Copper Talks Housing

Recently Camelot Vaults editor Lepidus had a moment to ask DAoC's Content Producer, Walter "Copper" Yarbrough, a few questions about the upcoming free housing expansion Foundations. During their chat Copper answered questions regarding: Foundations original plan for free download, transporting to the housing zones, number of housing zones, the average Joe and home ownership, house transfers, hunting in the housing zone, buying decorations, trophies, race specific houses, housing cost, and vendors to sell items for trades folks. You can read the full interview here, for now here is one of the Q&A's:
    Camelot Vault: Will crafts-people be able to send their own vendors to their local marketplace for the citizens of their zone to frequent and purchase from in an effort to finance their home? Copper: Craftspeople will be able to set a merchant on their porches to sell their wares.


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