Fan Faire Registration Closes March 10th

This was sent over by Sony: DON’T DELAY! PRE-REGISTRATION FOR THE EVERQUEST LAS VEGAS FAN FAIRE CLOSES MONDAY, MARCH10! -Avoid the “Lag” of Long Lines and Save “Plat” by Registering Now at WHO Sony Online Entertainment, a worldwide leader in massively multiplayer online gaming, is hosting an event in Las Vegas for the dedicated fans of their best-selling online multiplayer game— EverQuest. More than 430,000 gamers from United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, France, Italy, and Australia pay a monthly fee to play EverQuest, the blockbuster hit of the global online gaming world. EverQuest has reached more than 118,000 simultaneous users during peak hours. WHAT The EverQuest Fan Faire is a real-life social event held twice a year in various regions throughout the country. Fan Faire is designed to allow EverQuest players the chance to meet other players in a fun environment, as well as meet the people behind the world’s most successful online PC game. With each successive Faire getting bigger and better, attendees will have plenty of opportunity to mingle freely with one another, make new friends, and have the chance to participate in a number of panel discussions and game-themed live events. WHEN March 28-30, 2003 Las Vegas, Nevada WHERE Las Vegas Hilton 3000 Paradise Road Las Vegas, NV 89109 Tel: 1-888-732-7117 Deadline Pre-registration deadline is March 10, 2003. The pre-registration cost of attendance is $89. Registration cost on the day of the event is $100. Attendees must book their own travel and hotel reservations. SOE has made arrangements for EverQuest Fan Faire attendees with the Las Vegas Hilton, Alexis Park Hotel, Embassy Suites Convention Center, and Southwest Airlines for special rates. For more information, please visit the official EverQuest Fan Faire website at:


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