DAoCKnowledgeBase Online

Annunaki, creator of the DAoCKnowledgeBase program, sent in an E-mail "...to let you know that a new version of the DAoCKnowledgeBase is online. You will see that both the application and the database have been updated..." Here is the breakdown of all the new goodies Annunaki has been working on:
    What is new : * We have set up a Forum to discuss the DAoCKnowledgeBase Well our guild has created a forum for me. This forum can be used to ask questions, give suggestions, or anything concerning the DAoCKnowledgeBase. For now it's rather empty ( well it is new ), but I think that will change soon. You can find the forum at http://www.masters-of-mayhem.be/forum
    *Changes in the way Zones / Towns are Used. Well first of al I had some users telling me that it would be a lot easer when you filter all the Quests for a specific zone, you would also see the quests that start in a town in this zone. The previos versions didn't allow this, since a Town was also some kind of zone in my database. Thus filtering all quests for Silvermine Mountains, didn't show you the quests that start in Howth; Ardagh. This has been changed now. I added another level to the Database. Now you have zones ( eg Camelot Hills, Vale of Mularn, Cliffs of Moher ) and within these zones I have created 'Arreas'. These area's can then be Towns, Keeps, ... While doing this I have also gone through all the Quests and NPC's adding this new level. As a result of this, filtering all quests that start in the zone 'Silvermine Mountains' will now show you the quests that start in Howth an Ardagh too. If you want to see the quests that start in Howth you can still do that but you will have to filter on the Area then. Same applies to NPC's *Changes to SI content. Well I have started to add some SI Quests to the database too by now. I have also added quite a few of the NPC's that can be found in SI too. Of course the list isn't complete yet ( especially for the quests), but I'll try to get more into the DB as soon as possible. * Lots of new Items, Quests, NPC's and lots of updated ones too. Lots of new Hibernian stuff. I know the DB was lacking on Hibernian info, but Since I have started playing on Gaheris ( Playing a Valewalker there ) this is changing. For some numbers Albion : 48 new items, 57 updated items, a total of 541 items Midgard : 14 new items, 79 updated items, a total of 539 items Hibernia : 189 new items, 73 updated items, a total of 321 items Hibernia is still somewhat behind the other two realms, but I'm working on it :-)


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