DAoC Story up at NeenerNeener.Net

Kwip from NeenerNeener.net dropped us a line to let folks know that he has returned to the world of DAoC and with his return so have his DAoC tales. To get things going with his DAoC revival Kwip has posted two new stories for your reading pleasure. One story is a tale, in standard Kwip fashion, about his guilds RL player gathering from this past weekend. The other story takes an imaginative look at Necromancer pets in the article "Get More Than Two of Them Together..." Both are fun reads, just follow the links and see for yourself, for now here is a clipping from "Get More Than Two of Them Together...:"
    ...And what's up with calling these guys 'servants,' anyway? Who came up with that? They're not servants! They can't pick up after you, they DON'T bring you food - ewww, and if they DO, then there's all sorts of BITS floating in it! They don't do chores, they don't help out with the yard work - oh, sure, they might risk death facing a monster or five for you, but so what? What's the worst thing that's going to happen to them? THEY'LL GET RELEASED FROM YOUR SERVICE, THAT'S WHAT!...


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