EverQuest Franchise Holiday Contest!

SOE and ZAM team up to give the community some awesome prizes!

UPDATE: Winners have been announced!

Thank you everyone for your entries! It's definitely been a trip down memory lane reading so many wonderful stories. The contest has now ended and we'll be finalizing the list of all qualified names before randomly selecting winners in a blind drawing.

Winners will be announced by 11:59pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, December 31, 2013. Winners will also be notified via Private Messaging (PMs) on ZAM that they have won. We will update this article and post a new one as well informing everyone of the results!

This holiday season, Sony Online Entertainment and ZAM want to share the holiday spirit with the community with an epic contest! It doesn't matter if you play EverQuest, EverQuest II or want to dive into EverQuest Next Landmark, there is something for all Norrathians here. We have one grand prize and three Station Cash prizes from SOE, as well as a bonus for ten lucky people from ZAM!

  • GRAND PRIZE: One winner will receive codes to the collector's editions of the most recent EverQuest and EverQuest II expansions, Call of the Forsaken and Tears of Veeshan (a $90 value each), as well as a code for the EverQuest Next Landmark Trailblazer Founder's Pack (a $100 value; total prize value of $280)
  • Three more winners will each receive one $10 Station Cash code (worth 1000 SC)
  • Ten more winners will each receive three months premium on ZAM

Continue after the jump for details on how this contest will work!

How to Enter

  • Log in to your ZAM account (registering is free!)
  • Post a comment at least 3-5 sentences long (minimum) in the comments section of this article
  • The comment should focus on your favorite location in Norrath, in any EverQuest franchise title. Why is it your favorite place? Did something fun happen to you or your guild there? Do you just love the environment or lore of the location? Are you new to Norrath, but want to talk about a location you are excited to visit in-game?
  • You can supplement your comment by linking to a video or picture of this location! It's not required and won't affect your entry into the contest, but it's a lot more fun to share!
  • Deadline for entries is 11:59pm Pacific Time on Friday, December 27, 2013... that means you have one week to enter!
  • Only one entry per person, please!

Due to the amount of entries we have, comments may take a bit of extra time to load... patience, grasshopper!

How We Judge

  • As long as your entry meets the contest guidelines above, you will be entered into a random blind drawing!
  • Winners will be announced by 11:59pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, December 31, 2013
  • Codes for the Grand Prize and Station Cash will be sent to the appropriate winners via private message on ZAM by 11:59pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, December 31, 2013
  • Winners of the three months of premium on ZAM will have it added to their account and will be notified of their win via private message on ZAM. This has to be done manually, so there may be additional delay.

Obligatory Information

  • No purchase necessary, but you need to register for a free account with ZAM if you haven't yet
  • You must have an account with SOE to be able to redeem the codes. They will not work for PSS1 account holders.
  • We don't care which country you're in as long as you have an SOE account
  • The contest begins whenever this article goes live on Friday, December 20, 2013 and ends at 11:59pm Pacific Time on Friday, December 27, 2013
  • One entry per person
  • ZAM staff and their immediate family are not eligible. Sorry, hubby!
  • SOE employees and their immediate family are not eligible. Sorry, Roshen!

That's everything! You can enter the contest for yourself, or to try and win an awesome gift for a friend or loved one -- either way, we can't wait to read everyone's stories!

Disclaimer: I'm aware that the picture above doesn't reflect the recent EverQuest and EverQuest II expansions... what it does reflect is my favorite locations in those games! =)

 Ann "Cyliena" Hosler, Managing Editor

Follow me on Twitter: @Cyliena


Post Comment
# Dec 25 2013 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Hello Everyone,
I've played EQ off and on since a month or two after release. All in all, Velious was my favorite expansion, hands down. I would have to say that Sleeper's Tomb was my favorite zone. My guild raided there and it was the hot zone to get access to at the time.

Close seconds would be Temple of Veeshan and Skyshrine. ToV was heavily raided by my guild, and I happened to be in Skyshrine when the sleeper was woken (sic?) on Veeshan Server (or the split-off, which I forget now).

Long live EQ.

(Stubiex on Xegony)
Sanctum Somnium
# Dec 25 2013 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
4 posts
Lots of folks have said it's hard to pick just one. And it is -- the designers have done a great job in making Norrath (and its various moons, planes, and other neighboring dimensions) a place of beauty and wonder.

Still, I have yet to find a zone I feel more "at home" in than Sanctum Somnium. The twisted architecture and warped physics really do give it that "dream" feel, and the upside-down waterfall is just amazing! I like that the zone itself is compartmentalized, and each section has its own unique character. Well done!

Edited, Dec 25th 2013 12:50pm by Athaniel
Highlights of Lower Guk
# Dec 25 2013 at 11:19 AM Rating: Good
I think Lower Guk is well designed. It has all sorts of traps and hazards that you have to navigate that makes it fun. Back when you still had to run to your corpse before you lost it forever this made it both stressful and exciting. Or for those that bound close to their camp and got stuck dying over and over at their bind point, infuriating. Yet for all that it is still fun to go run through just to visit.
too many to chose, but
# Dec 25 2013 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
8 posts
Since I am forced to, I would say Lower Guk. I started out on a PVP server and playing a monk, there was no where I was more deadly in PVP than in a small tight dungeon. I camped Raster for over 100 hours straight for my epic over a Thanksgiving holiday. I fought numerous other PCs and never died. Finally got Raster and slept for about 20 hours afterwards.
Dreadspire Keep
# Dec 25 2013 at 5:55 AM Rating: Decent
In the dark past of Norrath an evil was born , so corrupt and power hungry even his creators could not deal with him. Removed from the game he sat alone in the dark plotting his revenge against those that had thought themselves able to control his rage. In the depths of the underworld he built an empire where he ruled without mercy , taking the minds and souls of all he encountered. From his throne he now plots against the gods themselves . Known only as The Master he builds his army and waits for the foolish to help him complete his plot against all powers that exist within the confines of the lore that binds them.

While not the most difficult encounter I have faced , getting to do battle with this true legend gave me great satisfaction and rich rewards. I can only hope Mayong will return again , even his defeat in Solteris should not discourage this most hateful of creatures from trying yet again to take control of all that exists.
Dreadlands Hands Down
# Dec 25 2013 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
I am a Kunark baby, and of course as such the Iksar race would be my favorite and none other than Dreadlands itself will stand out forever in my memory. It was the first zone I ever actively participated in group action and really started to learn my role as a shaman, my first toon. Zone chat was lively and I had never been somewhere so dangerous (eww KC coming up next, TRAIN) and full of actual player connectivity. I met most of the friends in that zone that I would play with for years to come. Even with all the LFG, bad groups and countless deaths, it still holds strong as some of the most fun and fondest memories I ever had in EQ. It also held the first Dragon I had ever seen in the game, that is kinda hard to top. I still go back just to tread the same land I had in my beginning years, and of course for the chance to knock off Gorenaire's head!
"favorite" location contest entry
# Dec 25 2013 at 4:48 AM Rating: Decent
Favorite is a tough word to justify, norrath is so massive and I have so many good memories that stretch across its surface and below but everytime I pass through the area between neriak and freeport I do get a certain smile on my face, I spent my first few weeks in west freeport, comman lands, neriak , and the oasis of marr. From the infamous trains to the docks in oasis to the freeport guards in commanlands hassling the newbies the game was never quite the same after those first couple weeks. I still go back to east commons to kill srgt slate.... he knows what he did =) So I suppose east commans is my favorite spot.
As a retired raid pally
# Dec 25 2013 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
As a paladin growing up, my favorite place was Befallen. Lots and lots of undead, and I thought it was the greatest place to go to level up... Boy I was wrong. I fell deep off in the pits (level 15, maybe 20 something) and got lost in the general area of it. I was so scared that I had to call a GM to get me out! Still love the place and all it's little knick-nacks including the revamp version from RoF!

My Favorite Place...
# Dec 25 2013 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
That would be a tough call, but the one place that sticks in my mind the most would be for EQ1. The runs from Freeport to Qeynos for fun. One night I threw a christmas party for my guildmates, we gathered there at the freeport front gate, played afew rounds of spin the bottle, then I made them all strip out of their gear, drink some ale, and make the run. I ran behind them shooting off fireworks every now and then around the roads of highpass. The first top three who made it...alive...to the other city, got all kindsa goodies...and hall of fame bragging rights in guild for ages!
my favorite place
# Dec 25 2013 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
My favorite place is and always will be Everfrost. I had a couple (Husband and Wife) who played when i did and we would meet every day in Everfrost. And we experianced alot of Norrath together. They no longer play but they were and will always be my friends.
First Character on the server with real friends.
# Dec 25 2013 at 2:08 AM Rating: Default
68 posts
I was playing a dark elf rogue when I first started EverQuest because I loved the dark elf race, it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. I quickly got into the roleplaying and being a "sneaky" rogue, often stealing from the mobs we were killing in places like Dreadlands. I started talking to my friends and they admitted they had been playing EverQuest also but were on a different server. I knew little to nothing about the game asside from kill stuff = get loot and money. I didn't even know rogues could get "Illusion masks" to change their appearance, frankly I was happy being who I was. I loved Neriak and all the lore and story lines to do with how evil and good worked in the game. There was quests to do for evil characters and good characters, it was up to you if you wanted to be a holy/good toon or an evil/unliked by many character. I decided after talking to my three friends that coming to their server and starting an Iksar Monk was the best plan of action because I would often get questions like "Why did you make a dark elf rogue when you can just get a mask?" I felt like a NOOB, and hey, I was.. we all were at one point. I packed my emotional bags and left for Tarew Marr from Terris Thule. I created my monk who I named after my good friends ranger that never went past level eight. He would come over my house, load up EQ and create his ranger, after getting level 5 to 8 he would run into Crushbone and quickly find himself in a pickle. After fleeing respawns he would swim down the well and camp out. Once camped out, he would delete his toon, figuring that logging back in would surely mean death by drowning or by orcs. His valiant quest to try and try again gave me the respect to carry on his legacy. I found a lot of help and information quickly in my friends who would guide my monk along his path to greatness. I liked the evil/sneaky side of the game already having played a rogue and the iksar was an amazing and cool looking race, I had read the lore and fell in love with their tough spirit and dedication to keep fighting for their own PLACE in Norrath, even if most "good" even other "evil" races hated them. I still have my monk to this day, and I enjoy him along with my other characters. I have since deleted my rogue before I knew what a server transfer was or that we could one day do it free because of mergers. I will still never forget the friends I made on TT and the friends I didn't know I had in real life until I talked to them about EQ. My journey started like a lot of people who still play or enjoy online gaming weather it's EQ1,2 or SWTOR etc. And I'm happy to say I love every part of norrath but the part I remember most is still Cabilis, I learned a lot about the game in that city and I really felt like part of it when I finished all my quests and appeasing Grand Master Glox. I still love seeing the city when I hit my origin key to this day. I do hold a special place in my heart for Neriak and the newbie log but I dedicated six years to my Iksar brothers and sisters and that I can never forget that awesome city.

Let's get lost, I know the way.. I've been there before.. ;)
My favorite location
# Dec 25 2013 at 1:31 AM Rating: Excellent
59 posts
My favorite location would have to be in Luclin. More specifically Emperor Ssra chambers where I truly got hooked on raiding. I stated playing in 2001, but it wasn't until the Luclin expansion that I really got into raiding. Playing an enchanter during Velious was tedious and boring with very little mezzing involved, but once Luclin came about this all changed. The Emp Ssra event was the pinnacle of this style of enchanter based content where I felt I had a key niche to fulfill. Granted I love Planes of Power and many other expansions to come, but this one takes the cake!
Fond memories
# Dec 25 2013 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
I started playing shortly after Kunark launch (took time to save up for a computer!) and promptly rolled a Half-Elf Ranger named Tanis. Some of my most memorable moments are leveling the Blackburrow with random people and being scared to death of dying and having to run all the way back from Surefall. The funniest thing that I can remember is being stuck in the tunnels leading in and out of Surefall at night because I did not have night vision (or know to turn up the gamma). I think I was stuck for a good hour trying to navigate the tunnel to the zone line before someone ran by me and I was able to follow them out. Needless to say I avoided tunnels at night after that!
Favorite location in Everquest franchise
# Dec 25 2013 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
After beginning on the day of launch with many friends, life happened and I was unable to play just as Kunark was launching. I decided to return in January of 2004 and recreate my Barbarian Shaman of old. There were a few players in Everfrost Peaks as I was reacquainting myself to the game mechanics. It was there in the cave, looking out at the snow-covered mountains that a Dwarf Cleric ran up the ramp to meet his hunting party. A moment or two later, I received a tell asking if I wanted to join a group. I joined the group of two characters, one being the Dwarf I'd seen a moment before. The three of us spent the next few hours hunting and leveling in Everfrost Peaks. We had a great time and I was pleased that I'd spent the money to purchase the box game I'd seen on my way home, by chance. I was laughing so hard at the Dwarf's sense of humor and impressed by his knowledge. I logged thinking how I could reschedule some things so I could get back in game as soon as possible. The next day, I waited in about the same spot in the cave looking over the snowy mountains, hoping the Dwarf would return to the game. I waited for about an hour and then I got a tell from him and we grouped again. We spent only an hour actually hunting. The other six hours were spent just chatting about everything. He commented that his home state looked quite like Everfrost Peaks and when I asked where he lived, he said Alaska. I was blown away and began asking, what I know now are, the typical questions. This led to a myriad of other things. Almost 10 years later, the Dwarf Cleric switched to a Paladin and I traded in my Shaman for Beastlord and we are still grouping in both Everquest and Everquest II. We've been married for just over 7 years and together since July of 2004. My favorite place in Everquest? That would be looking out of the cave entrance in Everfrost Peaks, no question. It's where I met the rest of my life!

Leyoru Fullcircle (retired) of The Nameless / Erollisi-Marr
Favorite location in Everquest franchise series
# Dec 24 2013 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
I have played this game since last phase of Beta testing and its really hard to choose just one. However I will have to go with Steamfont Mountains, as I decided to start as a Gnome. During Beta I played a Dark Elf and while I enjoyed it alot, I realized that alot of people wanted to play Dark Elves and the place was always full. So I wanted to try something that many may not play and so I started a Gnome Warrior on Xegony. I have the distinction of being the First Gnome Warrior on Xegony, and I can clearly say that it was fun. I started by getting lost in my home city and spending 20minutes in tunnels before I emerged into Steamfont. The first thing that hit me was the huge open space.. the forest of Nektulos were always dark. Then I saw the dragon bones. And I will never forget the way they emerged from my screen. I went to see them and before I knew what hit me a Skeleton killed me. I laughed and started my adventuring, killing all around and I even found a huge hole with kobolds guarding over it. I was having fun exploring and killing for about hour untill I came upon a skeleton and he killed me in 2 hits. I realized he was not that high level, in fact he was decaying so I ran back over to him and tried again. And again he killed me, so I tried a third time and this time I killed him and when I looted him I found a Rusty Two Handed Sword. I had trained all my points into dex and 1 handed slash, So I had my friend come over and hold everything I had, I logged off and I deleted him. I then recreated him with same name and logged in, then put all my points in 2 hand slash. The next 4 hours went by fast and I slaughtered everything, eventually I was taking on the Kobold camp by myself, and it was amazing. I will never forget how people over the next few days would see me slaughtering everything and before I knew it there were tons of Gnome warriors. I felt like their King and would tell them how to kill the kobolds and what was the best weapon.. and they always drooled over my 2 hand weapon. I loved those first few weeks and as they went on I stayed in steamfont for months. Finding things that were special and amazing, and some that were scary like the plague that would inflict you from the plague rats.. that took what seemed like hours to get rid of. And Feddi Dooger the gnome that would come out at night near windmills and kill you. I loved the area.. and when I finnally experienced the Minotaur Hero. I will never forget how amazed I was. The zone is the greatest zone made. I will always cherish it.
Picking One... Quite Hard
# Dec 24 2013 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Having started EQ just as Kunark came out and stopping just before HoT came out (Because my PC died and I couldn't afford to replace it) but coming back again about 6 months ago. I have seen alot of early stuff not as much of the latest stuff.

However probably my favorite zone would have to be old-school East Commonlands. On Veeshan we didn't have the general selling location of the tunnel (We used North Freeport) but the zone was always full with lots of options for grouping and playing. There used to be queues for spots at the orc camps and undead. With people filling in time between camp spots killing wanderers in the zone. The always popular /shout of Sgt Slate Moving towards such and such a location and seeing all the players that were hated by the guards scattering from the area. And of course the high level SKs taking out Slate.

I also remember having to meditate by staring at your open spellbook. As a Cleric I remember the many times other group members would be watching out to see that no wanderers would come up on me to interrupt my mana regen. The progression from one zone to the next was always looked forward to. A rite of passage if you may say. Moving from Freeport newbie zone to East Commonlands to West Commonlands to High Pass Hold. Then moving to other zones such as Overthere, Frontier Mountains etc.
Favorite location in Everquest
# Dec 24 2013 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
Having quit EQ back in 2005, I decided to see if what has changed since then. What a different game now. My favorite location is the Bloodfieds as I have spent a lot of time there getting AA's up..I like the various spawns and this zone has provided me with a vary relaxed demeanor game play. Thank you sony for keeping all my old characters as I am getting familiar with the game again.
Favourite Location
# Dec 24 2013 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
I had originally set out to write about my first "camp" of the giant spider in Blackburrow, or one of many spots in Lower Guk. But I think ultimately my favourite place in the EverQuest franchise has to be Kedge Keep. This was where one of my first raids took place.

We were a small guild and we slowly trudged through this aquatic labyrinth one mob at a time. It was going well. As a small guild and many of us weren't all at maximum level and we never excluded anyone. This included our friend, a level 26 gnome enchanter who was in love with the EverQuest world and all it had to offer, even more so than leveling. To him level restrictions were really just guidelines...

So as our raid was going "swimmingly" (waka waka!) our trusty guild mascot decided to attack one of the small fish that was swimming near him, it did after all, con green to him. Needless to say this "grenade fish" exploded on contact and wiped us all. I'll never forget our guild leader yelling "MUMKIN!!!!" in guild chat.
The Joys of Solitude
# Dec 24 2013 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
In my journeys, I've explored and become intimately familiar with the details and depths of pretty much every land in Norrath and its moon, Luclin. I have fond memories of growing up in the hills of Qeynos where one could relax in the peaceful glades of Surefall, listen to the joyful and upbeat melodies found along the cobblestone paths of the city, watch the waves from the wooden decks of the boat rides to Erudin, or even risk exploration in the caverns of Blackburrow where one could find themselves in an abrupt ambush by mangy gnolls. I have faced many challenges, leading and navigating armies in the enduring battles within the Plane of Time, against the deadly chaos found on the continent of Taelosia, and through the well fortified halls of the Asylum of Anguish. However, as a bard, some of my most memorable and challenging experiences were those spent in solitude attempting to retrieve a rare item to add to my precious assortment of collectables that all good bards were known to carry in their travels. One of these tiresome trials was that of obtaining the prized Desiccated Halfling Mask, a trinket that would transform one's appearance into that of a halfling. It wasn't the most charismatic looking of illusions; however, it was a grand addition to a minstrel's bag of tricks, and one I just had to possess. The search for this legendary guise brought me to Chardok, the city of Sarnaks and the Brood of Di`Zok, a place where I most certainly was not welcome.

The tales heard from fellow troubadours led me to seek out the Sarnak known as the Overseer Dal`guur. His location was said to be in the secluded mining shafts deep within the city, an area where few other than sneaky and confident bards and rogues would dare journey to on their own. I used the extent of my abilities and songs I had mastered to elude, charm, and pacify the resistance as I navigated the tunnels. At times, I even had to resort to using powers of memory erasure on the—perhaps justified, prejudice Sarnaks that took offense to my presence. I sneaked through the hallways searching for this elusive overseer, but he was nowhere to be seen. For days I hid in watch. The skeletal drudges chipped away endlessly at the rock walls of the caves. With no signs of Dal`guur making an appearance any time soon, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I began to stealthily dispatch the unfortunate overseers managing the mines, hoping for him to show, but still, nothing changed except for a rotation of newly chosen and inexperienced replacements to supervise the frail and... worthless miners. "Or were they?" I asked myself. I began to provoke some trouble by beginning a few brawls with the miners and interrupting their work in hopes of forcing an investigation from the upper management. The miners were certainly no push over. Their strength acquired from working in the mines put my endurance and skills to the test, especially when there was no such thing as a fair fight in their hollow eyes. They grouped up on me, but it didn't matter. I sang cajoling refrains to subdue and beguile their weak minds into betraying their fellow workers in the fight, providing me enough dominance to defeat them. It was not long before the superior overseer known as Dal`guur decided to inquire about the setbacks and lack of progress being made in the mines. He had finally arrived, and I was there waiting, all alone, standing above the bodies of his fallen, slave workers. My skirmishes in the mines had sharpened my fighting prowess greatly. The overseer stood before me, thinking he would teach me an unforgiving lesson, but I was ready for him. There was no way he would simply hand over what I desired, especially now. With no one to come to his aid, I felled him with ease and at last, took my more than well-earned trophy.

In the course of my time spent there, I began to enjoy living in the halls of this city. It became quite homely. It definitely wasn't the most glamorous of places, but it had a certain beauty only those who had spent days surviving within can appreciate. I battled the strongest warriors and guardsmen amongst the Sarnaks, expanding my combat experience and knowledge. I convinced the merchants and bankers to do business with me using persuasive tricks they surely would not approve of... if they had any choice in the matter, and I managed to acquire some very valuable possessions and loot from notable Sarnaks who are no longer with us. I even robbed the royal family itself, and as royals seem to acquire more wealth fairly quickly, I have a feeling they'll be hearing of my exploits again one day. But for now, I have countless new quests and adventures still waiting for me in the many lands across Norrath.
Favorite location(s)
# Dec 24 2013 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
Having played in the EverQuest universe since 1999, I don't think I can pick one overall, so I will try one from EQ1 and another from EQ2. In EQ1, this zone wasn't the one I spent the most time in (that probably would be The Overthere or Skyfire Mountains), but it always drew me back. Dragon Necropolis is just an awesome zone. Chalk it up to ambiance or just feel, but I love that place. Phase Spiders for the win (I think I only ever got two PSCs unfortunately). As far as EQ2? The Silent City still draws my alts to it. I enjoy the heck out of that zone.

Edited, Dec 24th 2013 9:31pm by artimusbill
43 Enchanter
31 Ranger
103 Necromancer
and more..
Iumien Soulchamber (Retired)
85 Necromancer

Juntoth Seven
112 Shadowknight
Lumien Soulchamber
105 Brigand
100 Necromancer
Favorite location in Everquest
# Dec 24 2013 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
3 posts
My favorite location has to be Old Sebilis. First, there's the mysticism surrounding the zone. It's located in a remote section of Kunark - you can't simply take a PoK book and walk in there. It is deep in the jungle, hidden amid ruins of a once mighty empire. At one time, a key was required to enter. The fact that the entrance was once locked added to the mysteriousness. Then there's the entrance itself - a big pulsing, red orb. They could have just made it a plain vanilla door, nope they had to add this magical rouge crystal. The loot in there back in 2000 was incredible: blue diamonds, crowns, rubies and other goodies. You always left the zone feeling wealthy. The camps like juggs, disco, crypt had nameds that furthur filled your pockets. Few zones since Sebilis have held me in such awe.
lguk ftw
# Dec 24 2013 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
In Everquest, my favorite place is lower guk. in the early years it was crowded and packed with situations you will never forget (toons with DA running around looking for help with full train of mobs on them, etc). It still is a good place to lvl some toon up from mid 20 to mid 40. I have been away for 4 Years but was able to run to all places and knew the trap even the first time i re-entered that dungeon. not to forget how often i dropped off the cliffs at the heart-spiders on the move to lguk in upper guk....
merry frostfell everyone
My Favorite Zone contest
# Dec 24 2013 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
my Favorite zone is ....NO Wait! its ....Hmnmm! This is harder then I thought. After playing for many years and raising Alts from wee babes to hardend Adventurers in Multiple zones, I have to say I enjoyed the old world zones the most. Nastalga feelings come over me every time I think of running from trains in Blackburrow and having to sneak/fight your way back in to get your corpse and gear. Or being level 10 fighting orcs in lesser faydark when nightfall comes. The high level Undead spawn and your running for the nearest zoneline hopeing your not seen. the first POP zone you entered, feeling empowered because you made it to the GOD zones, only to have the whole group wipe on the first rat, or crow in plane of Disease and Nightmare. I really miss those days of exploration and trying to figure out the best tactics to survice the conflict.
Goblins are amusing
# Dec 24 2013 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
I am enjoying the new ToV zones, especially the Highkeep and Pickclaw dungeons. I just love the goblins in these two instances. How they run around waving their arms in the air like they just don't care while others can be seen running around on their hands. Oh and the voice overs make me laugh; "Death to Bolgin! Oh wait! Sorry Bolgin!" or " Victory for you! Oh wait I got that wrong". Then there is a food fight going on, goblins everywhere with food flying through the air, just be careful not to pull the chief or else the food fight comes to a sudden stop and you will have to answer to that room full of goblin for spoiling their fun. By far, hands down, the funnest zone from the new explanation.

EQ Favorite Location - Shadeweaver's Thicket
# Dec 24 2013 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
I created my Vah Shir bard and this was the first zone I fought in. I could only see about 10-15 feet in front of myself playing in first person view and everything else was pitch black. I remember thinking, wow this game is awesome, it's just really dark, I hope the sun shines here or something so I can see what's going on around me. I continued to play for hours and hours over the next week and told my friend at work, who showed me the game, how I like it except for the fact that my home town and the zone next to it is always pitch black and it's hard to play. Then he taught me about the far clip plane slider in the options window. I felt like a total newb. But now every time I go back to that zone I remember my first week of EQ in total darkness and laugh at myself.
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