Everquest Apologizes to Suspended Players

Most Everquest players are familiar with the EULA and PNP, or the End User's Licence Agreement and the Play Nice Policy, the rules and regulations that govern virtual life in EQ.

Those who break the rules and are caught can face suspension, or even banishment by the hands of EQ's customer service staff of GMs. While this is not an all together uncommon experience, what is uncommon is for the Everquest staff to publicly apologize for such acts, and lift the suspensions. But that's exactly what happened today. In a notice on Everquest's main page entitled An Apology to Our Customers the Everquest team reversed the suspensions of several unnamed players. According to the article, some players' accounts were logged as showing unusual activity and downloading confidential files. These players had their accounts suspended for review. Upon review, according to the article, Everquest admits that the access to these files was their error, and should not have been placed in a situation where they could be accessed. No word on exactly what files were accessed, or what they pertained to. You can read the article here, also reprinted below:
An apology to our customers Late last night some of our GMs saw some unusual activity on the servers. Some accounts were logging in and downloading incorrect files. This seemed out of the ordinary, and the accounts in question were suspended temporarily.

The fact that this unusual activity occurred was entirely our fault. In the future we will be careful to ensure that if we do not want folks to have access to something, we will make certain that they do not have that access.

Our apologies for the mess up. We understand patch time can be critical time for guilds and clearly this ruined patch day for several customers. Anyone that was suspended due to this issue will have that suspension lifted before 3 pm. PST. We will also be compensating those customers who lost time last night.

- The EverQuest Team


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oops take 2
# Jan 12 2003 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
OK so a messed up HTML tag cut out half my report, apologies if something didn't seem right.

I'm a dumbass I know

Note to self: preview button is your friend
# Jan 12 2003 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
OK apparently that was YESTERDAY's news, guess I missed it.

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