
"So it begins" proclaimed Sanya on the Herald with the announcement of the 1.63 patch series that hit the Pendragon test server this evening. The main focus for this patch is to fix bugs and tweak monsters and items, however there are a few new changes to the crafting system that crafter's might like. You can read the full patch notes here, for now here is an excerpt:
    1.63a consists primarily of bug fixes and features to Dark Age of Camelot: Foundations, the Camelot housing expansion, which is currently in closed beta on Pendragon. Those in the beta will receive those housing-related release notes via the private testing message boards. There are also tradeskill and world notes, which are included here. Our current plan is to keep Foundations in closed beta to test the housing changes in 1.63a, fix any bugs that come from it, and then open Foundations up to an Open Beta in the middle of next week. If this changes, we'll keep you posted.


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