Rumors Swirl on EQ2

In the recent EQ newsletter, Sony put in a puzzle that led to two websites: and (Congratulations to the gang at the safehouse for solving the riddle). Each site brings up an image and the Nektulos one mentions an announcement coming up in May. May is of course when E3 is held. This is the biggest gaming convention of the year, and game companies typically try to save their biggest announcements for the large group of press that comes to E3 each year. So what is Sony going to announce in May? It may be something like a single player game based upon Everquest, or the release of some new zones. However, do not be surprised if it is the launch of Everquest 2. I don't have any positive information on this and am really just speculating, but since they already announced the PS2 version of the game and the Planes of Power expansion, it seems logical that this is not related to either of them. Why make a teaser for something everyone already knows about? And they have never put this type of effort into announcing free content for the game. EQ2, however, would be a huge announcement. In addition, I have been told that the latest version of PC Gamer mentions EQ2 (I have not read it -- I'll try to track down a copy). Plus, Sony has had registered for quite a while. So the announcement Sony plans to make in May could well be that they are making EQ2. Or they could just be announcing another expansion or something related to the PS2 version of the game or even something completely unrelated to Everquest. We will be in Los Angeles for E3, so as soon as we find out more, we'll let you know. In the meantime, some of our visitors managed to piece together the murky pictures you see in the two sites.
  • Wailing Caves Full Image
  • Nektulos Full Image
  • Feel free to throw in your own thoughts about what this means. UPDATE (Again): Link already dead.


    Post Comment
    # Apr 26 2002 at 3:35 PM Rating: Excellent
    I'm not a big fan of EQ2. The concept of "transient" items or breakable items blows. Even tho realistic as it may seem. This is a fantasy game. Don't destroy my fantasy. I played a text based mud for 7 years. On this mud as well and millions of others, (I'm sure) When you died your magical(limited) equipment could get looted by the mobs that killed you, and could get damaged or scrapped when mobs hit you with an exceptional amount of force. The fact that EQ was not setup this way was one of the major attractions to me. On a text based mud boss mobs such as Innoruuk for example would drop the ring of pure blood everytime you killed him until the item was "maxxed" and the Limit on how many items loaded was determined by the number of register player characters on the game. As is sits now, supposed you had a ring of pureblood and you were kiting a Spiroc Proven and he got a good hit in and scrapped your ring. It might take you several months of killing Innoruuk to get you ring back. The only reason "transient" equipment ever existed in the first place was to "recycle" (limited) equipment. Since there are no maxxed items. There is truely no reason for "transient" armor. Regardless whether or not it is just the crafted armor's or not.

    As far as mobs chasing players across zones. I'd love to be the first one to watch someone bring every sand giant from south ro to west freeport gates.

    As far as putting a stop to twinking /twirl...whooptie do. Twinking is based on how much platinum you have. IF VI wants to control twinking then control the marketing and selling of items in freeport and platinum distribution. VI wants to push the Bazaar as a high end version of freeport so people can buy/sell/trade there ware's and then doesnt want you to have the right to do with them as you please?

    Furthermore, why sell us Luclin only to take it away? Marketing strategy?...well get a better one

    I only hope that I have a choice in the end to play either EQ1 or EQ2...cause you'll find me on EQ1
    Leveling the field?
    # Apr 26 2002 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
    68 posts
    All these posts condemning item decay are so fatalist!! Given that we don't know anything about the actual "meat" of EQII, it hardly seems effective to jump to conclusions (but I'm sure that won't stop you). I really doubt that, after countless hours spent questing your epic, you'll be going toe to toe with Cazic Thule (or Tunare, for all you evil PoG raiders) and have it snap in half!

    This from Allakhazam's "unconfirmed synopsis" of game features:

    --"A 50th level weapon will also require the 50th level of Knowledge to equip it properly. Giving said item to a 10th level player will greatly reduce its effectiveness and increase the chance of breaking it. Goodbye to twinking."

    Given that the weapon would be so out of that character's league, maybe he would "fumble" the weapon, or even better (/rofl) he would slip and hit himself with it, perhaps even causing fatal damage! Talk about not being able to handle your Wurmy!!

    As far as item breakage goes, in many games in which equipped items/weapons/armor if affected by "wear and tear" the item generally doesn't break for good; what typically happens is the item will need to be taken to a smith/tailor and be repaired.

    Think about it, would you pay upwards of 10kpp for a pair of GEBs (or more, or less, depending on your server), if you knew you'd have to take them to a smith to have them repaired after, say, every third Hate raid?

    Anyway, as far as everyone attempting to boycott EQII in favor of the originals, more power to you. I for one am going to play the new game when it comes out, I figure any money I save has to be spent on something, and who needs to eat? I'm tired of all my lvl 50++ characters, personally, and when a character is high enough to earn "Baron" or "Veteran" before his name, you can't tell me that retirement isn't too far away. Who knows, I'll probably be so sucked in to SWG, I probably won't even notice EQII's release.

    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 26 2002 at 1:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hey i have an idea! Let go and get some expert hackers and do something to divert contol of EQ from the servers to another place! then u got FREE EQ! im no expert myself but shoulden't this game be free after playing so many months ( like 6 ) because it takes them .75$ per month to store our account and the now 13$ we are going to be paying will cover that many times over. As for EQ2 i think if it is released it will bomb. No one will give up their lvl 60 for a lvl 1 all over again. Hey twinking is 1/2 the fun. Oh well.
    # Apr 26 2002 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
    EQ2 this sounds reather iffy to me... Come on now... I dont think that I will play it, I worked long and hard on my chars a lvl 60 shadownight 49 bard and now a 35 ranger. Im not going to just up and let go of them now. I love the game as it is, come on VI just come out with some new playable races, and classes, say a mage/wizzard and warrior hybrid would be nice... And throw in some new zones is all you need.
    # Apr 26 2002 at 12:36 PM Rating: Default more thing...PS2 EQ? ROFLMAO, guess you got to do something for the lame gamers that cant afford a real computer...after all, what is EQ now days but a trumped up version of Quake or <shudder> UOL?

    If it was a real role playing game people would not care so much about the "twinks"/"camps" and more about quests/storyline/role-play.

    *sigh* Maybe Morrowind will get it right...

    -VET Beta Tester and Sad Role-Player Dreaming of a real game some day.
    # Apr 26 2002 at 12:26 PM Rating: Default
    Well....only one HOPE to the big V. Please test the durn thing before you release it this time!

    You have released far to many " Beta Stage pieces of JUNK " that usualy require far too much work after release to be able to call them a finished product. Leave that to Microshaft and be on the ball this time.

    And YES I was in it from the ground floor.

    <and the MOON still sucks...*sigh* even with a pent4/g3/1gigRam, VERY poorly thought out release, even if the graphics are cool.>

    -VET Beta Tester
    # Apr 26 2002 at 12:06 PM Rating: Good
    I dont see why they need to make a new game when drak age came out i was all for got in it and did like the game play. so i came back and when i did i saw alot more new people like new players true n00bs no game as every rattled the EQ base but it is obiouvs they are trying to compete with all these new games. i personal though lulcin wasnt that great the new zones are great and every thing my wood elf ranger looks like a fruit and prances when he runs i and they only chaged the about of diffrent shades of green in the ground i hunt in luclin and like the zone but for the requirments it is not all it is put up to be. i was exspecting dark age graphics and in stend i got more colorful world with the same boxy looking trees and hills. i think they need to finsh there first project before they release a new project i love eq and still have alot to do geez i am only 43 i havnt even been to a plane yet. if they made EQ1 work better then relseas a side game... also it is not going way they are releasing a new expantion this fall soo i have a a felling they wont leave EQ1 high and dry. in VI quest for money they forgot about us the player with out us they are nothing reading these post and seeing the pool maybe VI needs to visit this site and see what the palyer (the ones who matter) thinks about there new venture.

    43 Dwarf Warrior
    26 Dark Elf Enchanter
    22 Wood Elf Ranger

    ~Wicked Clowns will never die!~
    # Apr 26 2002 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
    # Apr 26 2002 at 10:08 AM Rating: Excellent
    I have DaoC already. Its a coster I use for my drinks. Why would I want to buy EQ2. I dont need 2 coasters

    Plain and simple
    RE: DaoC
    # Apr 27 2002 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
    508 posts
    I also have two DAoC coasters, and two AO ones as well. More coasters than beer mugs, a sorry state to be in.

    People complain alot oabout Verant, but I believe they try hard to do the job well. One major point - when I cancelled my AO and DAoC accounts, both of those companies immediately terminated access to the accounts - even though I had prepaid for over a month of each of them. Never got a dime back.

    When I cancelled my EQ accounts to go to the other games, Verant let me play out my paid time (as they should), and they made it darn easy to restart the accounts again later. Even after 7 months away, all of my characters were in place once I reactivated.

    What I hope is that Verant has a "bulk" policy that lets me play SWG, EQ1, EQ2, and EQ PS/2. That would be great!
    RE: DaoC
    # Apr 26 2002 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
    Amen to that..
    RE: DaoC
    # Apr 26 2002 at 10:55 PM Rating: Default
    And a Hallelujah (i cant spell that) for good measure.
    # Apr 26 2002 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
    I say this EQ is gonna blow ***, I am gonna buy ShadowBane before i come anywhere near to eq2
    RE: omg (EQ's version of Shadowbane)
    # Apr 26 2002 at 2:27 PM Rating: Excellent
    I doubt EQ2 is gonna blow, look at its reputation so far, no other MMORPG has even come close to EQ since its birth 3 years ago ant taking almost every award in its class every year.
    In my opinion EQ2 is simply an evolution into the next realm of MMORPG to compete with Shadowbane. I will definately own Shadowbane but I will definately own EQ2 if it becomes a real game.
    # Apr 26 2002 at 3:57 AM Rating: Default
    God bless Verant...
    Thank you Verant you've done what i didn't think was possible
    # Apr 26 2002 at 3:09 AM Rating: Decent
    Looks Like some of the Bods at Verant have been playing a game by Mythic Entertainment!
    # Apr 26 2002 at 3:09 AM Rating: Excellent
    Here's what I think they should have done:
    a) another expansion that overwrites the graphics, etc
    b) allow characters to be played on both games
    c) slowly transition the current story line along to the new one doing option 'a'

    The EQ story is interesting but I'll be damned if I can figure it out anymore and I am not starting new characters just to play EQ2 (I've put to much work into my current ones). Would be nice if EQ currently had a moving story plot that was actually 'known' not something you had to look in dark closets to find. =(

    ***Before someone flames that, I am jsut saying that is my opinion of what they should have done. I know it is not a direct sequal.***

    and to the comments by ravencraft:
    My turn to vent a little

    'The economy in EQ1 is so bad that everyone is homeless! Wouldn&#8217;t be nice to have a fireplace to hang the head of Gorenaire and boast with everyone about your prowess in battle?'

    origianlly we were supposed to be able to build houses etc. Thanks for that Verant.

    'Regardless of all, people should consider EQ1 and EQ2 two different games. More or less like Blizzard&#8217;s Warcraft and Diablo. Not an upgrade.'

    Then they shouldn't use the same continuing story line. (playing the other side of the arguement on that)

    'Not to mention&#8230; is Verant holding a gun at you ordering to get the game?'

    People are just venting and discussing till people like YOU **** someone off by overreacting, insulting and yelling.

    'And about those people who whine about the upgrades... hey you are not forced to upgrade your system. I am running EQ on two different machines. One is a 500mhz, 128MB and Voodoo 8MB video card PC, and I have Luclin installed...'

    Well, yay for you, you shouldn't be complaining. Some people are running on stuff slower than a P2 350, can't afford two comuters let along upgrades and would like to walk around and hunt on the moon. Period. Without textures on. Without seeing 'you hit XXX', Loading Please wait, then seeing that when you thought you hit once you actually hit a enough for the thing to hit you BACK about 20 times

    'No money to upgrade to game requirements? But less cigarettes if you smoke. Buy less beer if you drink. You don&#8217;t need to order out tonight, cook what you have in the credenza. Offer to take the garbage out and make your bed every day for money. Wash the dog or even help with the dishes. Get a summer job, if you don&#8217;t have one. And so on, and so on. If you start saving now by the time the game is out on the market you have enough to upgrade your machine to requirements.'

    Some of us actually do work and aren't lucky enough to be as well off as you in this BOOMING economy. I don't smoke, drink and do eat a bowl of Ramen for dinner every night, cause thats all I can afford. Quit assuming everyone is well off or living with momma.

    'In my case, hey if I have time, I will gladly start anew in EQ2. At least, and I hope, not to see a level 5 whack a monster in three hits, when I am level 10 and I barely have taken the same monster to half life with my 4 hits.'

    Lvl 1-rat. SHOULD die in 1 or 2 hits
    Lvl 5-Gnoll should take a few hits
    Lvl 20-Goblin gets pretty tough
    As you see thats how things technically should be, twinked or not. Yes I used to get mad at twinking, but it will always happen whether we like it or not.

    'The game has made people too cocky and power hungry. Every time I see some idiot showing off his/her uber armour to a poor hard working player I wish I could train him/her a 1000 times.'

    This I agree with. I would love to get my last epic pieces, but neither am I 'uber' or do I belong to an 'uber' guild to finish it, so it will probably never be finished.

    'And I am sorry, but wanting to transfer chars with all... the game is DIFFERENT! The rules are different! It is a game! Not your life! And only an immature imbecill would even consider that an option.'

    Sorry but YOU must have NO life to want to start the toil and work we did with our characters in EQ all over in EQ2. (taking other side again)

    And to the comment by Anonymous:

    'OOps...I meant to say, "BTW, if anyone thinks the original eq ISNT going to fall by the wayside..your kidding yourself'

    Hehehe reminds of people who said Legends won't affect the game. Guess what peeps, who knows what VI is thinking but either a) not enough on Legends or b) prob the sight of the money pulled ind cause of it our subscriptions got raised to make even more =P
    RE: EQ1/2
    # Apr 26 2002 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
    I would have liked to have seen Verant announce major new improvements and fixes to EQ1. If they want to create a new game as well to target new audiences, then fine -- create EQ2 with new game rules, but for heaven's sake, fix the problems of EQ1 and improve it!!! It's completely possible to share the graphics improvements (morphing animations, lightmaps, procedurally-generated terrain, etc.) between two different game-play environments.

    Let me spell that out. Here's what I wish Verant would do:
    1. Make EQ2 and EQ1 share a common graphics engine that provides all of the nifty modern features that DAoC and modern shooters offer. As with the Luclin expansion, make this upgrade optional.
    2. Make substantial improvements to the A.I. and path-finding of EQ1. Share this with EQ2! Let monsters know how to find their way around a tree. Let a monster not instantly spin on its feet. Let monsters work together intelligently. That's the kind of realism that I would like to see!
    3. Provide better customer support by giving your GMs better tools. #1 on my list -- keep track of transactions and deaths the way a real-life bank keeps track of your money. That would allow GMs to help people quickly who are subjected to terrible game and server bugs such as the "daylight savings" bug, the "instead of dinging I lost 4 yellows" bug, and the "the server crashed and my corpse disappeared" bug.

    We have worked so hard on our characters and have such a rich social community (especially with guilds), that it disappoints me to suspect that EQ1 will fall by the wayside as Verant puts its focus and money into EQ2. Remember that it's EQ1 that's paying for all of your growth and success, Verant! If you don't make us happy, and if you spread your resources too far, your whole empire can quickly come apart.

    Diesonne, level 40 paladin
    Proud member of Wardens on Vazaelle Server.
    RE: EQ1/2
    # Apr 26 2002 at 12:18 PM Rating: Default
    i agree with yuo all they way when luclin came out ranter when i heard it was coming ti was time to save money to upgrade i didnt and now my computer is there i probly wont play EQ2 but i will have to see how it turns out i wont be waiting at my local video game store for EQ2
    Bah Humbug
    # Apr 26 2002 at 2:23 AM Rating: Excellent
    Everquest 2? how is it Ever, if it has a sequel? I'd prefer if they just like open some zones that are on th map but not in the game, you know? expand from inwards, they could forever expand what they have, don't need a sequel for like 4 more years. Oh well whatever, guess i didn't need to say anything, but for osme reason i just hate the idea of an eq2.

    Kyzoku, 56 Ranger, Karana
    graphics and rumor
    # Apr 25 2002 at 11:22 PM Rating: Default
    A positive note for those that feel luclin tanked their system for lag and problems. The present graphics engine is what is causing the problem.
    Quite possibly this might fix alot of the problems luclin has. I have a Geforce 3 .. i know its outdated to Geforce 4 already) but i can tell u that EQ1 is not taking advantage AT ALL its capability.

    alot of what they do is good but some of this new rules they are presently listing are just WRONG.
    I do not want a quake game where i respawn over and over. Verant please think this out on the large base of people u have and dont make radical changes without some sort of customer support. You may find u sabotage the move forward into a spiral down games have failed because the owners thought wow this is going to be kewl and then seeing the reviews and customer support GO BANKRUPT

    why is everyone in a tizzy?
    # Apr 25 2002 at 11:21 PM Rating: Default
    i also think we really shouldn't be spamming everyone. If we like eq so much we shouldn't keep making fun of other people's opinions. I am happy that at least a few people agree with me, and try to kepp their messages clean, while still getting the point accross
    why is everyone in a tizzy?
    # Apr 25 2002 at 11:18 PM Rating: Default
    if everyone is so worried then why don't we stop pouting and get something done, personally i think the original will stay alive, its lasted this long. THis new eq2 is like that stupid game pokemon, its a fad, it will probally just pass by like the little cards. So unless everyone has a few good hard facts why we should get worried then shut your pie hole, all these smart *** comments are just freaking people out!
    # Apr 25 2002 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
    OK, I have a question. Are us people who think this EQ2 thing COMPLETELY AND TOTALY SUCKS required to buy this, or is a completely different game. Because IMHO, this is terrible, and if I am required to purchase this abomanation, I simply will quite playing the game I have loved for over a year now. It is a shame it has come to this, but I, the EQ addict, say ***** THIS IM DONE!!!!!! IM NOT WAISTING MONEY ON THIS THING!!!!!! that is all.

    "To be faced with what is right and to leave it undone shows a lack of courage."
    RE: hmmnnn
    # Apr 26 2002 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
    how do you know it "completely and totaly [sic] sucks"? how do you know it's an "abomination"? it's not out. you haven't played it. you know very little about it. wait until it comes out before you make any decisions about it, ok?

    seriously, is all the whining and complaining coming from kids? the ones screaming the loudest about EQ2 are only saying 'it sucks' and 'this is stupid!' they also TYPE IN LOTS OF CAPS AND EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!

    if there's something about it you don't like, talk about why you don't like it instead of shouting that it's stupid. in other words, discuss it. saying 'I for one won't be buying this and none of my friends will either because it's a bad idea' just makes you sound like some little kid throwing a tantrum.
    RE: hmmnnn
    # Apr 26 2002 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
    68 posts
    As far as we know, this new EQ2 is apparently a stand-alone game, in no way affiliated with the original EQ save the storyline/universe.

    "Man who eat many prunes sit on toilet many moons"
    Twinking and such
    # Apr 25 2002 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
    I don't mind not being able to twink, but I will be damned if I am going to a high-level area and winning a roll on a rare item then have it 'break'. Bulls#$t! Just another way for them to try to keep you playing longer and paying more pp. Some of the posts mentioned not buying if you dont like it. I could not agree more. But, when you do not buy the game for whatever reason, make your displeasure made clear. E-mail the company and if enough people are blowing it off for the same reasons they will change it, or lose client base to more user friendly games. It's not 'their' world, it's ours. Through the power of your wallet.
    RE: Twinking and such
    # Apr 26 2002 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
    who said that rare drops from high level mobs will break? maybe it's the common items that are purchased. or maybe, as the other reply posits, it can be repaired by someone with the appropriate trade skill.
    RE: Twinking and such
    # Apr 26 2002 at 7:05 AM Rating: Default
    Not to flame your remarks or invalidate your concerns, but what if VI made it so that a broken item could be repaired? They did say that tradeskills would be more lucrative & effective in EQ2. Wouldn't it be a great reason to have smithing up there? One could even make a profession out of smithing, heaven forbid that a tradeskill should provide you with a skill you can call your trade (i.e. actually make money using it). Just my humble 2 cents.
    Eq2 what is it realy
    # Apr 25 2002 at 10:22 PM Rating: Default
    i say what is eq2. is it really a sequal to or much beloved eq. or is it a trick from soony to throw off side for somethin even bigger for the orginal eq. so i say to all eq2 might not be real but a trick to throw you from the truth and reveal a much better thing for all of us eq players.

    viva la EQ
    Hehe sorry bout the double post
    # Apr 25 2002 at 10:15 PM Rating: Default
    Work system blocked the message only to bump it through after I tried again haha.
    No worries
    # Apr 25 2002 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
    EQ2 (if indeed it is eq2) will simply be the next step in the evoulution of the online gaming genre. No need to panic or think that the game you love is gonna up and vanish.
    Ultima online is still up and running believe it or not. Sure it probably has a much smaller player base than it did before but it lives because enough people play it to be worth maintaining it. EQ is an excellent game for its time and is still being upgraded. EQ2 is the next generation which, as with everquest will probably be a better game, building on the knowledge gamed from its predecessors. But when and indeed if you move to the next game, remember that it is not a race or rush. So chill. If you have seen everything EQ has to offer and yer friends and you are eager for the thrill of a new dawn, then move to EQ2 (some will maintain both, but most have neither the time or the money for more than one). If you have not seen all EQ has to offer then take it easy, relax and move when you are ready. Those who always want only more 'uberdom' and 'l3wtz' will undoubtly move on and leave the older game to those who love it.
    There will be many more games in the future (ie Brads new company and more). This is the way the world moves. Just sit down where you want to and get up when you want to. They will support older machines as long as possible. Luclin was the first time eq really put the squeeze on systems, by the time EQ2 comes out the minumum specs quoted for it now will be considered low end anyway.
    So have a cold one and play on :)
    No worries
    # Apr 25 2002 at 10:13 PM Rating: Default
    EQ2 (if indeed it is eq2) will simply be the next step in the evoulution of the online gaming genre. No need to panic or think that the game you love is gonna up and vanish.
    Ultima online is still up and running believe it or not. Sure it probably has a much smaller player base than it did before but it lives because enough people play it to be worth maintaining it. EQ is an excellent game for its time and is still being upgraded. EQ2 is the next generation which, as with everquest will probably be a better game, building on the knowledge gamed from its predecessors. But when and indeed if you move to the next game, remember that it is not a race or rush. So chill. If you have seen everything EQ has to offer and yer friends and you are eager for the thrill of a new dawn, then move to EQ2 (some will maintain both, but most have neither the time or the money for more than one). If you have not seen all EQ has to offer then take it easy, relax and move when you are ready. Those who always want only more 'uberdom' and 'l3wtz' will undoubtly move on and leave the older game to those who love it.
    There will be many more games in the future (ie Brads new company and more). This is the way the world moves. Just sit down where you want to and get up when you want to. They will support older machines as long as possible. Luclin was the first time eq really put the squeeze on systems, by the time EQ2 comes out the minumum specs quoted for it now will be considered low end anyway.
    So have a cold one and play on :)
    Ok listen !
    # Apr 25 2002 at 9:31 PM Rating: Default
    The new EQ2 comeing out has some GOOD points and some BAD points I think that people should try it just to see what it is like before judging it.

    IMHO I think the whole thing is going to be cool except for twinking which is a very fast way to level. I really dont know if im going to like it of course but I know they have put some good ideas into it.

    Final point... If you like it get it. If you dont, simple dont get it, and if you really dont know you should try it out.

    I dont know but thats how most people decide what games they want to play...

    60 necro
    60 monk
    55 druid
    of druzzil ro
    You empowered? Please say it isn't so...
    # Apr 25 2002 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
    Bottom Line you (the consumer) have two options: BUY IT OR DON'T. Guess what that means you morons have power!!! I shudder to think that you may actually be too dumb to have realized that on your own and so would have gone on living your dreary little lives in your antiquated little PC world and wish for the days of Donkey Kong and Millipeede because those can play on your processor and your memory.

    Guess what three years ago this brand new game was brought before me and I said, that looks cool, but I cannot efficiently run it on my system. I better upgrade. Hmmm.. apparently a novel revelation. Then after a couple of expansions.. Whoops I have to upgrade again.. Sweet a new G-4 card and a new processor.. Hmm, that would probably help out some of those other games I have as well. Wow, I know this may be shocking some of you, but bare with me here.

    Oh crap, some where in there a new quake engine came out, a new castle wolfenstein. Oh, and the price of RAM took a dump, which by the way, if you did not upgrade your machines to well over 512megs when it was down to $20 a stick, you just need to dismantle your damn PC and ship it to some kid in a third world country who is smart enough to realize that maybe he could have skipped that Soy latte for a weak or quit drinking hiself into a stuper on Saturday nights (ok, at least one weekend cut back a bit), or heaven forbid he buys one less pack of smokes a weak for a while.

    WAKE UP AND SMELL THE REAL WORLD and quit sniffing your *****

    A year or so after the release you will be back ******** about how poor the graphics are and how shoity the leveling is, and how much verant screwed you on this patch or that one. Please just realize that you have the power to make the choice if you want to play it or not.

    And for the love of all that is holy in your piddly little word: SHUT THE HELL UP!

    Embrace the future, Verant is!

    Clink, Clink... my two cents.. {stepping down from his soap box}
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