Guinevere Event Calendar

Please visit the Guinevere Event Calendar: This calendar is designed as tool for the 3 realms to help organize and set up "Public" events, Roleplay or otherwise. Do not post details about raids or anything you don't want everyone knowing. There are going to be at least two moderators from each realm, whose duty is to oversee their realms events. The contact points will be made public as soon as everything is final. If you would like to add an event, there is a password for doing so. Feel free to send an email to for it. Once you have the password, you may distribute it to your guilds. The reason for the password is to make our moderating life a little easier. I, nor the others, want to be clearing useless spam off of the calendar. This is a community run project. Please try to make use of it. Tell your guilds and friends about it. Check it regularly, to see what is happening. (If the response is high enough, I will upgrade the service, to better ensure reliable usage)


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