1.62 Delayed. And Hello, By The Way

Note from Sanya on the Camelot Herald:
    Hey, everyone. The yellow ball in the sky isn't all it's cracked up to be, so I'm back under my rock. I'm just now wading through two weeks of your love letters and advice, so please, I beg patience for those of you with urgent issues. I missed you! But the real reason for my post is to let you know that the long awaited 1.62 patch needs a little more waiting - we're still talking with our testers and team leads, and making adjustments. We expect to have it live early next week, and I thank you for your patience and for all the feedback you've sent regarding this patch.


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store release
# May 28 2003 at 3:03 PM Rating: Default
Look some stores wont get the expansion ...some will...its all part of there marketing deals...like toys r us and comp usa ..best buy will get it but my friends store wont.....it happens...and most store people take a guess..do they have documented proof its pushed back? I bet they dont...they are working of hear say.....dont listen to the smelly nerd behind the counter..many times they have been wrong in my years of purchasing...as for mythic there lazy asses could have worked on it durring E3....that was lame excuse to stop..we pay a fee to get better results..if i wanted bullcrap i would deal with BLizzard
Stuff happens
# May 28 2003 at 1:02 PM Rating: Default
Sometime you have to realize that stuff happens that Mythic has no control over. If you really want them to release a new expack with bugs I'm sure they could do that for you but when it wont run properly, dont start crying.... These guys are THE pros, and they know what there doing. Just let them have their time to make the game perfect and quit bi*ching. If you think you can produce a game with higher quality then DAoC then go right ahead.
releases and updates
# May 28 2003 at 9:32 AM Rating: Default
Don't get me wrong I like the game of Daoc!!! But really ,come on now,mythic needs to get it together on their so called release dates oftheir patches and releases. 1.62 release has been talked about now for at least a month,so everyone gets ready to see it being "downloaded" onto their pc,'s. Then BAM there is another message saying we are sorry but such and such will not be released til later on thank you for your patience! Then I go to my local game store to reserve a copy of the next xpansion Trails of Alantis, the emails sentout said prob June for it , Manager at store said no that mythic has said to us that the game is having to be pushed back til at least!! the end of August possibly September. If mythic can not stay true with their word on when releases are going to "actually" be then plz stop saying em . Don't say a dang word til you are about to release a patch or a xpansion, becasue your loyal gamers are becoming to be not so loyal anymore.
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