Q&A Discusses UI Mods, Auction House Fees

The Alganon team has answered some questions posted by users on the official forum, and they cover topics ranging from UI mods to auction house fees.

According to the answers, it is "very likely" that players will be able to apply UI modifications to change how their interface looks. There won't be any costume-like clothing at launch, and there are plans to use event-like situations to unlock new content. For example, players may "need to build patronage with a deity to convince them to move mountains and open new zones." And yes, you will have to pay a small percentage of the asking price when using the auction/consignment house.

You can read the full Q&A session below.

Community Roundtable No. 14

We've collected all the roundtables and added them to our Articles section. These roundtables focus on various questions the community has asked in the forums during the last several days.

Topics for this week include: latest screenshots, character customizations, unlockable content, Alganon's vision, auction house and consignment.

Check the forums to participate in the next round! We select questions directly from those posted by you.

Q. Is the names (size & color) and crests (location) in the newest screenshots the final version of the way there going to look when the game goes online?

A. Because we are designing our user interface to be very friendly to player-customization, the UI is another part of the game that is very flexible. It is very likely that individual players will apply UI modifications to change the way their UI looks.

Q. While there will be a lot of character customization, I was wondering if there will be a "costume" like clothing to cover our equipment? For example, I want to fight a boss with this funny looking hat, but can't because I wouldn't be able to have the +stat bonuses that another head gear provides.

A. At launch, there will not be any costume-like clothing. We plan Alganon to be a very social game, and so we want certain elements to be communicated easily to other players. This includes communicating your stat levels through the appearance of the gear you are wearing.

Q. Will there be player driven "unlockable" content? Like dungeons, classes, races, zones, mobs, and buildings.

A. Yes. There are many things that players will unlock for their individual characters by increasing their levels and their studies. We also plan to utilize event-like situations to unlock new content when it is released. Players may, for example, need to build patronage with a deity to convince them to move mountains and open new zones. They may need to work with the scholars of Asheran or Xanjuix Karr to uncover a new recipe or field of study.

Q. How much has Alganon changed from its conception to how it is now? For example, how similar is Alganon when you talked about it 3 years ago at RPGVault to now?

A. Alganon is constantly growing and expanding. We are always keeping our "thumb on the pulse" of what players are looking for and adjusting. As you grow as a player, Alganon grows with you - this is true even while we are in production. However, the heart and soul of the game has not changed much at all. We have the same goals. We have the same drive. We have the same passion.

Q. Will the auction/consignment house charge the buyer or the seller for use of its services, and what sort of charge?

A. Yes. When you post an item to the auction house, or a request to the consignment house, you will pay a small percentage of the asking price as a fee.

Tags: Alganon, News


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