Herald News Round-Up

A lot of posts on the Camelot Herald after it was announced that the Herald was not coming down for a hardware upgrade today after all. Here is the break down of the latest news on the Herald:
    Servers Down at 10:00 AM Tomorrow The notes currently on Pendragon will be brought live tomorrow morning. We will bring the servers back live as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience thus far, everyone.
    Read File Fixes on Both Live and Pendragon Servers - LIVE: The Staff of the Spiritualist (Midgard) now has the correct delay. - LIVE: The fix to the unused component fix has been fixed. Translation - you can now convert the pre-1.63 components into new ones that can be sold. However, you will not be able to sell stacks of components until tomorrow. (See the Pendragon 1.63C notes.) - PENDRAGON ONLY: The portal ceremonies at Druim Ligen, Castle Sauvage, and Svasud Faste will now teleport players to just outside their guild's house. Players will need to wear the Medallion of Guild Hearth Passage while standing on the teleport pad at the border keeps. When the portal ceremony occurs, they will then appear in front of the guild house. More Fixes on Pendragon NEW THINGS AND BUG FIXES - Fixed a bug where permissions from one house would show the permissions from a previous house whose permissions were viewed, and then update the server with the invalid set of permissions. - Fixed a bug where selling some stackable objects resulted in an erroneous message that the object was unsellable. Crafters would have run into this problem more than any other class as they sell their stacks of converted studs, etc. You can now sell these objects. - Fixed a display problem where consignment merchants in housing zones would not show more than 37 items in their store list. The objects were actually there, but they were not displayed. - Fixed a couple of housing-related windows to better display long guild names. Herald Not Coming Down We're still planning to update Ye Olde Herald with Newe Hardware, but not today. We'll let you know.


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