What are Read File Patches?

Taken from the Camelot Herald... Sometimes, we do patches that aren't really patches. A "patch" means we take the servers down. A "read file" are changes we make to the game without having to disrupt your playing. Here are the read file changes that will be updating to the game over the course of this afternoon: - Ground targetted area effect spells (GTAE) now have a recast timer of 6 seconds. This was done to alleviate the situation where just a couple of GT casters protecting a keep could hold off an entire invasion force. Now they will still be effective, but should not be totally dominating. Please note that this is not necessarily the last change we'll make to GTAE spells. We will also be looking into overall keep defense issues this month as part of the RvR Strike Team focus. - Increased range on Wizard Ensnaring Haze line, Runemaster Entrapping Rune and Field of Suppression lines, and Eldritch Ensnaring Blast to 1500, to be comparable with other damage spells. These spells were inadvertantly set to shorter range than they should have. - Corrected an error with damage types on a few offensive spell lines that had their damage types set to "none". This most significantly affects Healer Pacification line; these have been set to the "body" damage type. Now resistence spells will actually have an effect against Healer Pacification spells. - The realm ability Bunker of Faith should properly affect the entire group now. - Corrected some naming issues in several spell lines where two spells had the same name: - Renamed the L31 and 38 Wizard Calefaction bolts to "Lava Streak" and "Lava Streak (Enhanced)". - Renamed the Spiritmaster L37 Darkness spec spell from "Stifle Lifeforce" to "Abolish Lifeforce". - Renamed the Hibernian Naturalist base group heals to Group Revigoration, Group Regrowth, Group Renascence, and Group Apotheosis. So now you know. =)


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