EverQuest Franchise Holiday Contest!

SOE and ZAM team up to give the community some awesome prizes!

UPDATE: Winners have been announced!

Thank you everyone for your entries! It's definitely been a trip down memory lane reading so many wonderful stories. The contest has now ended and we'll be finalizing the list of all qualified names before randomly selecting winners in a blind drawing.

Winners will be announced by 11:59pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, December 31, 2013. Winners will also be notified via Private Messaging (PMs) on ZAM that they have won. We will update this article and post a new one as well informing everyone of the results!

This holiday season, Sony Online Entertainment and ZAM want to share the holiday spirit with the community with an epic contest! It doesn't matter if you play EverQuest, EverQuest II or want to dive into EverQuest Next Landmark, there is something for all Norrathians here. We have one grand prize and three Station Cash prizes from SOE, as well as a bonus for ten lucky people from ZAM!

  • GRAND PRIZE: One winner will receive codes to the collector's editions of the most recent EverQuest and EverQuest II expansions, Call of the Forsaken and Tears of Veeshan (a $90 value each), as well as a code for the EverQuest Next Landmark Trailblazer Founder's Pack (a $100 value; total prize value of $280)
  • Three more winners will each receive one $10 Station Cash code (worth 1000 SC)
  • Ten more winners will each receive three months premium on ZAM

Continue after the jump for details on how this contest will work!

How to Enter

  • Log in to your ZAM account (registering is free!)
  • Post a comment at least 3-5 sentences long (minimum) in the comments section of this article
  • The comment should focus on your favorite location in Norrath, in any EverQuest franchise title. Why is it your favorite place? Did something fun happen to you or your guild there? Do you just love the environment or lore of the location? Are you new to Norrath, but want to talk about a location you are excited to visit in-game?
  • You can supplement your comment by linking to a video or picture of this location! It's not required and won't affect your entry into the contest, but it's a lot more fun to share!
  • Deadline for entries is 11:59pm Pacific Time on Friday, December 27, 2013... that means you have one week to enter!
  • Only one entry per person, please!

Due to the amount of entries we have, comments may take a bit of extra time to load... patience, grasshopper!

How We Judge

  • As long as your entry meets the contest guidelines above, you will be entered into a random blind drawing!
  • Winners will be announced by 11:59pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, December 31, 2013
  • Codes for the Grand Prize and Station Cash will be sent to the appropriate winners via private message on ZAM by 11:59pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, December 31, 2013
  • Winners of the three months of premium on ZAM will have it added to their account and will be notified of their win via private message on ZAM. This has to be done manually, so there may be additional delay.

Obligatory Information

  • No purchase necessary, but you need to register for a free account with ZAM if you haven't yet
  • You must have an account with SOE to be able to redeem the codes. They will not work for PSS1 account holders.
  • We don't care which country you're in as long as you have an SOE account
  • The contest begins whenever this article goes live on Friday, December 20, 2013 and ends at 11:59pm Pacific Time on Friday, December 27, 2013
  • One entry per person
  • ZAM staff and their immediate family are not eligible. Sorry, hubby!
  • SOE employees and their immediate family are not eligible. Sorry, Roshen!

That's everything! You can enter the contest for yourself, or to try and win an awesome gift for a friend or loved one -- either way, we can't wait to read everyone's stories!

Disclaimer: I'm aware that the picture above doesn't reflect the recent EverQuest and EverQuest II expansions... what it does reflect is my favorite locations in those games! =)

 Ann "Cyliena" Hosler, Managing Editor

Follow me on Twitter: @Cyliena


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All of EQ was amazing, it's hard to choose a favorite!
# Dec 21 2013 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
I loved every magical moment and location in EverQuest (aside from corpse runs in the ocean - where sharks happen to live...), but I think one of the times that stood out most to me and has really stuck with me after all of these years was the hidden wall in Qeynos (sonyEQ backwards!).

I just remember accepting a quest and running along the walls of Qeynos with a friend for a while, then eventually walking through it into a hidden section of the city. There was just something so magical about finding something that didn't have a quest marker, or that you really had to actually search for. I remember the feeling that I got after finding that little secret was just amazing.

I also really, really loved Kelethin. A city in the trees!? Amazing! If I can remember correctly, the larger races couldn't even fit inside the huts that were built there, hahaha. I'd really, really, really love to see things like this in EQN. These little things are what made EQ the amazing experience that it was.
Favorite Zone
# Dec 21 2013 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
Mine has got to be The Estate of Unrest in EQ1! Your 1st visit there is always full of wonder and MANY deaths - LOL! All the wandering agro mobs - the beetles - the scarecrows - the zombies - and of course the skeletons! It's a deathtrap for a young Paly until you learn the patterns and where to go when. Once you learn the zone it is an absolute blast though - especially for a Paly! The basement is SO creepy with the Hags and the General - and the upstairs has the Hand and the Barmaid! I spent almost 20 levels there! Great place to go with any toon and a PLing Druid - their DS buffs and heals will help you level in no time! Good times!!!

EQ favorites
# Dec 21 2013 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
199 posts
My all time favorite Everquest story has to be when I first got the game and it was on the Kunark launch, it was wondering around Neriak and getting lost then exiting the city and having an panic attack when I got to the bridge and not knowing how to get back to the city with all these red con monster. Then it was my first group and them wanting to go to North Ro ,once again a panic attack as I had to be hand held all the way to the zone. No other MMO has had that type of feeling for me, that's why I will always love EQ
Dyfast Rezneeded - 90 Ranger / 95 Woodworker
Slayan Darkworshiper - 91 Shadowknight / 95 Weaponsmith
My favorite location in Everquest
# Dec 21 2013 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
My favorite location in Everquest has to be Neriak. For me it represents the birthplace of my "MMO career". Little did I know that this dark elf necromancer I created, Bloodlich, would have a legacy that spans 11 years and continues on in Everquest 2. As a newbie I would spend hours just wandering around the various buildings and taking in all the sights of the city all while spamming chat with questions such as, "Where can I find bone chips?" and "How do I open the doors?" Every year I load up Everquest and visit those old sights; I get goosebumps when I hear that unforgettable theme of Neriak as well as that feeling of nostalgia as I wander down those same dark corridors as I did 11 years ago on my dial-up connection. Neriak is more than just the underground home of the dark elves, it is my "bind point" of online gaming.

I'd love a favourite location in the future.
# Dec 21 2013 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
I bought everquest 1 from saving my allowence when i did not have an internet connection. I realized too late that i needed one to play the game (online games were so strange to me).

It looked amazing at that time, but alas i couldn't log on.

i moved on, tried everquest 2 for a few days but it did not stick.

Then when i first heard about everquest next and everquest landmark i thought YES! lets do this!

I don't have a favourite everquest location yet, but i'd love to have one.
# Dec 21 2013 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
I tried to play EverQuest when i was still in high school but my computer sucked lol, so when EverQuest Online Adventures came around I was all over it. I planned the exact date i would get the game, what character I would make and his name weeks in advance. I got the game and that character to 17...it was a Halfling Rogue named Ansonhill. About level 6 or so i decided it was time to get out of Rivervale and go to one of the game's most popular meeting locations, Freeport. EQoA's Freeport is so tiny compared to ones of EQ and EQ2. Well, I ended up turned around and lost as heck, almost got chased by red griffons....ended up in the ocean,..saw an island....swam out there...holy crap, a huge (to me) skeleton came walking by....and ignored me. I was in shock, he was nuetral to me for whatever reason. Anyways that toon got to 17 before I deleveloped what is known as Alt-aholism...i made more toons , tried em, deleted em, a viscious cycle...finally settled on a Dark Elf Mage during the expansion known as Frontiers, who would be my first level 60 character. 60 was the max for eqoa but before Frontiers it was 50. But before getting to 60, something awesome happened. Something unforgetable for me. One day logging in to greet my guildmates who I had become great friends with i said hmmm i want green hair today,...you see on Frontiers before logging in we could alter our character appearence on the fly from the options they gave. So i logged in Armagin with his green hair,....ran through Freeport....and there she was,..like as if she was already waiting for me. Another Dark Elf,...with green hair....Vendirie a dark elf Necromancer. She was my level, and some guildies were forming a group at Castle Felstar, we grouped up and i had Vendirie added to our guild. Turns out Castle Felstar was the place my Halfling Rogue got lost on and to be honest.........HOW THE HELL DID HE NOT GET KILLED?! LOL i came to learn that place was a death trap for someone level 6 ....Vendirie and I continued to group for years,...we did our level 49 epics together and our 60s, So many memories it's too hard to tell them all. But yes, Castle Felstar will always be the most remembered place for me, because it's the first place I leveled up with my wife. I have long sinced forgotten the ways of Innoruuk and embraced the teachings of Erollisi. Love conquers all.

My favorite zones....
# Dec 21 2013 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
671 posts
What a trip down memory lane, trying to think of all the places I've hunted and which ones I've enjoyed the most. I always liked the Plane of Mischief and the puzzliness of moving around that zone. I liked the graphics in the Fungal Forest, though I can't say I enjoy moving through that zone much or hunting there in particular, but I love the graphics and the effect of the bright mushrooms combined with the darkness of the background. I also really liked Morell's Castle and all the different areas in that zone, especially the gingerbread house. My heart however will always belong to Kelethin. That's where my main was born oh so many years ago and I always experience some peacefulness when I origin back and start running around the platforms.
Aanuvane Bristlecone 350 Baking, Brewing, Jewelry Making, Tailoring, Blacksmithing, Fletching, Pottery, Research, 250 Fishing
Muertenie Petitmort 350 Master Tinker
Kadcea 350 Master Alchemist
Orelinde 350 Master Poison Maker
Kynsh/Rabon/Atracker and a whole host of additional alts
Povar via Quellious via Rodcet Nife

Mysterious Case of the Glitching Lift.
# Dec 21 2013 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
My favorite area was Greater Faydark. It was the first area I explored when I logged into Everquest. What makes it most memorable is what happened to me at the lifts of Kelethin. I would go up to the lift and the lift was there, step on and then the lift would go up, then from the top, step on and it would go down. The happened several times and then I began to notice something. The timing started to get longer.

I would step onto the lift and nothing happened, eventually it would go up and the same thing would happen on the way down. I thought maybe the lifts were glitching and just went with it. A few times they worked as expected but more and more it appeared the lift was broken. Sometimes I would get to the bottom just for it to ascend again or the top for it to descend. I was becoming agitated as well as falling to my death trying to jump for the platform before the lift went down.

I think it was about a weeks time that I notices something strange. There was this lever type thing that people were walking up to. No animation mind you to indicate that they were interacting with it. (boy that would have helped) Didn't quite understand what they were doing. There was the same lever at top. I clicked on it and the lever moved. Nothing really happened.

Then one time when things were really slow and not many people were online in the wee hours of the morn, I clicked on the lever and looked up for some reason and the lift was coming down. I hopped on and clicked the lever again since no one else was there, and the lift went up.

I felt like a complete idiot and at the same time felt a since of pride for figuring out the "Mysterious Case of the Glitching Lift."
My favorite Zone
# Dec 21 2013 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, the obligatory, I've been playing EQ since the release of Kunark. Of all the zones I've adventured in a few have been just places to travel through as fast as possible to get to somewhere else; some have been, frankly, terrifying with the threat of my character dying (and being unable to retrieve my corpse without help back in the day). I won't gush nostalgically about naked corpse runs across a game continent because I don't in the least bit miss that part of the EQ experience. My favorite zone in all the years playing is not one where I first started playing, or have memories of a grand battle against an uber Named but a zone that I just came across and never wanted to leave. That zone is Ocean Green Village. I can't say why. I just like the way it looks. I liked hunting there. I still enjoy leveling alts in the zone. For me the game designers managed to do an incredible thing and created a zone that fits my aesthetics and play style like a glove.
Everquest, Everquest2 and Everquest Next
# Dec 21 2013 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
I have been playing eq since 2000 and everquest2 since 2006. I was just like any other noob back in eq playing a wood elf bard and I decided to leave Faydwer and explore the world at lvl 15. So Itraveled to the boat docks in ButcherBlock Mountains and hoped the first ship headed to Freeport. As I zoned from BBM into The Ocean of Tears I was so excited to see what all this game offers and then it happened, the ship docked at this small island. I was thinking this isn't the Legandry City of Freeport so where am I. Like a Noob I got off the ship and went to explore this island, Later I found out it was the Island of the Sisters of Erollisi. SO here I am standing in the middle of this Island village when a bandit comes running out of the wilderness and one shots me. SO I revive back in Kelethin and I start the journey over to retrieve my corpse and items. Just like the last time I hopped on the first ship headed to Freeport we zone from BBM to Ocean of Tears docked at the same little Island I get off the ship and just as I was reequipping my items I get one shotted again. It took 15 tries to finally retrieve all my items and Iwas just able to board the ship before it left docked. YEA I shouted off the Freeport here I go. We hit the zone line, this zoning was shorter than all the one leaving BBM docks, and before me I see ButcherBlock Mountains What the Hell. So I try again. Same results I always seem to return to ButcherBlock Mountains after 3 days I finally sent a tell to a higher level Mage friend of mine that had helped me in Crushbone and asked him if he could help me get to Freeport. He opened up a wizard portal and Commonlands we appeared, Man I hated dial-up. Out of all the Landmarks in Old Norrath Kithicor Forest and The Estate of Unrest where my Favorites. Kithicor Forest because of how the danger would change from Day to Night you had to be above lvl 50 to be safe at night. Unrest was just so Erie with the music and everthing. With the release of Echos of Faydwer expansion I was so Hoping to get a new look at Unrest and when SoE finally finished the zone and released it that same uneasy feeling came back as I zoned into it for the first time. And the Jail in the underneath is still awesome when you have to call a guildie to unlock you.
Favorite Location in the Everquest fanchise
# Dec 21 2013 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
107 posts
After playing Everquest since '99, I have been to most zones. I cannot say all of them, as a few raids still elude me. I loved the Luclin and Planes of Power expansions and story lines as well as the competitiveness of those raids. Yet my favorite zone is a good deal harder to come up with, There is Ocean of Tears, Black Burrow, North and South Karana all places I learned to play my class to it's potential. My favorite though would be Lake Rathetear only because of some of the friends and memories generated as I passed through my lower levels and help I recieved and gave in the zone dring epic camps.
My time in Norrath
# Dec 21 2013 at 11:15 AM Rating: Good
6 posts
I started in Everquest way back before kunark came out. My first character was a druid, and i picked a half-elf, just because he would start in the Qeynos Hills area. As druids love wide open areas, the Karanas were right close to home, enabling him to wander the countryside and commune with the animals. Although that werewolf in West karana did not like anyone it seemed. Miss those days of old, and cannot wait to see where Next will bring us.

Fond memories
# Dec 21 2013 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
188 posts
I started playing EQ in 2000 before Kunark. My fondest memories are of my early days with friends I made in Blackburrow and West Karana. It seems we spent more time socializing in those days, perhaps helped in part by the frequent rests to regenerate HP and Mana. We used to be in awe of the high level characters then, wondering if we'd ever get that high level ourselves. It wasn't about seeing how fast you could level, but more about exploring and meeting people and having fun. Getting a nice new piece of armor or a weapon seemed like more of an accomplishment. Even though I have played EQ2 and other MMOs I still play EQ1 to this day. I have high hopes for EQ Next and will play it, but will probably continue to play EQ1 as well - I just have too many fond memories to leave it.
EQ Memories
# Dec 21 2013 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
I Played EQ1 for about 6-7 years and started right when PoP was released. As I was leveling I remember the state of unrest being my favorite zone to camp. The xp seemed to be faster there compared to other zones and it was usually pretty easy to get into a group. I started out playing a wizard and then fell in love with the bard class. My favorite memory about EQ1 with my bard was going through all of the PoP progression and getting all the keys and making it into the elemental planes and then finally getting into plane of Time and killing Quarm. I remember camping for hours in plane of fire to gain AA experience and feeling elite because I was one of few bards on the server who had access to the elemental planes. I've gone back several times over the years and played EQ1 and my old guild Valorguard on The Nameless is still alive and thriving after all these years. I recently just went back to EQ2 and have really been enjoying leveling up my warden.
Contest entry -- What my sons and I like most
# Dec 21 2013 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
87 posts
Both of my sons and I play EQ2, and no matter where they are currently roaming after 5 years of exploring Norrath, our favorite place is Frostfell Village, even though its open only a few weeks per year.
Being physically disabled, they can't run or iceskate in the snow (even if we did get snow here, which we rarely do ).
So, they look forward each year to the snowball fights, and running through Icy Keep, and spotting Rudolph running across the sky. It never gets old for them, and I like hearing them laugh as they send each other skidding across the ice with a well targeted snowball. I join them, we earn Eci coins, and we buy new blue armor to match our new levels we gained over the year.
We're casual players, and we like to explore, so we haven't maxed out our levels yet.
Danyel is a Dwarf Berserker, lvl 59, and Yoesef is a Barbarian Guardian, lvl 59. We'll buy our lvl 62 armor this year from the ice goblin merchants, and craft whatever else we need.
We also like Deathfist Citadel, and the boys are currently exploring Everfrost, and Lavastorm. The boys like Everfrost, also because of the snow, and Danyel loves fighting minotaurs.
Personally, I think my own favorite area would have to be Steamfont Mountains. The quests that the gnomes at Gnomeland Security Headquarters sent me on, were written with comedic genius. My all time favorite moment is the dialogue where the inventor gives me the choice of another hunt and peck quest, or to have burning hot oil poured in my eyes. The dialogue choices allow you to insanely insist on the hot oil in the eyes, resulting in (logically and hilariously ) suddenly blurred vision and hitpoint damage. I've never laughed so hard in a game my sides ached as then.
Also, we love Runnyeye Citadel. The zone is challenging, and has a friendly warboar who sounds like Cheech Marin.
Snowball fights, burning hot oil in the eyes, and great voice acting ---
strangely, these are the things that have kept me paying a subscription, even when we could play the game for free, for more than five years now. Surprises, unpredictability, and humor keep me coming back every weekend that I can spare, and my boys are still exploring and having fun.
EQ was so advanced when it came out.
# Dec 21 2013 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
I started EQ during beta 3 long ago. I still fondly remember the first time I zoned into western commonlands. It was raining and I had headphones on. I was actually scared of getting killed by all those level 8 red mobs. :) Then, thunder went off in the headphones and I almost peed my pants. I was hooked from that point on....
Favorite Location - Lavastorm
# Dec 21 2013 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
4 posts
Originally in EQ, I loved exploring Lavastorm! I remember being so excited to see the crazy, dangerous creatures there like rock dervishes, basilisks, and drakes. I loved to join groups hunting near the entrance to Najena dungeon. I thought it was soooo cool the way the door had been broken down and became a ramp to enter the dungeon. It's probably not a coincidence that Lavastorm was my favorite zone in EQ2 as well. The heat shimmer from the lava rivers was amazing!
My magical Favorite Location.
# Dec 21 2013 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
761 posts
love the neighborhoods. There I can create a little part of my own EverQuest. On Zek it is a place of unusual quite time where I can spend hours fiddling around with the different "Placement" items. And I do love sharing my creations on both these and SoE's homeshow forums. I always loved the discovery and exploration aspect of EverQuest virtual world and am always impressed with the detail the devs from the EverQuest team create. Also enjoy touring the other servers and seeing all the talent out there.
I work two jobs and this game is my escape from reality. I do enjoy my virtual world that EverQuest has provided me throughout the years, from 1999+
Come visit and tour my houses on Zek's, Cedar Country Meadows over 20+. No pvp until level 5 or at least click the screenshot collection here.

Merry Christmas

Edited, Dec 21st 2013 8:28am by Vinney

Edited, Dec 21st 2013 8:30am by Vinney
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
# Dec 21 2013 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
Having played Everquest since the original launch it will forever have a very special place in my heart and although I didn't get on very well with EQII when it launched (causing me to jump ship at the time) when I came back to it more recently I actually found it a very refreshing experience when compared to the current MMO bunch so it has clearly stood the test of time extremely well.

As those initial steps with the original were so magical (and as Ranger has always been my favourite class) I have to chose the tree city of Kelethin for it's look, complex navigation which took me ages to master, constant danger of death from a wrong step and the ventures into nearby Crushbone (TRAIN TO ZONE).

Although in truth everything about Everquest was fantastic (even the real time boat journey and the frustration that came from just missing that boat and having up to 25 mins to kill!), particularly the truly challenging dungeons like the underwater Kedge Keep which required real exploration, preparation, mapping, strategy and trial and error to conquer.

Of course Allakazam also proved invaluable and I ended up with folders full of maps which all added to the fun.

The EQ designers really did know how to get you to work hard enough for things to be a real achievement when you got them, I don't remember the feeling of 'grind' that many modern MMO's seem to suffer from but perhaps that is just my memory playing tricks. In any case I am truly looking forward to seeing what they have achieved with Everquest Next.
Old Sebilis - EQ
# Dec 21 2013 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
My favorite place to adventure in EQ was Old Sebilis. I loved the danger that existed as well as camping for the rare drops from the froggies. However, it wasn't until I was doing my bard epic that I grew to love it. After trying several times to get enough people together to kill UDB and Trakanon, I finally got lucky one day and after a couple of years of trying, finally received my singing short sword.
full of memories
# Dec 21 2013 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
i've been playing everquest and later everquest II since 2001. this game has always been a place that instantly sparks my imagination where other games seem to be only buttonpushers. it took me a long time to learn that a shadow knight should be in plate. i just thought my female erudite sk looked so awesome in full flayed skin outfit and her blackened alloy ******* sword :) (both before and especially after luclin models). i think i'll tie my favorite zone to my favorite memory. i had been running around stonebrunt with friends to finish up the quest for the soulfiend lance. we were passing through paineel, heading for toxxulia when, im not sure if it was lag, or not paying attention, our ranger backed up and fell into the hole. *side note: it was my birthday, a friend has just shown up to take me out to celebrate, i tell him to hold on, this will just be a minute* we decide we need to go get her corpse, and none of us can summon, but we have our wizard. we all get levitate, invis, and step over the ledge lol. it took most the night to retrieve our corpses, all of them, ours and those who tried to drag us out. we finally found a necro and got our money together to pay for the coffins and summons (necro's were a lucrative business back then haha) *my buddy ended up falling asleep on the couch after my repeatedly telling him "just a few more minutes, we are almost there."*
Where It all began
# Dec 21 2013 at 9:15 AM Rating: Good
I remember when I first started into the EQ world. I was but a noob of a magician trying to catch up to my high level enchanter friend. We started my adventure in Ak'Anon and ventured into faydwer and it is perhaps that this happened at the start of my gaming experience that I will never forget it. My friend the enchanter was pulling mobs for me to get xp off of little by little. But what we didn't realize is that one of the mobs got away and started fleeing around the map. So as we killed the spiders and other goodies a swarm of random creatures including minotaurs came barreling in on us. Even he has a high level was alarmed by this as he tried to fight them all off. The rapid damage of 1s and 3s he was taking started to pile up fast and I hid back and watched a several minute fight for his life. At the same time as I found this a bit alarming it was also the funniest one I've ever encountered in an mmo.
Old Blackburrow
# Dec 21 2013 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
22 posts
I dunno can I have 3 favorite zones? As they all tie in together as to why that area is my favorite. Although I would have to pick Old Blackburrow as the top of the list from the Seeds of Discord expansion. I love this zone because you can go through the history and lore of the Qeynos, Qeynos Hills, Surefall Glade, and of course Blackburrow zones. All of which back in the day when the game first started is always where I started, could usually here 20 trains to zones on a good day in the original Blackburrow. But that is the reason I like Old Blackburrow is they have stuffed the zone with even more mobs, it gives you an experience to what it was like prior to Qeynos and Surefall glade being there. I also like the quests in Old Blackburrow and the area. That area brings back memories to when EQ was fresh new and the population was extremely strong.
# Dec 21 2013 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
I hope this will be a short one for everyone here.
We started Year 2000 from Expansion of Kunark with a few namely a Human paladin from freeport,
a Barbarian Warrior from Halas, a uber half elve Ranger(me) from Castleville Hamlet, a erudie Mag i can't recalled where she is from, where is the cleric my goodness!
Oh yeah, we had a half elve druid and a high elve enchanter,sleeping human monk and list goes on & on.
And all of us, being entirely new to MMORPG , Everquest was OMG.
We spend limited but precious time at night from 8pm to 1am everyday levelling up and for those who remember, everquest1 was never a normal game of levelling.
Without a claim, Kithicor Forest will be the most tough zone to cross over to reach SONYEQ. HILL.
As for the mighty barbarian warrior, it is never tough for him to run to Qeynos Hill.
Till date, all of us are already parents of a few, but when we casually sit back and relax in a coffee house, and talked about the past and how we had foster a bond between all of us for our entirely a decade of parters together in our profession, everquest is never left out everytime.
And till date we can still never figure out why would Qeyno Hill be the hunting zone for all of us here but the mere hill, hunting wolve, cats snakes,gnolls etc... And countless day and night of hunting the skeleton yards off Qeynos Hill, that was the most fun we had.
Without a doubt, SONYEQ HILL was the best hill we ever spend in our entire Everquest Epic
The landscape of Qeynos Hill was surreal, and the hunting never stop and from day till nite, we continue for many countless hours of adventure
Sometimes we had to help our fellow Paladin and Monk and barbarian friends to seek out the lights
to get to Qeyno Hills. Corpse Run was never too boring and never too late to recover up to 3 am in the nite real time.
And now when we saw EQ Next, we are so excited to start the epic journey once again which we have so much so loved before......
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