Ykesha Download Timetable and Froglok Racial Info

The Legacy of Ykesha expansion will be released in small doses over the next six weeks, Sony Online Entertainment announced today. SOE also released some info on the new Froglok playable race, including classes available, starting stats, and special abilities. The new expansion will be released in the form of 10 different download patches (check the bottom of the intro page at the new LoY site), which will become available one at a time between today and February 21. It is slated to go live on February 24, but don't get too excited that morning unless you have broadband--SOE says the final patch, occurring on the release date, will be a 50-meg monster, which will require several hours to download for dialup users. SOE also offered a preview of the new Froglok playable race. New Froglok tads may be Clerics, Shamans, Paladins, Warriors, or Wizards, and will enjoy ultravision, a beginning swimming skill of 125, and the ability to hold their breath for extended periods underwater. Legacy of Ykesha can be pre-ordered between today and the launch date for $17.99, but credit cards will not be charged until the expansion actually goes live. For those who wait until launch day or later to order, the price will go up to $21.99. SOE also announced that any pre-orders may be cancelled at any time between now and the release date.


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