
Hi Folks, In the past I have developed a DAoCKnowledgeBase for the players of our Lancelot Albion Guild ( Flemish Mayhem ). Now the time has come to make the application available to the broad DAoC Playing world. The application consists of different parts, and is in fact some kind of Reference Database, which is easily Customisable, searchable, sortable and allows you too search the information you need, display it the way you want it and even export print it for reference purposes. For now I have the following information in the application : Realms, zones, dungeons Well kinda logical since everything starts from here :-P NPC Lists Easily searchable NPC Lists, with location and profession. You want to create a list of all paladin trainers in the realm or in a single region? Well quite easy with my application. Quest List Very usable quest list, fully searchable on whatever you want to search, starting from Quest name, starting location, starting NPC, minimum level, specific class. As with any other screen fully searchable, sortable, customisable and printable. You want to find all Midgard Quests for Warriors, which start in Auditlen and have a minimum level of 10? Well this is only a few mouse clicks away, and once you have the results in a list, it is easily printable for reference once you are playing. Recently Added : Items / Drops / Quest Rewards I have recently added screen for items and also where and how they can be obtained ( by quest or by killing a specific monster in a specific location ). All items have full stats in the DB and off course like all other screens you can search on whatever you want. Creating a list with all chain armor with at least AF 80 and at least 6 strength bonus on them is only a few clicks away, and again fully customisable and printable. In short, it is THE DAoC reference DB which can be used off line, is fully searchable ( and when I say fully, I mean searchable on any field in the DB or any combination of fields ), fully customisable ( you as a user can decide what fields you want to see, in which order you want the fields to be displayed in the list, and in which order the data must be sorted ), and much more. The DB now contains almost all Quests ( for all 3 realms ) and a lot of items ( 321 Albion, 68 Hibernian, 182 Midgard ), and a very accurate NPC list for all realms. If you are interested in the application it is freely available on the website I created just for it. Only thing I am asking you to do is send me a little message in which you send me your comments / bug reports / suggestions / ideas about the application. Please visit my website for more details at : users.pandora.be/Annunaki I have also created a PDF manual for this tool which I will be uploading in a few hours, visit my website for more infor on the manual ( once I updated it ). Best Regards, Annunaki ( lvl 50 Paladin on Lancelot )


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