Patcher Woes

Let me express what many of you are feeling right now: Arrrrrrrrrgh! Let me in! Let me in! I want my Kitty! *breathe* OK. According to Sony, they are aware of the problems and are working on them, including bringing on more patching servers. Why they didn't think of this before, since this is almost identical to what happened at the original release is beyond me, but I'm sure they want you to play their game as much as you want to play it. Feel free to use this forum to try to help each other get into the game or to just console each other while you wait.


Post Comment
Black screen after pressing "play"
# Dec 06 2001 at 4:12 PM Rating: Default
I don't have SoL yet. I have a Pentium 3, 576MB of ram, and a Hercules 3d Prophet MX II, GeForce 2 based graphics card. when i attempt to play everquest i get a black screen where the user agreement should be. nothing i have tried seems to help. any suggestions?
RE: Black screen after pressing
# Dec 06 2001 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
I had this same problem. My video card is an Elsa but GeForce based. Tried Elsa's updated driver to no avail, just kept getting the black screen until I downloaded the updated driver straight from
No 3D Device Found!
# Dec 06 2001 at 3:51 PM Rating: Default
If anyone has any solutions to the, No 3D Device Found problem please say so. Been trying to get into EQ for a few days now to no sucess.

Hi to all my friend on Veeshan, hope to see you soon!

Neriek Fizzlestab
40th Season Necromancer
Delharen D'Oloth
RE: No 3D Device Found!
# Dec 06 2001 at 8:14 PM Rating: Default
I was actually able to fix this after I searched through a gazillion message boards and looking for tips.

I was also getting this no 3d devices found, even though I had upgraded to DirectX 8.1 and was using a GeForce 2 vid card.

What I did was I ran dxdiag (start - run - dxdiag) - went to the display tab, and then disabled and then re enabled the DirectDraw and Direct3D. I then ran the tests at the bottom of that page - everything came back as working properly. I opened EQ, and BAM! I got on!

Just might be something to try if none of the other "fixes" seem to be working.
RE: No 3D Device Found!
# Dec 06 2001 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
I had the same error myself. You have an older version of directx, or your directx is corrupt. Here's what you do to fix it:

1) Go to and download the most recent version of directx for your operating system.

2) Re-Install directx by double clicking on the file you just downloaded.

3) Reboot your computer

4) Reinstall your video card drivers (yes even though they may already be installed), and make sure you download the MOST current video drivers (I know NVidia just released a new set of drivers like a couple days ago).

5) Reboot your computer

6) Try loading EverQuest, this should have fixed your problem.
RE: No 3D Device Found!
# Dec 06 2001 at 5:36 PM Rating: Default
i've been having this same problem for a few days now... i've downloaded most recent directx 8.1, and all the most recent driver upgrades and installed them all and i still get the "No 3D Devices Found" message... anyone got any tips???

RE: No 3D Device Found!
# Dec 06 2001 at 6:44 PM Rating: Default
Ok, i have a video card, it's an

ATI Rage Pro AGP 2X

On the supported 3d card page at it says that the "ATI RAGE 128 (Pro)" and the "ATI RAGE Fury (Pro)" have known problems. i do not know if either of these is my card or not, i am assuming one of them is. now it says that the only problems with said cards is that "Black boxes / bright pink textures where transparencies should be." now i have a VooDoo 4 in another computer that i can easily install into this one. I have been told that the voodoo 4 really sux though, so i am unsure of what i should do. any advice would be GREATLY appreciated. thank you.
# Dec 06 2001 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
Ok I got everything to work on my everquest except the sound I dont have SOL just the normal everquest but the sound wont work the only sound I hear is when I jump or die thats it if anyone knows how to fix this tell me please
RE: sound
# Dec 07 2001 at 12:44 AM Rating: Default
damnit, i think i will try that. i have no sound at all after i tried to turn up the volume of sound and music
RE: sound
# Dec 06 2001 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
I would try to simply re-install the sound card drivers for your computer. I would go to the manufacturers site of whom made your sound card and get the MOST updated sound card drivers, and re-install them. Hope that helps ya!
Older Video
# Dec 06 2001 at 3:13 PM Rating: Default
I don't know if this will help anyone, but if you are having framerate problems, or just strange video problems in general, AND you have a GeForce or Older Video card, you might try this. What do you have to lose? It worked for me.

Add this line to your EQclient.ini file right under the [Default] heading:


Again, this fixed my problems. This is only if you are patching OK, and logging on, just having some various video problems. This WILL NOT fix the no 3d device problem OR the Black Box problem on the Intel Chipsets (hopefully they have that fixed according to todays patch message).

If this helps anyone please post here and let me know. Good luck!!
Patch Download Time
# Dec 06 2001 at 3:13 PM Rating: Default
The estimated download time for the patch on my computer says 24 hours..what is up with that? Ive tried several things fix it, but nothing has worked. I have a 56k dial up modem, but shouldn't run that slow...Right? Any Suggestions?

Vanealan T'Sith
Living Shadows
Shadowknight, Brell
Internet connection Error
# Dec 06 2001 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
I was able to log on last night just fine. Today I try to log on and when the box comes up that says Patching, "Connecting" I get a dialogue box that says Internet connection error, please check network connections or email eqtech. I have no clue, and have emailed eqtech, but thought I would try here also. If your have any ideas please email me at thanks.
RE: Internet connection Error
# Dec 06 2001 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
I am getting the same message, any luck?
Dont Panic
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:41 PM Rating: Default
I read and read about everyone upgrading, but if you read most of the posts you see that even people with supercomputers can have problems. Personally i got lucky, I mentioned before that my athlon 900, Geforce2MX 64MB, and 512MB seems to be running JUST FINE. Even my wifes Celeron 450, 320MB, and Geforce 32DDR is running the game ok. It is choppy on her computer, but I have read and know of several things to go home and try. However I want to note to you all that she has had NO problems with lag. We have not tried to go to Luclin though...where it seems most of the lag is. We are on Rodcet Nife server.
Playing w/o Luclin
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
Reading through all these posts, I feel for everyone.

I started playing only a month ago. My main system has an ATI Rage Pro w/ 16mb ram. Sadly, it is a custom card, and I can upgrade, but only to a 32mb card, for over $150. Even then, w/ the latest drivers, I still have some hiccups (minor lag) in 800x600 view, but everything is very very dark (even for Dark Elves) - and the contrast slider in the display window (I forget the name) is non-functional.

However, on my older system I put the new video card I bought (that I can't put in my main system) and the graphics are top notch, and if I plug it into my 17" monitor I can get to the 1600xwhatever view.

Now, I haven't installed Luclin (stupid me 'pre-ordered' it meaning it was given over to "UPS 2 day delivery" 2 days after it came out. . .) So I can't even try to see the new graphics. But even without Luclin, the character graphics and mob graphics are better (wolves are cool).

I have found that, as with all software lately, the minimum is useless, recommended is the bare necessity, and double the recommended requirements gives expected results.

This is only a game. But that means, it also shouldn't be a pain in the neck (or other parts) to get to work.

Verant released the final figures as to the system requirements very very late. They also I think got screwed by the very recent release of DirectX 8.1, my ATI driver was only updated late November to make it compatible w/ DirectX8.1

There is going to be a serious shake out period over the next month as Video / sound card manufacturers tweak and fix their drivers for DX8.1. Not to mention Verant fixing the bugs that crop up for them.

(btw www. I got a Geforce 2 MX 400 w/ 64mb ram for ~$50 $75 w/ s/h u can pay $15 for overnite delivery if you are that impatient They also have ram, sound cards, processors too).

btw, don't forget to do routine maintenance on your windows box: defrag, scandisk your hard drive; have a tech friend help 'optimize' your swap file; use a utility program to clean up the registry; go to the Windows Update website, let it do it's thing.

Patience, and a hefty credit card balance, and you can make it through.

Verant is doing it's patriotic best to stimulate the economy. ;-)

My card
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:52 PM Rating: Excellent
I have a new pretty good system, 2 months old--it's tomorrow's junkpile, but what the hell, right?

1.5 P4, 1 GB RAM, ATI Radeon 7200 64 MB. If I would change anything, I would get the ATI Radeon 8500 rather than the 7200 I have now, better feature set. List 399.00 but you can get them for ~200 on the internet.

So the big question is, does this system play the new EQ really well? No, it doesn't. The switch to DirectX 8.x pre-launch didn't work at all for me-- I switched eq*.ini setting back to DX7 after several tries, after I had all the reported problems--ghost cursor, wobbly windows, black/disappearing characters.

Haven't loaded SOL yet, but I'm getting the ghost cursor problem--only way to work around is to cycle display settings in-game. I just read that today's patch might fix the cursor problem, but I'm having others as well-- pretty much all the ones I had before. And the new .ini file isn't configurable for DX7.

I'm hoping when I load Luclin and also when Verant/SOR has a few more days to frantically patch and fix, that the problems will get cleared up. I do know that I am not making any more hardware purchases just to play this game.
RE: My card
# Dec 06 2001 at 4:13 PM Rating: Excellent
316 posts
Interesting, your system is much better than mine and yet I am running okay -- not great, but just okay. Something is rotten in Denmark, I think.

I had a devil of a time after that previous (prerelease) patch, that required a complete reinstallation of EQ and expansions.

When I got SoL and installed, it bit the dust again, so I went through the reinstall hassle again, and then upgraded to SoL before ever connecting to the patch servers.

Despite a couple of hiccups and lost connections (ComCast/At Home cable issues) -- after each of which the patch picked back up where it left off and continued -- I got back into the game. By the way, I shut down everything but Explorer and Systray when I install anything. Don't know if that will help you much, if at all.

Once in, I find that my piddly 256MB RAM and NVidia GeForce DDR 32MB card won't let me load up everything I want (limited to only 15 new models, no social animations, etc.), but it runs fairly well. No significant lag issues, though zoning takes me a little longer than before.

I hope installing SoL and/or the newest patches will clear up your problem. This whole thing is a nightmare for a lot of us.

I am also hoping Verant will get a clue after this, but Allakhazam already said this is just deja vu all over again, as this all happened when EQ first launched, too.
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:52 PM Rating: Default
This information may be helpful for anyone out there with a GeForce 2 based 3D card. Today, at long last, I was finally able to log into EQ again. After 40 minutes on the phone working with a SOE customer support rep a solution was found to get me back on EQ.

Operating System: Windows 2000 Professional
3D Card: Creative Annihilator 2 (GeForce 2)
Memory: 384 MB RAM

The customer support rep had me uninstall the Creative driver which was made for my 3D card and download/install an NVIDIA driver. He wasn't sure it would work and I was highly skeptical, but it worked!!!!! I hope this information will be of help to anyone else having problems. Happy gaming!!
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
As we all continue to have problems, one more has reared its ugly head. While running through DL, I crashed to desktop. Then tryed to log back on,and nothing. I went into my EQ folder and found a file named dbg.txt. I found this file had grown to over 84meg. Deleted the file and was able to logon and play again.
some thoughts
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:33 PM Rating: Default
I had no luck getting in during peak hours so I gave up. Woke up bright and early on the 5th of december and I had no trouble getting all patched and ready to go. Also I am only on a 33.6 connection. So for some this will work.
Also for those experiencing bad lag- if your on a dial-up connection dont max everything out at a super high resolution it will slow the connection to a crawl. Not enough bandwidth to provide all the pretty stuff. 800X600 and mid settings made all the difference in the world for me.
Anyway, that is my 2 cents. Good luck to all having problems.
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
I just want to complain about three major issues I have with the expansion with the following system: AMD 1.2 gig processor
256k DDR ram
28.8 connection speed
Nvita 64meg Geforce 2 video card
PCI 512 sound blaster

1 Lag. The lag on the system is prety much unbareable. Every 3 secs i have to ping (send a msg) to gain the lag back. Most of the time i get disconnected on the intial zone in, but when i do get in, things flow smoothly but without a ping every 3 secs the the lag bar would be at 90%lag in no time. I had no problems at this speed preupgrade, and this condition alone is enough to make me quit. I'm hoping that varrant is fixing the lag issues because there is no way they can consider the problems i'm having at 28.8 a minimum run condtion. And yes, the acutal connection is 28.8 somtimes in the 30s.

2. Load times:
First of all, the character screen now takes 3-5 minutes to load itself. I don't believe this is a result of 28.8 connection..because what is there to load? What there are doing is loading many other kinds of things during this time..and as a result tag another 2-3 minutes to your wait here.

Then you click Enter Luclin, plan on waiting another 5 minutes. Adding intial start time on EQ up to about 13-14 minutes. Now this may be a result of the 28.8..i'm still waiting to experiment a bit more, but my friend with cable connection is reporting same kinds or long loads. They are just having to loading lots of things and its taking time.... So next time a group member goes LD...count on 10-15 minute wait. This alone could really bum out a raid if say 4 people out of 50 go LD throughout.

3. The min memory for SOL is 256M right....well that gets you very little texture, half the character models, and super slow zone in times...

PUT THE REQUIREMENT AT 512M what it actually is to run the program happily.

In about 2 hours i'll have 256M more of DDR ram to see if that helps any of this. It is my experience that more memory solves almost everything, but who knows....

Zegeroth 45th season of Torv.

# Dec 06 2001 at 12:30 PM Rating: Default
I dont have the SOL yet. I logged on in Sebilis and messed around for a while. after zoning out my pc hung and i havent been able to log in with Exar ever since. I logged on about 20 mins later with another char and a friend said that he saw me online earlier when i know i wasnt. One thing i noticed was that when i tried to log in with Exar, it said Entering Luclin, instead of Entering Norrath. Any ideas?
RE: O'Gradys
# Dec 07 2001 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
HI ya I got same problme and because I do not have SOL yet I cna't play those chactor what are in Thurge and GD.
screen black
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:05 PM Rating: Default
Help what is prolem log on no all black?
Flickering screen/ black squares
# Dec 06 2001 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
3,705 posts
This may be some help to at least some of you. I had the problem with the flickering around the edges of the screen in inventory mode, followed by everything except the center blacked out. I turned 3d sky to off, and it stopped. The sky is an ugly gray color now, but I can function until Verant fixes the problem. I offered the solution in a /ooc in EC and got one reply that it had worked. So it helped at least two people. Hope this helps some of you!
RE: Flickering screen/ black squares
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:44 PM Rating: Default
Did you get that issue with the black squares last night or this morning?
I had it last night and around 10 pm est somebody suggest to log out and back in, did that, a patch was downloaded and that "cure" the black squares!
I haven't log in today!
RE: Flickering screen/ black squares
# Dec 06 2001 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
3,705 posts
This was last night, however, I did log off around midnight eastern time, the patch downoaded a few files, so I tried turning the sky back on, and the problem was back. Howver, i didn't reboot the system, so perhaps that was why. Also, this was on a Rage 128 chip based card, not one of the intel cards, which I believe was what the patch was fixing. Anyway, If you have an ATI card with the 128 chip, try turning off the sky.

BTW with sky off, I could maximize clip plane, and bump up some of the other settings, and still no flashing text box.
System Questions
# Dec 06 2001 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
I've got the updates for my drivers, and directx8.1 has been down loaded and the game is working,however, lag is my real problem now.Is there a specific need such as RAM or speed that makes lag so bad, if i added RAM would there be improvement? Or do I need to buy a new video card? Perhaps both? Any advice would be helpful, thanks.
# Dec 06 2001 at 11:48 AM Rating: Default
To all of you who are being a bit overzealous with your complaints. GET A LIFE. Not the one of Quilladosa the cleric, but a REAL life. It was just two nights for crying out loud. Most people were back on the third evening. There ARE other things to do.

As for the increased system requirements, I welcome them. Progress is good. I for one also have to wait for my christmas present (GeForce3 64MB DDR) to fully realize the benefits. Until then I will turn down the graphics options and it still looks better than before on my Voodoo3 2000 PCI card.

As someone else pointed out during their tirade: there is always CivIII or other games. You know, the ones DESIGNED to be played forever on the same system? Wait, what will you do when CivXXIV is released?! Better keep your attourney's number handy. Yeah, right. Do you even HAVE an attourney? I'm thinking if you do, this should give him a good laugh.

>>> IT'S JUST A GAME <<<
RE: Unbelievable
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:54 PM Rating: Default
ummmmm, you're a loser and should be dating!! :)
RE: Unbelievable
# Dec 06 2001 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
That doesn't even make sense. BTW I don't think my wife would approve of the dating suggestion.
# Dec 06 2001 at 11:48 AM Rating: Default
To all of you who are being a bit overzealous with your complaints. GET A LIFE. Not the one of Quilladosa the cleric, but a REAL life. It was just two nights for crying out loud. Most people were back on the third evening. There ARE other things to do.

As for the increased system requirements, I welcome them. Progress is good. I for one also have to wait for my christmas present (GeForce3 64MB DDR) to fully realize the benefits. Until then I will turn down the graphics options and it still looks better than before on my Voodoo3 2000 PCI card.

As someone else pointed out during their tirade: there is always CivIII or other games. You know, the ones DESIGNED to be played forever on the same system? Wait, what will you do when CivXXIV is released?! Better keep your attourney's number handy. Yeah, right. Do you even HAVE an attourney? I'm thinking if you do, this should give him a good laugh.

>>> IT'S JUST A GAME <<<
Help =(
# Dec 06 2001 at 11:45 AM Rating: Default
I can't even get the patch to work =( just says connecting.... and yes dled the exe to replace it sony had but still no go sigh =((( pls help
RE: Help =(
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:02 PM Rating: Default
hey, i know how u feel =(, what i did was i jus connected a few times, then after around 1 hour of trying it finally connected. u need to download all the files or it wont work. hope it helps
font and other probs..
# Dec 06 2001 at 10:59 AM Rating: Default
Is anyone having similar problems ?
First, my Font size is big and goes off the screen. Big a$$ Font.
Second, in many instances, ie; in the bazaar as i approach npc's and pc's, the npc's and pc's are way up in the air and fall closer to the ground as i approach them. But this can happen in any zone from what i can tell, Old world and Luclin.

Any help, of course is greatly appreciated. I havent been able to find similar problems amongst other gamers.
Fixed same problem
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
I had the same problem with the overlarge type. didn't go to the bazaar but I also couldn't adjust my gamma and had no sound.

SOLUTION: I updated to the moist recent drivers for my graphics card - ATI RADEON
RE: Fixed same problem
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:53 PM Rating: Default
Cool maybe that is my problem, i have ATI All-in-Wonder Radeon Graphics card. I had sound just BIG font. Thanks for info.
Happy with Luclin
# Dec 06 2001 at 10:58 AM Rating: Default
I must say I have been playing EQ for over a year now and luckily I didn't have many problems getting it to work. The first night I couldn't get on but hey I can live with that. Some of you guys really need to calm down about this. IT IS ONLY A GAME! Oops yes I said it, a game. All these post about sueing. The first night was like rush hour traffic, everybody is trying to get to the same place at the same time. Do you sue the govt when you drive home at rush hour and get in a traffic jam? You pay taxes to drive on a highway not much different here. If you want to go play DAOC go, get out of EQ. Cut Sony a break and GET A LIFE and enjoy PLAYING not living EQ.

My system: PIII 450, 384 ram, 63mb Gforce2
# Dec 06 2001 at 10:55 AM Rating: Default
all i can say is this sucks....ever since i loaded luclin i can't get into ANY of the worlds except odus, fay, and antonica....i can't goto Kunark, Velious, or Luclin w/ out it kicking m....AHHHHHHHHH

Dinsum Takeout
42nd Bard of Tunare on Tarew Marr.
Cant get my charicters
# Dec 06 2001 at 10:52 AM Rating: Default
I load my information after i choose my server. And when i should see my charicters im zapped back to windows. ANy suggestions?
RE: Cant get my charicters
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
Yes... I have a similar problem and it is because my modem is a WinModem which uses processor power to run the modem... its an emulated modem... Check your modem to verify it's not an emulated modem. Apaarently when you run processor intensive programs(like new EQ) it can steal the resources that the modem need to run.

Hope this helps
Pissed off
# Dec 06 2001 at 10:36 AM Rating: Excellent
To put it bluntly, Verant stepped on their "sword" with metal cleats. I had no intention of buying Luclin till after Xmas at the earliest, figured it would take till then for Verant to get the bugs out and family Xmas presents come first. What I did not expect was the old Everquest I have been playing for over a year would no longer play on my computer!

Verant's solution, go buy more hardware. Or go buy a new computer. Or if you are lucky, you the player, can go spend hours online hunting for the latest drivers and upgrades to your existing hardware. And if that doesn't work, see our first 2 solutions.

Maybe I am crazy, but having the absolute latest and greatest graphics means squat to me. What was important was being able to play a fun game with my friends. Now that may not be possible for some time. Being Xmas time and having a wife and 3 kids, dumping extra cash on hardware or a new computer just to play one game ain't an option.

So I am off to hunt throught the web for drivers. And if that doesn't work, Verant can take my account and..... There is always Civ III and DAOC.

I now hand the soapbox to the next hosed player.
RE: Pissed off
# Dec 06 2001 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
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