The Team Lead Program

There is a new feature up on the Camelot Herald to help folks keep track of team leaders and team leader news. Also on the Herald is a post from DAoC's Producer, Matt Firor, who takes a moment to discuss some of the change's that are happening to the team lead program. Here is an excerpt from his post, to read more click here:
    As many of you in the Camelot community are aware, soon after launch, we created a new concept in online roleplaying games, that of a Team Lead. Team leads are players who volunteer their time to act as advocates for specific in-game elements (such as classes, different server types, etc.). They act as a conduit between Mythic and the game's community when it comes to specific issues relating to their position. The program has been running for more than a year, and has been a great succcess. Now, we've decided to make an already solid program even better.


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