DAoC Realm Abilities Configurator!

Today, Sven Neuhaus updated his helpful DAoC Realm Abilities Configurator... With this web tool, you can see exactly where your Realm Ability points are going and what effect they are having on your character without having to go throught the dangerous testing game that many of us know well. For those of you who don't know this utility, it takes your realm and class into consideration and gives you a list of the different abilities your character can advance in via the Realm Ability points. You can hover your cursor over the names of the abilities to see what they do quickly and without having to go through a longer, probably alphabetized, list that has all classes in with it. Once you've put in your Realm and Class and how many points you have, you can strategically place your points where you will, to give yourself the best advantage before going in-game and actually doing so. This tool is quite useful, and I would recommend you all check the site out. It not only has this tool, but a wealth of useful links relating to other web tools and info that could make your life on DAoC easier. Well, maybe not easier but at least a little more organized! DAoC Realm Abilities Configurator -Kenti


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