1.62L Patch Notes

With the server that houses the Camelot Herald being out sick, Sanya is being rather the busy lady e-mailing the news sites with today's 1.62L Patch note, so without any further ado here the are:
    1.62L is comprised of tweaks and fixes to changes introduced in the 1.62 line of test patches. Most of these items came from tester and Team Lead feedback.
    ===================================== Dark Age of Camelot Test Version 1.62L Release Notes Wednesday, May 28, 2003 ===================================== 1.62L is comprised of tweaks and fixes to changes introduced in the 1.62 line of test patches. Most of these items came from tester and Team Leadfeedback. ANIMIST LINE OF SIGHT NOTE Please note that we are aware of additional Animist line of sight issues that have not been addressed in 1.62. These problems still affect, in some cases, pet and caster line of sight. We'll keep working on these issues, even if they don't make it into 1.62. NEW THINGS AND BUG FIXES - Based on tester feedback, Animist Bomber pet velocity has been reduced to its original values. This is a Pendragon only change. - Animist pets will now attack all purple monsters. There was a bug where their pets would not attack the highest level purple monsters. - Flying monsters that are killed now properly sink to the ground. There was a Pendragon-only bug that kept them floating in the air, even while dead. - Based on player feedback, Combat Style snares now break when the target takes damage, like before. The bug fix where dual-wielding classes broke their own snare has been fixed, as has the bug where damage adds on melee classes broke snares. - Based on player feedback, Nearsight spells have been reset to two minute durations. Please note that nearsight spells still have an immunity timer of one minute, which gives nearsighted players at least some time to not be under the spell's effect. - We fixed a bug where proc buffs appeared to stack on the client interface (i.e. when you had more than one of these buffs active, you would see two icons); however, only the highest level proc buff was actually in effect. We've made it now so you'll only see the highest level buff icon on the interface, as it is the only active one. Please note that a player can have offensive and defensive proc buffs affecting his character at the same time. - Rapid Fire now has its own icon. - We fixed a bug with pets where when they were set to "aggressive" would target monsters too far away run off after them. This fixes a Pendragon-only bug. - We've fixed numerous spell animation, sound, effect, and icon problems.


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Mythic listens to mids
# May 30 2003 at 2:04 AM Rating: Default
Seems that any time one realm other then hib or alb has something to add them mythic takes it back.
Would also appear most of the testers on pendragon are mids.
Go figure Sanya plays mid and most of mythic as well.
Nearsight should be on a 30-45 second timer.
Mids already do have the furthest casting class.
Remember when Left axe was said to be by many a mid, " it's not over powered".
this is how they compensate for it by making the other realms weak,still unbalanced. Time to move onto another game.
They never say who tests these come from, ( what realm tested it). I would like to talk to the guy that says necros are fine the way they are.
I would have rather of seen class Animations, exploits, and cheats taking out and or fixed.
Before that gimpy housing. another waste of resources just like the dead zones in albion and hib. No one ever hunts in lynbarfog in alb.
Go Figure mythgard gets another boost
# May 29 2003 at 11:08 PM Rating: Default
I can't believe that mythic is nerfing stealther classes particularly infiltrators with this pet thing. Pets can see thru stealth now and even when using vanish all infiltrators know that a lame hunter pet will chase you down. Why don't hib/alb archers get pets? Why do hunters have more abilities then the other two classes?
And with the nearsight not getting nerfed they are effectively making mids the ranged attackers as well as the melee class. They already have to many spell lines for a melee realm. Their shamans that cast at 2000 paces while the other realms cast at 1825. Pfft nearsight them and it drops to melee range.
My eyes!!
# May 29 2003 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
What I have trouble understanding is, the class who has the furthest reach of all (RM) has the ability to nearsite other casters. This seems redundant since as a caster, I already take a risk getting close enough to them to cast(being as how my range is significantly shorter). Does this mean Mythic will be putting wizards in leather , or maybe chain so we at least have the option to run in and die fighting instead of running back and forth waiting to get my "sight" back.
My eyes!!
# May 29 2003 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
What I have trouble understanding is, the class who has the furthest reach of all (RM) has the ability to nearsite other casters. This seems redundant since as a caster, I already take a risk getting close enough to them to cast(being as how my range is significantly shorter). Does this mean Mythic will be putting wizards in leather , or maybe chain so we at least have the option to run in and die fighting instead of running back and forth waiting to get my "sight" back.
Whoops, they did it again!
# May 29 2003 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
Only difference between a "brown-noser" and an "***-kisser" is depth perception, which are you Sanya?
They threw all the good stuff away :(
# May 29 2003 at 7:54 AM Rating: Default
I say ***** all those testers!
When Mythic nerfes whatever doesn't need any nerfing- the testers won't say a damn word.
But when nerfing something like nearsight- OH NO! DON'T DO THAT!
Nearsight on casters is almost like a mez on 'em, and as a caster- I know.
And no mez, stun, root or desease (accept rez sick) last longer than one minute and 10 seconds.

So god dammit NERF THE ******' THING!!!!
Nearsight and all the other tweaks just nerfing another real
# May 29 2003 at 2:12 AM Rating: Default

Wow, Is mythic ever expanding in the stupidity range.
Lets continue to make the realms unbalanced by just putting Alb casting classes back to the 1500 range. Nearsight should have a 30 second max duration.
Ps. Mercs are not getting anything that will greatly effect them and make others want to play them again.
After testing my merc on pendragon.
Dirt is on a 5 minute timer ( big deal )
I always thought dirt should be AOE and not resisted so much and have it interupt casters like nearsight.
The other thing is one combat style DUEL SHADOWS changed from evade opening to parry.
Whoop dee doo.
Nearsight last too long
# May 28 2003 at 8:48 PM Rating: Default
Well 1st they say they are going to decrease the nearsight duration and they don't. Two minutes with a 1 min immunity... big deal.... most fights don't last 1 minute let alone the 2 nearsight lasts for. This effectively nerfs the casting classes without nearsight (you know who you are and who has nearsight) and making them further unplayable in PvP. So casters.... remember you are now required to close to melee range to cast but if your that close... you won't last long enough to cast.
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