Darkfall to Launch in Europe Before North America

Anticipating the launch of Darkfall Online ? Well if you live state-side, you're going to have to wait until Europe gets a turn. Tasos has confirmed on the Darkfall forums that the game will indeed launch in Europe before North America. Sure, it's frustrating to have to wait, but just think; they'll have to deal with all the launch bugs, so hopefully our launch will be cleaner.

First of all, this isn't an issue of us being located in Europe. It just means that things are moving faster for Darkfall in Europe. A few months ago, it was the other way around and that's how fluid things are at the moment.

It would be a publishing and a logistics issue that the European launch might precede a N. American launch. We have a publishing partner in Europe; we haven't settled on one in N. America yet. Unfortunately as things stand right now, we can't launch in both regions at the same exact time but, of course, we would like to.

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While the actual status on this hasn't changed much since our friends visited our offices, things are moving at a fast pace.

What we can say with relative certainty is that the first beta test will be on the European servers. This isn't to say that N. American players will be excluded from it.

It also doesn't necessarily mean that N. American players would be excluded from playing on a European server.

While we haven't selected a publisher in N. America yet like we have in Europe, this doesn't actually mean that we need one, or that we're going to wait for one, in order to launch the game there.

Our publishing effort has been for a common infrastructure and we've been adopting solutions with a global reach so that the setup in one region could be shared by- or quickly duplicated in the other. I don't want to say that we could be up in N. America in no time, but that's our intention.

It's important to remember that our preferred scenario is to launch Darkfall in N. America and Europe at the same time. This is on our mind as we move forward. Even if we don't manage this, it's our intention to move very quickly to catch up.



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