STEP quests for an item that only YOU can use, why penalize soloers' leveling too. I totally support their ideal of grouping but I don't like how they hurt soloers in order to prod us into grouping.
my 2 cents
# May 28 2003 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
a good grp with a good puller, can lvl faster than a quadding soloist, no downtime to med, soloist must be a kei-addict to even try soloing...u want to stop soloing, remove mana enchaning spells, then everyone will want to grp and no one will be sitting lfg for hrs...having kei is like having a lvl 65 epic cleric babysit a lvl 1 in a lvl 50+ zone, ruins the toon... i think every zone in EQ should be lvl restricted, prevents unnecessary farming and powerlvling, u kill something that u shouldnt, u get booted back to nearest city zone
RE: my 2 cents
# May 28 2003 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
So, what you are saying skills should be killed. Because that's what would happen.
All of this
# May 28 2003 at 12:15 AM Rating: Excellent
I can see both sides of this. Im all for this change, or at least SOME change. The way it stands now, in a simple camp of a tier 1 plane zone with a good healer and a good slower and a good tank, you'd be nuts to add anyone else. Ive done it myself. Got a nice trio going, and someone is just BEGGING for a group, and so.. ok I cant take it anymore, invite this poor soul. Exp goes down, and it doesnt come any faster than it did before we invited that person. 47 rangers and monks and rogues and whatevers all LFG but.. why? Why take them? they are just taking your exp from you. But Im nice, I have to take them, I feel bad. A change like this makes it easier to take in someone who isnt CRUCIAL to the party. I like it.

That was my level 60 cleric talking. Now for a
word from my level 54 ranger:

You people dont understand how hard it is to get groups! Rangers are good damage, let me in! I can help! I know Im not a tank, or a healer or a slower. But let me in anyway, pleeeeeease! I want to level too! I want to play! A change like this makes it easier for someone like the above cleric to take in someone like me, who isnt CRUCIAL to the party. I like it!

And from my level 47 druid:

I was born to solo. I dont want anything to do with any of you. I have gotten to 47 in no time flat soloing, and I plan to keep right on soloing. Im not a social butterfly. I didnt even buy buff spells. I've never looked for a rez when I died, the exp comes so easy. Just loot up and move on. Now you are telling me that my exp is going to be lessened in certain zones if I dont group with others? Pfff. I CANT group with others. Nobody needs a root dotter in a plane group. I have no skills to do anything else. I cant heal for beans, I never learned how to time nukes, or evacs (if I even bought those) or anything. Im a SOLO character. Bah.. leave me alone!
RE: All of this
# May 29 2003 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
ROFL... Probably the best post on the subject. Makes everybody see how others think. I love it.

Carden Hugatree
55 Druid
Imperial Might
RE: All of this
# May 29 2003 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
92 posts
Adding a 4th member to a War/Cler/Enc group will in fact increase the rate of xp. These are estimates but very close.
A group of those 3, each mob gives let's say 100 points, each member gets 33 points per kill, let's say each kill takes exactly 1 minute. That's with, oh, 50dps coming from the warrior (very rough again but ratios are the point not the values). This makes, all in all, a rate of 33 experience points per minute for each member.
Add a rogue. Rogues do nice sustained damage, let's say 66dps. This makes the total dps of your group now 116. You get 25 experience points per kill (now divided four ways), but you get it more than twice as fast. You in fact get 58 experience points per minute, almost double.

Diminishing returns come when ideal classes are not available, and when you start to add the 5th or 6th member. There are other constants like, time for the pull to come in that leans toward favoring smaller groups. But it doesn't lean like the same factor. There are also non-dps or not directly dps factors that effect this but the basic point is, if adding the nth person will make you kill more quickly enough to offset the fraction you lose from having another person, they are beneficial to your xp rate.

How much fun you have without people to talk to is an entirely different equation =)
some good points.
# May 28 2003 at 12:05 AM Rating: Excellent
I play a lot of different classes, so am used to both soloing and grouping... and am not complaining about the increase in grouping experience - that needs to happen, to make most who would solo, group, instead. Not all soloers like grouping, is just that the experience comes too slowly when grouped. However, I do not feel that the decrease for solo exp should be decreased.

~~~Rant Rebuttal~~~

I have noticed that the majority of people here who are saying they dont understand why people would not like this change, either do NOT play a 'solo' character, and / or just have a bad opinion of them (or are just plain jealous). Get over it. People are all different, they arent all going to play the way you think they should. Learn to respect that, and maybe you will get along in life a bit better.

~~~ End of Rant Rebuttal~~~

The people here bring up some good points. Soloing should NOT be "punished" or changed. But yes, group exp should be increased. Yes, they want to encourage grouping, I understand and agree with that. But just the increase in group exp alone will do that much. The decrease in exp for soloers is called 'going too far', and uneccessarily aggrovating the majority of their player base who either cannot play for long enough to find a group, refuses to find a group because of bad experiences in the past, or are just impatient.
All of these people - which could be any one of their ENTIRE playerbase at times, will be forced to just deal with it - grudgingly mind you - until that grudge destroys their fun. And when that happens, people stop playing and paying.

After the recent nerf to charm exp, this change, I feel will NOT be accepted kindly.
Lets think about what happens if the group exp bonus comes into being, but with NO solo deductions. Those who do not like to solo, will most likely move to a group, if they can find one, and deal with the small loss of exp. However, those who do like to solo, or just dont have the time to group that day, can still play comfortably, the way they have been. People dont like change. And especially not changes this big.
It makes no sense to implement the decreased solo experience as well.
maybe I dont understand
# May 27 2003 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
Perhaps I dont understand...

if you solo you get 100% exp, unless in POP, where you would get a small penalty

if you duo you get 50% (each) plus 20% unless in pop

if 5 you get 20% (each) plus 80% unless in pop

if 6 you get 20% (each) plus 80% unless in pop

is this correct?
The one down side to the new system is that there will be a slight decrease in experience for those who do not group, and only for those who do so in Planes of Power zones
RE: maybe I dont understand
# May 28 2003 at 12:33 AM Rating: Excellent
2,553 posts
Not quite...

PoP zones previously had (have?) a ZEM (zone experience modifier) of 1.4 on them. combined with the problem that there's nowhere else to find level 63 to 64 mobs which are XP group friendly, this made PoP extremely good xp. All happy and all that. Basically they're saying we're happy with the XP in pop that groups are getting, but anyone soloing in PoP gets too much.

Btw, compare that to the hole with a ZEM of 1.25.

So they're dropping the ZEM on pop zones (to what I'm not sure, betting 1.21), so even a group of 2 will get more XP fighting in a PoP zone than in any other still (they're also fighting level appropraite mobs there).

Group of 2 - 120%xp/kill divided by 2 people in group.
Group of 5 - 180%xp/kill divided by 5 people in group.
Group of 6 - 180%xp/kill divided by 5 people, yet assigned to all 6.

In my opinion it's good - it'll make it easier for anyone to get a group, it provides a social stimulii to invite people to your group, and for people to join it. And as they said in the patch message - that is the point isn't it?

Fumus, draco magus incoluit mare.
Myrx - 70 Holy Priest, Myr - 70 Resto Shaman, Gryd - 70 Prot Warrior
RE: maybe I dont understand
# May 28 2003 at 2:42 AM Rating: Default
Well put. They aren't 'nerfing' solo EXP. They are simply lowering the Zone modifier for the PoP zones. Yes, soloists will get a *little* less EXP, but it won't be a penalty. They don't intend to take away EXP because you don't group, you just don't get the group bonus. Besides the Planes are the homes of the Gods, yes? This is an RPG, right? OK, I for one would not go to Heaven and start chasing down a friggin' Angel solo. I would get help, as much help as I could. I believe this is meant to emulate that simple truth.
RE: maybe I dont understand
# May 28 2003 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
I for one would not go to Heaven and start chasing down a friggin' Angel solo

Only because you couldn't. But get an enchanter, whose power is nearly on level with a god, to head up to heaven and charm another angel to fight others, and there ya go. That'd be emulating the simple truth.
group idea good but...
# May 27 2003 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
I like the idea to make grouping more attractive. BUT how easy its getting to level is getting out of hand. Just an opinion, im sure it dont mean much.
do the math
# May 27 2003 at 11:24 PM Rating: Default
it still dosent work for me.
granted im a druid and very good at quading

but do the math
(simple fake numbers)

mob is 10xp
one person gets 10xp
2 person get 12xp split 2 ways = 6px each
5 person get 18xp split 5 ways = 3.6xp each
6 person get 21.6xp split 6 ways = 3.6xp each

when quading im as efficent as a group of 3-4 others subtract time finding people to group with. weening that bad people out and then finding replacements. im still more efficant solo.

although i do love the news for my secondary char a monk
RE: do the math
# May 28 2003 at 12:41 AM Rating: Excellent
51 posts
I think your math is a good way of looking at it. However, If you look at the old system, with the same kill and a 20% bonus, you're looking at -
6 person get 12xp split 6 ways = 2xp each

That's a big bonus, almost double. And the exp penalty for soloers isn't going to be that noticeable if a 2-person group still sees an increase with just a 20% bonus. That would suggest the overall amount they're dropping exp in PoP zones is less than 20%, right? Of course that, coupled with the charm exp penalty of up to 30%, could make some druids and enchanters who solo in PoN very unhappy.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 27 2003 at 11:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Last time i checked the PoP zones were and are still designed for grouping only, the fact that some peeps that are uncapable to get or keep friends and thier for "solo" is there problem::)
I dont get it...
# May 27 2003 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
I play a variety of characters on 2 accounts. I love to group. I love to solo. What I dont get, is why solo-ing should be penalized, in order to enhance grouping. Why not just pick half your subscription population, and tell them, they cant play anymore.

How is enhancing one asspect of the game, cause for punishing another aspect? Believe me, those who solo will feel punished.

I solo when I have less then 2 hours to devote to EQ, but dont have the time to join a group. Now, with this patch, I will be punished for not having more then 2 hours to play Eq. So, I ask Sony, "why"?
Very Nice
# May 27 2003 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
I really like the change. I play a Level 55 Druid and really get tired of having to strictly solo for great exp. and find it nearly impossible to find a group at times.
/ooc 55 Druid lfg, pst.
So-and-so tells you: Druid, lfg!? LOL, go solo.

You tell So-and-so: Im tired of soloing, need a change.

So-and-so tells you: Too bad. Go kite something.

Fighting by myself gets really boring and finding a group at my level is often very difficult and isn't really even worth it considering the experience I can get soloing. This change will make it not only easier to find a group, but less of an experience drag for me and the other people in the group when I finally do. We will see how it goes.

Edited, Thu May 29 04:30:58 2003
This is a great idea
# May 27 2003 at 11:06 PM Rating: Excellent
374 posts
The need for solo exp has driven the players apart. This change will bring people back together and give them a reason to group again without penalty while *slightly* reducing the desire for solo play. And please, don't cry me a river about how I don't understand because I do. I'm a necro. We solo everything. Maybe now we won't have to anymore.

Nutaris - 58 necro of E`ci

Edited, Tue May 27 23:25:50 2003
Solo Xp nerf
# May 27 2003 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
I am a druid and often find it hard to find a group. I have been lfg all night long before without getting one. So I find myself soloing for a good portion of my xp. A great deal of that soloing occurs in the planes with my charm spells (which already saw a recent nerf of charm xp). And now they nerf solo xp in the planes. I agree that group experience should be rewarded. But dont punish the soloers in order to accomplish this. Rethink your approach here SOE. I think u may find a better solution.

56th Druid of Cazic Thule
Mixed Nuts
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