Thank You, Foundations Testers!

A little late, but there is still time... Sanya announced a contest on the Camelot Herald for all Foundations Beta tester's:
    As the closed portion of the Foundations beta test draws near to the end, we'd like to thank our testers for all their help. We'd also like to ask them to participate in a friendly contest. Read on:
    We've turned the trophy parts "Kill Me" NPC back on, and our decorative objects remain at their testing prices of two copper. So put your two cents in and decorate your test houses, inside and out. We're looking for examples of all four house sizes, and both interior and exterior design. Mythic people will be lurking all weekend choosing the finalists. On Monday morning between 9:00 and 11:00 AM EDT, we'll make the final selections and take screenshots. The winning layouts will be announced to our testers, and appear on "splashscreens" (the images you see while a zone is loading) in the live release of Foundations. So get ready, get set, and decorate to celebrate the end of closed beta testing! Thanks again!


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