The Family That Slays Together...

Two weeks ago at the end of a Friday Grab Bag Sanya asked the gaming community "Do you have a family that plays Dark Age of Camelot together? Write to me at and let me know how many generations and family members are logging in and making connections." Well turns out there are quite a few families that do play together, and they have bombarded Sanya with E-mails. If you wander on over to the Camelot Herald you can read some of the replies Sanya received, for now here is a snippet:
    Family in game, you ask? Oh my, do we ever! We all play on Hibernia Perciva… My father is L___ . I have three brothers playing, and my little sister plays. I have [three] nephews playing. I also have [two] nieces. In my immediate family, players include husband, my son, and my two daughters. …That's 3 generations totaling 15 people :) … DAoC has provided me with a very valuable "Tool Of Encouragement": poor grades, poor attitude and/or poorly done chores = No DAoC for a week. (Eep!) So, grades have come up, smiles abound, and my house is really really clean. /grins broadly


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