2002 RPG Vault Awards

Great things come to those who work hard, not who wait. DAoC proved to be able to keep the punches coming with the Shrouded Isles expansion, and for Mythic Entertainment’s hard work they nabbed the Expansion Pack of the Year title at RPG Vault’s annual awards. Here’s what they had to say about DAoC:SI:
The first add-on for Mythic's popular online world significantly expanded the gameplay by smoothly implementing a considerable amount of new content. Among the highlights were three entire continents, an equal number of races and six classes, all evenly divided among the title's three realms, as well as upgraded graphics.

Also, Mythic Entertainment’s Matt Firor was honored as the Unsung Hero of the Year for his work as Producer on both Dark Age of Camelot and Shrouded Isles. Here’s what they had to say about Matt and his award:
The results offer abundant evidence as to Matt Firor's effectiveness in his role as the Producer of both Dark Age of Camelot and the Shrouded Isles expansion pack. For this and the unassuming way he has done his job without drawing attention to himself, we are pleased to shine a little light in his direction by recognizing him with this award.

Congratulations to Mythic Entertainment and Matt Firor for their achievements! To view all the awards, visit here: 2002 RPG Vault Awards


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