Single Line Respec?

Sanya took a moment yesterday and joined in on a discussion about the 1.62 single line respec over on the Vaults Developer's Round Table forums. In her replies she touches on why respec's are a bit limited in the game, below is a snippet from one of her posts, to read the thread in it's entirety and to do the red-name search to see the rest of Sanya's comments click here.
    You guys all know that popular specs tend to be followed in a very sheeplike manner. One month a spec is "stupid," and then somebody finds out that if you actually try the "stupid" spec, you're practically a god in XYZ situation. Then everybody has that spec, and it's another one that's "stupid." Some of that is our fault, when we change things. Some of that is sheer perception, which we don't control. And some of that is simply a reflection of the hard truth that being able to find the strategy and tactics in any situation is a gift, and not one that everyone has. Heaven knows I don't see every possible use of each thingamajig we put in the game. I see more than most because of my privileged position, but I'd have to be more omniscient to see them ALL.


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You are F***ing idiots.
# Dec 03 2003 at 1:48 PM Rating: Default
No Sh**, World of Warcraft looks good, thanks for that up to the minute report. What does it matter anyway? You'll play that one for 4-5 months, think it was made to please only you, and then ***** about it on whatever mssgboards will allow you to. F*** that, I bet you're already ******** about it on the beta and suggestion boards, aren't you! When are you going to realize that you aren't the only ones playing? How stupid can you be? IT'S MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER! So it's not the same game as it was when you started playing? GOOD! If you want to play a game that never changes, GO PLAY A F***ING SINGLE PLAYER ONE. We'd certainly appreciate it.

Mythic, thanks for not boring us like Bleh here. Kudos.
# Jun 03 2003 at 8:55 AM Rating: Default
thank you too all the asses who did the ******** and now are leaving to play to play star wars ....... you suck *** and thanks
# Jun 03 2003 at 8:53 AM Rating: Default
if you wouldnt keep ***** em up we wouldnt need the dam respecs now would we ?????
Bleh give it up mythic
# Jun 03 2003 at 7:08 AM Rating: Default
Better off quiting doac. To many nerfs lack of attention. Newer classes making older classes obsolete with spellcrafting alchemy and the likes.
Still can't make a cloak to imbue. Still can't make jewelry and belts thru spellcrafting.

Bleh the list goes on and on.
I would rather play something well thought out and better graphics to boot. Something like this
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