Radio Interview w/Mark Canceled

Just a little reminder that at 5:30PM PST today you can catch Mythic Entertainments CEO, Mark Jacobs on the Scott Miller Live Radio Show. The show will be done with a MP3 streaming broadcast, so you will need a player, such as WinAmp, to access the feed. The link for feed access is, but will not be active until a few minutes prior to the interview is set to begin. If your unable to listen to today's broadcast but want to know what is said, it appears there will be a transcript posted later for you to read over on UnknownPlayer. [Edit 08:23 AM EST] Note from early this morning on UnknownPlayer:
    We were scheduled to interview Mark Jacobs from Mythic Entertainment today at 530 p.m. PST. After doing our inital test today we could see that there would be no way to do a adiquate job with our current setup. So we are going to talk with our sponsor who is interested in buying us some equipment and see if that pans out. If not we will go back to the drawing board and design a new phone system. I feel this is the best idea at this time to produce a quality show. With any luck we will be back and broadcasting next week...


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