Dark Age maps go Open Source!

For the player who always gets lost, there is a tool to help! This was brought to my attention today:
DAoC SVG Mapper is a project on sourceforge.net that defines highly detailed and interactive maps. The maps can display towns, named NPC, mob locations, dungeons, and other points of interest. Turn features on and off dynamically! If you are used to thinking about your maps in static formats like GIFs and JPEGs, this will change your view forever! At the moment, only Camelot Hills and Forest Sauvage have been completed. However, the project is advancing quickly and each week will bring new maps into use. If you are an expert in a zone in DAoC and can understand XML or SVG, you can contribute a map to the project. Head to http://sourceforge.net/projects/daocsvgmaps and see what the future holds for game maps!
Thanks to sourceforge.net! -Kenti


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