The Guinevere Best of the Best

If you play on Guinevere's Hibernia server then you might want to check out this fun event that the Armyn ab Treanid guild has been working on: The council of Hibernia has called upon Armyn ab Treanid to determine the best and most fierce warriors of the realm! Queen Brigit has seen fit to entrust our brave band with this mission. As such, we need to determine the one warrior of each path and way that shines above all the rest. Welcome to the Best of the Best! Please look over this page for the rules and regulations that will govern this competition. This is your opportunity to show how mighty you are, to earn some fame and fortune, and raise money for the realm. Due to the nature of scheduling and the actions of our enemies, please keep checking back here for updates. This will consist of one-on-one /duel combat between members of the same class in a single elimination tournament. The rules are as follows: a.. Self Buffs only! b.. This will be a random bracket, single elimination tournament. c.. All realm abilities and class abilities are allowed. However, a combat round will not be delayed in order for a combatant's ability to refresh (assuming it is on a timer) d.. The referee will group with each combatant prior to the combat to monitor buffs. Once buffing is complete, the referee will dissband, the combatants will face each other, /challenge, /accept, and /bow. The refferee will yell to start combat. Starting before the referee indicates will result in a warning. Two warnings will result in disqualification. e.. Each entrant will pay 100 gold to register. f.. The winner will receive 50% of all proceeds. The second place contestant will receive 25%. The remianing 25% will be kept for realm defense (i.e. door repairs, siege equipment, and the like). g.. The winner and second place individual will receive their own web page with a screenshot and words extoling their virtue and valor. h.. If both contestants die due to enduring effects (i.e. poison, DoTs, or whatever), the first one to die is eliminated while the other contestant will advance. i.. In the unlikely event of a true draw, the combatants will face off again after resurection sickness wears off. j.. Interference from spectators will cause the offender to be automatically disqualified and the person interfering to be told to leave and never be able to compete in any contest of the like. k.. All combat takes place in the courtyard of Drum Cain. Leaving the courtyard is grounds for dissqualification. All spectators will be restricted to the walls surrounding the courtyard. l.. Please pre-register to the best of your ability by sending a message to Larian LeQuella. The schedule for events are as follows, with the referee being listed after each class. a.. Animists: 4 May 1300 EST (1 pm Eastern), Referee - Larian (Backup Judge: Mandaru) b.. Bard: 4 May 1600 EST (4 pm Eastern), Referee - Tiidus (Backup Judge: Kamorian) c.. Blademaster: 11 May 1300 EST (1 pm Eastern), Referee - Mandaru (Backup Judge: Larian) d.. Champion: 11 May 1600 EST (4 pm Eastern), Referee - Kamorian (Backup Judge: Roneci) e.. Druid: 18 May 1300 EST (1 pm Eastern), Referee - Kammaril (Backup Judge: Faellea) f.. Eldritch: 18 May 1600 EST (4 pm Eastern), Referee - Glendain (Backup Judge: Gargarus) g.. Enchanter: 25 May 1300 EST (1 pm Eastern), Referee - Roneci (Backup Judge: Jab) h.. Hero: 25 May 1600 EST (4 pm Eastern), Referee - Faellea (Backup Judge: Khaelyn) i.. Mentalist: 1 June 1300 EST (1 pm Eastern), Referee - Gargarus (Backup Judge: Glendain) j.. Nightshade: 1 June 1600 EST (4 pm Eastern), Referee - Aydin (Backup Judge: Kammorian) k.. Ranger: 8 June 1300 EST (1 pm Eastern), Referee - Jab (Backup Judge: Tiidus) l.. Valewalker: 8 June 1600 EST (4 pm Eastern), Referee - Khaelyn (Backup Judge: Aydin) m.. Warden: 8 June 1900 EST (7 pm Eastern), Referee - Larian (Backup Judge: Mandaru) A basic sequence of events will consist of all contestants meeting the referee and paying their fee. The referee will randomly construct the brackets (some folks may get buys, that's just the way it is). Then the referee will start calling two contestants out at a time for them to duel. They will group with the referee who will inspect their group window, then they wil dissband, the one in first alphabetical order will type /duel challenge and the other person will type /duel accept. Both will bow, and the referee will yell something (whatever they feel like), at wich point the fight is on. Last one standing wins, and the process repeats until there are only two folks left. The winner of the last duel is the winner and will get their prize money from the referee and the second place person will also receive their booty. Hopefully I made it as simple as possible. Again, keep in mind that this schedule is subject to change due to many factors (such as the availability of a referee, the actions of our enemies in the frontiers, and anything else that could interfere. Armyn ab Treanid will try to get support from the gods at Mythic to help run these events and possibly offer other substantial rewards, however, the gods are uncaring and fickle, so it rests upon us to determine the true champions of the realms.Thanks to Larian LeQuella for sending this in!


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