May 30, 2003

Were did the week go? It's Friday already! Time to enjoy the weekend... Catch some sun, take in a movie and play some DAoC! Have a good one y'all! New Albion Items: Crypt Seeker CloakLegion Scaled GauntletsDespoiled CoifDommel's Incendiary Seal (Alb)Somatic Staff
New Midgard Items: Elm BowRunewood Composite BowRunewood Great Composite BowRunewood BowRowan Great Composite BowRowan Composite BowRowan BowOaken Great Composite BowOaken Composite BowOaken BowIronwood Great Composite BowIronwood Composite BowIronwood BowHeartwood Great Composite BowHeartwood Composite BowHeartwood BowElm Great Composite BowElm Composite BowSwarhe Cutter's MantleLuminous Serrated Svarskodd Jerkin
New Hibernia Items: Robe of Needless FearHelm of Needless FearCoif of Needless FearHauberk of Needless FearArcane Bracelet

Updated Albion Items: BarkerBanded Coral SleevesBanded Coral HauberkBanded Coral CoifBanded Coral BootsMightFuryTome of LichdomIlmenite Laced Chain LegsCarved Bone BracerMother’s Safety RingSanative StaffSteel PikeSteel Lucerne HammerSteel Lochaber AxeSteel HalberdSteel BillMithril PikeMithril Lucerne HammerMithril Lochaber AxeMithril HalberdMithril BillIron PikeIron Lucerne HammerIron Lochaber AxeIron HalberdIron BillBronze PikeBronze Lucerne HammerBronze Lochaber AxeBronze HalberdBronze BillFine Alloy PikeFine Alloy Lucerne HammerFine Alloy Lochaber AxeFine Alloy HalberdFine Alloy BillAlloy PikeAlloy Lucerne HammerAlloy Lochaber AxeAlloy HalberdAlloy BillSteel Chain SleevesSteel Chain MittensSteel Chain LegsSteel Chain HauberkSteel Chain CoifSteel Chain BootsIron Chain SleevesIron Chain MittensIron Chain LegsIron Chain HauberkIron Chain CoifIron Chain BootsFine Alloy Chain SleevesFine Alloy Chain MittensFine Alloy Chain LegsFine Alloy Chain CoifFine Alloy Chain BootsAlloy Chain SleevesAlloy Chain MittensAlloy Chain LegsFine Alloy Chain HauberkAlloy Chain CoifAlloy Chain HauberkAlloy Chain BootsBlack Ash Soul Slayer
Updated Midgard Items: Suttung's Vest of ClarityJewel of VanityWintery Seeker's VestVolatile Mending TinctureTuscarian Oracle VestTuscarian Monitor VestTuscarian Discordant VestTuscar's War Hammer
Updated Hibernia Items: Nature's Blessed CudgelBroodmother FangAncient Verdant StaffGiant Spore ClusterDarkened Vine MaceBraided Ivy StaffPitted Spiked MaceApprentice Craftsman PendantBlack Sapphire Belt
Updated All Items: Rough Flight Broadhead ArrowsRough Flight Blunt ArrowsKeen Footed Flight Broadhead ArrowsFooted Flight Bodkin ArrowsFlight Bodkin Arrows

Updated Albion Quests: Voices of the DeadEntry Into TomorrowAsh One Time Drop
-- Maia


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