Cryptic Answers Questions, Asks for Design Ideas

The newest Ask Cryptic segment covers a lot of topics, from powers and character customization to weapons and the Nemesis system. One answer outlines what players will be able to accomplish in the game:

There are a plethora of things for players to do as they rise in experience aside from what we all consider run-of-the mill missions. There is an Open Mission system where numerous players can organically discover and simultaneously complete quests, the Nemesis system where players create their own arch-enemy who is blended into the over-arching storyline, hundreds of achievements and Perks to unlock, and a full-fledged crafting system to create custom gear and abilities.

You can read the full Q&A session here or after the jump. After you read it, you can help the developers design Champions Online by submitting your ideas for your ideal character. More information on this opportunity can be found here.

Will there be power collision? As in if two "beam" powers collide will there be some kind of effect? One overpowers the other, or there is some kind of struggle? (TruthSeer)

While the idea of players being able to intercept enemy powers with their own powers is founded in some great comic book examples, we simply don’t have the kind of technology available to have powers clash. If we were able to harness that kind of power on our PCs, it would equate to dividing by zero and the earth imploding.

Will the Arch Villain creation system be as in depth as the Hero creation system, making it twice as long (and twice as fun)? (jhonderbler)

The Nemesis system has several elements in common with the way a hero is created, but it also has some key differences. You use the same costume creation system, which allows you to have a very defined and specific look for your nemesis. We found with CoV that players often want their bad guys to look good and their good guys to look bad. Powers are selected from a wide variety of established power templates to allow us to create arch-enemies with the best balance possible. You then get to choose a lot of things that are specifically designed for your Nemesis, such as personality, motivation, and minion types /costumes / powers.

There have been some vague comments on power animation customization--at first it sounded like total customization, then we had changing where your power emanates from, and now it sounds like all we can change is the color. What's it going to be; if the latter is the case, what about martial arts and other "colorless" powers? Will they simply be un-changeable? (Icarus)

The current plan is for players to be able to choose emanation points, hues, and alternate effects for some powers. For example, if a player chooses a force beam, they can elect to have it originate from their character’s eyes or as a chest beam instead of coming from the hands. The color, or more specifically the hue, of the force beam can also be set by the player. For powers that don’t have such obvious effects, such as Martial Arts, the sweep of color that trails behind the move is what would change.

What is the dev team considering in order to enhance the leveling system, so it won't become boring and monotonous? (SteelMachine)

There are a plethora of things for players to do as they rise in experience aside from what we all consider run-of-the mill missions. There is an Open Mission system where numerous players can organically discover and simultaneously complete quests, the Nemesis system where players create their own arch-enemy who is blended into the over-arching storyline, hundreds of achievements and Perks to unlock, and a full-fledged crafting system to create custom gear and abilities.

What 'roles' or 'archetypes' can we expect to be available at launch; healers, debuffers, buffers, dps, etc.? (blackbarrier)

The powers system is open - you can pretty much define the role you want by the powers you choose! There are numerous powersets that players can choose from to quickly create classic hero archetypes, many of which would fit into expected MMO roles. The Champions system is amazingly powerful and flexible, however, and you can create your own specific roles based on the powers you mix and match.

I've seen electricity and fire powers mentioned, what about other elemental powers? Rock, air, plant, water, ice? (UncannyMadman)

Ice is definitely in as well - the new ice-slide power is awesome! The others mentioned are possibilities, but that depends on what else we can squeeze in and test before launch. If you don't see them at launch, you'll most likely see them in future updates.

Could a character choose to specialize in one power, say, electricity and would they have more variety of electrical powers/stronger electrical attacks compared to, say, someone who has chosen electric, fire and mental powers? (UncannyMadman)

Yes! As characters progress, they can unlock both advantages and alternate versions of powers that allow them to not only customize their abilities, but also have a wider range of options within a specific power framework.

What melee weapons will our characters be able to use? (Marcellus)

There are a number of melee weapons available: swords, daggers, dual blades, chains, etc. A cool part of the Champions Online powers system is the ability to swap out weapon types - some are just aesthetic differences while some change the actual functionality of the weapon.

Would it be possible to have ongoing/'recurring' characters that could pop up in the lives of the characters? I.e. hero-worshiping fan, up-and-coming reporter hoping to get the latest scoop, the elderly lady who always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? (Captain_Intrepid)

We've been noodling around trying to figure out how to get dependants into the game. While it's not something we'll have ready for launch, it is definitely something we're interested in having!

Is there a custom decal system planned? (Sol..)

Unfortunately no. When we talk of implementing a system like that, someone always mentions that players would be uploading their favorite trademarked symbol and ruin all our fun!

Will we be able to get animal companions and customize their appearance? (NaturalCauses)

Yes and no. If you choose to summon Astral Wolves, for example, you cannot alter their appearance.

In all the videos I watched, I never saw a hero with defensive powers--such as Heals, Buffs, or even Controls - Is there, or will there be any such thing? Or is this more of a "fighting" type game? And the powers they used, did any of them have a debuff effect? If not, will that be implemented as well? (chibicheebs)

There are definitely heals and buffs in the game - force fields, mystic sigils, martial arts focus, etc. While there is a focus on action-style combat, people who want to play more support-style characters can do so as well.


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