EQ 2 Now Official!!

It's now official. Sony has finally acknowledged the release of Everquest 2. Here's the press release: SAN DIEGO, CA – May 2, 2002 – Continuing on the success of the original EverQuest® and in line with its tradition of consistently providing new and exciting content, Sony Online Entertainment Inc. (SOE), a worldwide leader in massively multiplayer online gaming, today announced it is developing EverQuest® II. Scheduled to launch in Winter 2003, EverQuest II adds significant improvements over the first, widely popular, iteration. EverQuest II uses a completely new, cutting-edge 3D engine developed in-house with a host of technological features allowing the development team to generate an unparalleled visually stunning 3D world. Other features include the ability to own real estate, ride horses, command ships, and experience all-new enhanced spells, quests and events. EverQuest II returns to the culturally diverse world of Norrath in the future of the original EverQuest, with the sheer size and graphical detail greater than ever seen before. “It’s no secret that we have seen phenomenal success with EverQuest,” said John Smedley, sr. vice president and COO, Sony Online Entertainment. “With these improvements to an already great game, we are not only investing in our growing online community, but also pushing the boundaries of what the next generation of role-playing games aspire to be. EverQuest II is the successful embodiment of better technology, player feedback and our desire to build an online global community.” Larger in scope than its predecessor, EverQuest II will be able to host hundreds of thousands of simultaneous users from all over the world. And, due to increased localization features including real-time translation in English, French, German, Japanese and Korean, as well as localized servers in select countries, players from every corner of the earth will be able to explore familiar areas and new, undiscovered territories of Norrath. With innovative in-game creatures, weapons and items EverQuest II promises something new for all subscribers. “EverQuest II is truly an amazing experience,” said Andrew Sites, producer, Sony Online Entertainment. “The vastness of the world, the increasingly deep storyline and the continuity of the online community make EverQuest II an unparalleled game.” Key features and improvements include:
  • A brand new 3D engine which takes full advantage of a wide variety of recent technological advances in 3D hardware/software such as per pixel lighting, dynamic environment mapping, and a fully programmable surface shader system
  • ·
  • More intuitive gameplay features appeal to both new and seasoned players
  • New branching class structure that players define as they advance through the game
  • Vast world of Norrath revisits familiar locations and introduces a variety of newly discovered areas in the Age of Destiny, a time period in the future of the original EverQuest.
  • Increased character customization capabilities allow players to customize characters’ faces, hair, and body types to create truly unique avatars
  • Deeper character development offering pacing options that cater to game players new to the role-playing genre as well as experienced role-players
  • Non-confrontational means of character advancement that including a completely new tradesman character class
  • Rideable mounts and vehicles to own and control, including horses and boats, make traversing the massive world of Norrath faster than before
  • Norrathian real estate for players to call their own
  • All-new tradeskill/crafting system
  • Completely new and tactically rich combat, spell and skill systems
  • A completely revised and enhanced quest system
  • Dynamic world environment shaped by player events
  • EverQuest II is due to ship Winter 2003. For more information please visit www.everquest.com. Sony Online Entertainment Inc. (SOE), the online gaming division of Sony Pictures Digital Entertainment, is a worldwide leader in massively multiplayer online gaming that creates, develops and provides online entertainment for the personal computer, console, wireless, and online markets. With more than 13 million registered users, SOE’s award-winning website, The Station ® (www.station.com) hosts a variety of entertaining games and player communities spanning numerous genres. In addition to blockbuster hits EverQuest® and Jeopardy! Online, SOE has an array of cutting-edge online games in development such as PlanetSide™, Star Wars® Galaxies™, EverQuest® II, and the world’s premier online-only console game for the PlayStation®2, EverQuest® Online Adventures™. They included some screen shots, so here they are:
  • Befallen
  • Orc Shaman
  • Comments

    Post Comment
    EQ or UO
    # May 02 2002 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
    I think I played this "new" EQ before, it was called, let me see....Ultima Online?

    How about some orginality, or has Sony decided to go the way of Hollywood-its just easier to "remake" a movie/tv show than to actually create a new story/concept/idea?

    I guess we will have to count on small, independent minded "death to the MAN" kind of geeks to give us orginal games to challenge us and make of think. Of course once Disney/Sony/Microsquash starts waving fistfuls of dollars in front independent creators, they will sell out, and we will be right back where we started from, a bunch of sixty year old board members not willing to take risks on innovative ideas.


    Needs pirates
    # May 02 2002 at 6:40 PM Rating: Default
    I just started playing EQ about 1 month ago. And just for the record, its tight!!(like you guys didnt know) But where are pirates? Thats what i would like to see in EQ2, when you can own a boat, you can buy all the good stuff, including grapling hooks, to pull another boat, and pillage from them. Then there could be pirate clans and that sort of stuff, and maybe some epic sea battles between clans and stuff. Well, just thinking about something that ive noticed that would be hella fun if it would be possible. what do you guys think?
    RE: Needs pirates
    # May 02 2002 at 11:36 PM Rating: Decent
    I agree. I would like to see piracy on the high seas. Pay a tribute for your freedom (dependent on your level or wealth) or stand and fight. Of course they would have to fix it so you could cast on a boat. Would work well on a PvP server too. Boat size could range from dingy class (slow and weak) to Warships (stronger, faster and cannons possibly). The latter would hopefuly need to be either guild owned or if private, by the extermely wealthy. Then you would need to hire a crew...

    Sounds fun to me.

    Flynndaar Cuchullain, 50 Woodelven Ranger, Tarrew Mar
    # May 02 2002 at 3:18 PM Rating: Default
    Im looking at the screen shots for EQ2, very cool--the orc shaman's body actually looks like reflective metal in spots and I think, armor is gonna look wicked)
    The i look down at my computer, 256RAM, etc.
    I look back at the screenshots and back at my computer and all i can think about is that scene from Jaws...

    "Youre gonna need a bigger boat"

    I love EQ but...
    # May 02 2002 at 1:26 PM Rating: Default
    Ive played EQ for 2 years and have a fairly substantial account on the Rallos Zek server and I just cant see many 60's abandoning their character to start a lvl 1 on EQ 2 my question is why not realease EQ 2 as a sort of super expansion for EQ 1?Sadly I think I can answer my own question $$$ thats why they made Stormhammer so they can charge 40 bucks a month for what they proably should be giving you anyway.Mark my words this will be between 20 and 30 $s a month and whats with them doing aways with the expansions..again I guess its rather obviuos $ man I cant wait to pay 40 bucks for Ruins of Kunark 2.Im subscribed to EQ till August which is around the time Shadowbane comes out and I was thinking about leaving EQ anyway now this is basically the final straw.Sorry if you dissagree just my opinion.
    RE: I love EQ but...
    # May 02 2002 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
    Why you ask? becuase the game engine for EQ couldn't support many things that veriant hold originally intended EQ to do. And addons can't solve this problem becuase they would still use EQ's original engine as a base. The only way to slove this problem is to make an entirely new game engine and so they had to make and entirely new game.
    RE: I love EQ but...
    # May 02 2002 at 1:32 PM Rating: Default
    Personally, EQ is the mad $hit, but when SWG and WoW come out, no more EQ for me.
    EQ after EQ2
    # May 02 2002 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
    For all of you that worry about it... this is the last question of an interview between Game Spot and Bill Trost, Head Designer at Sony Online.

    GS: What will happen to EverQuest once EverQuest II is released?

    BT: We fully intend on expanding and supporting the current EverQuest for as long as people want to play it.

    # May 02 2002 at 12:52 PM Rating: Default
    Ive spent the past few weeks watching you all whine, and now you all praise the thing that you hated, for the most part. Hypocrites, cant live with em, cant live without em
    World of Warcraft
    # May 02 2002 at 12:29 PM Rating: Default
    All i have to say is bye eq i'll be jumping ship to WoW once that comes out... you've wasted enough of my life as it is
    RE: World of Warcraft
    # May 02 2002 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
    Nobody but yourself can be blamed for any wasted 'life' you feel.
    RE: World of Warcraft
    # May 03 2002 at 9:28 AM Rating: Default
    look i'm saying that i feel like i wasted the past 3 years of my life playing eq and developing characters only to have the rug pulled out from under me becuase verant has decided to release eq2 instead of just updating eq and improving things that you can do in the original i mean what is the point to keep playing now, now that i know by the winter of next year eq will be obselete? and surely you all don't think that verant will keep supporting eq the way they are now? sure they might try a little bit but the patches will start to come less and less frequently and there sure as hell won't be any more expansions. i originally started playing this game because i thought they would just keep improving it through the patches and expansions, and continue supporting the game, now i just feel like all the time i've invested in the game was a waste so unless i can transfer my characters to the new game, i will be saying bye-bye to verant for good once eq2 comes out
    RE: World of Warcraft
    # May 03 2002 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
    and really, have you ever played a table-top rpg? say you play AD&D. i don't care what level your character is, your group isn't going to let you transfer your character over when they decide to switch to Vampire. it's a different game. if you don't like that, find a group that's still playing AD&D.
    RE: World of Warcraft
    # May 03 2002 at 10:45 AM Rating: Default
    have you actually read anything about EQ2? you still play your little ubercharacter all you want.
    Only one problem . . . the missing continents and moon.
    # May 02 2002 at 11:48 AM Rating: Default
    First of all, I think the game sounds great, and will very likely be great. I have several issues with the first game, and I like what I see from this one so far. However, I do not like the fact that they eliminated the expansion continents and the moon. I can almost understand the moon, they can just say the nexus is down for some reason and maybe bring it back later, but how do you explain the other two continents? I always thought Kunark was one of their best pieces of work! You had strange races, an interesting backstory, it often ended up being my favorite continent. My most recent character is a Vah Shir, so I've also grown to love the moon and it's peculiar ambience as well. Somehow, it doesn't make sense if they are just going to release Everquest2: Ruins of Kunark -type expansions, talk about retreading the same ground. On the other hand, if everything is so different in the new world . . . I guess I'd rather buy back those locales in rehashed expansions rather than lose them entirely, but the whole thing seems a little shady. They should've kept all that stuff as basic EQ2, then made expansions introducing more NEW areas.

    Ah well, I'm just whining like everyone else. I'll most likely buy the new game when it comes out, assuming in a year I have the free time to put into it. :) And if they don't have Vah Shir in EQ2, I guess I'll just have to start a Kerran.
    Not gonna play
    # May 02 2002 at 11:37 AM Rating: Default
    I will be in Star Wars. After 3 years in EQ Im about tired of it. I will spend the next 3 years of my life as a jedi! :)
    RE: Not gonna play
    # May 02 2002 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
    Also wanted to add, everything they mention was promised in EQ1. None of these ideas are new. If anyone ever played Meridian 59 you have had all these features there. 3DO was doing this crap 7 years ago!!

    In M59 items dacyed but you could get them mended by another PC with the skill. So don't panic on losing items, I bet they will have a skill to mend the item.
    # May 02 2002 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
    This is more in response to someone a little way down the posts...

    I'd guess that the tradesman class won't be the only class with trade/crafting skills. Your warrior will probably still be able to smith his own armour.

    Check out the 'non-confrontational advancement' bit... I'm betting the tradesman will gain xp through using tradeskills, crafting, and maybe even buying and selling, rather than just going out and whacking a few gnolls over the head
    RE: Tradesman
    # May 02 2002 at 5:08 PM Rating: Default
    Isn't the whole trade skill thing a rehash of UO ideas? And then they have boats and horses and houses, items being worn down...hmm sounds damned familiar. Then with the players able to change the future...sounds a lot like Shadowbane. Frankly i just think Sony is getting a little scared with other companies beginning to light a fire under their ***** Plus they are a bit money hungry, which i can see to a point being a business, but you can bet the expansions that EQ1 had will come back...and probably cost another 35-40 dollars. Anywho, just felt like ruffling some feathers, and showing new MMORPG players that EQ2 is nothign REALLY new.
    RE: Tradesman
    # May 09 2002 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
    i've never understood why people rush out to buy an expansion as soon as it's released. i usually wait a couple of months. i get it for half price.

    i don't think Sony or VI are scared. it's just a matter of improving and incorporating new ideas and ideas that are finally workable. you'd ***** if you got the same static games as before, with no new features.
    RE: Tradesman
    # May 02 2002 at 1:08 PM Rating: Default
    so the craftsmen will be in line with the mages as far as raids are concerned huh?
    # May 02 2002 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
    Very good sounding game. Count me in!
    # May 02 2002 at 9:14 AM Rating: Default

    Dynamic world environment shaped by player events

    That's what they said with Everquest 1, don't plan on it for EQ2.
    RE: errrm
    # May 02 2002 at 11:28 AM Rating: Default
    This new game will be out, what, 5 years later than EQ1. Ever think that maybe they're making this just so they can add all the ideas that never made it to the first game? If they were just going to repeat the 1st game's shortcomings, I'm sure they wouldn't be wasting their time.
    RE: errrm
    # May 02 2002 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
    Trust me, they are going to include all the broken promises of EQ1 and we will have all new broken promises to foward to with the "NEW" EQ2.

    I am still looking foward to it. Unless I become a Jedi by then. lol
    # May 02 2002 at 9:04 AM Rating: Default
    I think that they have a few good ideas here with this new version of EQ. The item decay can help, if they do things correctly. As things are the economy in everquest has no outlet for money. The more people that play on a server the more cash is generated. This creates an endless supply of money. The only way to get rid of the money is to destroy it or delete a character that has lots of it. This neeeds to be fixed. Item decay is, as of right now, an idea that could be a solution. I am sure they will test it. It may not be kept.

    I like the idea that all characters begin the same way. We are all born relatively the same. What you do in game in the long run is dictated by what you do to begin with. If you play like a healer, you will become a healer. The same is so for a fighter. Once you gain some experience you can decide what class you want. This way not every cleric will be identical to every other cleric. That is my primary problem with eq. Every person of every class is exactly identical to every other person of tha same class with a few small exceptions based on player skill, equipment, stats/race, and experience. This has a small effect of the differences between 2 chars of any class. People are unique, so all characters should be unique. Keeping them loosely categorized helps organization but also promotes learning who people are and making friends that complement your style of play.

    Tradeskill class?
    # May 02 2002 at 8:40 AM Rating: Default
    So there's a Tradesman Class? So does this mean if you chose to be a warrior, THAT character CAN'T be a smith too? YOu'd have to create two seperate characters? One for adventuring and one for making armor?

    That's disappointing if it's true.
    # May 02 2002 at 7:39 AM Rating: Default
    ok this will rock but shadowbane and star wars galaxies will also rock so it is kinda wierd as to choose wich one to play i think i might end up playin SWG in the long run though sounds hella better and ive been waitin for a while for it just my 2cp
    likes and not likes
    # May 02 2002 at 6:57 AM Rating: Default
    I personally like some of the change except the character/classes structure I think they should leave it like it is.Mabye instead of bring out an EQ2 thay should spend the time and money improving EQ1.I feel that EQ2 will be there down fall.
    RE: likes and not likes
    # May 02 2002 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
    >>I feel that EQ2 will be there down fall

    yeah, and i'm sure you're a business and marketing genius.

    there's only so much that they can do with EQ1. and hey, why not wait until EQ2 is out, take a look, then pass judgement. otherwise, you're just one of those whiny little internet ninnies who complains and pans everything.
    The End Is Near
    # May 02 2002 at 4:03 AM Rating: Decent
    Star Wars Galaxies Oh by the way what is EQ2? Who Cares ABout EQ2 we just want our star wars one thing at a time please!!
    ...not to mention
    # May 02 2002 at 3:49 AM Rating: Default
    Why do you think they made (will make) the EQ2 with only 3 continents? Correct my friend, then they will add again Kunark + Velious + Luclin, each one as a separate add-on, what you have to buy for the full price, all again!

    World will be probably be again as static as this one is, which Verant still for unexplainable reason calls "dynamic". Dynamic, hah. Verant don't know the meaning of the word, even if it would hit them right between the eyes and knock them off their feet.

    Item decay is nice, but only to some extent. I.e. if you quest for some item, then finally receive it, then the least you would expect it to be, would be "permanent". I.e. it wont decay. I don't mind some crappy items decay away, I can always replace them. I don't mind some "common" magic/lore items decay away, I can replace them - although the decay time of these items should be like 2-4 times longer then the usual item decay. But I frikkin' DO MIND when I, i.e., finish my epic quest and that item will also decay. That would be simply unexcusable, even with the 100 times longer decay time.

    I like the fact of the item efficiency, not that Verant figured it our by themselves heh.. But it's always easier to copy something, then to re-invent. But yes, the idea is good and it will will stop twinking, to the extent. I.e. you will not see a twink running around with "uber" items, however, you can always twink your lil' char with the good amount of cash, and thus get him all the best gear for his/her/it's level anyway. So there will be twinking, always, just not as blatant as it is now.

    No information yet, then again, Verant hasn't mentioned it.. The game concept will probably be also like in EQ - as a person, you are worth nothing. If you want to get even a least bit of your eveyday XP, get a group. This sucks. Naturally the grouping should and will offer to one the fastest levelling method, easiest and fun too. However, totally outruling the solo possibility sucks. So what, when soloing with the warrior to max lvl will take 2-4 times longer time to accomplish, if I want to solo, then I would solo. In EQ, this is outruled, the higher you get, the worse you are at that. Only some classes are "priviledged" enough, to be able to do it, and it sucks.

    Oh well, there are many aspects, which are from bad to totally crappy in EQ, some good things too. I hope that Verant, finally, will listen to the players, instead of their cumbajaa jammer a la "You're in our world now, so suck it up or hit the road". If not, well, no biggie, there will be at least 2 titles to try out besides EQ2 anyway, what I expect more anyway - AC2 and SWG. So the choice will be pretty easy for me - if I see a single crappy feature of EQ in EQ2 - ***** the EQ2, I will have other, more interesting games to play.

    EDIT: oh yes, someone will probably say "if it's so bad, why do you then still play it!". Heh, critics everywhere.. Anyway, don't get the pantiest in the twist, I aint really "playing" as such. Reason I still have the account and log in occasionally to do stuff, is in friends. I met many great people here, and I log in to be with them, to do something with them. I think that many of you can admit of finding new, great online gaming friends, not to mention making some RL friendship ties. It's the people, what is good. Without the friends, who simply are so cool people, I would have quit this all, for good, after 1 year max from it's release..

    Edited, Thu May 2 04:46:59 2002
    #Anonymous, Posted: May 02 2002 at 5:44 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I disagree -- a lot of the people are ******* morons, and that has a lot to do with why this game sucks **** through a tube. It's not Verant's fault that people are ******** -- this game had potential until the ******* idiots ruined it for the true gamers.
    # May 02 2002 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
    Well Befallen looks nice. And besides its not out for over 18 months and then theres the usual, expected slippages so whats everyone worried about ) And well said by all those below about it being just a game. I like EQ a lot and if a new version comes along and I like it I'll play it. Most people are just going of the press release and instantly saying it'll be crap. Give it a whirl when it comes out you may think differently then!
    What the HECK!?!?!?!?!?!
    # May 02 2002 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
    Okay they've launched 4 expansions countless GM events and enough collective hours of play time to out live the entire population of Guam, and they are saying "chuck it, lets start all over again" IDIOT'S!!!!!! I will play DAOC before I by another verant product, moron's think there going to pull me into this stupid Wizard's of the Coast, buy new cards every month crap, im not buying a new game every month, whats going to stop them a year after EQ2 comes out from launching EQ3, then EQ4. They want our money and thats it. So I will give it to DAOC and see how they like that.
    RE: What the HECK!?!?!?!?!?!
    # May 02 2002 at 11:39 AM Rating: Default
    What?!? By the time EQ2 comes out, EQ1 will be about 5 years old. In electronic gaming, 5 years is usually the maximum lifespan of hardware and software. If you look at the console systems, they introduce a new console about every 5 years because the technology has improved significantly in that amount of time. EQ 3 coming out a year after the 2nd one? That's just idle speculation and misinformation. It wouldn't even make good business sense. You didn't see EQ2 in 2000 did you? You'll probably see a third EQ about 5 years after the second . . . no sooner.
    RE: What the HECK!?!?!?!?!?!
    # May 02 2002 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
    You know, you could just keep playing EQ1. It's not going anywhere.
    # May 02 2002 at 2:29 AM Rating: Good
    551 posts
    I can't believe how many people I see here whining about THIS game and EQ1!!!

    If you don't like the game, STOP PLAYING!!!... My roommate ******* every time he turns the game on, and I still don't know why he keeps playing it. I love the game, there's always something new to do... I'm lvl 51 and still haven't explored 75% of Norrath.

    And for anyone saying that they're ripping EQ2 off of other games.... THAT's THE WHOLE POINT!!!... You get rid of the bad stuff and use the good stuff. That's like saying... "They're only taking the good stuff and the stuff that people want, and putting it in the game... what a rip off of other games that did the same thing!"

    Hehe, when you boil it down... it all goes back to Pong, the game that proved that even the most trivial and basic game can keep people entertained for hours... so you might as well call DAoC and EQ and ShadowBane rip-offs of Pong.
    Pain Lord Darknyss Grimscale
    92 Iksar Crusader of the Greenmist
    RE: why?
    # May 02 2002 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
    so many people whining and crying and saying EQ2 is a rip-off and will be terrible. many off them will end up playing EQ2. they're like the Comic Book Guy on The Simpsons. pan everything, declare it lame and think of yourself as 'cool.' then, secretly enjoy the product, all the while moaning about every little nitpicky thing they can find wrong with it. children.

    personally, i don't care if these whiners play or not. maybe this'll weed out the little boys and we'll see more real players on EQ2.
    RE: why?
    # May 02 2002 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
    LOL "Ewww, tastes like grandma"
    RE: why?
    # May 02 2002 at 1:04 PM Rating: Default
    lol i will not play eq 2 when it comes out... eq 1 is just too good (and if i wanted to pay a game scimilar to DAoC i would but i dont) Personally i think Sony should stick to what is proven and is making money (and what people like) I have spoken to many people on eq and for the most part theyre not gonna play it (prolly play starwars galaxies tho) some stuff sounds nice like: Building a community and new spell graphics, but this weapon breaking crap, 200 levels, and not choosing a class till 30 sounds rather ridiculous (totally different from orriginal eq)
    RE: why?
    # May 02 2002 at 3:37 AM Rating: Default
    RE: why?
    # May 02 2002 at 9:37 AM Rating: Default

    such a bunch of crybabys
    RE: why?
    # May 02 2002 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
    many (not all)people want to sound intelligent by finding fault in people, systems, games etc.
    A few thoughts.
    # May 02 2002 at 2:18 AM Rating: Excellent
    Just a few thoughts on what I reawd about the game and the responses from other people:

    1. I hope that there is not equipment decay in this game. That makes it just a little too real for me. If I want to see stuff decaying I will go watch my lawn rot away. I play games to escape from reality for a little bit, not to have to deal with more of lifes little problems.

    2. For those of you that say you won't switch because of the amount of time you have invested... GET REAL!! Do you really think that because you played so long you got your character up to 60 really matters anywhere to anyone else but you? Verant will not be giving you back money because of it, you will not get a 6 figure income because someone thinks you earned it from playing. EQ is a game. Something for enjoyment. Not an investment or means to anything but your personal satisfaction.

    3. Don't count on anything that they have said actually making it to the final game. SoL should be prove of that to you all.

    4. Given the timetable of when it will be released don't start saying that this is going to be the best mmorpg out there. You are talking about a game that is almost 2 years from release date. Before you make any quick decisions about if you will buy it or switch to it you may want to consider the fact that there will be TONS and I mean TONS of other games that are released before and at the same time as this one. Watch and see what else is out there you don't know about before making calls on the future.

    5. I really dislike the idea of all races/classes starting with the same stats. I don't believe that a Dwarf warrior should start out like an Elf
    Cleric or anywhere close to the same.

    6. I think that most of you that like this game already will be more than willing to upgrade your computer as necessary. I mean if they have already sold you on it with just the screen shots then you probably won't mind spending the money to play once it gets here. You also probably won't mind paying the $20 a month I can see them charging to play.

    Just somethings I needed to say. Feel free to disagree but just remember it is just a game so if what I said makes you too mad maybe it is time for you to seek help and to unplug the computer for a bit.
    RE: A few thoughts.
    # May 02 2002 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
    i sounded like i was taking you to task, but i wasn't. most of that post wasn't directed to you, o anonymous one. it was directed at all the whiners and crybabies.
    RE: A few thoughts.
    # May 02 2002 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent

    1. we don't have any details on exactly how it'll work yet. wait to see before you whine.

    2. agreed.

    3. again, wait to see before you whine.

    4. don't make any judgements yet. none of us know how it's gonna be.

    5. i doubt all the races will start with the same stats. there'd be no point in having different races except for aesthetics. and from the way it sounds, you don't start out as a particular class. you work your way into it, so by the time you decide to become a warrior, you probably will have the stats of a warrior while your pre-cleric partner will probably have the stats leading to clericdom. again, wait to see.

    6. it wouldn't matter if i played any games. i upgrade my computer regularly because i like to have a system that's capable of running the ever-improving software out there. being able to play games is a bonus.

    throwing in little taglines like "it's my opinion" or suggesting that someone who disagrees needs some kind of help is a brilliant way to weaken your post. opinions are opinions. if you're gonna throw one out there for everyone to see, then have the guts to stand by it on its merits, and be prepared for disagreement.
    # May 02 2002 at 1:01 AM Rating: Default
    Why, when I look at the screenshot of the Orc Shaman, am I thinking Lord Of the Rings?
    RE: Originality?
    # May 02 2002 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
    68 posts
    hmm, because you're a cynic?
    Not worth anyone's time
    # May 02 2002 at 12:28 AM Rating: Default
    People,I don't know about you, but once I'm done with EQ1, I'm done for good, I'm NOT gonna start another addiction, cause I know I have wasted WAY too much time on the game, and I don't even play that often, EVERYONE who has had a character grow to near 50 or higher has most likely put way too much time looking at PIXELS, which don't do anything for you in RL, EVERYONE, do yourself a favor, it is an addiction, just finish EQ1 and then just walk away. Think about it, it's called EVERquest, kind of a hint towards, never ending (addiction), so they keep getting your money by the month~. Why do you play this game? Ask yourself that, because all VI is tryin to do is prolong your addiction, and by doing so, they get MORE of YOUR MONEY!

    Sorry, that's just the way I feel, cause I realize so much more now, that it is a huge waste of my time to be playing, I could be doing so much better things with my life instead.
    RE: Not worth anyone's time
    # May 02 2002 at 1:22 AM Rating: Decent

    I just have one argument.


    I used to play UO. I played, and played, and played. I even got my wife and best friend into it. My friend’s wife even divorced him, due to his gaming.

    I had a statement in my bio that read "It is just a game" This simple statement caused a mass exodus out of UO for many of my friends and guild mates. Our guild master posted a message on our webpage saying he was quitting to focus more on his double major, and would not be coming back. Others soon followed due to similar reasons and others; family, job, or just to not miss anymore life. I even quit. (not for long)

    Three months later I was playing AC, and loving it. New graphics, interface and people; new everything. Not much later I was into EQ. Now I was playing 2 games and loving it. But I was burning the candle at both ends and had to soon decide between one or the other. I chose EQ.

    One was not enough. I was buying every mmorpg and trying to find something I was missing. I would buy it play it for a few months and set it aside. then activate it again in a few months still searching.

    Whatever it was I am still searching but no longer in games. I'm now searching in "REAL LIFE". OH, I still game (I game a lot) but if something comes up I hit that "camp" button and go on my merry way... Life is too good to let it pass by staring at a screen. The DPI and frame rate of the real world is far more incredible than that of a game, any game.

    It all reminds me of a movie scene with Robin Williams:
    "You’re either a GAMER or a non-GAMER; you need to decide which one"

    #Anonymous, Posted: May 02 2002 at 12:28 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) People,I don't know about you, but once I'm done with EQ1, I'm done for good, I'm NOT gonna start another addiction, cause I know I have wasted WAY too much time on the game, and I don't even play that often, EVERYONE who has had a character grow to near 50 or higher has most likely put way too much time looking at PIXELS, which don't do anything for you in RL, EVERYONE, do yourself a favor, it is an addiction, just finish EQ1 and then just walk away. Think about it, it's called EVERquest, kind of a hint towards, never ending (addiction), so they keep getting your money by the month~. Why do you play this game? Ask yourself that, because all VI is tryin to do is prolong your addiction, and by doing so, they get MORE of YOUR MONEY!
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