Class Re-Envisioning

A Developer's Corner post regarding "class re-envisioning:" ........................................................... Over the course of the last few months, since we announced this project, we have had numerous discussions on the classes. During these discussions we identified some key changes, that are relatively easy for us to implement, that could result in better gameplay for all of you. While this is far from complete (the process and this list) it is the start of this class re-envisionment, reflections, redefinition, whatever we all decide to call it besides balance. Some of these changes you see on this list will make it live for our April 6th update. Others we would like to hear your thoughts and ideas on before continuing. We think that there are some very positive changes here, some of which kind of go against the grain of EQ gameplay. So let the discussion begin; We'll start with some general gameplay changes that either affect all classes or multiple classes. General We are removing the level 55 fear cap and adding advanced spells to the fear lines to make them current. Now, this doesn't mean that all NPCs can be feared, we will be making use of a no-fear flag to stop potential game-play problems. We will remove the hard coded aggro generated by poison based debuffs which will result in some DoTs and Tash generating less aggro than they currently do as well as more consistent aggro generation. We are going to spread spell progression out for levels 1 to 50 to reduce the levels gaps between gaining new spells. We would like casters to gain new spells every level and enjoy more even progression. We are planning to add new abilities and disciplines to non-casters and spread those out between levels 1 to 50, along with their current abilities to make sure non-casters also have progression, in the form of a new ability, every level. Pet owners will be able to click off any buffs they do not want their pet to have. We are changing many of the all-or-nothing immune flags so they mitigate the effect instead. We want you to use your abilities on most NPCs, but where we feel the ability might be problematic the ability will have a lesser effect. You will see the healing messages for Heal Over Time spells. There will also be a filter for this new message. We will change the potion "Essence of Concealment" from invisibility to improved invisibility and make the components easier for alchemists to find. All spells will check for immunity before they are cast. So if the target is immune, the spell will not generate aggro for the caster. We would like ammunition to auto-feed from your inventory directly to the ranged slot. We are eliminating the +mana cap. We are removing the inherent resist rate from rain spells. Solo Play EverQuest is a group-based game we all know that but we also know that there are times that many of us like to hunt alone. Some of our classes can solo effectively, while others can't. We plan to make changes to classes that struggle with soloing to allow them some solo play. These changes will be made to only affect their abilities while solo and not affect how they perform in groups. 1. We are still discussing the best way to go about this but some of the options we have discussed are listed here; a. Add healing potions to the game. To prevent this from unbalancing the group game, we need to be careful how these potions work. They may need to be a healing potion that does heal-over-time and does not stack with any other healing spells. Another option is simply having a long reuse on the potion so its effectiveness in a group situation, where the player is generally taking on much more difficult NPCs, is not affected much. b. We are exploring class abilities that add the pieces needed to solo while also taking away the abilities that make them useful in a group situation. An example of this is a warrior ability that increases their defensive abilities and gives them a damage boost, but causes them to be able to generate nearly no aggro while the ability is in effect, so the warrior would not be able to tank for most groups Class Specific Changes Now onto the class changes. We know that this is what most of you are looking for and we think we have a pretty solid plan. Again, as I mentioned above, this is just the beginning folks. Our team is still crunching numbers and other changes are dependent upon that data. We will not be making any changes to melee DPS, tanking and other combat balance issues until that data is completed and we see what effects these changes have on gameplay. We ask that you please discuss these changes on your class board. And please folks, be constructive. If you think the ideas have no merit, say why. We can't work on it with you with bad feedback. OMG This SUXXORS is not going to help. Bards We will be increasing your instrument mod cap and using itemization to limit the inherent power gains. This also means that certain songs will have built in maximums to prevent them from scaling indefinitely. Beastlords We will add at least one new slow spell for you which has an innate resistance mod built in so that it lands more often. This will help you perform the role of slower in your groups, since you don't have access to the powerful resistance lowering spells of other slowing classes. We will be boosting your healing so it stays on par with ranger healing when we improve ranger heals. We want to assure pet classes that we believe you should be able to use their pets in most gameplay situations, including raids. We believe that pet classes do not have many problems with pets on raids at the moment, but want you to understand that we intend for you to use pets on raids and if you find that there is a problem, we will find ways to correct it. We will be increasing the availability of pet focus items, particularly for the more casual players. We will be looking into the casting time of some of your pet healing spells and reducing the casting time where appropriate. Berserkers Many Berserker complaints are about their damage output and this isn’t something we can really address without the results of the number crunching. Our thoughts are that you are fine at lower levels and pretty decent at high levels with your AAs, but you may need some help at the mid levels. Should our numbers support our thoughts, we will be adjusting things so your damage progression is smoother across the levels. We are looking into the endurance cost of many of your abilities and lowering them as necessary. We are looking into adding throwing quivers that grant innate haste similar to normal quivers. Clerics With Dragons of Norrath you gained two new spells that you seem to enjoy; Mark of Vengeance and Mark of Retribution. We will be changing these spells into full spell lines that you get early on and that scale up as you level. We want to make your Turn Undead spells effective at all levels. Some of the suggested changes include: a. Changing the fear part of the spell so the rest of the spell still works even if the fear fails or removing the fear portion of the spell entirely. b. Adding a strong snare effect. Druids Druids are a unique challenge in that the class is divided evenly between you offensive druids who enjoy doing damage, and you defensive druids who prefer to play the role of healer. We want to support both play styles, but if we were to increase both halves of the druid equally the class would quickly become overpowered. Our plan is to introduce a new option where a druid can enter into a particular “mode” or “stance” where they become better at one part at the expense of the other. Our preferred solution for this is to add an innate ability for druids. The ability would get its own button similar to abilities such as backstab or track. You will be able to be in one of three states and can switch between them once every 5 minutes. a. Normal – Their healing and offensive abilities are in balance. This is the state they exist in today. b. Offensive – Their offensive power is boosted by 25%, but they suffer a 50% reduction in the power of their healing spells. c. Defensive – Their healing power is boosted by 25%, but they suffer a 50% reduction in the power of their offensive spells. Another of our goals is to broaden the core grouping roles to allow all classes to more easily put together groups. Similar to how any of the 3 main tanks should be able to perform that role in a group, we want any of the 3 healers to be able to perform the role of a main healer in a group. The changes mentioned above for druids will allow you to fill a healing role and perform at about 80% of the effectiveness of a cleric. Enchanters We will add higher level upgrades to the Word of Morell spell line. We plan to change the way mana drain works. In the past the spell had diminishing effects on NPCs above level 53. We will be removing that limitation so you can use Theft of Thought on higher level caster NPCs and we can introduce more powerful spells in that line, in the future. However, we will also be changing drains so that they only return the mana the NPC has instead of always returning the full amount. If an NPC only has 100 mana and your spell does a 400 drain, you will only get 100 mana. This is a necessary change as most NPCs, including non-casters, are given small amounts of mana in order to power some innates. We all know that the power of NPCs has climbed and the difficulty in charming NPCs has retreated. This has led to an imbalance where you were able to charm NPCs that do far more damage than ever intended and with minimal risk. This lead us to the unfortunate decision to make many NPC's uncharmable. With OOW, we introduced a change to charm that allowed us to make most NPCs charmable again, but reduce their effectiveness and remove the gameplay imbalance. We did this by reducing their stats while charmed. This presented some new problems though, the largest of which is you like to haste and buff your pets to get the most out of them and when the charm breaks, you face a much more powerful NPC. We have a plan to ensure charm’s usefulness and want to gather your opinion before putting it into motion. a. We want charm to be an integral part of your gameplay. You should be able to grab a charmed pet in most circumstances and use that to benefit your group. b. We will be looking at the stats NPCs use when charmed to ensure they are within the intended range. c. We would like to add innate buff effects to enchanter charm spells. While an NPC is under the effects of the charm, they will also be under the effect of spells similar to what you would use to buff your pet. When charm breaks those effects will go away so you are only dealing with the NPC in its base state. d. The change mentioned above would cause further imbalance in zones where NPCs don’t currently lower their stats when charmed, the changes that were made in Omens will need to be made across the rest of the game and this will be the way new charm works in all of Norrath. e. After charm changes for all zones, we can go back and open up the use of charm in areas where it was previously excluded due to balance problems making charm much more usable throughout the game world. Mages We will be converting most, if not all, of your summons to place the items directly into the hands of the target. Of course, we will also need a new toggle that lets players turn off this ability from anyone not in their group, anyone not in their raid, or anyone at all. We will be adding new pet pack spells that contain the more used summoned pet item to help relieve the tedium of summoning many different items. We will be fixing Turn Summoned in a way similar to how we fix Turn Undead for clerics. See the cleric section for more details. We want to assure pet classes that we believe you should be able to use their pets in most gameplay situations, including raids. We believe that pet classes do not have many problems with pets on raids at the moment, but want you to understand that we intend for you to use pets on raids and if you find that there is a problem, we will find ways to correct it. We will be increasing the availability of pet focus items, particularly for the more casual players. We will be looking into the casting time of some of your pet heals and reducing the casting time where appropriate. Monks We will be reversing the AC mitigation reduction that you received during the Planes of Power era. Necromancers We will add new spells in the Screaming Terror line to give you some more combat utility. We want to assure pet classes that we believe you should be able to use their pets in most gameplay situations, including raids. We believe that pet classes do not have many problems with pets on raids at the moment, but want you to understand that we intend for you to use pets on raids and if you find that there is a problem, we will find ways to correct it. We will be increasing the availability of pet focus items, particularly for the more casual players. We will be looking into the casting time of some of your pet heal spells and reducing the casting times where appropriate. Paladins We want you to be a main tank in group situations. We believe that you are currently able to fill this role, but want to assure you that our intent is for a group to be able to grab a warrior, paladin, or shadowknight as their main tank and be effective with any of them. With DoN, you gained a limited form of defensive. We are monitoring your feedback and if you like this direction; we plan to make it a full spell line that begins at the level warriors get the defensive discipline. Rangers Rangers are good at many things and when all the parts add up properly, they’re a class that is in heavy demand. Our feeling is that the parts are not adding up properly in the current game. We are still digesting all of the DPS numbers and stats but in the meantime we identified a couple of things we can increase in the short term. a. We will be improving the damage you do through spells. b. We will be boosting your healing ability, particularly at the top end of the game. Rogues We will fix the problems with Assassin’s Feint so it works correctly and then gauge your reaction to the working ability. If it turns out to be something that you like, we will look into adding more combat utility through a similar means. We are looking into adding throwing quivers that grant innate haste similar to how normal quivers work Shadowknights We also want Shadowknights to be a main tank in group situations. We believe that you are currently able to fill this role, but want to assure you that our intent is for a group to be able to grab a warrior, paladin, or shadowknight as their main tank and be effective with any of them. With DoN, you also gained a limited form of defensive. We are monitoring your feedback and if you like this direction; we plan to make it a full spell line that begins at the level warriors get the defensive discipline. Shaman In DoN you received the spells Spirit of the Leopard and Spirit of the Panther. You seem to like these new spells and they have added more desirability for you in groups. We will be extending these into full spell lines so that Shaman of other level ranges can see the benefits from these spells. As with Druids, we are looking to increase your healing ability so you can function better as main healer in groups. You folks are a little problematic though, since your healing ability is the function of not just your heals, but your ability to reduce an NPCs damage output through slows. In a situation where an NPC is fully slowable, you are a superb healer but against an NPC who cannot be slowed, your healing falls behind. If we were to just improve your heals, you would quickly outshine any other healer when facing NPCs that can be slowed. So, we are investigating ways to improve your healing ability only in circumstances where an NPC cannot be slowed or you choose not to slow the NPC (for your own strange reasons). These changes will be rolled out at the same time as any druid healing changes to ensure that one class does not eclipse the other. Warriors Many of the ideas for changes to the warrior class are dependant upon the results of the data we are still compiling. However, we are looking into improving your ability to solo in the mid and high level game as well as; We are looking into the endurance cost of many of your disciplines and lowering them as necessary. We will increase the knockback on Press the Attack slightly. Wizards With DoN, you received more mana efficient nukes that are aimed at improving your sustained DPS. We will be extending this into a line of spells to help out with sustained DPS at different level ranges. We will fix Manaburn. Our preferred method is to uncap the ability and implement a cap based on the maximum percentage of health you can do in a single hit. So one of you, facing a million hit point boss mob (fairly common in today’s game) can expect a full manaburn to land for 10s of thousands of points of damage in one hit. Once again I would like to remind you that this is the beginning of the changes and there is still more to come. We encourage you to openly discuss these changes and let us know what you think. We want this to be a cooperative exchange and we will chime in on your discussions when appropriate. Thanks all. ...........................................................


Post Comment
Pet Spell
# Mar 16 2005 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
I have always wondered why do Druids get pet spells but we don't recieve a pet until like lvl 50 or so...or if there is a way to recieve a pet how and where and what lvl. Please make note of this. Druids get pet spells early but don't recieve a pet until higher in lvl. Can someone help me with this or is this fixable if true.

Druid - 19 Sebena
Druid - 16 Dabyien
RE: Pet Spell
# Mar 16 2005 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Druids receive Charm Animal spells fairly early on. Of course, nobody really knows how Druid charm works, so it's a spell line which is ignored by many druids, for the most part. If the changes to an Enchanter's charm carry over to a Druid's charm, then I'm guessing we'll be seeing a whole lot more charm kiting going on.

Tehlan Whitewolf - 50 Druid of Tunare
# Mar 16 2005 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give us a cold line of DOTs. Masters of Death should have the chilling touch of death. Currently there are NO cold dots in game. Please throw us a bone(hehe bone..necro). Great idea with the screaming terror upgrades, also maybe an increase to our current mana pumps. I know that last one is used in a group, but it seams as if that line of spells(like ST) has gone by the wayside. Anyways, just a few ideas. Thanks for continuing to evaluate our classes as the game evolves.

Hadesborne Soulsifter
70 Necro
The war Council

Edited, Wed Mar 16 07:27:39 2005
# Mar 16 2005 at 7:16 AM Rating: Default
can expect a full manaburn to land for 10s of thousands of points of damage in one hit

Guess its time to lvl my wizard past 55 then =)

Legeren 70Druid of Emarr
# Mar 16 2005 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
can expect a full manaburn to land for 10s of thousands of points of damage in one hit

Guess its time to lvl my wizard past 55 then =)

Legeren 70Druid of Emarr
SOE hates Ranjas
# Mar 16 2005 at 7:14 AM Rating: Default
66RNG here.

"Theyre a class in heavy demand"(??) They must be confusing EQ for some other game.

"Our feeling is that the parts are not adding up in the current game. We are still digesting all the dps numbers..." In other words they think rangers with am3 and crit AAs are doing too much dmg. Ill bet they are going to increase heal spells by like a measly 50pts/heal, same with DDs, and take away bow effectiveness, making us even more sukky and LESS in demand.

They need to take a look at the pally BSS and ranger attack buffs not stacking. Take the stupid 125hps away from sot so that bss wont block it. Or make it so a player casted on only gets the atk and not the hps. Or combine sot and sop to 1 spell, eliminating the 125hps. We rangers have nothing to offer, and this should change. All we have that other players want is atk buffs, and I cant tell you how many times players have asked me for attack buffs, I cast, just to get the "your spell will not take hold" message. Tell them if they want them to drop bss, they dont want to, blah blah blah. Sure we have SoW and SoE but pftt.. others have Bih`lu and FoE. We got nothing to bring to the table, this needs to be adressed.
RE: SOE hates Ranjas
# Mar 16 2005 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
Ranger getting abilities in improved DPS and Pulling and Tracking should be more of the focus not healing. LoL. (I never played a Ranger but as a Cleric I sure do not want help from a Ranger healing)PAL DRU SHM CLR BRD BST can help heal enough without making Rangers help too.
RE: SOE hates Ranjas
# Mar 16 2005 at 7:29 AM Rating: Default
Another thing is harmony. The new harmo should come at level 65, since thats when the old one doesnt work anymore, NOT 68...duh! At 66 i cant harmo white con mobs, making me even more useless at 66 than i was at earlier levels. But no, lets increase our healing spells by 50pts, sighhhh lol.
Paladin stuns
# Mar 16 2005 at 7:06 AM Rating: Default
All spells will check for immunity before they are cast. So if the target is immune, the spell will not generate aggro for the caster.

This may be good for some classes, i.e slowers, debuffers, etc.

However, for Paladins, because ALL of our aggro comes from stun spells, and our stuns cap at 70, and most capping at lvl 55 and below, this means ZERO agro on lvl 70+ mobs, and most raid mobs. This means we have TWO stuns that will draw aggro on mobs from lvl 66-70 (90% of the new content), one of which has a VERY long recast time and a very annoying knockback effect.

Thanks sony, great job, as usual.
RE: Paladin stuns
# Mar 16 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
Pal Heals and stun to stop mob before it's slowed makes them desireable as a MT by me. > CLR.

I am not sure who thinks a WAR is a Better MT then a PAL or SK, Cause I don't. I take a PAL any day as a MT.

I Love Brells too and I cannot get that from a WAR or SK.

After a Big Divine Abitration (CLR AA) a Palie follow up with Group Heal make me smile =)
RE: Paladin stuns
# Mar 16 2005 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
There are 3 basic problems with upper level Pallys, as I see it.

1) Pallys can't mitigate damage very well.

2) Pallys can't single pull at the upper levels, coupled with #1, why would you ever select a Pally (ok, uber Pallys and I see a lot lvl 70 Pallys tanking in BoT but c'mon).

3) Pallys can't hold agro with high end mobs because all their agro spells are either resisted or mobs have immunity and their inate agro ability was nerfed long ago.

Yes the disciplines are nice, but they are just nice. If these 3 issues aren't addressed I will continue to keep my original "main" in mothballs.

Sony continues to struggle with how to make the Knights desirable without making Warriors undesirable. Currently, I would select an SK or a War to MT in a new zone but never a Pally and yet that's what I have as an original character and "main". Why? An SK can FD and still single pull (albeit slowly), a Warrior can mitigate the damage in an overpull. A Pally can do neither, so they are out of consideration. If I have to get a pulling class, then I get a Warrior, period.

While we are on the subject of want to haves, remove restrictions on Slay Undead and upgrade AA stun to level 80 (been so long since I played him can't remember name).

Troth Elspeth of The Nameless, 66 Paladin of Truth and holding indefinately.
# Mar 16 2005 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
I thik the Dire Charm line should be upgraded, as how many new zones have a level 46 or under mob that, a Enchanter or Necro or Druid can use? Their was talk before that it was going to go up to level 50 or 55? that never happend. I also think that the 50% exp penalty for using one stinks. I use one with group normaly if I can find one.

As an Enchanter I have COD and AA ability to increase charm chance of breaking, dose not seem to work most times.

66 Enchanter
68 Druid
67 Cleric
58 Necro
# Mar 16 2005 at 5:47 AM Rating: Default
for monks how abought greater levels in run speed that would help us in many situations. Actually in the original eq book it said monks would have a faster run speed than other classes due to no armor as well being so fit.Might allso add in some more abilities for us to pull with along the lines of lulls and snares just some ideas
RE: monks
# Mar 16 2005 at 7:41 PM Rating: Default
They said they were updating melee skills so we will get one at every level like we were supposed to at Gates. I'm hoping this means much more useful pulling abilities as well as some stuns and whatnot. That's one main problem I've had with monks is that I can't stun for crap when I'm fighting those damn caster mobs. I know monks get one later on as part of an disc/AA, but one earlier on would be uber helpful.
# Mar 16 2005 at 4:26 AM Rating: Good
2,605 posts
SOLO: Unless you are a truly Uber Paladin -- you simply can't realistically solo. Casters can take yellows and even reds solo -- over and over and over.

What may help Paladins here are:

A root that actually holds for more than 5 seconds.

Decent self only heals so they don't have to go off target to heal themselves.

Edited, Mar 12th 2019 2:12pm by GOMN

my 2 cents
# Mar 16 2005 at 2:36 AM Rating: Decent
As far as all the classes that charm, want to make them better? Make DC not quite so limiting. It has been nerfed and nerfed again. What use does a level 70 druid have with Dire Charm anyway? makes no sense if nothing out there to charm.

I dont play any charming classes myself. My main is a SK, but I always felt, for them, that this was an ability wasted.

Now, as for me, and SKs, I couldn't solo after 61 or so, cause I couldn't fear kite after that level. So taking off the 55 cap, and putting in new fear spells will (finally) allow me to solo again. The changes above will be perfect for my class.

As far as soloing. Yes, EQ is a group game. But there are times where ya just can't get a group. What do you do then if you can't solo? Not play? It would make sense to me that if you buy a game, you should be able to play it anytime. With EQ, this isn't always possible. I can't solo now, so I LFG for like 3 hours in PoK taking any crap group that comes along. In these times where you are doing nothing, you have a lot of time to how your friends that have gone to WoW say you can solo from level 1 to max level in in WoW on all classes. I would think that the group ONLY philosophy will ultimately kill EQ, if it hasn't already. So, I am glad that it is finally being done.

my 2 cents
# Mar 16 2005 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
It would be nice to see us become the best DoT casters in game again with either DoT's being powered up more, or if you could give new abilities/DoT's seeing as a Shaman with the right AA's can outdo a Necromancer with damage dealt by them.
RE: Necromancers
# Mar 16 2005 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
As a Level 70 Cleric I Love Necro's for the Mana Regen from Mind wrack and they can FD Pull and Res me if absolutely needed.

I agree their DPS is a little low from DoTs.

But making their DoT's even more powerful mean they would be solo'ing more then grouping.

RE: Necromancers
# Mar 16 2005 at 6:17 AM Rating: Decent
Amen Inifini DOT masters again would definatly make a HUGE difference for necro especially for dmg wise since we can be OUT dmg'd by other DOT casters real quickly because our DD spells R VERY small DD's. Our DOT dmg needs re-VAMPed impossible to find a groups cuz necro dmg is not enough DPS which is what all boils down too. Can I get an Amen pls. Well thats my 2cp latahs and GET TO WORK PLS SOE (no pun intended)
# Mar 16 2005 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
66 monk here. One of the biggest things i was really wanting to see is that for the throwing ability that it would go to only needing ammo and the the range slot could be free for some sort of stat item. When you look at say bow users bows have some really nice stats to them and they can fire a arrow for pulling. I was hoping to see throwing go to ammo only slot for what you are throwing and then be able to have a item in your range for stats. Or another idea a item that goes in range with nice stats that u can use to throw with something along those lines. I believe we get really left out not being able to use a ranged item due to haveing to have your throwing items both in range and in ammo slots.
# Mar 16 2005 at 12:34 AM Rating: Decent

We will be reversing the AC mitigation reduction that you received during the Planes of Power era."

What exactly is this? I began playing in the post-PoP era so I wasn't aware monks had been downgraded previously.
RE: Monks
# Mar 16 2005 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
The original AC mitigation made monks so lame they were unplayable. Sony then nerfed the nerf making it bearable but since then monks can't really solo in the higher levels. Monks are supposed to be masters of the fight, dodging, blocking, etc. truely mitigating vast amounts of damage by their learned skills, but that has gone by the wayside. Maybe I'll level up my 55 monk.
RE: Monks
# Mar 16 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
Sounds Like PAL's will not need to worry about WAR's being chosen over them for MT cause as a CLR sounds like I be asking Monks to MT after this change.

Go Monks Go.

They much better DPS then a PAL, WAR, or SK and my Reverse DMG Marks will get nice DPS from them MT'ing as they get hit more.

If Sony want Rangers to start Healing why cannot Monk's start MT'ing RoFlol.

I think Sony should have every class solo the same Dark Blue Con Mob in the same amount of sustained time. Given they each have the same Level Gear.

Rogue Poisons
# Mar 16 2005 at 12:05 AM Rating: Default
292 posts
If only you would make them stack - I'd be in rogue Heaven
Druids Pt. 2
# Mar 15 2005 at 11:09 PM Rating: Default
79 posts
I have heard many times that a Druid (who IMHO is one of the best classes by far... not the best... there is no such animal, but Druids are better than many), can have a pet. I have not come across this spell as yet. I think I need to.

I also agree that twinking the Druid up, or down depending on the 'stance' would be an awesome 'upgrade'. I am a combat player and I snort at those who say 'a Druid cannot melee' (and you know who you are because I told you in was writing this, so pffft!). Not only can a Druid melee and melee damn well, he is one of the best at healings... not as good as a Cleric mind you, but damned good.

I for one would love to see the 'stance' implemented, just to see how it works.

One thing I would like to see a Druid to is make the 'Charm Animal' an innate ability. Since Druids are supposed to be 'Nature's Defender', why would it to so far fetched to make that ability innate. While I am on innate abilities... 'Fire Fist' should also be innate, as well as 'Sense Animals'. As a matter of fact, any spell that has to do with animals or plats would not be bad as an innate ability.

I could go on and on about what a Druid could/should/would have, but, I will not...... *this* time.

As always... Good Hunting and even better fortune.[Red][/Red]
RE: Druids Pt. 2
# Mar 16 2005 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
113 posts
I have heard many times that a Druid (who IMHO is one of the best classes by far... not the best... there is no such animal, but Druids are better than many), can have a pet. I have not come across this spell as yet. I think I need to.

Druid Pet

One thing I would like to see a Druid to is make the 'Charm Animal' an innate ability.

Dire Charm AA this would be more useful if we could use in higher end zones

Edited, Wed Mar 16 02:29:45 2005
RE: Druids Pt. 2
# Mar 16 2005 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
Druids would do great with a better pet. We already have to many snares and I agree, a innate Charm ability would be awesome for druids since they are "One with Nature" and all.
RE: Druids Pt. 2
# Mar 16 2005 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
Druids in the low levels and mid levels which you are according to your sig can mellee decent but by far not good. And like idfgsu says wait tell you get a few more levels and try to melle, make sure to have your evac ready. Without he aid of your offensive spell line regen heals buffs, druids pale to most other classes. Np we where not designed for toe to toe.

The balancing issues for the three stances however will not effect our ability to melle but only our ability to cause ore dmg from spells more than likely just Direct dmg spells and not Dots. Last part of the stnaces reduction is only in spell reduction and not mellee.
RE: Druids Pt. 2
# Mar 16 2005 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
one more thought.

If they want to change something with druids the only thing I can say is either get rid of our pet or get us a better one. I have DC and with Comand of Tunare. I dont use my summoned pethardly ever sue to its abilities hill giant woops my pets **** unless i heal it and a lvl 15 spider takes 10% or its helath when buffed it can not even touch a lvl 55+ mob for dmg, why would they even give it to us. It is only good for Low level tradeskill farming and that is it.

My opinion take it away and give something better as far as our Charm line goes, longer duaration less chance of breaking etc.

Edited, Wed Mar 16 01:57:45 2005
RE: Druids Pt. 2
# Mar 16 2005 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
Wait till you get to the 50's and beyond, You will see that druids really cannot Melee worth a damn.
RE: Druids Pt. 2
# Mar 16 2005 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
I really don't see a need to upgrade Druids for soloing purposes. I have a 64 Druid and play her often because lately its been difficult to find groups with my "grouping" toons. However, I see the noted upgrade as very beneficial for getting into groups. Until I hit 62 I could count the number of times I grouped with my druid on 1 hand. Since I hit 64 I have stopped grouping again.
RE: Druids Pt. 2
# Mar 16 2005 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
I really don't see a need to upgrade Druids for soloing purposes. I have a 64 Druid and play her often because lately its been difficult to find groups with my "grouping" toons. However, I see the noted upgrade as very beneficial for getting into groups. Until I hit 62 I could count the number of times I grouped with my druid on 1 hand. Since I hit 64 I have stopped grouping again.
RE: Druids Pt. 2
# Mar 16 2005 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
Hello... I am a 70 Druid on E'ci... The cool thing I think you guys are doing is the stance skill... I think that will work pretty good. One thing I can ask though is give something to the pet.... Let him have some stats that help us or something, maybe some regen... I don't know, but make the little Druid pet useful lol... Just my input... Bye
RE: Druids Pt. 2
# Mar 18 2005 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Why do druids need a pet they already out damage most pet classes? Why is it an animal? It does make more sense for a beast to charm an animal than a druid. If druids did need a pet let it be a tree, a bush, a wacky weed plant.

Druids have NO reason to complain about anything any more than the rest of the classes. Only one that has a real issue is the chanters they have pets who absolutely stink. Any class can out damage a chanter =P.
# Mar 15 2005 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
Im glad they are giving back what they took away but yes I agree with so many changes to other classes...I wouldnt mind seeing some dmg increase or something...I used to love to solo...and with DoN out now..There are some tasks that are "solo" tasks...that we should be able to do much better than we can at this time....We arent tanks...we shouldnt be considered tanks or offtanks ....but against a non boss or mob that doesnt quad for 2500+ I think we should be able to take some of what we dish out and dish out a bit more than we do....rogues 700-1000 dps....monks 300-400......seen 450 out of a monk with all end game gear....still on the low side of the dps chain....I mean hell warriors are gettin into the 300+ range with end game stuff...bump us a little....I don't want to be a rogue...but a bit more than a warrior would be more than prudent.
# Mar 15 2005 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
Several things in this that are not being looked into or not mentioned.

I have a Wizard, Necromancer, Shaman, Beastlord,and Ranger.

The first 4 all have pets that I can and do use to do alot of my fighting, except the Wizards pet which will just stand there and do nothing while his master is being attacked. What I would like to see in the pet class is the ability to remove weapons and armor that are given to the pets for protection, and reuse them another time, rather than lose the equipment when you log for the night. My Necro is usually overweight carrying rusty weapons to supply his pet with for the up coming battle. Can we get the weapons returned to us when we get ready to log. Also in the Beastlord class for pets why is it I can heal my pet for 500+ hp but only heal myself for 100hp?

As a Ranger I find the ability to Disarm an opponent desirable, but so far I have yet to do that during a battle. It does not matter that my skill is maxed out at a level 55, and that is a laugh, or that I may be fighting an Orc in Greater Faydark that has been green to me for 40+ levels or that I am fighthing a mob in Dulak Harbor that is Dark blue to me. The Disarm ability is useless and either needs to be rethought, as far as doing away with it or making it usable and being able to increase its level to match the other caps in the game.

Another thing that should be looked at is the use of a language in the game. How many people take the time to learn a different language to a level of 100, my guess is not too many. The reason for that would probably be due to the uselessness of learning a new language. I mean when was the last time you talked to a merchant in any language other than Common. You have to go to Felwithe to talk to a high elf and they speak common, you go to Ak'Anon and they speak common, you go to Kaladim and they speak Common, so what is the use of having all the other 15 or 20 languages available if they are not being used in game. By the way my Wizard knows 21 different languages with only 5 of them over a level of 1. Do you think he can communicate with anyone at those levels?

One last thing. The spell line Invisibility and Camo. These spell lines say they last for 20 minutes, but in reality they can last from 30 seconds to 20 minutes and as the person that the spell is on you never know how long they will last. If the spell is supposed to last 20 minutes or until you attack something then, Please have it last that long.

Edited, Tue Mar 15 23:12:09 2005
RE: Abilities
# Mar 16 2005 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
222 posts
On Firiona Vie there is no "Common", but rather it is "Human". You have to learn all languages except your tarting language. On FV the default language is "Elvish", used as "Common" on other servers. There are constant shouts in PoK to seek elvish teachers. It allows for more role-playing (hence the role-playing server).
We have had discussions about languages and their usefulness. Perhaps if you needed to use these to hail quest npcs, it would add to the game. Seeking out a master to teach a language you would need to hail that sage who gives quests would add to the game. This would be a way of adding to the game and enhancing some classes and races, without actually changing them directly.
RE: Abilities
# Mar 16 2005 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
Try improved invisibility or improved superior camo, both fixed duration invisibilities. The 20 min on the lesser invis spells has always been just a max duration, same goes for invis potions.
# Mar 15 2005 at 10:28 PM Rating: Default
All spells will check for immunity before they are cast. So if the target is immune, the spell will not generate aggro for the caster.

Ok i play a pally and lets say i am in a grp and we are killing Frost Giants in Kael Drakkel and the slower say a shammy cast slow then a dot now that's alot of aggro and i go to cast my stun even though it will not stun ( or i don't think it does anyway if it does i will be back to repost on it but i don't think it will )just for the Arggro now what will it be like if they do this will the slower get eatan or what if i can't cast a spell they need to think on this before they F#@% EQ up it maybe time to just leave EQ
# Mar 16 2005 at 5:29 AM Rating: Default
There is a reason they are doing this, and I think the good outwieghs the bad. If I am trying to cast a spell on something and I am NOT a tank, this is a good thing, so this really only can possibly hurt is SKs and PLDs. If you think about it, why would a monster care if you cast stun on them and it didn't do anything?

You describe one quite specific situation (I don't know any shaman that are dumb enough to slow and then a dot right away, thats just asking to die.) in which this would be a harmful change. Not every change is going to make your class uber-l33t and more powerful in every situation. I suspect that you have not been playing very long or you would know to just take things like this in stride, I didn't say I was going to quit the game when I discovered that hybrid classes got screwed out of xp (they have since changed that), I simply very calmly and politely sent them an email that was long enough to be an essay on why this is an unfair mechanism, that hybrid classes may be able to cast spells, but they usually can't tank/do damage as well as a warrior/rogue (referring to ranger there, though, I have never seen a paladin outdamage a rogue)and thus everyone should gain xp at the same rate regardless of class. But that has nothing to do with the current topic.

If you want SOE to listen to you, don't make a 3-line post without capitalizing half the words that should be, misspelling a lot of words (arggro? eatan?), or even making sentences (I didn't see a period or comma in that entire post. It ruins your credibility and makes you sound dumb.
And please folks, be constructive. If you think the ideas have no merit, say why. We can't work on it with you with bad feedback. OMG This SUXXORS is not going to help.

# Mar 15 2005 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
I left EQ to go to WOW because of the inability of soloing many characters. Warriors can't solo above 45 or so mainly since they are healing dependant. Priests & Enchanters can't because they are offensively challenged. One aspect not addressed in above "changes" is the death penalty, losing thousands of experience points -due to various reasons - bad group, poor soloing, lag and just being in wrong place makes for poor playabilty in MHO. How many times have you lose a level -worked to gain it back to lost it a few minutes later. If SOE wants to stop the outflowing of players, they are going to have to make the game more FUN to the average player - not just the Evercrack players.
RE: soloing
# Mar 16 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
I agree Dieing really sucks in EQ.

I wish Sony would allow EXP lost from death to return over time.

I am a Level 70 Cleric and I res my self for 96% and it still sucks.

I solo and get a few interupts, die and run to the guild hall summon my corpse and res. Then run back to the other side of norrath to start back up again. After 2 weeks of over 5 Death's the Exp lost even after res'es is stupid and flustrating.

Come'on Sony reduce the Death penatly a little bit or just allow some lost exp to come back over time.
# Mar 15 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
With DoN, you received more mana efficient nukes that are aimed at improving your sustained DPS. We will be extending this into a line of spells to help out with sustained DPS at different level ranges.

Meh not a big issue with me

We will fix Manaburn. Our preferred method is to uncap the ability and implement a cap based on the maximum percentage of health you can do in a single hit. So one of you, facing a million hit point boss mob (fairly common in today’s game) can expect a full manaburn to land for 10s of thousands of points of damage in one hit

IT'S ABOUT ****ING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# Mar 15 2005 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
Personaly I feel that they should have addressed the reuse time of the berserker frenzy or at least increased the potential damage of frenzy attacks!
# Mar 15 2005 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
For the love of wait, they already gave us a decent bout DEFENSIVE aa's, a more powerful lifetap and the ability to use Death Peace aa INSTANTLY like a monk for god sake...Im a gimp warrior and a gimp necro at give me the ability to live longer as a gimp, cmon
# Mar 15 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Default
Half Warrior, half Necromancer. 1/2 + 1/2 = 1

You're suppose to be half as good as either and that makes one whole class. Would you like to have the tankage of a Warrior and the DPS of a Necromancer? I bet you do, but it's not going to happen. I play a high-end Necromancer and I have to deal with the non-instant Feign Death AA hotkey. I'm glad that my FD isn't as good as a monk's. I'm glad that I out-damage you.

There MUST be difference in all classes. That alone will balance everything. Be weak and be glad that there are others to watch your back. Be tough and be glad that you have someone to playing with you to protect.
monk "changes"
# Mar 15 2005 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
I'm a 67 monk myself and I'd like to see a little bit more than just a one line change for our class. They are giving us back what they took earlier, and that's there improvement? Sounds like bootcamp where they take all your priveleges from you and gives some of them back as a reward.
RE: monk
# Mar 16 2005 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
You could look at it this way:

During PoP when this was done, it was a needed change. Monks should not have tanked as well as they did. At that time, it was a nerf.

Now, in todays game, itemization is getting back on track and monks obviously are not going to tank when a war/pal/sk is available. Since PoP, the game has changed and monks have fallen behind in even the most rudimentary tanking situations. In this new and changed game, giving the mitigation back IS an improvement.

And besides (and this next point applies to all classes) given SOE's track record on actually following through on promised changes/improvments to classes, BE HAPPY that you are getting this! Don't get greedy!
RE: monk
# Mar 16 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts


We will be increasing your instrument mod cap and using itemization to limit the inherent power gains. This also means that certain songs will have built in maximums to prevent them from scaling indefinitely.


Now, in todays game, itemization is getting back on track

Can you please explain the term itemization in this context? Does this refer to worn gear or coding?
# Mar 15 2005 at 6:35 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm very interested in the statements above with regards to soloing. If done correctly, it would be a very wise idea to make all classes be able to solo efficiently (especially for those who casually play and don't particularly care to rely on other people).

One (very roughly designed) thought comes to mind would be a LDON style instanced zone that only allows 1-3 people in it (or just 1) in which the MoBs would hit for less and be easier to kill but ultimately would provide equivlant exp from hunting in groups during the same level range.

Overall, I think if the above posts manifest into reality it would be an excellent step forward to fixing a lot of "problems" with EQ.
RE: Soloing
# Mar 15 2005 at 8:07 PM Rating: Excellent
I think Warlord Sethar has a great idea on LDON syle instanced zones desighned for the groups for 1-3 players. This would make those times that you just want to be alone great.
# Mar 15 2005 at 6:28 PM Rating: Good
I personally would like to see a modest increase in the druids pet. Druids, far and away, have the weakest and most useless pet in EQ today. Even with a 100% offensive boost, the druids pet would still lag behind the shaman's pet.

Granted, druids get a line of nukes and DoTs that play the part of a druids main offensive attack. However, we still have to cast another spell to finish a mob off, where as a chanter, mage, necro or beastlord can simply tell the pet, go fetch.

As for having pet's play a large role in a group, I rarely ever see a druid summon that tinky little bear in a group, its simply a waste of mana for the DPS that critter could do.

I just think that maybe having a higher level pet with slightly better DPS would be nice (somehow tie this into the "offensive mode" they refer to). I'm not talking Make druids be healers, nukers, DoTers, and have Mage/Necro style pets, just something thats not green so it can land some more hits on a mob with (keyword) slightly better DPS.

66 druid

Edited, Tue Mar 15 19:26:46 2005
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