Thane TL Report

Thane Team Leader, Pakka, posted the "Thane 1.62 ( June ) TL Report" over on the Vaults DAoC TL Reports forums.
    In the static, and controlled world of PvE, Thanes do well, we are able to use our abilities to good advantage, and are a solid member of a XP group. In RvR, Thanes get the worst of both worlds. As a hybrid warrior, we have less hit points, less offensive punch and less survivability in the fast pace world of RvR. As a hybrid caster, we have weak spells that do little more then interrupt our target, or break mez causing us a bad reputation with our realm. In addition we bring little to a group, as there is always a class who can do what we do better, and provide the group with better survivability. Thanes are routinely under represented in RvR point totals, and show a weakness in RvR that has yet to be resolved.


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