Patcher Woes

Let me express what many of you are feeling right now: Arrrrrrrrrgh! Let me in! Let me in! I want my Kitty! *breathe* OK. According to Sony, they are aware of the problems and are working on them, including bringing on more patching servers. Why they didn't think of this before, since this is almost identical to what happened at the original release is beyond me, but I'm sure they want you to play their game as much as you want to play it. Feel free to use this forum to try to help each other get into the game or to just console each other while you wait.


Post Comment
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
They made SoL such a big deal, now they just @#$%$# themselves! If they needed 2 days to patch it, SAY SO!!!! Like many of you, I've wasted my whole day! ARRRGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!
Thanks Allakhazam
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:56 PM Rating: Default
I forgot to thank you on my last post. I do appreciate you taking the time to make this board so we could Vent. I feel alot better! Thanks a bunch for the message board!
What IS this?
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:56 PM Rating: Default
Out of curiosity, is it even possible to play EQ? I know that is what we have been covering, but I mean really, can we get on? And why is it that every time there is a major patch, there is a major problem? Also, they say they are "Working on it" does that mean much? If it takes afour hours to fix a messed up server, how long does it take to fix a mbroken game? Just wondering.
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
Patcher Hangs
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
I have now uninstalled and reinstalled. I have put in the new exe file. My patcher starts to download and gets to a certain point and just hangs. Man I am so pissed. I spent all morning calling around to find this damn thing and I found it got it and installed it. Now i cant play it.
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
i never thought aobut this before ............but the everquest player roster has been growing for over 2 years and most of those went out and bought luclin today. I am beginning to see why there are major network problems. sorta reminds me of the victorias secret online show.

I don't think that it will eb a serious porblem..we jsut need to wait it out.

I am very happy with verant. They really run a great game that has over 200,000 poeple playing it.

Three cheers for verant!!!!
RE: hmmm
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
Well....I'll admit I'm quite bummed like the rest of you that we can't play (or even patch) And I do agree that Verant should have seen this coming...but at the same time I do agree that they have a great game..otherwise there wouldn't be so many people upset right now that they can't play! much as it really sucks (yes I blew my day off too..) They ARE trying to fix it and all we can do it wait it out...
RE: hmmm
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:06 PM Rating: Default
If Verant had sold us a WORKING expansion, we would be playing right now. Instead, they sold us a buggy non working piece of window dressing that does not function out of the box. This is why we are all not playing but instead trying, (without success), to download endless megs of patches.
If they had sold us a working expansion, it would be just like a normal busy night. Laggy, but everyone playing. Verants attitude has always been if you dont like it leave. That is why people get so mad, a good game, terrible customer service. This is 100% Verants fault to rush it out the door to get the big Christmas sales.
Some tips
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:55 PM Rating: Good
I still haven't gotten into the game fully, but I was able to get a machine fully patched (only to find out DX8 doesn't work on it). Some tips:

1. Stratics has an everquest.exe file from a few days ago on their site. It worked much better than the default install one that I had.

2. When you close the patcher, it leaves an everquest.exe or _verquest.exe process running. This process will interfere with any second attempt to run the patcher, so nuke it in Task Manager before trying again.

3. When you get download or I/O errors, there is often a file with a .gz extension left over in your \everquest directory. Nuke them before rerunning the patch.

Using this method and the new .exe, if you run the patch you might get a few files downloaded before the network gives out on it, then repeat often and eventually you'll be done.

Tennyson Shapeshifter, Furor Poeticus, Saryrn

P.S. Verant, please fix the patch program so it exits cleanly and doesn't run at an artificially high thread priority.
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:55 PM Rating: Default

ME thinks in their attemp to pull the plug they have also effected the playing servers.

I doubt anyone is playing right now.
its me again
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:55 PM Rating: Default
i still can't get on LET ME ON{dont do it dont do it snap well there gos the new eq game)back to the old one that really works.
RE: its me again
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:56 PM Rating: Default
and then there's those of us who can't even get the old game to run anymore...
Shadows of Luclin
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:55 PM Rating: Default
did anyone buy that yet? and if so, can you get in yet???
Well, it's not likely anyone who did get on would be here right now trying to find answers.

They all would be too busy playing with the new version. AM I RIGHT???
Same with me.

Well, I hope someone reads this.
RE: Shadows of Luclin
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
i got it...still dont work..piece of S@*^
EQ withdrawel
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:54 PM Rating: Default
I sat here yesterday, and watched my boyfriend play down to the last second before EQ went down. Waited with patience all the way til 4:00 today, hoping it would be up. By about 6 I was considering a new computer, so I could play the new expansion. By 8, symptoms of withdrawel began.... I got ill thoughts of never getting to play EQ again, and broke into a cold sweat. After endless tries without success, I have turned my attention to the halloween candy and am seeing if I can suceed in eating all the tootsie rolls. If nothing else, all the sugar will keep me awake to the wee hours of the night, til the patch successfully works......

Tabithus 27th lvl Magician
just masturbate
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
pull it out and whip it a lil it might just help!
RE: just masturbate
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:58 PM Rating: Default
tried it, still frustrated. :P
System requirements
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:54 PM Rating: Default

I am going mad, with this new expanssion I CAN'T play everquest anymore, my computer doesn't have the new system requirements. I only have a pentium II 233 and it now asks for a pentium II 266. I am truely addicted as well and desperately hoping my computer will still play the game. In the meantime I now have to figure out where I can get the money to buy a new computer in case I can't play. Is anyone else not able to play the game anymore?? How will you cope?

Barbarian Shaman
this is fucked.....
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
I have a 900mhz AMD athon processor with 385 MB or SD-Ram, and a 32-bit video card (stock version), and a road runner cable modem...I've been trying for about 4 hours to get the patcher to run, it will start, then freeze. Or start go a little bit (about up to sky.s3d file or something) and then it sat there for like 2324234234 hours and I finally gave up and came to look at the webpages....breathe in, breathe out....well I guess I go to school tomarrow with no evercrack and I've got a 4 hour test tomarrow O_O (GAH!)....sigh...I have a headache think its time for bed....I'll try again tomarrow morning to run the patch, when I get up at like 5am LoL....
Allakhazam should take over Verant
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
THANK YOU Allakhazam for creating this forum. I have spent the last few hours messing around with the semi-worthless info. on the Sony site (after having to remember that takes me to that stupid waste-of-time portal site now and I have to remember to type the eqlive URL instead), all the while suspecting that Sony/Verant has massivley underestimated the demand and the login problems I'm seeing are just related to so many of us trying to login. At least here I can get confirmation that yes, that is indeed the fact. Sony should at least post a message acknowledging this, so that all of us don't waste time trying to troubleshoot our comps.

Allakhazam rocks, and yes, I'm a paying customer. I've donated my cash to your efforts to keep great info. and customer service like this flowing. If you ever make a takeover bid for Sony, you've got my vote! At the very least you could teach them a thing or two about customer service.

Ssheen Scalereaver
39th Season Iksar Necro, Torvonnilous
EverCrack Addict
entering luclin......
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:53 PM Rating: Default
I finally get the patch after 2 hours of trying (kept myself busy listening to cd's and playing freecell) and I get to character select, grab my bard in city of mist and see the entering luclin message, then firiona vie pops up on my screen and that god awful music and it keeps playing...and playing...and playing. Can't alt+tab, can't ctrl+alt+delete just stuck there for 15 minutes whie the music plays and my cable modem activity blinks once every couple of minutes and my computer makes loading noises. Had to hit the reset button three times and I hate doing that. Anyone have any ideas?
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
it keeps telling me i have no 3d device i dont have lucin yet and this was never a problem before. any help?
RE: help?
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:55 PM Rating: Default
yeah, update your directx to 8.1
I couldnt give a shite about Lucin
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:52 PM Rating: Default
Im not even bothering to load Lucin till i build my new comp,i just want to play,i think it is crap i have to wait behind all these idiots tryin to load up Lucin so that they can spank off tot he new character models,ya-ll are a bunch of friggin dorks,but anyway this isnt pointed at you thoes of us who just want to get in game should be able to and let the idiots tryin to load up lucin do it on another patcher just my opinoin
RE: I couldnt give a shite about Lucin
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:15 PM Rating: Default
Perhaps it was a bad idea for your parents, (who were obviously brother and sister), to make babies?
RE: I couldnt give a shite about Lucin
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:03 PM Rating: Default
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:52 PM Rating: Default
I took the day off for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, Does anyone know where I will have to go to buy the GATE Spell to get to the NEW WORLD???

Stupid patching
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:52 PM Rating: Default
OF cousre it all makes sense now.....

# Dec 04 2001 at 9:51 PM Rating: Default
Me thinks DAoC is looking better every patchday.
Same stuff as everyone else, cannot connect, Imagine that, no response from eqtech. Me thnks they are too busy comparing cool eq polo shirts.
i can't take it
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:51 PM Rating: Default
my puter won't go past the searching computer for new file. i have been able to download anything yet. is there a phone number i can call?

50 rog
patience is a virtue
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:51 PM Rating: Default
It appears to me that though we may not all be getting the same error message all our troubles are from the same source. I believe that the I/O error message and the not connected are both do to verant and not do to anything on our part. My suggestion to all is to wait till tommorrow and everthing should be back to normal. If you guys remmeber we went through the same exact situation through two other expansions and all lived to talk about I cant understand why anyone thought that this time would be different =)

Gaethen 58 Paladin Xegony
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:51 PM Rating: Default
On EQ live they just posted that additional patch servers coming online soon, yah right
# Dec 04 2001 at 9:50 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm, and Verant is wondering why many people are jumping ship to other games? This is pathetic. I can understand a company having initial problems when they first get into the MMRPGS. But Verant really screwed us on this one. Obviously the 3 CD's in the box were an Alpha or Beta of the expansion and they are relying heavily on the "We will just pactch the snot out of it when we go live" scheme. How many megs do these patches entail? I started trying to patch early this morning and have managed to get like 6 of the files downloaded ever since this patching started. It is too bad sony took down the server numbers off their sight. We would most likely see two digit numbers on all the servers at most. And of course many people couldn't even buy the expansion yet due to limited supplies at software stores.. We could be looking a several days of the FUN before we can even start playing. Thanks again Verant!
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