DAOC goes PVE?

It looks like Mythic is looking into making a PVE only server. Check out what Sanya has to say: We're in the middle of running a lot of analysis on the RVR of the game (classes and their roles within, frontiers, travel time, "fun factor," etc.) and one of the numbers that keeps coming up is that regardless of the size of the opposing force, about the same number of people take part in RVR across all the servers. I know, surprised me too, but it's there - roughly the same number of people in each realm actively seek out RVR encounters no matter what advantage or disadvantage their realm may have in terms of raw numbers. So, this brings us to a question: Would anyone be interested in a straight up PVE server? Taken from the Camelot Vault Read the rest in this post on Developer's Round Table.


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