Grab the Bag

Sanya's Friday Grab Bag is up on the Camelot Herald. This weeks Grab bag explores topics pertaining to : /charcopy, Scroll of Valor listings, dragons and their breath attack, and quite a few housing questions. Here is just one of the housing Q&A's, you can read the rest of this weeks grab bag at this link:
    Q: When Foundations is formally released, will it be available by any other means besides a download? Those of us who live in technological blackholes that are confined to dial up will pay dearly in time and frustration if it's not. A: We're planning to offer a CD at the Mythic store – not at a profit, mind you, just the cost of the CD, the time it takes to burn it, and the shipping costs. Keep an eye out here for details.


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# Jun 21 2003 at 2:11 PM Rating: Default
The link to the exact article is bad, you put in place of Just thought I'd let ya know.

~Reiyos Swiftbow
Scout of the 32nd Season
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