Dark Age of Camelot Shrouded Isles Review on Frictionless Insight

Wrathful wrote a great review on DAoC:SI over at Frictionless Insight. His view is very open and gives us both the pros and cons of the old DAoC of a year ago and how far it has come since then. Here's some of what Wrathful had to say"
Much has changed since FI originally reviewed Dark Age of Camelot a little more than a year ago. Much of that change has come, as you might expect, from the introduction of the game’s first expansion, Shrouded Isles. Yet almost as much has changed (maybe more) as part of the regular updates that are fed to the user at no extra cost. Class balancing, new crafting skills, new monsters, new dungeons – all have been introduced in regular updates. As for the expansion, most current Dark Age of Camelot players likely have made their purchases already. Some holdouts may be wondering whether the content of Shrouded Isles is all directed at upper level characters. Some who used to play, but quit some time ago may be wondering whether Shrouded Isles is enough reason to come back. And perhaps, a big perhaps, some who never played Dark Age of Camelot are wondering whether Shrouded Isles gives them a reason to start. In order, the answers are: no, go ahead and buy it; maybe; and maybe. Shrouded Isles, as most current Cameloters already know, is an excellent expansion pack. Gobs of new content for characters both high and low, genuine (if modest) graphical enhancements, new races and classes, and, concurrently with the release of the expansion, a new co-op server with a whole different ruleset. As an expansion, it’s every bit as … well … expansive as you would hope.

He goes on to explain different aspects of gameplay and how it has improved in a bit more detail from there. He begins by telling us how much the content of the game has been improved. At first, after level 20 there was little to be had in terms of content, all the way to level 50. Dungeon exploring was tedious and usually yielded death rather than experience gaining. Many of the higher level dungeons were a pain to get to, so those who did get out there were on their own most of the time. Wrathful summed it up very well in his article:
In the year since our last review, most of that has palpably changed for the better. Not only are all the original dungeons complete, but numerous new dungeons – including Darkness Falls, control of which must be earned in realm combat – have been introduced and populated. The expansion alone brought three new dungeons per realm. Quests and items now abound for all levels of characters.
The review is a good read and if you're on the edge of either buying the expansion or already have a set mind of if it's worth it or not, it will give you some good insight on the game you might not have noticed at first glance. You can check out the entire article HERE -Kenti


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